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Who would win in a fight? Applejack or Rainbow Dash?


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Agree, I think Applejack is the most strongest in melee fight, and she also can throwing the apples, but the reason why Rainbow Dash will win is:




But if Applejack would abort flight of Rainbow...

I don't count the Sonic RainBoom because RainbowDash wouldn't go as far as to kill AppleJack

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this is situationally dependant certainly we are all aware that spplejack is physically stronger and has the ability (with some degree of luck) to subdue rainbow dash with her laso rendering her imobile. which is certainly quite inconvenient being hogtied in a fight.


the possibility exists with the proper use of speed and flight to achieve standoff rainbow dash can us her advantages to beat applejack.


I unfortunately (though I love RD and think she is the best pony) also understand that she is brash and extremely self confident (when not performing in front of the wonderbolts i.e. sonic rainboom) and will in all likelyhood forsake the things that give her the advantage and rush headfirst into a quick "applebuck" which would surely be devastating.


This makes me sad but it's how I think it would go down, RD being unlikely to conced AJ's superior strength.

Edited by rainbowsoldier
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Rainbow dash could sonic rain-boom applejack but AJ could counter it by using her tree buck method on rainbow dash to kick her in the face at a very fast speed!

How can her kick stop a supersonic pegasus that is capable of nuking a barn to oblivion? If she tried that, Rainbow Dash's speed and the amount of force she's projecting from how fast she's going would easily overpower it.

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Who would win in a physical fight?:


AppleJack or RainbowDash

(I think AppleJack. She is physically stronger than Rainbow and if she got a swift kick in, Rainbow would be down for the count. Rainbow can use the weather, but that wouldn't do much. Rain? Snow? Heat? AppleJack has rodeo'd through all kind of weather, I'm sure. I feel Rainbow would use her agility to evade AppleJack rather than fight).


AppleJack is fast on her feet and can kick anything far and hard to hit RainBow. She is also an expert at using her also.


However, Twilight would win in any fight. Her magic is god-like.

Hey, I moved your thread to Show Discussion. Keep in mind that topics relating to the show and its characters go in Show Discussion, while non-pony topics go in General Discussion. Thanks!

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Where did this idea that AJ is stronger come from? In the Iron Pony competition, Rainbow had the edge in brute strength, despite using her wings for leverage. If AJ is stronger, it's not by much

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sure Rainbow Dash has a wide range of moves, she can fly and fast! she controls weather, she can make tornadoes. She looks like she could beat up AJ, but in my opinion Applejack would win, because she can run fast, is very agile with the lasso and she's much more stronger than Rainbow Dash.

RD can rack up lots of damage on AJ, but just 1 kick of AJ and RD is done.

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Where did this idea that AJ is stronger come from? In the Iron Pony competition, Rainbow had the edge in brute strength, despite using her wings for leverage. If AJ is stronger, it's not by much


I'm quite sure AJ can buck harder.



Very different from hoof wrestling, tug-of-war, etc.

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That only refers to AJ's hindquarters, not her front quarters. The fact that AJ has to turn around and give her back to the foe makes bucking a terrible idea. The time it will take to set up a buck will be time Rainbow can shoulder tackle her

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That only refers to AJ's hindquarters, not her front quarters. The fact that AJ has to turn around and give her back to the foe makes bucking a terrible idea. The time it will take to set up a buck will be time Rainbow can shoulder tackle her


I refer you to my previous:

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I often have pictured these two in a "spar" type scenario. A bit DBZish i know. But if it came down to wanting a good rumble these two would fit each others strengths with weakness. Age may be fast in a gallop but her reaction time and size would slow her in a grapple, but that extra size and weight (face it she isnt a small girl) would really pay off. RD really strikes me as more of a well...striker type. Hit step back hit doge hit laugh hit, etc. The problem with this begins if she gets too cocky and is on the wrong end of a full buck from AJ. This would be an instant KO if not broken rib/jaw type scenario.


What I would really like to seek since we are testing pony "abilitys" is a duel between Twi and Ra-ra. Rarity really does have a bit more power then we give her, she has lifted and moved things that out weigh easily anything we have seen Twi struggle under. But then again the contast might not be fair now due to Twilights-goddess state. Perhaps her and princess candy-ass might be a better duel. Poor Ra-ra, Rarity is kinda the odd pony out currently being the only Unicorn around.



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This is defiantly debatable. Applejack has more natural stengh than Rainbow Dash but Dash has also got the upper hand since she could fly. I'm leaning more towards Rainbow dash seeing as she can not only out speed her, but can control the weather to her advantage. 

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If it's a straight up close and personal clean hoofticuffs between two ponies, I give Applejack a slight edge.  If it's anything goes including flight, lassos, and a possible tornado, RD should prevail.  But don't count Applejack out.  Dashie is sometimes prone to showing off and high risk maneuvers.  When it's on the line, AJ doesn't make dumb gambles unless necessary.  AJ would capitalize on any mistake RD makes.  


Time for an overall choice.  I would go with Rainbow Dash.  She has so much raw physical ability it would be difficult for even AJ to overcome.  But it still requires Dash to carry out a focused, error free fight.   

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It would be really close, Rainbow has the upper hand in speed while AJ has it in strength. But at the same time, it's not like RD is a slouch in strength or AJ in speed either

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Even if AJ is stronger she'd never hit dashie, she regularly dodges lightning and can contol weather. Even if she didn't just fly out of her reach and shock her or catch her in a tornado, then she can still easily dodge AJ's kicks and land a few of her own. So as she'd likely say in this situation "I can do it with both wings tied behind my back" and for the record, I'm not biased. I prefer the term awesome :umad:

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Very biased towards this.


For the most part, thanks to rainbow dash's speed and abilities, she can win easily.


But thanks to applejack's better ground knowledge and actions, she could pull it off as well.


In the end, very hard even if it looks obvious.

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Remember that rainbow dash is a black belt in karate, and also an extreme athlete, who can create huge tornados and travel at Mach 10.

No offence to aj, but all she can do is run, kick and lasso.

Apart from a lucky lasso early on, aj is finished. B)

Edited by joecal97
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