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gaming The biggest let down in gaming


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In the gaming world there have always been those games That had so much hype or got blown up so big but when you actually played them they fell flat. A prime example of this would be Sonic Gold, and a little more recently Sonic free riders. If you haven't guessed by now I'm a huge Sonic fan so when I heard that the Sonic anniversary was coming out I was excited. When I played the game and found out how bad it actually was I lost so much respect for saga. Couple years later the first sonic riders came out which was a really good game. One or two years later Sonic zero gravity came out which was just as good if not betterTHAN sonic free riders came out. This game killed the Sonic rider series. This is why these two games have disappointed me so badly that I've lost respect for the company.


Now I'd like to know which games disappoint you the most please put them in the comments below


BTW sonic gold is also know as the sonic annaversiy title or sonic 2006 or was it 2005 one of those years her a pic



Edited by DarkSonic1221
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I was very disappointed by halo 4 in my opinion it strayed to far from the story of halo and I also didn't like the way the prometheans were created I prefer what I originally heard about them which was that they were going to be a new type of forerunner A.I like guilty spark or the sentinels also I hated the chief's new armor design and like many other halo fans I was pissed off when they killed cortana.

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Paper Mario Sticker Star. Paper Mario on the N64 is one of my all-time favourite games. When I saw the trailer for the game, I was hyped and expected them to go back to the classic mechanics I enjoyed so much. Sadly, this wasn't the case; instead, they took everything I loved about that game and smashed it to small pieces.


I suppose what I was expecting was a reincarnation of the original paper mario on the 3DS. I was a bit disappointed with Super Paper Mario and I was counting on this to return to the more successful formula. I didn't expect it to go off on a different tangent. I missed the partners, the classic combat style, each chapter doesn't have a unique story and most of all the cohesive overworld. I loved the fact I could walk around this world, explore the different areas and never once have to enter a loading screen or level selection screen. When I saw a screenshot of the level select screen, I really hoped it was just a map... It wasn't...

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Hi @DarkSonic1221, just letting you know that I've moved your topic from Forum Games to Media Discussion. Forum Games are for text-based games played on the forum itself, while Media Discussion is for discussing any aspect of the media, including video games.

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Oh glob, this came to me immediately.


I don't know how many have played it, but in Star Fox Adventures, there was a huge let down at the end of the game.


Catching my drift, here?



I was going to find a suitable YouTube link, but that didn't turn out so well. Anyways, if you've played and beaten the game, I was referring to the General Scales boss battle. I mean, you don't even get to touch him, it really sucked. I didn't mind Andross though, that wasn't bad, I just wanted to kick Scales' butt.


Edited by Adorkable
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to me, Postal 3 sounded so good in the promos to what it actually was. the game was said to have a large open world (the game is linear af) co-op (only singleplayer) and Rick Hunter was supposedly to do the dude voice like all the other postals (voiced by Cory Cruise) even Running With Scissors calls it Akella's postal spin-off because of how bad it turned out. I believe RWS shouldn't have licensed development to Akella in the first place for Postal 3, it might have been better made by its original company 

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Mass Effect 3..... 100s of hours in in-game preparation on previous titles, constant hype and awesome sounding stuff from Bioware. What did I get?! A choice of either a red, green, or blue explosion!!!


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My pick is also a Sonic game, and I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet...


Why Sega? Just why? Why would you make such a monstrosity?


Yes it was that bad. Anyone who's played it will say the same.




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My pick is also a Sonic game, and I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet...


Why Sega? Just why? Why would you make such a monstrosity?


Yes it was that bad. Anyone who's played it will say the same.




I was waiting for someone to mention Sonic o'Dicks.

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My pick is also a Sonic game, and I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet...


Why Sega? Just why? Why would you make such a monstrosity?


Yes it was that bad. Anyone who's played it will say the same.



I was lucky enough not to encounter any of the infamous glitches, but damn was that game frustrating and rage inducing. A prime example of hyping the hell out of something.

