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Mental Disorders


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Yeah, because having your cerebellum (associated with attention) leak out of your skull and press up against your brain stem won't cause attention problems.




Yeah, some people may think that ADHD and ADD aren't real disorders, but they are. Honestly, anyone who thinks that it "doesn't exist" has no idea what it's like to have ADD.


Ok, yeah cause I have A.D.D and Anxiety, I used to have Depression
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I have no diagnosed disorders but I'm sure I have a personality disorder. I hate being around people, I'd prefer to be alone. Yet at the same time, being alone makes me sad. I wouldn't think that is normal.


I actually have that exact same thing. I also tend to not pick up on non-verbal que's in social interactions very well and have been diagnosed as depressed. I also have insomnia, and when i do sleep i usually have very... brutal dreams, at least the ones i remember...

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Yeah, because having your cerebellum (associated with attention) leak out of your skull and press up against your brain stem won't cause attention problems.


Oh goodie thanks for replying like a complete asshole. But thanks for setting me straight. Because I was diagnosed with both. You could've simply said "it is a real disorder, it's when your cerebellum leaks out of your skull and presses against your brain". And I said sorry if I offend anyone so that should say. "Sorry if I offend anyone".
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I have a mood disorder that may or may not be bipolar. My therapist has said my sister and dad (probably for dad) have it. Although he's left mine rather ambiguous. He just calls mine a generic mood disorder and doesn't label it as anything else. All he says is that I have "racing thoughts." I take medicine (very small dosage, half a pill) to slow the racing thoughts though since there's apparently some chemicals in my brain gone all wonky that make me kind of erratic sometimes in my emotions. I'm gonna ask him if I actually do have it.


There's also some intense anxiety that isn't really diagnosed as anything. Extremely crippling.


And I'm co-dependent. That means that I have a disturbing tendency to latch onto one person and obsess over them to the point where it is unhealthy. I used to put that person on a pedestal, and forget anyone who wasn't them even existed. It was just a really bad clinginess and desperation. Then that person would usually leave me for a while, on a trip or disappear or something, and I'd find a new obsession in that time resulting from whoever I talked to during their goneness. Then I'd just sort of stop caring about them all that much. Would detach because them leaving for even that much time would be painful to me and I'd numb the pain. Could only be one person at a time. A lot of it has improved in these years since I lack a current obsession anymore, but... I'm still wary. Probably doesn't make much sense to most anyone else though.


Oh and there's depression that springs up now and again along with lots of self hatred. I go to therapy for all of these issues. I have been for a year. The results are worth the money.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
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Oh goodie thanks for replying like a complete asshole. But thanks for setting me straight. Because I was diagnosed with both. You could've simply said "it is a real disorder, it's when your cerebellum leaks out of your skull and presses against your brain". And I said sorry if I offend anyone so that should say. "Sorry if I offend anyone".


Well, no. I have a condition that causes my ADHD. I sorta had to reply like an ass because I've seen this too many times to stay sane whilst replying.

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Stream of consciousness time, filter set to the inner machinations of my mind:


As far as diagnosed things go, I've got chronic anxiety disorder. Basically, take your stress and amplify it, and add some where you have none. That's me. I got some help in dealing with it, and I do a pretty good job of keeping it at bay. "Relaxation techniques" work to some extent, but I find that changing the way you think is much more effective. It's a matter of simply not thinking about things that upset you, and getting further away from the pessimistic school of thought. You don't have to be a sunshine-and-rainbows optimist, though; realism works fine for me.


Something the above may or may not cause is somewhat similar to what Viscra described: difficult and very awkward social interactions. I have tons of trouble making eye contact, and I'm not exactly "normal" as far as how much/loudly I speak. The opinions of others and myself weigh fairly heavily in much of what I do. I'm not confident in social situations, and I only say things I deem to be important and relevant; in other words, I don't talk just to talk. I also can't hold a conversation unless it's about something I'm legitimately interested in. I'm terrible at faking interest and can't really start conversations easily. Some (probably most, actually) will see this as rude when it's only something I have an inordinate amount of trouble with. Some might also say I don't seem to have feelings. I find this pretty funny, and I have been compared to a robot before. I hide a lot of my feelings, is all.

