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Have you ever felt you have failed in life?

Magic Twinkle

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Because I have.


Let me tell a bit about my life. My early years (up to age 6 I guess) was a pretty bad time. I didn't have any friends, I had to attend to preschool twice (which is still a bit of a mystery to me nowadays) and overall felt bad, my mom and dad were always arguing and my dad was a bit scary those times. It ended up in my parents to divorce, and we moved far away from my dad. Since then, I've visited dad now and then from all the way up here.


Ever since we came here, I did actually make a friend or two, each of them during primary school (classes 1-6), where my longest-known friend came on the 1st class. He is still my friend these days, much like someone else, but I'll tell more about that shortly. Ok so it was the 6th and final class of the primary school, at which moment I was the oldest pupil of the whole school (caused by attending to preschool twice, meaning that I'm basically a year behind). Moving to middle school (classes 7-9), and that was the worst time of my life to remember so far (can't remember much about my childhood). I was constantly bullied and I hoped I could make friends, but they were basically all just bullies.


After I made it through all those years, it was time to move to college, my choice was a business college. It started nicely, the class was nice, but just recently (about 4 months ago) I had thoughts about leaving the school, because the education line I chose (IT & Customer Service I guess) wasn't really made for me. I also turned 18 (October 15th), and shortly after that, we moved again. To the city where the college is, while we had been living in the town for like 10 years. So now that I'm here, I desperately hope to enjoy my studying more in the new school, as well as get more friends - I don't have anyone close to me right now.


Now, some info out of the school life. I've NEVER ever done paid job, only the necessary parts throughout school, with the easiest way possible. I'm very antisocial and I'm still a bit anxious about the thought to work someday, I'm still not sure.


All this packed together reminds me of how pitiful I am. I have two older sisters, who both have succeeded in a lot of things, while I, desperately wanting friends, is struggling inside. I haven't done anything remarkable, keeping a low profile my whole life. In other words, breathing, and that's all there is to it.


But no matter how bad my life has been, I still believe and wait for the better future; as an infant it had been said I couldn't have had a future at all; my life was at risk but thankfully the doctors kept me running.


TL;DR I'm weak.


Share your weak points of life here!

Edited by -Wheatley-
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I often felt like I failed in life but I don't think it matters anymore. My parents used to blame me for quite a few things until a few years ago when I finally made peace with myself. 


True I don't have a really well paid job and such but to me that is not success. I learned from my "failures" and I will forever be grateful for the "mistakes" I made in life since I learned a lot from those.


Friends come and go, I don't think you should try to push the making friends thing, it will happen when you meet the right people.

  • Brohoof 1



My OC Aisling Ink

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Failed? No. Could have done better had i chosen differently? Definately. But it's a moot point now. Its the lot of old men to complain about what could have been XD


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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All the time  :lol: It should upset me, but I don't let it. I just don't see what getting upset over it will solve or help so I just don't. Then I get right back up and keep charging forwards

When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move,
your job is to plant yourself like a tree next to the river of truth, and tell the whole world
"No, you move."

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I feel like I'm bound to fail in life later. I'm still in high school, and life hasn't been the best. I have been put through a lot emotionally, and I can't believe I'm still alive. I feel like I'm going to fail in life though because I have no real talents, except some minor ones that are hardly worth mentioning. I'm weak, clumsy, and not actually that intelligent.

  • Brohoof 1


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I have failed at life. It's a fact.


To put it very simply, I failed to take care of myself in the time it would have mattered, and I failed to accomplish my dream, of which I had convinced myself I should and could, despite everything that happened in my life. It was supposed to be that one thing that at the end I could at least say I did despite all of the adversity... But instead the adversity crushed me. Thus... The ultimate defeat.


Of course, I can't give up, because I won't... but I realize it's too late now. I lost.

Edited by Envy
  • Brohoof 1

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I was let go from my job yesterday because of perceived incompetencies on my part (some accurate, some inaccurate), so I'm feeling like a failure right now. I accept and respect my boss' decision and I will head somewhere else. I will swallow feelings of regret and self-doubt. I will apply for a new job in a similar field. I will see every contingency that could hold me back and I will fight them off before they even reach me. I will strenghten my resolve and make sure that every move I make is aimed at completing my work and improving my skill level. I will not make the same mistakes. I will ask for confirmation that what I do meets company standards. I will be manly and enthusiastic. I will come back harder than before and I will get what I want (but more importantly, what I need). Just you wait and see.

  • Brohoof 5

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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Most of the time I feel that way. I think it's because I allow myself to feel that way. I shouldn't feel like I fail at life, since I haven't really.


We all have something we want out of life, that's how we determine whether we have failed or not. I do think it's a bit too early for me to say that I have failed in life. Since I haven't really lived my life, at least not the way I would like to be living it. For me, my type of living takes a few years I want to collect classic muscle cars, Japanese sports cars as well as other cars. Obviously I do need a good future for that. But I would also be happy to own one Japanese sports car so I think I will be happy with my life.


