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Everything posted by Lambdadelta

  1. I will watch the S8 premiere in the morning with snacks and soda... Good fresh start for the morning.

    Someone do me a favor so I can sleep tonight, Is this premiere good? Is that premiere is more silly than it sound like?:fluttershy:


  2. Only you can convince yourself. I only watched episode 8 and 13, i didnt like episode 8 and episode 13 is a decent episode at least (the lack of background soundtrack ruined my enjoyment) so i didnt have very good impression of season 8 . I still havent watched any leaks since then (try to resist my temptation), to watch it in high quality and i hope it will worth the wait. I am hyped for episode 7 but from what i heard some episodes are more well-received so this season will be great, huh?
  3. Season 8 premiere will be written by Nicole Debut and Mike Vogel. Those two writers had pretty good episodes last years so i hope they will continue to impress me with this one. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lambdadelta


      The story doesnt need a villain to be good. What I expected from it is: a good story and a good set-up for season 8 theme. There may be an antagonist and that would be enough.

    3. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      @Babyyoshi309 The Best Night Ever and Celestial Advice didn't have villains, either.


      And most viewers seemed to love them.

    4. Babyyoshi309


      @A.V. Neither of those were to parters.


      And for the record, I despised Best Night Ever. :orly:

  4. I hope you will regain your enthusiasm for this show.
  5. Of course, More scarcity = more demand.
  6. Are you ready for school? Your best thing in your lifetime or your worst nightmare: bullies, exam, teacher, fighting, cheating, scores, graduation, friends, tears...... ....... What is school without these things, right?! Random: thanks to Twilight's school, Miss Cheerilee might lose her job someday. Graduate from Twilight school, you can apply better job, it is like an international school or something. And it has BUDGETS, where the tax come from i wonder?!! Ponyville Public school vs Princess Twilight International school.
  7. Not as much as season 5, that season is still the most hyped season of the entire show, but still i am hyped for season 8 more than season 6 & 7 thanks to season 7 boosted my confidence.
  8. I already liked Starlight in my first viewing but her 'Quiet!' completely sealed the deal, she shut down Princess of Friendship speech, that's just savage. Pinkie is the most funny one, I enjoyed her presense since season 1, but her mental breakdown in Party of One gave her more layers than just a goofy character. Sunset Shimmer is my favorite EQG (its too obvious), and Rainbow Rocks is the reason, nothing to talk about here, it's just too obvious. Rarity may not my best mane 6, but her "Rarity Takes Manehattan" made me root for her success more than Princess Twilight. Fluttershy is my second favorite mane character right now, she just growing on me. Flutter Brutter made her my second favorite and someday she might be number one.
  9. Toy commercial definitely has a lot of influence to the show that result some silly decision like The Castle, Flurry Heart, Rainbow Power... People argued about their ridiculous design back then and thanks to some good writting from writting staffs, people started to tolerate them (even now some people still hate Fluryy Heart). If not the toy commercial, the story could flow better, some design decisions could be more ... faithful to the universe. If Hasbro want even more alicorn, the writers have to find a way to shove that crap to the show and messing with the lore. This show is just so great inspite of being a toy commercial show, i appreciated that, but it could be even better if not for the Toy company pulling the strings.
  10. This premiere could be more than school sitcom, its an Equestria school drama with some arguments about school policies or even some politics, Canterlot ponies love politics. This could be the most exciting non-adventure premiere. Even i love Celestia Advices but its still a sitcom episode and not deserved to be a premiere. A premiere should set up the theme for the whole season and this premiere already did it to me before it airs: SCHOOL!!! (Awwww, i hate school and love it at the same time).
  11. Why do I get some Disney vibes from new School of Friendship song? Hummmm, it has been some time I get that Disney vibes from mlp songs. Songs recently sound like pop songs.

