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mega thread Your favourite pony and why?

Twilight Sparkle ✨

Who is the Best pony  

224 users have voted

  1. 1. Favorite Main Pony

    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Fluttershy
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Rarity
    • Starlight Glimmer
  2. 2. Favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Scootaloo
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Big Macintosh
    • Cheerilee
    • Braeburn
    • Granny Smith
    • Hoity Toity
    • Mayor
    • Photo Finish
    • Sapphire Shores
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin'
    • Pegasus Royal Guard
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Trixie
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Other
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Maud Pie
    • Marble Pie
    • Limestone Pie
    • Cranky Doodle
    • Matilda
    • Discord (as a non-villain)
    • Flurry Hearts
    • Sunburst
    • Prince Rutherford
    • Coco Pommel
    • Pear Butter
    • Bright Mac
    • Grand Pear
    • Autumn Blaze
  3. 3. Favorite Tertiary Background Character

    • Derpy Hooves
    • DJ P0N3
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Twist
    • Pipsqueak
    • Bon Bon
    • Lyra
    • Doctor Whooves
    • Octavia
    • Hayseed
    • Lotus
    • Aloe
    • Berry Punch
    • Seafoam
    • Ace
    • CHUNKY!!!
    • Other
  4. 4. Favorite Student Six Character

    • Smolder
    • Sandbar
    • Yona
    • Ocellus
    • Gallus
    • Silver Stream

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Rarity the supreme will be happy because my mane6 favourite pony and BY FAR is Rarity ♥♥♥ queen of our hearts


i love so much how drama queen and hysterical she is, it makes me laugh. 

plus her voice is perfect. and singing voice extra perfect. 

becoming popular and art of the dress are my super favourite MLP songs actually. and i like a lot of mlp songs, so there's competition there.


then her design is lovely and chic like herself. and i love the dresses she creates.

plus shes the owner of lots of boutiques. what a bussiness pony and artist! shes going far



as a seconday i voted Sunburst of courrrrse  :wub:

i love his design so so much: awesome hair, A GOATEE, glasses, perfect colour scheme, those white parts at his face and hooves, A CAPE! so all those things make him a pretty unique pony with an unique desing. 


plus his voice is so cute and he seems akward like me so yay. plus WIZARD


then as a secondary also i like Starlight Glimmer (now i think of her as a main pony tho), and Big Mac :toldya:



as a tertiary i voted Pipsqueak but i got it wrong lmao, i meant to vote Featherweight.

he's soooooo cute, look at him :wub:   


a lil potato 

Edited by Tropico
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  • 2 weeks later...

Aw, not a whole lot of Discord love? Tisk tisk, what a shame.

As a primary, I had a VERY tough time picking.
In the end though, I had to pick the first character that broke through my guard when I was begrudgingly sampling the first couple episodes back in 2011, and she had me at, "Especially if there's candy apples in there! ....What, those things are GOOD!"

Yep, Pinkie Pie got me to break my stone face and burst out with a hearty laugh. I couldn't help but love the character.
I also love how, despite being so opposite from the rest of her family, they all are still close-knit. Her interactions with Maud have been nothing but fantastic!
Also also, I love sweets. I swear, I got like.... 28 sweet teeth.
Also also also, I love her reality/physics-defying silliness.

As a secondary, hands-down Discord (if ya couldn't tell).
The appearance of that magical sneaky chaotic trickster not only showed that the new MLP was gonna push some serious "little-girls-show" bounds, but he was an amazing and incredibly loved villain!

Then after his "reformation" episode, it showed that he wasn't just skin deep, and I was SO INCREDIBLY EXCITED to be getting more of him.
When Twi saved Discord from Tirek, and Discord gave her the only thing he had left, my heart melted into a puddle of mush and I cried happy tears. I still do thinking about it.
(I know I probably didn't need to spoiler this, but whatever)

So sorry if you disagree, but Discord is best everything. :kindness:

Then for tertiary, I couldn't help but pick Derpy. I love the derp, and am occasionally one with the derp myself. (not to mention I use the word Derp all the time)
I was leaning a bit toward Lyra, but mostly because of fan-made stuff.
Derpy is just all the derp, all the time, and incredibly adorable for it. I've heard she started as a mistake in a regular background pony, but the fact that the creators took that mistake and created an amazing character out of it is pretty magical, and I feel that that alone speaks worlds for everyone who is perfectly imperfect. What a lovable character! <3

Edited by ditch
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My favorite pony is Princess Luna, cause she is majestic,


Rainbow Dash is well fearless.

"With No Light, There Can't Be Darkness. Without One Of Them, There Is No Balance. Hence, Reality


Will Cease To Exist. For I Am The Bringer Of Death And Destruction. All Shall Fall Before Me!"

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Twilight Sparkle is best pony. Case closed. XD 

nah jk jk but I just love her personality and the way I can relate to her almost all the time... other than Twilight, I love Sunset Shimmer! The way she was shown in Rainbow Rocks really made me go crazy for her. So I think its safe to say that for me the best pony would be Twilight but the best human will always be Sunset Shimmer ;) 

Let the rainbow remind you, that together we will always shine~


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  • 3 weeks later...

