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mega thread Your favourite pony and why?

Twilight Sparkle ✨

Who is the Best pony  

217 users have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Main Pony

    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Fluttershy
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Rarity
    • Starlight Glimmer
  2. 2. Favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Scootaloo
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Big Macintosh
    • Cheerilee
    • Braeburn
    • Granny Smith
    • Hoity Toity
    • Mayor
    • Photo Finish
    • Sapphire Shores
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin'
    • Pegasus Royal Guard
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Trixie
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Other
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Maud Pie
    • Marble Pie
    • Limestone Pie
    • Cranky Doodle
    • Matilda
    • Discord (as a non-villain)
    • Flurry Hearts
    • Sunburst
    • Prince Rutherford
    • Coco Pommel
    • Pear Butter
    • Bright Mac
    • Grand Pear
    • Autumn Blaze
  3. 3. Favorite Tertiary Background Character

    • Derpy Hooves
    • DJ P0N3
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Twist
    • Pipsqueak
    • Bon Bon
    • Lyra
    • Doctor Whooves
    • Octavia
    • Hayseed
    • Lotus
    • Aloe
    • Berry Punch
    • Seafoam
    • Ace
    • CHUNKY!!!
    • Other
  4. 4. Favorite Student Six Character

    • Smolder
    • Sandbar
    • Yona
    • Ocellus
    • Gallus
    • Silver Stream

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Pinkie Pie.


Pinkie is just the more relatable character in all the cast for me.

All the lessons she learnt, I needed to learn them too. And more we spend time knowing and learning about her, more she seems even more relatable to me (Party Pooper for example). Obvioulsy she is also the pony who made me laugh each time and she never ceased to amuse me, even in Filli Vanilli (yes, I liked the Pinkie in Filli Vanilli). In short, Pinkie Pie is my spirit animal and I love her (in a complete platonic way).


If I was given the choice to hang out with somepony, it would be her.

The rest of my list, just for fun :

1. Twillight

2. Fluttershy

3. Rarity

4. Applejack

5. Rainbow Dash

  • Brohoof 1
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I should choose between Rarity and Applejack again. I would rather choose Rarity. Because it has formed historically, so to say. She is hardworking, persistent, smart, responsible… She's mature psychologically. Her relationship with Sweetie Belle demonstrate this and raise this pony above others in my eyes. Yes, she is certainly my favorite pony. And Applejack is the same as Rarity, but she is more… simple, down-to-earth, without dramatizations and desire for splendour, just because she don't need it. She reminds me of myself sometimes, and this also makes her nice for me.

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Main is Rainbow Dash or Applejack, side character is Princess Luna, and background character Derpy! Because who doesn't like muffins?

And is it just me or am I the only one who likes Vinyl Scratch in this forum? Drop the beats down!

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 3 weeks later...

Mane 6: Applejack

She doesn't appear to have as many personality flaws as the others.

...Of course, I think that also makes her less interesting to write about, unless they add a flaw or dial her flaws to about 87.

Also, I like simplicity. Making things too complex just makes them muuuuch too annoying.


Secondary: Big Macintosh

Simple short answers. Also, same reason why I like Applejack.

By the way, that trend ends here.


Tertiary: Bulk Biceps


That just makes me laugh! He's kind of a random show-stealer for me, because he's such a lovable big lug...

like Magetta from Dragon Ball Super or Potemkin from Guilty Gear.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, Rainbow dash is simply the better pony, to put it mildly. I don't think this is just a mere objective point we all can agree on, but also from a philosophical perspective, she raises above all else.

This would be, if it wasn't because apple jack has a hat. Which is what truly sold me on AJ being my favourite pony of all time.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 weeks later...

Favorite Main Pony: Rarity as She's is so Beautiful!

Favorite Secondary Character: Starlight Glimmer, Discord or Sweetie Belle

Favorite Background Character: Derpy, Lyra, Vinyl Scratch, Doctor Whooves and Octavia!

Rarity SIG 17 Standard Size.png

Thanks Kyoshi for the Signature

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Favorite Mane 6 pony is Applejack because of her work ethic, honesty, and the fact that she is most emotionally stable of the bunch. Also, Southern accents are awesome!


Favorite Secondary pony is Princess Celestia because of the reason some others don't like her and that she makes Twilight and her friends figure things out for themselves. I don't like teachers that hold your hand through everything. Plus, I like her voice work and personality.


Favortite Background pony is Lyra because she's Lyra. Nothing more to say.

  • Brohoof 1

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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  • 2 weeks later...

Main character: Dash. She is no doubt the cutest character in the show, and her personality, while flawed, doesn't hurt her all that much. I mean, the only big thing as far as I can tell is her attitude after winning or losing. She, in my opinion, ties with PAC-MAN as the best fictional character of all time.


Secondary: Scootaloo, because she is the Dr. Mario of Rainbow Dash. She's got similarities, and her admiration for Dash is beyond adorable.


Background: Octavia, because music is a wonderful thing, especially orchestral music.

  • Brohoof 1

Pennutoh has a gun

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My favourite is Sunset Shimmer even though she is a character from Equestria Girls. I can relate to her on a personal level because I've been through similar experiences when it comes to being isolated by my peers. She has been through so much yet has risen to the occasion numerous times and become a much stronger person for it.


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What, no villains as an option?


My favorite pony is Trixie. I love her because I actually see myself in her. While she is arrogant, she is still a dependable friend to Starlight and I like her interactions with Starlight. She is also my waifu. My other favorite characters would have to be Maud, Twist, and the Flim Flam Bros.. I am also inclined to like Diamond Tiara because of a headcannon I have.


Who's Chunky?

Edited by Dr.Egoshire
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Starlight! I like how a misconception escalated to her becoming a villain, even though all she wanted was happiness for her and others. She's a very flawed character with an emotional trauma, hiding behind a deadpan snarker personality, and it's interesting to see her growth and interactions.

(I guess I can also relate to how much she changed, since 2 silly events in my youth *cough* one being calling out the wrong person in a hallway *cough* made an almost hyperdynamic me become very shy and introverted)


Speaking of introverted and shy... Twilight and Fluttershy! One adorable, the other so cute! And having rewatched episodes from the 1st season recently, both have grown so much since! Aww... Why must you have so many loveable characters MLP, WHY?!

Edited by Ninjaed
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  • 2 weeks later...

@GreenGreenWhirlWind, in other episodes, she also gets other ponies to do stuff for her.


She picked two random ponies out of the crowd to pull their carriage in The Best Night Ever

She made Sweetie Belle pull her overpacked camping supplies in Sleepless in Ponyville

She had her own squad of ponies carry her things onboard Applejack's ship in P.P.O.V.


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1. Rarity (gorgeous, very creative, generous, makes me happy whenever I see her in the show)


2. Twilight Sparkle (adorkable, organized, relatable to me)


3. Starlight Glimmer (very relatable to me because of her social and mental issues)

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Twilight Sparkle is currently my favorite (this is subject to change every several months) I like her because she's a lovely set of colors and has a lovely personality.  :adorkable: 

My first favorite was Rinboo Desh because she was colored like a rinboo and she is Awweeessomme  :wub:


I suspect my next favorite will flash over to Starlight Glimmer, it's already happening. I almost liked Pinkie Pie the most for the second favorite but it seemed a little cliche for me to like the lord jester  :okiedokieloki:


Luna is best princess  :orly: 
And I'm convinced Celestia spends her days thinking about ways to commit high treason :sunbutt:  That may or may not lead me to like her a lot..

  • Brohoof 1
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