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Things you hate that everyone seems to love?


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Modern Pop Music: It's all either about drugs, partying, or love. The music and vocals tend to be bad. Also them being played over and over and over again, sometimes in the same order.


I know you said this a while ago but I wanted to say that your claim about modern pop music is all about drugs is slightly bullshit. Most of the drug songs came from the 60s; White rabbit (1967) by Jefferson Airplane, Heroin (1967) by The Velvet Underground, Purple Haze (1967) by The Jimi Hendrix Experience, basically just look up '60s psychedelic songs' and you get a plethora of drug songs, some very popular, all released in the span of about 3-4 years. 


Edit: Not to mention that drug songs of the past tend to be masterpieces

Edited by Jimmy Page Fan
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I know you said this a while ago but I wanted to say that your claim about modern pop music is all about drugs is slightly bullshit. Most of the drug songs came from the 60s; White rabbit (1967) by Jefferson Airplane, Heroin (1967) by The Velvet Underground, Purple Haze (1967) by The Jimi Hendrix Experience, basically just look up '60s psychedelic songs' and you get a plethora of drug songs, some very popular, all released in the span of about 3-4 years. 


Edit: Not to mention that drug songs of the past tend to be masterpieces


  I'm only dissing modern pop songs, not the oldies. I don't hate modern pop just because they reference drugs, or love, or partying. I hate them because the songs are formulaic, terrible, and repeated over and over and over again. Nice mucic selection btw; I liked Heroin by The Velvet Underground the most out of the three.

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Anime, I really am sorry for hating (most)anime. I have tried so hard to like some of the more popular anime shows, but the only one that really appeals to me is Cowboy Bebop. I think it stems from how over dramatics anime is, but I just can't get into it. I can see why others may like it, but it just isn't for me.

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Those survival arena games like H1Z1, The Culling, Arma 3 Battle Royale, etc.. They're so boring, I don't understand how people like playing them, let alone watching them be played by pretty much every fucking Youtuber who has even a minor interest in games.

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The Internet


When I was young, scifi authors were still writing stories about using slide rules to navigate starships (Starman Jones (Heinlein) a major subplot is they can't steer their spaceship because they lost the book containing the logarithm tables, for example).  Electric typewriters were cutting edge technology.  Before Mona Lisa Overdrive  (1970s)virtual reality stories got rejected as to weird for scifi.


Enlightenment is supposed to be good for you, but I could have happily lived my entire life without learning I am a slack twisted idiot lacking in basic life skills possessed by the average 5 year old.

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The Internet


When I was young, scifi authors were still writing stories about using slide rules to navigate starships (Starman Jones (Heinlein) a major subplot is they can't steer their spaceship because they lost the book containing the logarithm tables, for example).  Electric typewriters were cutting edge technology.  Before Mona Lisa Overdrive  (1970s)virtual reality stories got rejected as to weird for scifi.


Enlightenment is supposed to be good for you, but I could have happily lived my entire life without learning I am a slack twisted idiot lacking in basic life skills possessed by the average 5 year old.

The hell did I just read? Are you self degrading or are you stating that you dislike the internet?

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I really, really hate T-shirts. 
They just seem such a lazy part of fashion and it's starting to feel like people are starting to think they are the only type of shirt that exists. THERE ARE OTHER FORMS OF FASHION. And don't get me started on T-shirts that try to be funny, most of the time they just look douche baggish at worst and mild chuckle at best. Then it just gets old, like you're walking around telling the same joke all day whether you want to or not.  


Then I run out of clean clothes and have to borrow a shirt from my sister and I fell like shit all day long. 
Like rght now. 

I can hear you, Rarity. You're crying for my fashion choice.




Pikachu; There are a lot of pokemon. So many in fact when I meet a person who claims to love pokemon and then comes out and says that Pikachu is their favorite. I just can't help but think, "Is it because that's the only one you know by name?" 


