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What do you do when you're sick?

Seaweed-Headed Dragon

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When I'm sick, All I do it stay in bed and get online with my laptop. And that's all I do all day. Well ok when I need to get to the TV or get some food or use the bathroom I do get up depending on how sick I am. Usually colds don't bog me down too much and I can do stuff normally but fevers just render me useless


So for me, Sick days are spent in bed curled up with my MLP blanket with a bowl of hot soup while watching some MLP :3 


What about you guys?

Edited by RainDash Dragon


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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Well, I admit that I'm quite wired on the electricity even when sick. xD But I often take naps when sick, a thing I don't usually do when healthy, only when I need to concentrate on exams reading or something.

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That depends on how sick I am

If I'm too sick for college, I generally lie in bed and read books, maybe play some slow-paced PS3 games if I feel able and the motion doesn't get me.


But, my Mum's got the traditional Irish cure for everything:


Flat 7UP


It cures every sickness in Ireland. EVERY. SICKNESS. EVER.



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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I'll try and sleep but if I have a fever and a soar throat, I tend to wake up periodically and it's annoying.


I'll play Pokemon, draw on PhotoShop, forums, or youtube.

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I'll usually get on the forums or draw a picture, but for the most part, just sleep :D


Sick days aren't usually too eventful for me, actually.


Once in a blue moon, it's my heart going kaput and I gotta go straight to the hospital, but other than those days, I'm terribly bored when I'm sick :D

Edited by ghostfacekiller39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Normally I don't get too sick, so I just sit around behind the computer like normal. Drink Gatorade and eat gummy bears to keep hydrated and help with blood sugar issues, those are my usual issues.


If it's slightly worse to where sitting upright bothers me, I'll lay on the couch and play with my tablet/psp/3ds/something.


If movement bothers me I will lay around on the couch and watch tv (Star Trek Generations is my go-to sick movie), read, or nap.


If it's something even worse like the flu, I sleep. Plain and simple. Normally try to find the coolest room in the house and just pass out.


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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I typically drink tea that is good for whatever the illness is ( I drink tea like a fish on normal days, but then that's just a matter of what I feel like at the moment ), watch tv, might read some, and sleep.

I know there's a place you walked
Where love falls from the trees
My heart is like a broken cup
I only feel right on my knees.
I spit out like a sewer hole
Yet still receive your kiss
How can I measure up to anyone now
After such a love as this?

       The Who

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I usually spend the day curled up in bed playing Pokemon Y and watching MLP or doing some reading here and there. So, pretty much anything I do any other day. 


matching setups with my bff pathfinder

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Dats da gud questirn... A recent examination shows that I have a a strong immune system but a weak liver,(Don't ask how that works! XD) But thats besides the point. The point i'm trying to make is that I haven't been sick in a while, so I guess I would walk around a little to get the blood pumping, drink some water, and play some stuff. Or draw random jazz like I always do, or go on the interwebs! Sounds pretty basic. 

I only get sick on December though to....

Edited by Mr.Green


(Special Thanks to Kyoshi! For this Sig!)

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I just fight on and continue performing my daily tasks. During this point in my life, I really don't have time to be sick. I adapt to the illness though, I'll sit at the back of the class and try to not push myself too hard to conserve energy. When I start to feel a bit drowsy or distant, that's when I know it's time to pack it up and go home.


When I'm home, I'll drink tea and water, browse the web and have occasional naps.

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I rarely get sick. What I do is just take some medicine, go to sleep. 



Been a brony since Oct. 28 2011 (On year four)"I'm a member of the old guard."- Life Giver "If tears had flavor ones of joy would taste sweet while ones of sorrow would taste sour."- Life Giver "My only purpose is to serve the holy light. "-Life Giver
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Gosh, I haven't been REALLY sick for a long time, had to get a wisdom tooth pulled because the pain was unbearable, I just layed around for a day, ate pudding and browsed the net, and hung out on the forums of course! ^_^


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When im sick, I pretty much stay in bed with my laptop, to go on the forums.   Sometimes i play games, but that would only increase my chances of getting a bad headache.

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For whatever reason, I barely ever get sick. When I am sick I'll just play games and browse the internet and all that jazz, so it's basically just another lazy day.

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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When i was laid up for a week w food poisioning, i just worked on my vehicles when i could, sat in bed and creeped on facebook otherwise.


Those who dare, achieve.

Sig made by XxConfusedUnicornxX

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