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Something the above may or may not cause is somewhat similar to what Viscra described: difficult and very awkward social interactions. I have tons of trouble making eye contact, and I'm not exactly "normal" as far as how much/loudly I speak. The opinions of others and myself weigh fairly heavily in much of what I do. I'm not confident in social situations, and I only say things I deem to be important and relevant; in other words, I don't talk just to talk. I also can't hold a conversation unless it's about something I'm legitimately interested in. I'm terrible at faking interest and can't really start conversations easily. Some (probably most, actually) will see this as rude when it's only something I have an inordinate amount of trouble with. Some might also say I don't seem to have feelings. I find this pretty funny, and I have been compared to a robot before. I hide a lot of my feelings, is all.


you. yes, you.

you sure you're not my own reflection i am looking at now?


because what you are describing sounds so fucking much like me that it's scary. everything from eye-contact to how i speak to social interactions and how i cannot hold conversations i am not interested in. that's exactly, EXACTLY, the same shit i am having trouble with.


are you getting help with this kind of thing IRL? i'm trying to overcome my incredible anxiety, myself.

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I have similar kind of situation, it's awful because when you don't really sleep when you sleep it really has negative domino effect on the rest of your life. I'm a chronic insomniac but the most troubling thing to me is that I actually get stuck in my dreams. I'm screaming at people for help because I can't wake up and I can't move and I think I'm calling and texting people but in reality I'm completely paralysed. I've been in this state for over 12 hours before and it's terrifying because I wake up physically exhausted but I'm so scared of slipping back into sleep because it may be another hour or so before I can break out of it. I also have all sorts of horrid lucid dreams and the like which may have to do with that my hallucinations get a lot worse when it's dark, so when I'm lying in bed my hallucinations will follow me into my sleep.


I stopped taking some of my meds, the antipsychotics, as the hallucinations had stopped for the most part and when I did have them they were good ones but I'm starting to think I may need them again because they've been less sunny recently :/


Do you take any medication for your anxiety, sleep, paranoia etc?


I haven't taken medication for it in years. All medication attempts my doctors would do were completely disastrous.

Paxil was the first one. I was not suicidal, but Paxil made me want to kill myself. It wasn't that Paxil caused suicidal thoughts or negative thoughts, but it affected me physically, or at least it felt physical. On Paxil, I could not sit still. I have no trouble normally sitting still, standing still, etc, but on Paxil, I just physically could not. The worst part was that it felt like I had creatures all throughout my body crawling under my skin 24/7 - literally! I wanted to rip my skin off. It never stopped. I couldn't sit still in my desk at school, constantly moving awkwardly while remaining seated, I couldn't stand and talk to friends in the hall, I just had to keep moving, and you can forget about laying still for sleep. I don't remember any nightmares, bad dreams, or night terrors during that time period, but the waking world was bad enough. There were things constantly crawling under my skin all over me!!! I knew it was the medicine, and it drove me so crazy, killing myself as an option came to mind, but of course I wouldn't do that because I knew it was just the medicine. When I told my parents about the symptoms I was having after I'd had it for a few weeks, crying, telling my parents to their faces how this medicine made me want to end my life to make the crawling under my skin stop and I knew it was just this terrible medicine and not me, they scolded me. If I did not take a pill, I would literally be held down and it shoved down my throat. My mom would push it down my throat herself with her finger. I am ashamed to say, that in order to save my life, apparently I will lie. Honesty is something I pride myself so very much on, but I began to lie and say that I had taken the Paxil when actually I had not. It took over 2 weeks for that terrible mess to get out of my system.


Funny/not funny part of that story: Paxil was recalled a few months later. Why? The high rate of suicides of its users. GEE I WONDER WHY. When my dad saw the TV commercial about the recall, I pointed at it and yelled, "I TOLD YOU!!! That's what it did to me!"


Two years later, a neurologist prescribed sleeping pills for me. I was given Sonata (zaleplon) first. At my house I would sleep alone, so I wasn't aware of the side effects until I stayed at a friend's house with several other friends. I had taken the sleeping pill, then gone straight to bed on a pallet in the floor with all the other girls in the same room. And then I was stuck in the ceiling, which was an orange shade that does not naturally exist, and it was pulsating and moving and I was trapped in it and I was violently kicking and thrashing trying to get out. I was all alone, but far away I thought I could hear voices, so I remember calling out, "Where are you?!" and crying. I was all alone wherever I was, and completely panicked. Then pink branches folded down on me, holding me in place, and I fought against those too until a comforting voice said, "Shh, just go to sleep." At first I continued crying and pleaded otherwise, but felt comforted and warm as the pink branches held me firmly in place, so I finally relaxed and shortly thereafter must have fallen asleep. When I opened my eyes the next morning, I was face to face with one of my friends, and it shocked me how close we were. I sat up to find myself surrounded. Once everyone else woke up, they told me how after I had laid down, that I had started thrashing. At first they had tried to verbally calm me - hence those faraway voices that I couldn't place - and even though I had been surrounded, I was all alone in that strange place. Finally one of my friends had held me down herself - the pink branches - and soothed me to sleep. I was sooooooooo embarrassed.