Having the face of the franchise be your favorite out of like seven hundred pokemon just comes off as either noobish or cliche.  


Rap music Okay, I don't listen to much rap, so it might just be the rap my sister listens to. All of it is some kind of innoprpriate nonsense. And when I get forced to have to sit through it I can't help but get sooo pissed off. 

"You used to call me on my cell phoone, late night when you need my love"
Boo hoo, a** hat. You can't just leave and expect people to not move on. That girl you're singing to has a life outside you. So stop whining. 

Other song I hate.
Dude, shut the heck up and just buy a new radio already. And by the way, faith is not being awake. Faith is trusting something is true even though you don't have proof. Shut up and buy a 
dictionary too


another song I hate.
Woman aren't just sex toys that can talk. What the heck is wrong with you people? I have never been so creeped out by a song before. Why is my sister listening to you, baka song?? 


Edited by Lucky Star
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  I'm only dissing modern pop songs, not the oldies. I don't hate modern pop just because they reference drugs, or love, or partying. I hate them because the songs are formulaic, terrible, and repeated over and over and over again. Nice mucic selection btw; I liked Heroin by The Velvet Underground the most out of the three.


Ah, I understand. I just wanted to let you know these types of songs have been around for centuries, I mean have you heard "Leck Mich im Arsch" by Mozart? It's exactly what it sounds like.


And for my contribution to this thread: I'm going to have to jump on the popular opinion bandwagon and say modern pop music. It's not because I want to look cool, but there is something with modern digital production that makes it hard for me to listen to pop music. I prefer the sounds of actual instruments to digital computerized generated synthesized bullshit that is supposed to sound like something its not. Synthesizers being used as synthesizers, sounding explicitly like synthesizers and nothing else (Kraftwerk, Jean Michel Jarre) sounds good to me, and definitely when used with other instruments (Pink Floyd, Tame Impala, most progressive bands). And just because I like real instruments doesn't mean that recording a song with an acoustic guitar or grand piano track makes it any better, it's still, as Magic Rasin said, repetitive and formulaic. I would write more but that would mean pointless drivel that no one wants to waste their spare time with.


tl;dr Pop music, or at least mainstream music, because many charting singles sound no different from one another. I believe music to be an art form, and should be treated as such, not limited to formulas but to have boundaries constantly pushed.

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Well, um, I should prepare to have many laser sights on my head, but...



Pokemon. Not sure if I said this in a previous post, but...I can't take it. Sometimes it bothers me, sometimes not, and I don't hate it, but I'm so sick of hearing about it. I don't care, I'm not interested... I don't know if there's anyone else who doesn't like Pokemon here. Sorry for the lack of thing over the E, but I don't have such things on my keyboard, nor do I know if I can do it with an alt code. Alt codes don't seem to work on my laptops, anyhow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I love Star Wars, always have. What gets under my skin is that so many dedicated fans can treat this abomination as a worthy installment of the series. 

Lots of people dissed the prequels because they're not the classic trilogy. This was made clear up front, so no surprises there. But here we were supposed to have the return of Luke, Han and Leia after 32 years and the first thing they do is kill off Han, hide Luke until the closing shot, and turn Leia and Han into an old divorced couple. Even R2-D2 was languishing pointlessly under a tarp. Countless plot conveniences went unexplained, and who the hell is Snoke, some reject from the Orc template of The Hobbit? I could go on but I don't want to overdo it with something that is apparently beloved the world over. 


P.S. Jar Jar rocks!

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I remember as a kid living in New Jersey I got made fun of for not liking soda (I still don't) I guess the joke is on them now...They probably have diabetes those annoying kids drink soda more than water.


I don't get the hype for alcohol either...


Edit: I also hate zombie media and post apocolyptic stories. I'm looking at you Hunger Games! I ended up hating Hunger Games more than Twilight because while the Hunger Games is objectively better than Twilight I feel like I've read better.