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Two of my biggest gaming letdowns come from franchises that I worship. The first being SHADOWRUN. The original for the SNES was a action/adventure/rpg with real-time fighting, a complicated and dark plot, and so much awesomeness to explore. Such a fan was I of the SNEs version, I even got into the books. The new version was a first person MP-only mess that barely scratched the surface of the Shadowrun mythology.


Then the PC version got the kickstarter and I was very excited until I saw that it was NOT the real-time action game I had been waiting for but a turn-based strat game like Xcom - a genre I totally abhore.


I will never get my ShadowRun 2 :'(



The 2nd would be the announcement of a new Legacy of Kain game - a franchise that I also love to death. I can listen to Raziel and Kain speak all day and all night. Omg - such mythology, such storytelling, such voice acting.


But will we be getting the final chapter of the game? NO! Instead we get some MMORPG bull crap that has little to nothing to do with the actual storyline of Kain but just takes place in Nostgoth.


thanks guys for shattering my dreams

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Two of my biggest gaming letdowns come from franchises that I worship. The first being SHADOWRUN. The original for the SNES was a action/adventure/rpg with real-time fighting, a complicated and dark plot, and so much awesomeness to explore. Such a fan was I of the SNEs version, I even got into the books. The new version was a first person MP-only mess that barely scratched the surface of the Shadowrun mythology.


Then the PC version got the kickstarter and I was very excited until I saw that it was NOT the real-time action game I had been waiting for but a turn-based strat game like Xcom - a genre I totally abhore.


I will never get my ShadowRun 2 :'(


Y'know Shadowrun started as a tabletop RPG? It's pretty decent too, so you might be interested in that. If you're the kind of person to like those kinds of games, that is.

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Everyone's mentioning sonic and such here. My biggest dissapointment ever in gaming? Call of Duty... After MW2 everything went down hill. They did a great job on Zombies in BO1 but it was very predictable afterwards... Not to mention Advanced Warfare...

Oddly, the only CoD games I actively enjoy, are the Black Ops series and Ghosts. xD I cannot stand even loading up anything prior.


I don't really have a "Biggest Letdown" game that comes to mind. Perhaps, Don't Starve, on Steam is one. I just don't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Not to say it's a bad game - I simply don't have much fun with it.

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My pick is also a Sonic game, and I'm surprised no one has mentioned it yet...


Why Sega? Just why? Why would you make such a monstrosity?


Yes it was that bad. Anyone who's played it will say the same.




I tried to play that. All I can say is.



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Dragon Age 2. Just ARRRGH!

The first game had superb, interesting characters, meaningful choices.

This one? A uninteresting, railroaded story, a generic hero, somehow worse looking graphics.

-interesting, varied characters? Nope, they're all bisexual, one-note, sluts now, enjoy

-Options for specializing your companions' jobs and equipment? Nope, all gone.

-tactical combat with an emphasis on positioning? Enjoy randomly spawning enemies and anime-ish jumping around.

-branching conversations with your companions to get to know them? Nope, enjoy dick jokes at random intervals.

-Varied world: Verdent forest, mountains, dwarf mines? Nope: One city, three recycled dungeons, all brown.

Edited by Silverwisp the Bard
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Warning: Angry rant incoming.

For me, it would have to be Grand Theft Auto IV. Having played GTA: San Andreas and having found it boring, I had hoped that GTAIV (being the highest-rated game on the PS3) would have been a bit better. Boy was I wrong.

What I got was:

  • Boring missions
  • A boring storyline
  • An open world with nothing to do in it
  • Absolutely awful driving controls
  • Terrible graphics.

I had expected much more from a game that's supposedly the highest rated game on PS3... But that also annoys me, the fact that it is so bloody highly rated. How is this pile of dog slop considered the FOURTH GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME by GameRankings?! HOW? That spot should be given to a game better deserving of the title, because it is NOT the fourth best game of all time, it is a disappointing pile of horse muck.