So far my life has been nothing really, I feel like it's all been a waste of time. The worst is I don't have high hopes for my future, but if it goes bad then I'll just put an end to it.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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Yeah I feel like a failure. I pretty much messed up a lot of my grades in middle and 9th currently I'm not in school(for a very stupid reason or I would be in it). I can't get a job and all I can do is sit here and think.

Though if I can get back into school after that stupid reason blows over. I am gonna get back in swinging as hard as I can in hopes I can do well. Though if it doesn't work I don't know what else I could do  :( .  That flame of a dream is there and pray to celestia I can turn that into a roaring fire.

  • Brohoof 2


Sig by @Boo

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Rarijack is best ship! Rarijack Fan Club here!


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I'm at the point of my life where things are increasingly under my control. All my failures up to this point have been petty, now I'm playing for keeps. That said, I'm still not satisfied with what I've achieved so far, and I define that as failure.

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We have all had our low points in life, some more than others but there are two times in particular where I have felt completely and utterly destroyed, helpless and wondered if I could even go on anymore. The first was a few years ago when I was suspended and nearly fired from my job on a technicality, I felt angry at them for obvious reasons but I also felt angry and still to this day feel angry at myself for not seeing it coming. I can't go into details about exactly what happened but I made a lot of enemies within my company by speaking out against something that while it isn't technically illegal is something I knew back then and know now is completely and utterly wrong.


By agreeing to their terms to keep my job I honestly feel like I sold out, part of me keeps saying it is only temporary until I get out of there but there is still that nagging voice in my head that is completely ashamed of myself. Every time I put on the company uniform and show up to work I honestly feel like I am going to puke, whenever I see any of the company higher ups come in I have to resist the urge to jam my fist down their throats, especially the smug asswipe who handed me my suspension and the store manager at the time who said he was "dissapointed" in me like I had committed a damn murder or something (this was after I came back from my suspension). I do have an exit strategy but the question is how do I deal with this and other issues in the mean time?


The next time is directly related if anything I like to think of it as part II. I went back to school last fall for the first time in 3 years but because of the intense burnout of all the ridiculous BS they put me though at work along with school my only true day to myself was Sunday. It eventually became so overwhelming that my job performance went completely down the crapper and I was barely making it through school. I was sick and exhausted all the time with barely enough energy to do even the simplest of tasks and worst of all I became do depressed that for maybe the 3rd or 4th time in my life I began to have thoughts of suicide. A blessing in disguise happened  the Sunday after Thanksgiving when I got my 4th work related knee injury, I was in near constant pain and had to go to physical therapy and the doctor 3 times a week but I got a 6 week reprieve from the hellhole I call work as for the first time in too long felt like an actual human being instead of a cog turning in a machine going nowhere. I used that opportunity to reexamine where my life was going and made some changes in my diet as well as getting back into my weight lifting. I still have feelings of being lost, angry and bitter but I suppose I will figure things out eventually.

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No I haven't.  If I failed on something, I won't let that negativity get to me, so the only way to redeem yourself from a failure is by picking yourself up and continue on with your Ambition.  Don't let anything or anyone stop you.

  • Brohoof 2
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I used to feel like a failure back in school. I was constantly bullied, was failing most of my classes, and had some serious anger issues. Eventually that anger turned into apathy and I just stopped trying. I ended up dropping out of school. I know some people will disagree, but I think that was the best decision of my life. I ended up taking the GED and passing with a pretty high score. I still feel like a failure sometimes, but I can actually say that I'm proud of myself to some extent.

  • Brohoof 1

Twilight is best pony.


Why hello MLPForums! What have ya been up to?


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I'm still surprised I'm here.


Multiple time like my entire life, I've felt like abandoning everything and trying to start over. Just running away.


I've made too many mistakes and can't bear it.


Already my mom and dad are divorced. 5 of my friends have become my enemies and I can't even talk to them. I always have to get like at least 80% or my parents get mad at me. I suffer from terrible emotions.


I can't say much more, I'm afraid this will give away my weaknesses and lead to consequence,


I don't feel like going on.

Edited by Rift enchanted
  • Brohoof 1

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
Also if your not familiar with the count to one million post then check out our welcoming cheer!
Just scroll to the bottom and it'll be there

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I've felt like a failure for the larger part of the last 4 years. No discernable talents. No meaningful skill sets. No motivation to get said skill sets. I don't even know why I still attend classes. I make less than $20k a year. I still live at home too. The cherry on top of this 22 year cavalcade of mediocrity is that I'm the best thing to ever happen to my mother. Yes, she did say that and yes I was mortified.

I can neither confirm nor deny myself being the cause of electrical related malfunctions. Anyways, you wouldn't happen to have a jar of replacement magic smoke would you?

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As the older pony that I am, I want to cry whenever I read entries by those who still have their lives ahead of them.