Edited by Emiko Gale
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Agreed across the boards! Hi again, Emiko! (No, I'm not stalking you!)  :wacko:


I hate zombie stuff and it seems that's all there is anymore. When I saw Maze Runner: Scorch Trials I laughed out loud when they resorted to making it another zombie-fest! The first movie was at least watchable but this one was a joke. I can't even look at Twilight. It's one story line drrraaaaaaggged endlessly over (how many?) movies.


And yeah, I can't even touch alcohol. Tastes like medicine, yuck! 

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I love Star Wars, always have. What gets under my skin is that so many dedicated fans can treat this abomination as a worthy installment of the series.

Lots of people dissed the prequels because they're not the classic trilogy. This was made clear up front, so no surprises there. But here we were supposed to have the return of Luke, Han and Leia after 32 years and the first thing they do is kill off Han, hide Luke until the closing shot, and turn Leia and Han into an old divorced couple. Even R2-D2 was languishing pointlessly under a tarp. Countless plot conveniences went unexplained, and who the hell is Snoke, some reject from the Orc template of The Hobbit? I could go on but I don't want to overdo it with something that is apparently beloved the world over.


P.S. Jar Jar rocks!

I will admit...I like The Force Awakens...But it did irk me that Han, Leia, and Luke did not get a happy ending...The premise was lazy and stupid. Luke missing, Han and Leia's son is evil, Han and Leia are broken up...


Just no.

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-Small talk. Don't freaking talk to meif your going to say something redundant.  "Sure is cold out." No s##t. "Boy it sure is windy." You don't say. "Boy that looks like hard work." Did I ask for your opinion!? Also don't ask em a question and then walk away! "Hey how's it going?" Fine, yourse--- hey where are you going? I also hate getting asked how I'm doing, because the answer is usually never good or is usually ambivalent & neutral and frankly, it's nobody else's business.   


I feel you on that SO much. 


Like when you are soaked from the torrential storm outside, you can literally hear the rain pelting the ceiling, and then one of your co workers walk's up like


"Is it raining outside?" :derp:



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I also loathe first person shooter games. I realize I have a bias...My boyfriend has told me there are plenty of awesome first person shooter games and Call of Duty just gives the genre a bad name...But that doesn't really change my opinion because I guess I just dislike guns.

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I will admit...I like The Force Awakens...But it did irk me that Han, Leia, and Luke did not get a happy ending...The premise was lazy and stupid. Luke missing, Han and Leia's son is evil, Han and Leia are broken up...


Just no.

Okay, I'll relent. I did enjoy the early parts of the movie (on Jakku). It fell apart after that. When Han bought it I felt like someone put a boot through my chest. After that, the wind was taken out of the movie and I just couldn't enjoy it. I feel especially sorry for the older fans who actually waited those 32 years for this.

The script writer, who actually worked on the originals, should have known Luke's character well enough to realize he'd never just give up and abandon the Jedi cause, for any reason.    

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Undertale. I'm sure it's a good game and all, I just don't feel like checking it out. I might feel more inclined if I didn't see it every damn where I go on the Internet. What's worse, yesterday, my friend kept pouting about how she has no one to talk to about it, after I already told her I wasn't interested. Even though my friend has ignored me a lot of the time when I get all excited about a thing and want to show her, even if she likes that thing. Just ugh.

Titanic (1997). I'll never understand why so many people like this unintentionally cheesy, overblown movie.

The Annoying Orange. Kill me now.

MMA. Don't have any interest in it, and the announcer annoys the fuck out of me. "IIIIIIIT'S TIIIIIIIIIME" good lord, how do people not find that grating?

The vast majority of songs played on KROQ. I didn't like the songs that much to begin with, and playing them over and over and over and over and over again every time my mom turns on the radio only makes me like them less. How my mom doesn't get sick of it and long for some actual variety, I'll never know.


Lemon-lime flavored drinks. They don't taste that good to me, and leave my mouth feeling icky.


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