I told my neurologist what had happened, and he had said that was a "normal but rare" side effect. So then he prescribed me Ambien (zolpidem). This next story happens at a summer conference. I was staying in a dormitory with 3 other girls. If you entered our dorm from the hallway, there was the common room we shared. There were 4 doors off the common room - 3 bedrooms and one bathroom. I had taken Sonata, since I wanted to make sure to fall asleep so that I could wake up early, and went to bed immediately, as I always did after a sleeping pill. I was laying on my mattress, my bedroom door closed, facing the dark shape of the chair and desk. Surely I must have closed my eyes, because suddenly I'm flying toward the chair, as it turns sideways and becomes a mountain, and I'm flying over this vast fantasy scape, and colorful fairies fly around me very quickly in a spiral formation, all different colors and beautiful, and then I'm slumped against a wall on the other side of the common room from my door. What the hay am I doing here? I turn and see one of my roommates in her own doorway, staring at me with the biggest eyes, jaw dropped. She said I had had a seizure. I argued that I did not, but the other 2 roommates had seen it too - and had already run to find help. Sooo this sleeping pill made me hallucinate-sleepwalk-seizure. When I told my neurologist about this one, he said that it was a rare side effect, but that I shouldn't take any more sleeping pills.


A few years later a doctor prescribed me Cymbalta. I had actually sought help that time, because at that point in my life my thoughts did not belong to me. I was plagued with flashbacks. I couldn't concentrate on coursework because whenever I would try to focus all I could do was jump from one terrifying memory to the next. My roommate at the time said it was like I would just "check out." For example, I'm going to go brush my teeth. I'd go to the bathroom, pick up my toothbrush, and then just stand there, staring at nothing for 2 hours, completely unmoving. My mind would be dragging me involuntarily down memory lane, and my body was left behind. It always confused the heck out of me how 2 hours would pass when, to me, no time had passed at all. I couldn't control it. It happened so frequently - more than once a day. I was unraveling and falling apart, trying to hold my seams together. Once on Cymbalta, though, my mind stopped running around everywhere on its own all by itself. Walls were placed up inside my head. I could focus on school work, and if I wanted only schoolwork to exist, then only schoolwork existed. It was like thoughts had their own rooms behind doors, and if I was going down a hallway of thoughts, I could choose which way to turn or which door to close. It was amazing. I never refilled the Cymbalta, though. Once I had that feeling of structure and control in my mind, I was able to maintain it without the medication. Not that Cymbalta was perfect. On Cymbalta, I felt like I always had to be moving, so I'd be reading for class while pacing, or kicking my legs while writing. Every now and then I'd take a break from work to run up and down stairs - I just had to - but at least there were no creatures crawling under my skin.


It is very often that I cannot fall asleep easily. I'm always laying in bed for hours until I can finally drift off. I don't consider myself an insomniac, though, and I definitely don't want medicine for it. I also had unpleasant dreams last night and tossed and turned a ton, but it was just 'bad dreams' and not nightmares nor night terrors. My anxiety and paranoia are direct results of very unpleasant events in my history, so I don't see how medicine would help me. My life is pretty good now, so I'm just really scared of being cast into hell again. I just want to make sure that events in my past are never repeated if I can help it. That no one will see me through my windows, know I'm here, and decide to break in to come get me. That no one has the opportunity to snatch me off the street or out of a parking lot in public. I do go outside and travel alone if I'm going to meet a friend, or going to work or something. I can do it as long as I'm headed to a specific place to meet a specific person who is expecting me at a specific time, and knows to sound the alarm if I don't show up and don't respond (or don't respond "normally"). But I won't just go outside and enjoy the day if I don't have someone that will realize I'm gone.

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Yeah, because having your cerebellum (associated with attention) leak out of your skull and press up against your brain stem won't cause attention problems.



