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Everything posted by sirseansy

  1. Reading....Too deep....can't stop....falling....aaaaugh! NO! Friendship is magic. period. end of story. I no longer want to think about the implications of it not being magic. goodbye
  2. ooga booga shipping is evil....auuughgh. Not really. It just kinda ticks me off when people get all whiny about shipping. Anywaywhoozle. Appledash is best ship. I think they're perfect for each other. I also really liked a story I read with Twilight and the Doctor shipped. Also, Octavia and Vinyl. Because duh.
  3. Rainbow: Arrogance Fluttershy: fear Pinkie: spontinaeity Twilight: paranoia (think lesson zero) Rarity: vanity AJ:.....uuuuuummmmm...... I got nothin'. These are all, of course, based on the character's actual imperfections instead of their discorded qualities. *also I didn't make this up...it was on the cheezburger site.....
  4. Diamond Tiara is evil. I was rather saddened by the fact that the creators kinda-sorta confirmed that there might be another episode with Trixie. Just sayin',
  5. Magic would be great, but as you can see from my avatar, I'm a pegasus. Flying, man. it's cool.
  6. I would say that Rainbow would be the only pony to actually use it. Pinkie is too hyper and into partying. She's more of a cocaine gal. AJ probably has more conservative values like hard work and southern lady-like qualities (note the way she always crosses one hoof over the other) and probably thinks that marijuana use would not be conducive to those. Rarity would consider it classless. Twilight would consider it a silly distraction from her studies on magic and friendship. Fluttershy would more tan likely be too timid to even try it. That is all.
  7. Either Twi or AJ Twilight seems like she would be a great intellectual conversationalist. I dig that. Also I really like her personifications...cuz you know....school girl.... AJ is a hard working southern belle type. need I say more? Also Luna. Because Luna.
  8. Yeah, I get that. I'm not entirely sure why I said that. I mean, everyone LOVES discord, and I can understand that. My issue is that her ego is so big that she talks about herself in the third person....
  9. Dash's is the coolest because it's a rock beat (fit's her personality well) Pinkie's is the catchiest. Twilight's is the best orchestrated. The other three are about equal in my book.
  10. I've been noticing that a lot of bronies have an unnatural affinity towards "The Great and Powerful" Trixie. Since Trixie is meant to be a somewhat antagonistic character I was wondering why we seem to like her so much. Since blatant arrogance is my least favorite human trait, Trixie annoys me. I would like to know what qualities make her such a popular character. Thank you much
  11. The sheer amount of awesome in this thread is amazing. I knew the show was awesome but this brings it to a new level.
  12. My squee could not be contained....
  13. my original username was Sirseansalot. My cousin and I came up with it when he created a miniclip account for me. He thought I needed a name that sounded like a medieval knight. So, Sirseansalot it was. However, when I received my Wii console for Christmas in 07, I needed to shorten my username so it would fit within the character limit on the Wii naming thingy you have when you first activate the thing. A few people at school had been calling me "seansy" which is a play on the name Chauncey. I decided that Sirseansy actually sounded cooler than Sirseansalot, and decided that that would be my new username. Now every account I have has that username. PS: and that's how equestria was made!
  14. The Beatles are my all time favorite band. I love them with all my heart and soul, and that's the truth. I love too many of their songs to choose a favorite but I think that the white album would probably be my favorite.
  15. Just the fact that we're on this site means that we break a social norm every day. The social norm states that adult men should not watch cartoons targeted towards little girls. But beyond that, yes. I break social norms all the time. The more comfortable I am in my own skin, the more comfortable I am being weird. Fuck what FOX news says. I can do what I want. I ain't hurting myself or anyone else.
  16. either a quill or a gavel. I'm a writer and a debater. The CMC was wondering what an arguing cutie mark would look like in one of their eps. It's a gavel. Trust me.
  17. There are two web radio plays out now that involve Doctor Whooves and Assistant and Doctor Whooves Adventures. There are a few differences between the two. Doctor Whooves and Assistant: The Doctor's "assistant" is Derpy. He arrives on the day of the Summer Sun celebration in Ponyville and witnesses the arrival of NIghtmare Moon. The two go on super cool adventures while the Doctor gets used to the fact that he's a pony. This is a more whimsical version of the doctor. Someone is making an animated version of the plays on Newgrounds. Doctor Whooves Adventures: The Doctor crashes into Twilight's library and makes Twilight, Pinkie, and Spike his partners. This is the more aloof side of the Doctor. They begin by fighting the pegasus version of the weeping angels. I personally like "assistant" more because it involves the Derps on a large scale. If you've listened to them I'd like to know which ones you think are better. 'splain your answers in the thread.
  18. My metal-head friend recently showed me this band. I really like them. It took me a little research to find out that the religious references in this song are made in irony.
  19. One of the first songs I listened to when I first was getting into extreme metal. Gotta love Lamb of God. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3fZd5qZje0
  20. The sax solo from Moldova's Eurovision 2010 song. If you know what I'm talking about, I love you and you receive 5000 points.
  21. Yeah. This isn't real. It's just a representation of the sheer stupidity of some people. The sad thing is that.....wait....fuck.... If this feed has followers that actually respect it....does that mean it could be real..... EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE!!!!!
  22. Black Metal was perfected in Norway, but it began in Denmark. King Diamond! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tl-N9FJMpY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnnU3-qUOnY&feature=related
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