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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

   Zipping through a few blocks of town, mostly unimpeded save for clipping a few corners perhaps a bit too tightly and a few passing birds out of the air, the Voice In A Box finally disappears into an alleyway behind & between two cottages. The small, short, dead-end of a alley that is typically used for not much more than storage for a few garbage cans would be in its usual shade were it not for the small, swirling, white vortex of a portal lighting up the small area like a fluorescent, artificial lightbulb. Just a little bit smaller than your average and about as wide as the typical hula hoop and bobbing unsteadily off the ground there is no telling how much longer the portal will hold now that the little box is through it. Anomaly would likely need to take a running leap through it... or totter.

  What Anomaly might find once inside...

                       Is very much akin to a padded cell.

           A single, plain, white room without barely any identifying qualities about it much at all. Of what little does stick out would be V.I.A.B. now fully retracted into a corner high up in the top back right of where Anomaly would enter, eye closed and seemingly uninterested in any newcomers but wiling to launch into any explanation to questions poised. The only furnishing in the room is a calcified, pale grey, tree trunk seamlessly erupting from the center of the room, worn smooth as if having had countless aeons being worriedly coiled around by something large. 

  What the blank slate of a room lacks in remarkable furnishings would be made up be the quality of the room itself. Every now and again the smooth, almost glassy walls will give way to show what looks like a seam or corner to an drawer or door with vague, shifting dimensions to it. Rarely, every now and again a very thin grey line like a pencil stroke will scurry, whisp-like across the walls. And, finally, if one were to stand very still and listen past any other sound they would be making like breathing, you could hear very, very faint whispers.                                             Help Me, please.                                  Can't... Focus...

                  My Brain Hurts.                                Why does everyone always leave me?...               


To Blitz Boom again!

    Ambie sighs plaintively. "I dunno, Happy... I keep stumbling into things. Most anypony just ignored me when I was a colt. I don't want to turn into anything new.

  I can't even imagine just... like, bursting into magic & sprouting wings or something. Though a horn might be cool..."  Ambie hoofs another pebble dejectedly. Tired and in a rut of self-pity, the now pink & black swirled stallion pouts and continues on, mostly to himself.

  "First I flailed around and annoyed that fox outside the forest this morning and now all this blew up around me. Don't want to go back to the farm without having done the job I was supposed to do, but it's already far too late now.   ...Don't think I even got to finish my last two plates and now I'm hungry again..."



  To Ballroom Blitz again:

    Barely aware of Spicy hitching herself up again or of the wagon under him moving, Kaltrop now sits hunkered down along the top left side of the wagon, his long neck propped up on the front eave of it.

    "Well, Uhh... might... have made that part up... about the wanted posters... I haven't seen pony towns since... probably my hatchling days. Wouldn't know if word got back enough about me or if anypony bothered enough to tell anyone. It's pretty quiet this far out. You've been the first one out here in months... kind of fumbled the last one before you... and really...      

    Well, I don't know. That one stallion didn't look like he was going to make it that far out of the woods bleeding out like that, but what do I care if a pony dies. His stupid fault anyhow.    ...no scale off my hide..."


And, back at the Campsites! With Boomie!

       Hee! Spare parts is spare parts, Honeycube! Not like the Dead ar-

   At the moment Vivid Loss mentioned the word "Demonic" Widdershins's interrupting giddy prattle ceases as all his expression drains from his face. Metaphorically this time. For once, he does as Vivid tells him and watches silently as she talks to Briar, uprighting himself in the meanwhile to his usual half-coiled "sitting" position, perhaps standing a bit shorter than he usually is.

     When the mostly magic mare walks back to him, the draconequus patiently waits till after her question and Briar is fully inside his tent for the night.

   Don't talk to me about defiling, you uncreative demonspawn.

   Widdershins, that's kind of hars-No. This is my moment. You don't get to talk now.

  You would think that you, of all OCs would know. Nothing good comes of demons. They don't give, they don't "make deals." They exist, in every world, every continuity & dimension as pure corruption. Nothing that involves demons will ever result in anything more than pure, blind torture & hatred.

   You know what will happen, don't you, Vivid? What always happens in these stories. Those eyes you gave him will only eat away at him. Part of a demon is no different than the whole of the demon. No, I don't care what details or preparation you went through. That's what demons do. They take, destroy & ask for more. They are never satiated.

   Your "gift", Your ploy for a backer will only grant him the worst that any being could do to another. You'll turn him into a demon, a corrupted husk of what he once was, just like you. You'll grant him a fate worse than death... that of not dying. I hope your happy. You've destroyed another life in pursuit of the betterment of yours.

  No, don't bother disputing this point. I know demons. I've dealt with them longer than you have. Which is likely saying something. His life is now forfeit because of you, in a gesture that you know will only bode ill. You hurt others. You don't play nice. And I don't like playing with Bullies.

   Humph.  Widdershins leans back, now glaring a Vivid Loss. ...The only reason I haven't poofed off in a huff right now to go join the ditched plot thread with Last Stand is because I at least owe this thread the proper respect to give you a rebuttal.