For those of you who don't know what to do- think of the Cutie Mark Brigade.  They so desparately wanted their cutie marks and you want to know what you should be doing.  If you are not in school, get your GED so that doesn't hold you back.  If you are attracted to a particular something- you are good at fixing things perhaps- go to a trade school for mechanics.  If you are creative, go to an art class.  Maybe making crafts and doing shows would be better for you than a regular job.


I can't answer why some of you don't make friends but if you believe you will never have friends, you will get exactly what you believe and you will even sabatoge relationships to enforce the fact that you are right that you will have no friends.  You have to change within and only then will things begin to fall into place.


For the one whose job has made he or she compromise- there are other jobs.  Get out of there!  Then if there is something wrong report it to the corporate office if there is one but move on.  I know jobs are hard to find so keep looking and get out.


I have said this in other posts but find a liberal church and go.  Whether you believe in God or not is not relevant.  If the church is a true fellowship you will find warmth and compassion even from total strangers.  You don't have to tell them you believe or not.  Just go and be cared about.  Find a local Brony group.  Volunteer at an animal shelter.  Find things to do that don't cost money and you will start to see another world out there.


Whatever you do, don't give up.  Your cutie mark will happen.  It always does.

  • Brohoof 1
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Dude, yesterday I made 34. The only people that cared were my parents, my dogs (I think.. At least they enjoyed the cake) and a single friend who doesn't even live where I am. I am a physician and most of the time I feel like I don't know what I am doing with my life. The reason for that is that I go to work, come back home, do my pony stuff (and sometimes some other thing), sleep, go back to work. Some people have the luxury of working in a place where their efforts are recognized and they get to be congratulated. It's not about enjoying it. Working and studying is about paving a way, filling a bag with tools. If work was supposed to be enjoyed, people wouldn't be paid to work and if studying was supposed to be enjoyed, there wouldn't be the need for people making sure kids aren't running from schools.


Most people will just live on. Life is not about doing something remarkable. This is what life is about: to keep going. It doesn't really get better you just get better at it with experience. You have to fall and them get back to your feet and keep going. Life is not fun, it's not easy. But it gives you the opportunity to live, to seek out what you enjoy. Sometimes you fall harder but it still doesn't matter: you keep going because if you give up you just loose everything, including the good parts of it. And I say "give up" I don't mean suicide, I really mean to let go, to stop and not care anymore.


You say that you wait for something better in the future, but it's not true: this means are going forward. You are reaching for it. But don't expect it to come by itself. And to close it out: you're not pitiful. You're yourself and you're living the way you can. You're breathing... A lot of people aren't anymore.


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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Oh yes, I have many times as well.


I'm 19 years old, and I still live with my parents, that's kind of an unusual thing around where I live.


I have no girlfriend, no wife, no job, no place of my own.


Every day I wake up and wonder what my next fail will be.


But you know what?


I never give up.


Sure, I can fail back and forth all day.


But there have been many inspirational characters who remind me to get back up when I fall down.


On of those, you all know and love, is Derpy Hooves.


Just don't give up, keep trying your hardest.


When the world pushes you, push back harder.


"Life can seem like it's a little bit rough, but the tough ponies never ever give up."


Take it with a grain of salt, think about it. ^^

  • Brohoof 1


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I feel failed too, because of having no job at the moment. My problem is I tend to procrastinate, which is kinda  a problem, since my only option is to become a freelancer, since here are all illustrators are freelancers, and drawing is the only talent I have. I really would like to make another apprenticeship, but didn’t found yet something, which I could say, that I could like it. 
When I look at my life, I think it is no wonder, I landed where I‘m now, I was always scared and this alone hold me back, to explore things and try things out. Also my parents weren’t really good at motivate me, more the opposite, always criticize me, instead of helping develop abilities. (For example, I would have like to learn japanese earlier, but they just said it is a phase. Also, they just said to my drawings that they are a waste of paper. (But still they said to other people, how talented I’m …) However since I do recognize why I have certain way of thinking , I try to handle against it now. Not anymore listen to such stupid people, who just went my put down. Even if I’m workless, I do try to use my time useful, learning languages like Japanese and French (French I had in school, but I wasn’t good then at it, but I really would like to understand it, also maybe it could help in finding a job, since in switzerland we not only speak German, but also French.) practicing more drawing and so on.
I think I can be able to work as illustrator, since I did internship as illustrator. So I have some experience in it and was able to do work, which was used by someone. 
Sometimes I get however doubts, if I really can do it. But then, I have not much choice, as to going forward, if I give up, I could as well just made suicide. (Don’t worry at the moment there is no reason for that. However I felt once really like it, but it was not, because I didn’t want to live, I just had no energy to live. I had trouble to concentrate and felt often energyless. It was horrible.) 

I think I feel now way better, than ever in my life, even it is a scary situation. But I feel more confident, as as child or teenagers. Even if I‘m slowly now on my goals, it does goes forward. (Also stuff like loosing weight and so on,which is important for me too, since I feel really ugly, being overweight.) 

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