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What if PETA decided to attack MLP?

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Why would PETA ever turn their attention to us. maybe because twilight was eating a burger which is meat which comes from an animal.

  • Brohoof 1

1zxbprt.jpgbabadumbadum BAH

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Don't put it past them, PETA did show up to the SCII Launch and handed out flyers... no I'm not kidding.






I don't care what you think, those things are evil...

If you gave them just a second you'll have them overrunning your planet in no time.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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I'd probably read what they had to say with the most disinterested look for a moment then laugh harder than anyone stoned out of their minds would. PETA is just a bunch of goddamned hypocrites who no one really gives a damn about anymore.

They've made shitty "parody" games of cooking mama, super meat boy, super mario 3d land and pokemon black and white 2.

Don't even get me started on how many research errors were made in ALL of those "parodies".


^full sized avatar picture there

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I'd probably read what they had to say with the most disinterested look for a moment then laugh harder than anyone stoned out of their minds would. PETA is just a bunch of goddamned hypocrites who no one really gives a damn about anymore.

They've made shitty "parody" games of cooking mama, super meat boy, super mario 3d land and pokemon black and white 2.

Don't even get me started on how many research errors were made in ALL of those "parodies".

More Jontron reaction gifs/images/videos incoming. Here's PETA's mindset on them and their so called "intelligence."


"If I can't be the best...." tumblr_mk7h577yy61r9yvb2o2_400.gif

out of my swamp

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More Jontron reaction gifs/images/videos incoming. Here's PETA's mindset on them and their so called "intelligence."


"If I can't be the best...." tumblr_mk7h577yy61r9yvb2o2_400.gif

Fffffft. Indeed. And for the pokemon one they had Ash tell Pikachu to get back in the Pokéball. You'd think by now people who do parodies of the series would know by now that Ashs Pikachu is NEVER in a Pokéball. And that Ash isn't even a part of the game series f------g canon. But nope. They keep doing it.


^full sized avatar picture there

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Don't put it past them, PETA did show up to the SCII Launch and handed out flyers... no I'm not kidding.






I don't care what you think, those things are evil...

If you gave them just a second you'll have them overrunning your planet in no time.

Let's see how much paper has been wasted just to make those fliers: All of them, in five seconds.

out of my swamp

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What would be the reason for PETA for attacking MLP?




1: The horns on the unicorn's head! It's unnatural and it is harming them and it also causes cancer!


2: Wings?! How dare you remove the wings of a bird and surgically attach it to a poor pony?!


3: Showing us cartoons where animals (sentient ones) get beat and imprison in stone?! What is this?! 


4: Telling us that it is ok to steal a dragon egg and blast magic on it and force it to serve another being?! Animal rights!


In other cases, I would have zero idea what they would be doing with attacking MLP (any case for that matter.)


How about fluttershy? They may look at it as if she is controlling the animals and keeping them captive out of their natural habitats.



Silly muffins, of course i have to eat you.


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Why would PETA ever turn their attention to us. maybe because twilight was eating a burger which is meat which comes from an animal.

Actually, we really don't know what that burger was made of. In "trade ya" it was a oat burger which means no meat.


In the episode in question the place where Twilight's eating is called " Hay Burger"


So, I could be wrong but I don't think PETA would get very far in a lawsuit against this show. Either way they are just a dumb organization that shouldn't be taken seriously.

Facebook: Josh B.

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The targets that show out that made me think this could be possible were these things:


-The fact that the characters have pets, in which PETA is against the ownership of animals.

-Fluttershy snapping a bears neck, nothing needed to be said here.

-There are a few fights between ponies here and there. PETA is also against animal on animal violence, in fact, they decided to make carnivorous animals vegetarian. (Which I didn't they could be that f---ing stupid to change the food chain where there could be a possible overpopulation of certain species, science science, technical bullcrap, yada yad yada; You get the idea if you've gotten past 5th grade or something like that.)

-Fluttershy's one suit in "Magic Duel," who knows if it's some sort of obscured animal, i think it might represent a rabbit. Remember Mario 3D Land?


There can be more, but I want to get to the point. Either way, PETA's not helping the world because they're not actually saving animals, instead they're making dumb@$$ conspiracy theories. 

out of my swamp

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Honestly, if PETA attacked MLP I think they would lose their last leg of support, whether it be from Bronies or not. I mean, just imagine a "pure company for a just cause" focusing their efforts on defacing a cartoon intended for a younger audience rather than facing their immediate problems. I believe PETA is just doing whatever they can to get themselves heard nowadays. 


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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Not just PETA, but if anyone in general tried to attack MLP, they would have a hell of a fan base to get through before they even touched the show. ^^


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Not just PETA, but if anyone in general tried to attack MLP, they would have a hell of a fan base to get through before they even touched the show. ^^

Heh. Of course we've been through a couple others, even before I came into the fanbase back in Febuary 2013. I think we ALL know about FOX news, that one was archived so much it probably made a good 1/10th of the data on the web.  :comeatus:

out of my swamp

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Unless they have even a tangentially relevant reason for this (spoiler: they don't) it won't happen. There's nothing in the FIM universe that even suggests animal abuse or meat-eating.habits. Everything is squeaky clean and explicitly vegetarian. I mean, they're equines after all.

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