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Which illness symptom do you hate the most?

Akemi Homura

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I hate sore throats and head aches as well as body aches.


They really suck.


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Everything about being sick sucks, but sore throats are the worst. I can't drink, I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can barely even breathe when I get one. They're awful.

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I hardly get sick at all but it would be allergy..I hate spring.   

Edited by TBD



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My top three in no particular order...

Coughing. Annoying as heck when you're trying to fall asleep.

Vomiting. I've never managed to carry it off with any elegance at all and that feeling that it's about to happen is the worst.

Runny nose. How much snot can a body hold? It gets annoying having to blow my nose every few seconds. Especially when trying to get to sleep.

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Nausea is total garbagio. Completely destroys the appetite and stresses me out, as it gives me the anxiety of possibly vomiting, which always feels horrible. I tend to drink a lot of water if I feel nauseous. That can sometimes help a lot. 



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With my sinus infections I suffered from years ago, I have to say that my nose getting stopped up is the absolute worst. Thankfully I got them under control, but back when I had those sinus infections my nose would get so horribly stopped up that I'd literally (yes, I do actually mean literally lol) feel like I was suffocating, causing my brain to freak out. Especially when I'd try to sleep. That is misery.

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Uh, well if I had to rate my Top 5 Worst Illness Symptoms, the list would go something like this.

  1. Migraines. There's just something about being in constant, agonizing pain that's... how do you say, horrifying? I HATE migraines. Luckily I've only ever had two, but those were the worst weekends of my life. (Well, physically worst, anyway)
  2. Sore Throats. I know, kinda high on the list, but I mean sore as in... like, you lurch every time you swallow. And you have to swallow (unless you're the kind who spits your saliva out into the sink or something), so you just have to endure pain in your throat at regular intervals. Makes it impossible to sleep, but they're cured pretty easily. Gurgle some warm salt water, that'll get rid of it. :3
  3. Blocked Nose. Like, I need that to breathe, and I hate breathing through my mouth all the time, because it spreads whatever disease I've got much faster. Also makes it impossible to sleep, and there's not really a fast cure for it either. Plus, just having a blocked nose isn't enough to warrant going to sick call... have you ever tried running 4 miles with a stuffed nose? Not. Fun.
  4. Fever/Nausea. I put these two together because I never just get one without the other. They're not terribly bad, because you can go to sick call, but it sucks having to still go to work when you're 101+ degrees and woozy all the time. Ibuprofen gets rid of this though, so it's not horrible.
  5. Vomiting. I'm honestly not too bad around vomiting. Like, if you get stomach acid into your throat then it hurts, but if you've eaten recently (especially something soft like bananas), you'll be fine. Plus (maybe this is just me), but I feel great after vomiting. It just clears your stomach of whatever's bugging you, and you'll feel better in no time. Just make sure to drink water, you can dehydrate yourself really easily with vomiting.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...

I’ll add nausea to this list but I still hate sore throats.


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Migraines, they're the body's way of saying "no fun allowed." One moment you start puking at any slight movement, other moments you puke when you stop moving. Then there's the actual headache :eww:

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When it comes to common symptoms, I'd say cough and migraines. Migraines are practically impossible to get rid of until they decide to finally leave you alone and the cough, after a while, starts being incredibly painful to your throat and lungs.

I see a lot of people mentioning nausea as well. Agreed, it is the exact opposite of a nice thing.

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