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Everything posted by sirseansy

  1. I speak some Spanish and hope to become fluent because I absolutely LOVE the language. I also want to learn German, Japanese, Norwegian, and Gaelic.
  2. I'd say my favorite is Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. Flim and Flam are probably my two favorite antagonists and their song... Oh lord. The episode is a reflection of The Music Man and Paul Bunyan. Just an all around excellent episode.
  3. because for some unknown friggin' reason, the brony community thinks that trixie is the best fucking character ever. People don't want the narcissistic bully to be an antagonist, so they make up things like this. It's the same damn thing with people bitching about mare-do-well being bad because she "humiliated" Rainbow. Bronies just tend to sympathize with the arrogant.
  4. I'll just leave this here.... Not a great vid, but after watching this movie for the first time since I was about five, I found this to be a rather good one.
  5. Little Twi is so freakin awesome. I love little rainbow, and she comes in at the closest of seconds, but Twi is just that much more adorable.
  6. AppleDash is best shipping. Also, octavia & vinyl. One of my favorite fanfics is "University Days." I've yet to find any good literature with the former, though.
  7. (s)he didn't make this. (s)he reblogged it, saying how she thought it was stupid. I couldn't get a link to his/her reblogged version of it.
  8. I follow a lot of pony related blogs on the Tumblr's. One of my favorites is BaldDumboRat's (the fanon derpy voice actor) personal blog. While perusing my dash I came across a post (s)he reblogged. It listed 24 characteristics that made bronies either "good" or "bad." http://ask-bhaalspaw...and-a-bad-brony I personally think 87% of it is a load of shit, but it got me wondering: can we really define a good brony or a bad one? I figured I'd ask you guys about it. PS: BDR was very clear in her reblogging that (s)he thought it was a load of shit too.
  9. I'm sure this thread is over, but I decided to throw out my two bits on the matter anyway. I listened to MrCreepyPasta's reading of the fic. I personally think it adds absolutely nothing to the fandom or to creepypasta. It's disgusting. It's creepy. It's gory. It's weird. It was just flat out stupid. I am an avid brony and I love horror fiction. Two of my favorite authors are Stephen King and HP Lovecraft and one of my other favorite fandoms is the Slender Man Mythos. I thoroughly enjoy creepypasta stories. However, this story did not appeal to me in the slightest. It was mixing two things I love in ways I didn't like. The innocence, friendship, and joviality of MLP was not just taken away (which is ok when writing good fanfiction), but ripped out, trodden underfoot, mangled, burned and summarily buried in a deep pit. It was then replaced by the most base and foul of all horror themes: senseless gore and violent insanity. I'm all for dark MLP fanfiction. But not that. When the aforementioned theme is used un-ironically it is unfit for human eyes. Other people may defend it, but my taste and basic principles drive me away from it. It is a vile piece that i wish were not a part of the brony fandom.
  10. I love the Derps!! It may be true that there is very little canon involving her, but that doesn't mean she has no personality. The fandom has made a huge deal out of derpy and she has become one of the most diverse characters despite not having a major role in the show. Also she's freakin' adorable.
  11. No amount of silly advertising will work on me!!!! But in all honesty, IE has a REALLY bad track record and I am not inclined to trust it. ever. When I downloaded Chrome and realized that I didn't need to deal with lag and that i could make my browser look....different....It was, no joke, a profound fucking revelation. I've been an IE antagonist ever since.
  12. There's this great indie band from the town I've grown up in. I know the drummer and lead singer really well. Good kids. This is the only full song they have on youtube. Not their best, but still.
  13. I heard about the fandom not long after it started to gain a lot of popularity. I never had any major interest, only a vague one. I watched the show on netflix with a good friend of mine. we both became instant bronies after only watching the first few episodes.
  14. Meh. I don't really care. I call myself by any fandom title I belong to. Whovian, avatard, star-wars-nerd, etc.
  15. I have yet to own a pony shirt. I may receive one as a gift for my birthday. However, the person that plans to give me it wore a doctor whooves shirt once and I nearly shat myself in joy....
  16. I am far too tired to make a major lengthy explanation. So, I'll sum it up like this: Magic, bro. Magic.
  17. Regular. Because everything else is crap. Plain and simple. And if I can manage to get my hands on some raw milk, that's even better.
  18. Applebloom is more or less my favorite pony over-all, so....well, you can probably guess that she's my favorite CMC
  19. LAAAAAAAAAAG!!!!!!!!! Also the layout is atrocious and I like my LOTR theme on Chrome too much. Internet explorer is good for one thing: downloading a better browser.
  20. Mods make this forum worse than /mlp/!!! Character limit RAGE!!!!
  21. Alright. So I decided to see what everyone thought about the different background ponies. What is your headcanon of Derpy Hooves? Headcanon: an individual's idea of a particular character from any media that is not explicitly stated in the original media. I think Derpy is a perfectly capable member of society. She was born with her wall-eye and mistaken as severely mentally challenged and that the events in the fan-fiction "Bubbles" (look it up) actually took place but she was later found by her dad, scared, hungry, and alone. You can decide what happened to her mother, but her dad raised her until the day he died. Derpy works as a mail carrier and had a very special somepony that left when he found out Derpy was pregnant with Dinky. Carrottop, her room-mate and best friend, helps take care of Dinky. Her issues with her mother inspires her to be the best mother she can be. Derpy is easily confused and clumsy. She may have very light autistic tendencies, but is not retarded. If she focuses really hard she can make her eyes straight. BaldDumboRat's Derpy voice is her actual voice and the canon voice is one she made for the fun of it that day. What thinkest thou of the Derps?
  22. I enjoy Humanized ponies. I imagine they are all the same ethnicity but I think Rainbow and AJ should be tallest with Pinkie and Fluttershy being the shortest.
  23. It's called the "ultimate abridged series." I don't really have an explanation.... I just like them more. I find FiMFlam's a touch on the annoying side and FiW is good but the voice acting sounds like NPR news most of the time. Pony Pokey's is just kinda dumb, but that makes it more fun in my mind.
  24. Pony.....Pokey...... I dunno, I just like their's better than the two more popular ones. That is all.
  25. physically? I guess I'll have to go with snips. He's abnormally small and stubby.... mentally? Trixie/diamond tiara. Jus....ugh.....
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