I love Rarity so much with Pinkie being the second. 


Not only she's lady-like and very beautiful, she has some moments where she has to think and get out of a sticky situation(S1E19 for example). Very creative, talented but manipulative as well(which I dig, honestly).


I m pretty sure she one of the very well written ponies of this show. 



  • Brohoof 1

~"I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulousity go uncorrected"~

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Of the Mane 6, probably Fluttershy. She kind of reminds me of me, but much more shy and cuter. And, y'know, a horse.


Of recurring characters, I'd say Luna. I'm generally a night owl and I think I can take a guess that she is, too.


Of one offs, easily Tree Hugger. I'll let you take a guess why.


PSN: WokeSmeed53

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Vinyl Scratch because she's super friendly, and she has the best dest design in the whole show, hands down. She's the only pony I bought merchandise of, and she's part of my OTP (Vinyldash FTW).

Of the Mane Six, I'd have to go with Rarity because she's an artist I can identify with. I like her voice the best too.

And Trixie is easily my favorite secondary character. She's got wisdom, nobility and a good heart, all rolled up in an asshole-ish exterior. Quite hilarious.

  • Brohoof 2


                                               No questions asked.

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Man wheres the Rarity love. img-94-1-jlYEv.png

Where's my sanity. You'll find both there.


Your profile picture Expresses how I feel.


I like vinyl because he can remix better than me. I'm impressed.

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My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash because of many reasons :ph34r:  She is a strong woman who always helps her friends and everyone else. She is loyal to those who deserve it, she likes pranks and funny things and she is cute without wanting it. She also has a emotional side she tried to hide but with every season, we see her emotional side.


Hmm, sounds more like a declaration of love than a few reasons why she is my favorite :wub:

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My favorite pony is Rarity. I like how much of a self-made success she is, and her personality is really fun to watch. Applejack is a close second, but I just don't like fake southern accents.

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Applejack is probably the most noble and admirable character, and I think she is the best to idolize among the mane six....


From all of my experiences and interests in trying to relate to I always wind up finding I am most like Rainbow Dash however...


Starlight Glimmer and Trixie are my favorites, they have a lot of added negative attention from people in the fandom who don't actually cherish the theme of the show and believe that only ponies that have had a heart of gold their entire lives can positively develop.. They are both intelligible characters with their own positive character quirks who have character specific talents and have come a very long way... liking Starlight simply on the merit of her excess power is redundant, she is a great character who genuinely needed to be enlightened and to have meaningful friendships to inspire some sort of independent resolve with a positive purpose. Nobody was pulling legs trying to get three former villains to sacrifice their time and well being to rescue ponies they once rivaled... especially if you consider the power Discord, and Starlight had outside of that tower... (although disharmony could have negatively impacted them) I just think giving characters identities some people wont like, is the only way you will have a show that everyone can... welcome to any universe and the real world at that, where people are all different, and another reason to like the moral of the season 5 opener... reminds of that episode of PPG "See me, feel me, gnomey" without someone to conflict with your interests, there is no purpose... giving characters personalities that are not the same is essentially half of what "social life" is about is it not...


NOTE: that is said with social implications... not necessarily political implications. the reason a social society is feared is because you dont want social rule in social relations, only in economics... you dont want a world where you can be executed or even jailed for saying something, that someone else just isnt fond of....

Edited by Rose Coil
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Fluttershy - Because she is just so kind and cute. 

Discord - Because he isn't just perfect and still is very powerful, funny and awesome.

Lyra - It is always fun to see her.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

!Feel Free To Talk And Walk Where Ever You Like On This Forum!

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Derpy, because she is the most like me! Blonde hair, bit of an eye issue, constantly apologizing, and constantly messing up.

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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  • 5 weeks later...
On 3/20/2017 at 1:35 PM, Kivil said:

Derpy, because she is the most like me! Blonde hair, bit of an eye issue, constantly apologizing, and constantly messing up.

Sounds like what I think of myself on some days. Maybe that.

Not the blonde hair part though (is dark brown).

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Contrary to my current avatar ... it's still Rarity and I doubt that will ever change at this point. 





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Has to be celestia probably, because of her looks and character.

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Well I find none of them to be my favorite since most of them look the same to me in terms of design (not trying to be racist towards horses/ponies here :lol: ).


If I had to pick which one I hate the least it would be Applejack cause she at least tries to give a d :yay:living up to her element which is Honesty I think. Also, I like her being a background pony (ironic I know) XD. Shame though, since the writers really love to showcase Applejack's family stories LOL. They must be bored out of their minds then whenever they make an Applejack episode.


I do like the Cutie Mark Crusaders since its a nostalgic throwback to me due to their resemblance towards the PowerPuff Girls. Other than that, meh as characters to me and pretty darn annoying to sit through.


And I pick Flash Sentry cause F:yay:k you that's why. But in all seriousness none of the Tertiary characters amuse me so it'll be nopony on that one.


Basically, I favor no pony on the show. They're all equal and same to me.

Edited by ZethaPonderer
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