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  • 3 months later...

First let me say that I hate it when bronies shove the show into other people's faces. It's stuff like that that gives us a bad reputation.


This is purely hypothetical, but if someone told you they would watch three episodes to decide whether or not to become a fan of the show, which three would you choose for them and why? There are no rules for which episodes, it's whatever you think would be the most effective and best showcases FiM's qualities. :) For me it goes, in order...




1. Winter Wrap Up - Is it an overrated episode? Maybe, but I think it's a great episode to start with. It focuses on the main character, but includes the other 5 ponies with about equal screen time, and represents them all pretty well. It also features a great song, has a relatable story, and doesn't require too much prior knowledge of the series to enjoy it.


2. Sisterhooves Social - One of the most highly rated episodes of the series, and with good reason. Sure, the story's good, but above all else, it's just extremely entertaining in my opinion. And after watching this episode, how could you not instantly become a Sweetie Belle fan? (I know I did :wub:)


3. Pinkie Apple Pie - My favorite episode of the series. To fully appreciate it, you need to have a prior knowledge of the characters (Pinkie and Big Mac in particular), but I think this is the kind of episode that hooks you for life. It's hilarious, is written perfectly, and features in my opinion the best song in the series. Most important of all, it's just so heartwarming and has a great conclusion.




In hindsight, did I just do this to talk about my favorite episodes? Eh, maybe, but I'm pretty sure I had some valid points in there somewhere. Anyhow, discuss away!

Edited by Frostgage
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Lesson Zero- For anyone who thinks MLP is for little girls

Party of One- "

A Canterlot Wedding Arc- The most bada*** arc...you know a show for little girls :P

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I would probably choose the following:


  1. Pinkie Pride - Weird Al's great singing combined with some nice heart and nice funny moments make this the best episode to show someone, in my opinion. However, if the person isn't into musicals, I'd avoid it for the time being. 
  2. Bats! - An interesting episode that's fun to watch and that shows that the series can be darker at times. And the Tim Burton-styled song was amazing and easily one of the bests in the series, especially along with the great visuals.
  3. Lesson Zero - A very entertaining episode starring the one and only intelligent book-smart pony. Seeing her freak out over something was something most people can relate to at some points of their life, and the moral was lovely done as well.
Edited by WheatleyCore
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Most fans I've met say started with Sonic Rainboom and Read it and Weep, I tend to agree that those would be good starting points. As for the third episode, I'd say Apple Bucking Season

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Hmm...a lot of good ones come to mind, but if I could only pick three:


Return of Harmony - I'm counting this as a single episode cause you can't really have one without the other, Anyone going into this expecting cute and girly tea parties will have their very world view shattered into a million pieces by the often disturbing imagery as these bright and colorful ponies are systematically mentally broken.  Actually, Discord alone was the final push that got me to watch the show and he may be one of the best villains this show has ever produced (bonus points if the person watching is a Next Gen. fan)


Cutie Mark Chronicles - World building is the name of the game here. While someone new to the show will be scratching their heads over who these three kids are, what will follow is a detailed look into all six of the main characters, their past history, personality, what they excel best at and how they all tie together. If you needed a crash course into the show, this would be agood place to start. 


Dragonshy - I say this from personal experience, if I had any apprehensions about watching MLP, this was the episode that hooked me in completely. If Fluttershy's verbal beatdown of a a creature who eye is bigger than her isn't the definition if awesome, I don't what is!

  • Brohoof 1
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Lesson Zero

Party Of One



That would be it for me. They're the three episodes that break up with the stereotypes the most. The Canterlot Wedding arc would be my 4th episode.

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Suited for Success or Rarity Takes Manehattan :D

Need to start building my Master Race early. We will rule the fandom :D


The first one; Friendship is Magic.


Need to start from the beginning. You don't know what could happen next :D



  • Brohoof 1
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I don't remember if I have ever replied to this topic but here goes...I would recomend showing someone new to the show a Rainbow Dashie episode such as Wonderbolts academy, or  Sonic rainboom episodes, now as you all know, RD is my Waifu, however that has nothing to do with it, it's the fact that RD episodes tend to be less girly in nature, and are usually very energetic episodes, while say a Rarity episode (NOTHING AGAINST RARITY!) Usually has to do with fashion or something that may be considered "girly" to some (especially new male viewers). or maybe even a spike related episode such as  "Secret of My Excess" or "Spike at your service" because again, it's a good solid episode that new viewers may find very enjoyable, then if you get them hooked on those episodes, they will more than likely be tempted to watch more! :lol:

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I would probably choose the following:


  1. Pinkie Pride - Weird Al's great singing combined with some nice heart and nice funny moments make this the best episode to show someone, in my opinion. However, if the person isn't into musicals, I'd avoid it for the time being. 
  2. Bats! - An interesting episode that's fun to watch and that shows that the series can be darker at times. And the Tim Burton-styled song was amazing and easily one of the bests in the series, especially along with the great visuals.
  3. Lesson Zero - A very entertaining episode starring the one and only intelligent book-smart pony. Seeing her freak out over something was something most people can relate to at some points of their life, and the moral was lovely done as well.



