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    • KPVN, Seaddle -- As thousands descended upon the seaside city of Seaddle over Hearts & Hooves weekend, millions more across Equestria expressed shock and outrage over the shipping-related events that transpired on a website hosted just to the north in Vanhoover.

      "Raaaawwwr, I couldn’t believe what I was reading that I came out of hiding," said the local Sasquatch.

      On a seemingly harmless MLP Forums Hearts & Hooves event, ponies were asked to comment on their favorite couples. However, out of the blue, the event organizer decided to all but incite a riot.

      “Wouldn't it be funny if we shipped @Ice Princess Silky <3 with @Luna the Great of all the Russias because she doesn't let him read?” read the post by Event Coordinator Dynamo Pad.

      "I mean opposites attract, but those two? Rrrrrrreally?" wondered Sasquatch.

      And it wasn’t long before usually peaceful forum site turned on the respected admin Silky as the subject of a ship with a Russian version of the princess of the night.



      Even Ponyville resident and Element of Harmony, Pinkie Pie, decided to opine.

      Ponies and other creatures took to the streets to voice their displeasure.

      "This is like Chrysalis and Flufflepuff where the pink one is harassing the dark one," said Fish in a Tank. A comment with similar sentiment to what Shiny Silvermoon commented,

      Even fan art was created of the two.

      A protesting duck added, "Right mate. None of the strawberry milk in the world could fix the damage done to society."

      We received an exclusive official royal proclamation from Princess Star Silk, herself. It states:

“Hear ye, hear ye. Attention ponies of the Forums. You are all dorks, and I will not stand for these obvious acts of trolling. However, your efforts are futile, for I declare that the real best ship shall be Dynamo Pad and Treeglow Flicker.”

        • Excited
        • Shocked
        • Delighted Giggle
      • 10 replies
    • Hello ponies! I want to offer you a funny game for your amusement ^~^
      The game is inspired by this video:
      Instruction (How to Be a Stick Pony!):
      Draw an oval
      Another oval
      Cheap stick legs and face, oh...
      You're stick pony, come and cheer!

      You draw a stick pony. Preferably, your OC, but it can be a canon pony or an OC of your friend (if they don't mind of course ^-^)
      Post it here.
      Tag users who you would like to invite to participate the activity too.
      You can submit as many entries as you want (within the forum rules of course). Any time, no need to wait an invitation.
      It can be a digital or a paper drawing

      I will start! Here comes Stick Crypty!

      @Snow @Ice Princess Silky <3 @ThePinkestofPones , I invite all of you. You should like this game >=P
        • Excited
        • smile
        • Brohoof
      • 40 replies
    • Secret Santa Reveal

      Hello there everypony and creature!
      I really hope that you have all been enjoying the badges that you've received from your Secret Santa!

      32 badges in total were distributed for this event. On behalf of the Event's Team, I would like to thank you all for your participation and making this event a huge success!

      You were each paired up and made to find an image that best represented what you wanted to gift to your receiver. Those images were then made into a badge to give to them. Throughout the event, I've seen participants giving serious thought into what they wanted to give. A number of you even went as far as making an image yourselves to give for the event. Thought has always counted when it comes to giving gifts and a lot of heartfelt thought was self evident in what you submitted to be turned into badges.

      A lot of you have been eager to share what you have gifted and have also been equally eager and excited to know who gave you your badges.

      Now the time has come for you to reveal who you gave your gift to and to also thank those that you received a gift from. To share the badges and also your own thoughts on what you gave and also your thoughts on what you received.

      Thank you all once again for your participation!

      Obligatory wall of tags of participants:

      @Ice Princess Silky <3 @Sir Hugsalot @Nitobit @Wizard @Florana @TailsLolz @Silly Druid @Rainbow Cloud @Dynamo Pad @Tao @Bright Honor @khalil @Sparklefan1234 @Astralshy @Samurai Equine @Iforgotmybrain @Silverspark184 @Blizzard Wizard @Rethajni @Snoopy Fan @Lawyer Slip @DebonedAngel 
      @BenKelman @Emerald Claus @Skylight Scintillate @Crash_xox @Felis Amafeles @EpicEnergy @Shiny Silvermoon @Casey Pones @TheRockARooster @Rikifive
        • Hugs
        • Excited
        • Brohoof
      • 61 replies


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  3. My Little Pony

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    3. Equestria Girls

      Everything to do with the Friendship is Magic spin-off series of movies and shorts, Equestria Girls!

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    2. Requestria

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    4. Forum Lounge

      A place to relax, shoot the breeze, and talk socially without the need to exchange too much information.
      Post count will not increase in this section.

    5. Computer Assisted Creations

      Forum to showcase and discussion AI Art, Pony Creator, and other works made with AI technology. 

  7. Canterlot: MLP Forums Meta

    1. Throne Room

      Important updates on the continuing development of MLP Forums are posted here.
      All members are expected to keep up with new topics here to remain informed of major changes that may affect them.

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  8. Poniverse

    1. Canterlot Avenue   (9,840 visits to this link)

      The newest addition to Poniverse! Canterlot Avenue is the social media and roleplaying site. Mind the dust, and wear your hardhat, as it's still squeaky new in there.

    2. Pony.fm

      Come on in to talk about Pony.fm!
      Or visit Pony.fm itself: https://pony.fm/

    3. Ponyville Live!

      Ponyville Live! is the pony community's leader for live and streaming pony radio, video, podcasts, convention coverage, and much more. Join the community and chat about the best in pony media or share your own ideas!
      See Ponyville Live! here: http://ponyvillelive.com/

    4. Gallery of Goodwill

      Know someone feeling down and needing some cheer? Are you an artist wanting to do good with their art? Drop by the Gallery of Goodwill and lend you support!

    5. Archive

      Old stuff whose time has passed.

  9. Conventions

    1. Everfree Northwest

      Everfree Northwest is an annual convention for fans of MLP. Located in Seattle, WA, it's a one-of-a-kind, family-friendly event created by fans for fans of all ages.

    2. BABSCon 2023

      BABSCon, returning in 2023 April 7th-9th is the premier Bay Area Brony Spectacular located in Burlingame, CA. BabsCon is a nonprofit organization established to promote the arts and culture surrounding the television show, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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