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WII in general, I had so much hype for many first party games of it, but ended disappointed with practically all of them (ONLY "beat the shit out of stereotypes- Out" is exempt of this), not a single one was worth every dime (I mean, compare Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Super Paper Mario, etc, with their GameCube predecessors). The last straw was Mario Galazy 2, I've never felt so insulted in my life, same game practically, none of the flaws if it's predecessor were corrected, in fact, THEY WERE ACCENTUATED :angry: ,  Rosalina replaced with that a lame pun loving fatso, etc. It's also Miyamoto's fault for exaggerating the game's quality and innovations, bullshit >_>  

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 Aliens: Colonial Marines


 So much disappointment, and rage! It's why I have no hope for Isolation because Colonial Marines looked like the Aliens game we had been waiting for too.

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Dragon Age 2. Just ARRRGH The first game had superb, interesting characters, meaningful choices. This one? A uninteresting, railroaded story, a generic hero, somehow worse looking graphics. -interesting, varied characters? Nope, they're all bisexual, one-note, sluts now, enjoy -Options for specializing your companions' jobs and equipment? Nope, all gone. -tactical combat with an emphasis on positioning? Enjoy randomly spawning enemies and anime-ish jumping around. -branching conversations with your companions to get to know them? Nope, enjoy dick jokes at random intervals. -Varied world: Verdent forest, mountains, dwarf mines? Nope: One city, three recycled dungeons, all brown
Yeah, Bioware just needs to focus on making games that have really meaningful and varied choices; and cool game play aspects. But they only make one game in the series or if in the future they want to revisit a franchise, have the story take place in a point in the timeline that it does not effect the other game they made; or just reboot the dang thing entirely. E.G. the original KOTOR and Jade Empire had great stories and for the time they made them, had a great demonstration of possible outcomes (I would take the possible outcomes they provided over the ones they offer now for stuff in a heartbeat. Now a days... we get Dragon Age 2 or Dragon Age 2 in Space aka ME 3, literally the stuff you mentioned above can apply to both games.


Note: And yes... I was part of the "Hold the Line" campaign to get a decent ending to ME. :derp:

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GTA IV: The game is the dullest game I have played. The characters are unlikable, the story is boring, the driving is terrible and the graphics are just grey and brown. GTA V is a much-welcome improvement.


Dishonoured: I've posted a lot on how much this game disappointed me. It's not terrible, it just had potential for a lot more.


Every Star Trek game ever: I'm a huge fan of Star Trek: TOS but I'm still waiting for a Star Trek game which is worth playing. Bridge Commander was pretty good but I don't own a PC which can play it anymore.


Mass Effect 2: Everyone complains about ME3 but this is when EA got a hold of the game franchise, wrote a terrible storyline, removed all of the squad micromanagement, replaced the hundreds of different guns with just two of each type (don't worry though, there are others which can be bought as DLC) and generally strangled all of the charm out of such a beloved game. I don't know what I expected from EA but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.


Shadowrun: This multiplayer only game was nothing like the tabletop RPG which I love. There weren't even any orks. It is just terrible and shits all over Shadowrun lore. The new game on Steam is better but is just pretty dull to play. DiscordAnarchy mentioned XCOM but in truth it's much worse since I enjoyed the hell out of XCOM enemy unknown.


XCOM declassified: Awful awful awful! It is just shit. Nothing more to say here.


Every Pokemon game I have played except Yellow: I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but you can all suck it. The first Pokemon game I played was Yellow and I thought it was pretty good but every time I got a new Pokemon game it turned out to be the same as the one before just with more (less lovable) Pokemon but no change in game mechanics or graphics. It's just more of the same.


My friends tell me that my standards are too high but I don't agree. I just like things to be good. Sadly though, the majority of media in this world (be that video games, music or films) just isn't good.

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The ending of Half-Life 2: Episode Two. It's a cliffhanger that we may never see the conclusion of due to Valve's apparent inability to count to 3.

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