I have ADHD and now I am freaked out. lol

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I've never been technically diagnosed with anything but I feel I may have some sort of mental disorder or disorders even.


For instance I may have some form of Bipolar Disorder. I've discussed it here before where I wake up in completely different "moods". Like some days I will feel happy and VERY expressive and optimistic, but then the next day I go back to my typical depressed pessimistic self.


I tend to be constantly depressed. Not sure if that's a disorder or my life is just shit! :P


I also have an Alzheimer's like condition where I have a horrible short-term memory loss.


On top of that my headaches have returned recently! :( These are very strong, sharp, debilitating headaches that can knock me on my feet and even get close to passing out for a few seconds.


NONE of the above is diagnosed though. I have seen a neurologist for my headaches, but he only really looked for possible side effects of the medication I'm on (to help clear up scarring on back and shoulders. Side effects do include migraines and depression, but the headaches and depression were there before the medication)


I do believe I should go get help for any or all of the issues listed above, but I tend to have an irrational fear of getting help and my family members don't take these issues seriously to support me on getting help! :P


Not sure if anyone has commented anymore on this, but Bi-polar disease also has a lot of physical side effects that I don't think you have mentioned and isn't really just mood swings, it's anger. My uncle is bi-polar. If anything, you might have depression?


I suffer from chronic depression and anxiety disorders. I actually had a mental assessment at the hospital yesterday with my psychologist. In the next couple of weeks I'm either going to be put in group therapy or personal therapy and my medication has been changed as well.


Some days, I really just can't stand it. Some days, not even ponies can help me. And some days I'm completely fine!

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I have felt my share of feeling a little.. Different. If you can call it that. I have taken a good amount of tests and according to them I am either mentally unstable or have some sort of disorder. But I have never dared to get a confirmation if I have one/several or not.


I'm guessing I have not gotten one because I fear that if I have one or more that I will not be able to comprehend it and go on to do something I would regret.

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  • 1 month later...

^ its the internet Dewwd, worst thing that can happen to you(troll related) is for a troll to tell you to kill yourself. Which should not be an issue.

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Do autistic spectrum disorders count as Mental Disorders?


Because if it does, I guess Asperger's Syndrome.



I too have Asperger's Syndrome! ^^ Yay, I ain't the only one on this site :D :D :D That's awesome to know ^^ Also, I'm a girl in real life, and I heard from many people that it's rare for a girl to get Aspeger's, or even Autism in general.

Edited by Lucky Fire
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Well as i have stated before in other threads, i have Bipolar Disorder, and man it is rough. For my self, the most difficult part of each day is the uncertianty of how i am going to be able to cope. Being bipolar, even with medications, means that i am highly inconsistent, and it can make me hard to deal with. I havent had a major meltdown in a while, but the idea that it could have is terrifying. I also know i have a big issue with my self-image.

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I too have Asperger's Syndrome! ^^ Yay, I ain't the only one on this site :D :D :D That's awesome to know ^^ Also, I'm a girl in real life, and I heard from many people that it's rare for a girl to get Aspeger's, or even Autism in general.


It is true that autism in girls is a lot more rare than in boys. Honestly, you're the first girl that I know of who has it XD so uh...brohoof?



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I have been diagnosed with PTSD, which is post traumatic stress disorder. I have been in therapy for 3 years tackling my demons and memories and learning appropriate coping skills. I haven't had an easy life but I am proud I am facing all the bad things I have been through so I can lay them to rest. It is nice to see I am not alone in my struggles and sending lots of hugs and brohooves out to all my fellow bronies and pega-sisters who also struggle with mental illness

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^ its the internet Dewwd, worst thing that can happen to you(troll related) is for a troll to tell you to kill yourself. Which should not be an issue.


WTF I have no idea what you're saying. But yes, I have received a death threat, and I had a very good laugh when I received it. I assume you are trying to mock me because you think I'm just trolling this thread (logical assumption), but you happen to be most incorrect my good sir. I think in the original post I stated that my mental health was bad, and I don't feel like elaborating. If I was trying to troll I would just flame the mentally ill outright, as basically everyone on this thread would counter-flame me if I were to do that.
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It is true that autism in girls is a lot more rare than in boys. Honestly, you're the first girl that I know of who has it XD so uh...brohoof?




Yep! Brohoof! ^^ *brohoofs and grins*

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