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What accomplishment are you proud of?


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  • 4 years later...

A lot of my memories that should have been proud accomplishments were marred by the fact that I'm a perfectionist, and even though I did well during them, knowing I could have done better just kind of ruins them.

It's kind of dumb, but the only thing I can really consider an accomplishment is when I got the Motherland tank during an event on the Xbox version of World of Tanks a few years ago. I don't remember what exactly it was, but I got something like 100,000 xp in my kv2 in a week.

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Even being a person with low self-esteem, I'll admit that I accomplished quite a bit. Reflecting on my old post in this thread, I'm happily able to say that the project I mentioned is pretty much the same one that I've gotten pretry far on, but it took a few years and several redesigns, so I don't feel awfully proud of that. As for real accomplishments:

  • Although I assume I got last place, I made it to a state-level academic meet in "Number Sense" (Name of the event, the test is based around mental math).
  • I almost made it to the ATSSB (Association of Texas Small School Bands) All-State Band.
  • I beat a pro Paladins player twice. We were both playing Barik both times and I kept beating him on the point. Although he was just a streamer known for his Ying at the time, he became a pro DPS player.
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Being able to travel by myself. Due to being a special needs student (specifically autism), I had to ride the school bus to and from school. Learning how to travel by myself gives a sense of independence and preparation for what lies ahead growing up. 

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  • 2 months later...

All the work I've put into my truck so far to get it up and running, which has paid off. It's turning me into more and more of a mechanic. :dash:

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Returning to college after having given up and pushing forward and getting my Bachelor's degree. It was all very amazing, because I had really given up years back. I never saw this actually happening.

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Getting my class to actually laugh at my jokes. Honestly, it hard for me to make my classmates get a laugh out from me because I never was a funny person; I was always a boring person. Not to mention the fact that nobody ever listened to me when I was younger (I even remembered when one of my classmates said that nobody ever listens to me right in front of my face).

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There are a few little things I'm proud of; writing a series of romantic comedies, putting an end to my swearing habit, getting my present job, losing a lot of weight (back in the day), and (still) helping my brother renovate his theater, to name a few. 

Edited by Dreambiscuit
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  • 8 months later...

Hand-sewing a pair of glove convertible mittens.  They aren't the best but I did it and it was a learning process definitely.  I'm proud of myself, they've held up pretty nicely so far.

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I was and still am proud of myself for graduating high school. There was a period of time when my mother and I were contemplating me dropping out due to severe bullying. I didn’t want that person to get to me... Instead of dropping, I went to a school refusal program for a few months and then returned to school and graduated three years later.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Almost winning a PC demo competition at a big LAN party, getting in second place. And having to pick up the price in front of hundreds of computer nerds! :wacko:

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- getting rid of toxic people :> that’s a hard thing for me as I’d usually want to befriend everyone but when they constantly belittle others and ignore when you need them it’s time for them to go.

- learning to say no

- improving art wise

- improving mental health wise

- getting a contract again at job

- my friends like @Blivy, @Tacodidra, @RaraLover, @Pastel Heart, @Totally Nyx, @DivineBlur1000, @Stone Cold Steve Tuna, @Princess of Hearts ❤️❤️ and many more because they all do their best to make this place a happy one!

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1 hour ago, Deerie said:

- getting rid of toxic people :> that’s a hard thing for me as I’d usually want to befriend everyone but when they constantly belittle others and ignore when you need them it’s time for them to go.

- learning to say no

- improving art wise

- improving mental health wise

- getting a contract again at job

- my friends like @Blivy, @Tacodidra, @RaraLover, @Pastel Heart, @Totally Nyx, @DivineBlur1000, @Stone Cold Steve Tuna, @Princess of Hearts ❤️❤️ and many more because they all do their best to make this place a happy one!

Honey, you are the best and I'm honored to be your friend! 

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played a few shows in Chicago with my band, 

finally said goodbye to being emo and emo phase this week its been long enough i should've out grown it 7 years ago ( by that i mean the mentality and the dressing like im still in high school when i haven't been for close to 7 years

and over the summer i did a road trip across the USA without much money slept in the car but did it for the adventure and believe me, it was a great adventure.

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