I disagree with you on all three episodes:


The first two are bad choices just because of Twilicorn; Twilight's ascension is a big plot point, so starting someone on an episode where she has wings is only going to spoil the ending of season 3. Plus, I thought that Pinkie Pride's songs were pretty bad ("Me" does NOT rhyme with "Cheese"!), although you could interest a Weird Al fan by mentioning that the episode features him as a guest star.


Lesson Zero is also a bad first episode, since its humor comes from how it plays with our expectations of the characters' personalities: Seeing Fluttershy wrestling a bear is not as funny if you don't know that she's a pacifist who's literally afraid of her own shadow.




I think that the best way to convince someone is simply to explain to them why you love the show, then show them the first episode. If they don't even want to watch that, chances are the show isn't for them in the first place. Not everyone will like MLP, and you have to respect that.

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Best episodes to introduce people would have to be:


Pinkie Pride - Weird Al and the songs in that episode make it very likeable

Sweet and Elite - Showcases one of the more flamboyant characters and has awesome songs

Canterlot Wedding - Because who doesn't like weddings?


Then you can just throw in any of the CMC episodes as well for good measure.

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Best episodes to introduce people would have to be:


Pinkie Pride - Weird Al and the songs in that episode make it very likeable

Sweet and Elite - Showcases one of the more flamboyant characters and has awesome songs

Canterlot Wedding - Because who doesn't like weddings?


Then you can just throw in any of the CMC episodes as well for good measure.


(I'm on a roll arguing with people's choices today!)


I explained why Pinkie Pride is a bad first choice in my previous post: Any season 4 episode is a bad choice because of Twilicorn, which is a big plot twist that you would be spoiling.


Sweet and Elite is just a bad episode. The moral comes off as "It's OK to lie to your friends and ignore them, everything will turn out OK in the end". Rarity NEVER gets called out for her lies, and she ends up making the perfect dress by ignoring her responsibilities rather than by asking what Twilight likes.


A Canterlot Wedding is completely different from any other episode. If you try to attract someone by showing them the big fight scenes, they'll be disappointed when they realize that most episodes are very low on action.

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I don't think someone you're trying to introduce the show will really care about Rarity lying in that episode so much. They'd probably still enjoy Sweet and Elite just because it's a funny episode.


And it didn't really bother me that Rarity never got called out for her lies, her friends forgave her, everything worked out, and she learned not to do that again.


No need for her to get admonished after she learned her lesson and her friends didn't seem to be venomous about it at all.

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  • 3 months later...

The first episodes I was shown were the Canterlot Wedding episodes. Completely depends on what they enjoy to watch or not. However, I do want to say this; Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, try & get him to become a part of the fandom if he has no intentions of doing so. All it will end up doing is creating anger between the both of you without any real good coming out of it, as most people (including myself for the longest time) would rather have just been left alone to our own devices & interests instead of being told to watch a show I had less than no interest in. However if they do want to watch the show, feel free to load them up with whatever you think they would enjoy the most :D

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I would show them Return of Harmony, A Canterlot Wedding, and Twilight's Kingdom. To at least even out the ratio, also do not force the show on them.

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Ah but the girly one are some of the best 

If it's humour a jokes you might want to choose one of Meghan's works like party of one, Sweet and elite and lesson zero. Then again sonic rainboom is pretty nice and Return to harmony is a great and entertaining two parter 

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I find the episode where Discord was first introduced to be a good one. They might think it a bit confusing at first since it's not like they'd know what Ponyville is usually like, but nonetheless it's entertaining. A lot of bronies love the mane six but Discord, if you watched the documentary, is what caused the brony to be discovered in the first place.


And yes, don't force them if they don't want to.

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The season finales...yes. (not Twilight's Kingdom, they might not understand what's going on)

But I'd say:

  • Read It and Weep (the funniest episode in my opinion)
  • Lesson Zero (some allusions to Lord of the Rings)
  • Too Many Pinkie Pies
  • Three's A Crowd
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I'd recommend The Return of Harmony and A Canterlot Wedding. Episodes, like Twilight's Kingdom, would be rather confusing for your friend, since some elements, like the keys, are shown in previous episodes and are tied in with Twilight's Kingdom. However, if your friend doesn't want to be a part of the fandom, don't shove it into his throat. It could lead to bad things, namely losing your friendship.


Also, "girly" doesn't always equal terrible. :P

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