    1. Babyyoshi309


      I just hate all the MLP songs. So I get the same vibe from all of them. :orly:

    2. Lambdadelta
  12. Maybe the humane 6 have some deja vu about the ancient horror named Mlp the old generation so they dont want to go down that path. Their instincts tell them not to.
  13. The problem, in the movie, is that they didnt even try or think about it, if they did even thought about that for a moment then someone just gave some similar answers like you did, it wouldnt be that messy. This movie just feel disconnected to the series. They called this movie a sequel to S7 without good logics to back up. The changeling kingdom may not help but Thorax will, he will help just for Spike demand only, the same with Ember, she is friend with ponies, even without her army, Ember and her father will bring any Storm King airship to the ground. Thorax can be sneaky and Ember has brutal strength, the fight will end sooner than you thought. Even the mane 5 can go through the battalion of enemy with some few pirates, a cat and ONLY one hippogriff of their kind. Should i mention Yaks? Yaks sure love Pinkie Pie, Pinkie and her friend helped them and Prince Rutherford will remember this. Griffins will never help but Gilda will do anything to help Rainbow Dash, Gabby can come too, at least she can be a comic relief, CMCs are being capture afterall and she is a CMC too. Every race that ponies had meet and become friends with through out season 5 to season 7, just to shove aside for a quest of seeking random Mac Guffin in a very far away and unfamiliar land. Ponies already had best Mac Guffin named Elements of Harmony and many well-known and competent friends. I will not include some exceptional invididuals like Discord, Starswirl, Starlight, Maud because these characters are spotlight stealers, this movie is about Mane 6 afterall. It takes more than few dialogues to explain this mess. Different writers writting in different times, that why they dont match with each other. Now season 8 will fix this mess or just outright ignore it, i would be happy if they can fix it but i decided to ignore the movie for now.
  14. All the episode synopsis in season 8 are already great on papers, the rest is execution. 
    I am not hyped for the new episode synopsis as much i used to unless i see the writer name or the promo clips.

    Back to season 5, i can be fangasm just by reading the synopsis...

    Am i getting more skeptical each year?:maud:

    Anyway, back to rewatch first 30s of some leaked episodes, they make me feel good but somehow i am scare to watch the rest of them because I'm afraid that they will disappoint me someway.

    I called it 'new episode anxiety disorder'.

  15. Season 8 episode 19 synopsis is intriguing me. It could be one of the best episode of the season.

    1. Lambdadelta



      When Trixie is invited to bring her magic show to the far off land of Saddle Arabia, she can think of nopony better to bring along than her great and powerful assistant, Starlight--but, not all friends are meant to travel together.

      The concept is already great, the rest is execution. They just need better writers for this, Kristine Songco and Joanna Lewis are the good choices.

  16. After P.P.O.V, anything can happen be because ponies perspective is unreliable. How about a story told from a faceless journalist from Manehattan who want to interview every citizen of ponyville and he/she wont show his/her face until the end.
  17. The staffs can pull some bullshit out of their butt and make them work then the school can be no different.
  18. *Reading EQG holiday special*

    I just thought it will be a very fun holiday episode. Its an episode about cyber-bullying and why schools are hell... Damn i just want to have fun right now.

    Awwwww, Sunset didnt deserved that, this level of mean-spirited remind me some episodes by Merriwether William...

    Little Apple Bloom DID IT?! I thought Sweetie Bell is the only one who is capable of screwing her sister badly. Wait, Scootaloo too?! What!?

    What just happened? It just feel like a alternative universe or something... Its EQG comic, make perfectly sense...

    What have you done, writers? 

    Human world is so scary *back to pony world*



  19. I want to see Pinkie in her 1st perspective. I bet she would be like Pyro in tf2, what she seeing might be different from normal ponies.
  20. This 'friendship' brainwash program has set in motion. Laughter class??? Do they teach how be a comedian or just be silly. Wait this is cartoon, the characters are supposed to be silly and goofy. Let Pinkie teach those students how to be the true cartoon characters, physics is a lie. Generosity. Griffins and dragons need this class more than any race. Kindness. Look like the little changeling will be top score in this class, look at her eyeshape (its similar to Fluttershy's). Honesty. Hope AJ wont teach them how to be stubborn just like her. Yaks have enough of that. Loyalty. Yes, this is a necessary section, you need to teach the future generations how to be loyalty to your rulers.... hm.... your friends. Why i have a feeling RD will screw up somehow, being a teacher is not like her, she should be a gym teacher or something, maybe they will combine them both. Starlight specialty is magic, she could teach some unicorns some magics, because Celestia is busy and Twilight is busy with her princess duty. Instead, she is dragged into this 'friendship business' and wont leave the castle anytime soon. I am glad she finally has a job but it could ruin her potential. She is good at manipulating kids so it could be useful.... What have you done, Twilight?
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