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Everything posted by jackfettgames

  1. Like Twilight getting bored with books in that one scene where Fluttershy is desperately researching. Like I said, I now think it's a coincidence.
  2. Looking back, they're probably coincidences. I thought they were references to popular headcanons.
  3. In my opinion, this post doesn't seem that big of a deal. ggg-2 said: Shining Armor and Cadance works. (Pretend I didn't delete the quote box on accident.) It's interesting that, to support the claim that Sugar Belle is too underdeveloped to be in a relationship with Big Mac, you bring up characters that were only developed after their relationship was established. However, beyond that, I'm not going to take a stance on whether the relationship is good or bad because I haven't seen the episode where they interact. I do respect your opinion.
  4. Good Vibes was just a great song and simple concept, especially towards the end.
  5. *Insert Nostalgia Critic memes here* I really liked the episode. While the overall plot wasn't the best, it was good. However, the music and theming were great. Also, swamp fever seems to have a Discord-esque flair too it.
  6. Hopefully the responses to these kinds of threads will quell irrational fears about the movie not realeasing. With trailers and tickets already made, it would be a horrible choice to cancel the movie from any perspective.
  7. I really liked the episode. Despite the townsponies being kind of harsh when Rarity lost her mane, it has good characterization, good continuity, and a good message. In other news, the season 7 progression is confirmed to be all over the place.
  8. I would like to stay near where I live because I get access to both Washington D.C. and Baltimore easily.
  9. Je suis un cours de français dans mon école donc je verrai si je l'apprendrai bien. But otherwise, I only notably know English.
  10. Actually, at this point in time, I don't see a lot of people going out of their way to hate bronies. Usually, the hate will be caused by a related stimulus reminding the person of the show, and that person will say one thing against the fandom, then forget about the show. There is also the case of ironic hate, like when, in one video I recently watched on YouTube, someone was speaking against the show, but most of his speech was based around the fact that a game he downloaded also downloaded a lot of pictures of Rainbow Dash to his computer. I'm not saying that the hate isn't wrong, I'm just saying that most of the current hate spreads from one-odd comments that rely on cultural norms without trying to stimulate actual discussion and research.
  11. For some reason, if I can't think of a good profile picture, I will gravitate to Google Image searching "why."
  12. My thoughts: Also, I love the guy who is distinguishably saying "ohhhhh" above the rest of the audience at Chrysalis' reveal.
  13. Any holiday that revolves around giving and receiving free candy is a great holiday.
  14. To be honest, I'm drawn in to the sheer amount of lore and what can be done with it. I also like the character as developing units and foils for each other. While saying that "Pony" symbolizes perfection for fans of the show is going a bit too far, I think there is always perfection in interpretations and potential.
  15. I have never used Internet Explorer regularly. I started using the internet with FireFox around 2006.
  16. One of my biggest fears is oblivion, so I find hope in the paranormal for a life after "death" (going off @Magic_Spark). Otherwise, I just try to live a good life.
  17. I didn't realize this was what being a fan of Pinkie Pie was all about!
  18. Zombie Apocalypse: Story Tail: Starts off average but gets killed while shipping other survivors. Film Reel: Survives by knowledge from being a writer. SpiBaz: Resourceful but gets killed while judging Story Tail. Flutterstep: In an ironic twist, spends all time in the arcade and misses the apocalypse.
  19. I haven't bought a disappointing game, but the most disappointing game I have played is the Coraline game for the DS. After being one of my favorite books and movies, I only remember being confused by the game (The last time I played it was years ago.).
  20. I go to bed pretty early, at 9:00 on school nights, and 10:00 any other night.
  21. I'm agnostic, too. However, I do respect anyone with any belief, including atheists. (Not to imply that you don't, @Denim&Venom. I just want to give my perspective.)
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