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How do bronies compare to other fandoms?


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1D followers, Beliebers, and I never liked the Sonic fandom. Oh, and I can't forget CoD.


And then the genwunners. I mean, Red and Blue/Green are completely awesome and due to Twitch I freaking love the two, but we have other generations and characters. Cynthia for best champion, Clair / Elesa / Lt Surge / Korrida / Blue/Green for best gym leaders, and Zoroark for best Pokemon. And Flare is best team. And Latios/Latias for best legendary... yeah, rant over.

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The sonic fandom because some fans complain about the smallest things such as sonic's eye colour and when sega gives them what they ask for, they still complain.


Not sure if this would count as one but fans of Princess Daisy because of how a majority of them flip out and throw random insults when you say you dislike/hate her or you prefer Peach. Some are also hypocrites as they cry "non-canon" if you use a spin-off game as a reason for a characters strength and yet they use Mario Party 3 as evidence that Daisy is stronger than Bowser.


I don't think any fandom is necessarily the worst but it can be hard to see the positives in them when you experience so many of the negatives.

Edited by shocker1991
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Star Wars and Dragonball.


I'm sorry, but say one bad thing about a jedi or a saiyin, and watch a flame war from hell happen.

  • Brohoof 3
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I agree. Have you ever checked out:




This website is totally dedicated to getting the ORIGINAL 1977, 1981 and 1983 cuts of the Original Star Wars Trilogy released to Blu Ray and dvd in the proper suped up format. Even after they get the limited editions they're still not happy. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Oy, 4chan is actually a pretty good community. Some boards aren't the best, i.e., /b/, but other than that almost every board is actually pretty chill.

You and I must go on different 4Chans, I can't even lurk frickin' /x/ without sifting through pages of shitposting and bullshit before I(very rarely) find a decent thread to sit down and read. 


/mlp/ board is people like me; people who are supporters of the show.


Bronies are people like the people here; fanatics of the show.


So your implying we don't support the show because we're not the exact kind of fans you like? I could spend all day pointing out how /mlp/ tend towards being the worst of the fandom. I could also point out that brony/real fan is a really arbitrary distinction to make and senseless and reeks of elitism. Not trying to fight here, just getting everything on the table. 

Edited by Shoboni
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Beliebers... the Sonic fandom... the MMD community...


That's three right off the bat.


Okay, maybe this is a dumb question, but I'm asking because I genuinely don't know. What's so bad about the MMD community? I haven't really been exposed to the fanbase (although I have seen MMD videos)

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I agree. Have you ever checked out:




This website is totally dedicated to getting the ORIGINAL 1977, 1981 and 1983 cuts of the Original Star Wars Trilogy released to Blu Ray and dvd in the proper suped up format. Even after they get the limited editions they're still not happy. 


They'll never be happy, even if George Lucas payed to have the original cast dragged from the past, to reenact the entire trilogy for them, with everything intact, and let them interact.

  • Brohoof 4
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The retro video game fan base can be pretty bad. Especially the collectors and people who are against emulation. Yeah they are the worst..unless 4chan boards count as fanbases.

I hate that to.


It kind of depends on what part of the retro fanbase you happen to find as to how bad it is. 

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Google search "World of Warcraft"



...NOTHING! And I do mean NOTHING, has a worst fanbase then that game. We Brony's and Pegasisters can get our fur up from time to time, sure. But in the end you would still Brohoof your fellow Brony on the street, and sing the "smile smile smile" at a convention.


The WoW fanbase is some of thee single most jaded, hurtful, dangerous and cruel Trolls on the internet. They are the only fanbase I know of that has had to have Security force them away from a Dev Table at Blizzcon when they annouce something.

  • Brohoof 5
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Google search "World of Warcraft"



...NOTHING! And I do mean NOTHING, has a worst fanbase then that game. We Brony's and Pegasisters can get our fur up from time to time, sure. But in the end you would still Brohoof your fellow Brony on the street, and sing the "smile smile smile" at a convention.


The WoW fanbase is some of thee single most jaded, hurtful, dangerous and cruel Trolls on the internet. They are the only fanbase I know of that has had to have Security force them away from a Dev Table at Blizzcon when they annouce something.


Blizzard: We have made a slight change to the five-thousandth pixel on the forehead of orcs.



  • Brohoof 6
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lol. Do people have lives away from the computer? I hope we still do. 


Actually, while you mean that as a joke or zing. The reality is, we do not. Go spend a week, one week without the internet. No cellphone, no gaming, no pron websites, no email, no forums.


Can you do it? Sure you can!


Can Society do it? Oh heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no!


We live in an age of "information NOW", no longer to teens learn how to change the oil in there car,or what a dress size means in length and width from there eldars. Now we just google it.


"Google that later! "Hey you should google that" "Im not sure what that is, let me google it!"


Sound familar?


While the internet is both good and bad, I for one enjoy it. I know for a FACT (having grown up in the age of nintendo power, and mailed hand written letters, and playing games like Golden eye with other players...IN THE SAME ROOM!) It would be impossible for someone like me to feel so welcomed, loved, and happy in a MLP fanbase that consisted of the 10 other bronys i can find in a city of 1000s.

  • Brohoof 4
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4chan, they are practically the Imperial Japan of the internet.

I admit I lurked on the /mlp/ threads a few times. Good god are they sad.

One thread was nothing but a clop-fic involving sweetie bell, a ball gag...

Anyway it was a few people writing there own clop fic on said theme whilst other posters demanded they write more of it whenever they left the thread for a few hours.

I must of blanked out the other threads I saw..


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