    You've made me angry. Be proud of yourself, that doesn't happen often. My author doesn't like that kind of mood.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

"Alrighty, let's go to Merlin's, I hear they have a 2 for 1 going on right now!" Dosey said, and trotted off in that direction, singing to herself. "La la-la la-la!"

She stopped to pick flowers or chase butterflies every now and then.

Edited by dosey doe
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Alonsus grinned as he saw the little dragon assistant open the door.

"Spike, it have been far too long."

It wasn't like the two of them had really spoken much, but the stallion did have a connection of sorts with the dragon, as he had met him after catching him outside of Rarity's shop, reciting some sort of love declaration he seemed intent on sharing with her. Alonsus knew at the time that Spike were an assistant to the princess, so he didn't try and capture him, but he would lie if he said he hadn't gone over, poked him on the shoulder and asked if he needed somepony to sing a love song in the background, just to help set the mood.

It was.... Not the classiest thing he had ever done, and things had been a bit rocky there, but he had apologized profoundly for that some times after that, and the two weren't on an openly bad hoof currently, so he considered it water under the bridge. They hadn't really spoken for over a year though, and even then it were strained, so he did not blame the dragon for not instantly recognizing him. Some might take offense, but Alonsus liked to think of this as a fresh start, and he knew well how valuable those could be sometimes.

"So Princes Sparkle is not in currently? I must admit, I'm surprised. I had thought that after the meeting last night she would still be here. If for nothing else, then to overlook town and watch in case something happens again today. It was a rather hectic day yesterday after all, to put it incredibly mildly."

The castle had been out of the bubble of air that had been around the town when the monster came in, so there had not been much the princess could do there other than tend to her fleeting townsfolk, and with the large dragon last night, she were likely still buried in democracy, so it might be she never even noticed. Poor thing must be so overworked after her ascension.

He would follow in with these things in mind, though waiting until Will had gone first, then await where they would be heading next. Truth be told, he wasn't sure where the library were in here, just that it were present.



@Windchime @Holiday Agnaktor

"My name's Benny. I'm the chief blacksmith for the Royal Guards in Canterlot. I know, sounds weird, but you'd be amazed how valuable it is to have somepony in a forge that isn't affected by scorching temperatures. Speeds up the process a lot."

It also drove away a good deal of ponies who couldn't stand the heat, leaving basically just him, and the two crazy ones in the main forge, but they still picked up the pace and did better than the previous setup. Quite honestly, he were rather proud of that, though the way he gave a big awkward grin and scratched the back of his head said that he didn't like feeling so big in it. He were just a blacksmith with guard training all in all, not a captain or something, and talking himself up did get a little weird for him at times.

"Anyway, I think I should cover the diplomacy angle first. Not too long ago, the main hive of the changelings, led by Queen Chrysalis, got overtaken by a changeling called King Thorax. I don't claim to understand what happened next, but both the new king and the changelings he took over, changed their looks. They got more colorful, they're not holed anymore, and they don't feast off love like the regular kind.  The king is pretty easy to see too. He got antlers, and his drones are essentially colorful beetle ponies.

Anyway, after taking over, he have started to make diplomatic ties with Equestria on behalf of both his hive, and the smaller ones that's just trying to live in peace. Equestria have made a few laws to ease things recently, such as changelings being free to wander Equestria, as long as they don't impersonate anypony, but hidden like this and taking over appearances are still outlawed, and cause for imprisonment.

One of the reasons why I think that yes, this might be a rogue hive. The main hive knows where most are, and they wouldn't jeopardize a potential treaty, but a new up and comer still bound to the old ways? Fits the bill. Plus you know, impersonating without first capturing the original? Not the move of a seasoned queen.

Now, I have a few questions to you ma'am, if I might? These cases you spoke about. Have there been a lot of them, and how recent is the wave of crime? It's not all the branches of the royal guards who likes to work with me since I'm a dragon, so anything you can tell would be greatly appreciated."




"Awh man, this place is boring!"

Anomaly had a lot of hopes as she followed the V.I.A.B. through the portal, headfirst into what she assumed would be adventure. Considering how weird it looked at how it had spoken about other draconequui before, she had expected a room in beautiful, blooming chaos and mayhem. Nothing stable, nothing sane, and everything so perfectly crazy that it'd make a Lovecraftian horror retract from the place.

But instead she had just found a boring, plain, pale room that looked more like a doctor's office from the future than anything remotely connected to chaos.

She had been close to uttering more words about how this place were such a huge disappointment when a couple of oddities started to get into perspective. The line were one of them, and she'd likely ask about that at some point, but that wasn't as important as the whispers. She couldn't hear what they said right now, but it did give off a slightly creepy vibe, if nothing else.

"Eh, I guess that's a start. Hey eye-creature. What's with the sterile borehole? You don't even have a TV in here."




Happy tried to ignore the last comment, as he had planned something for himself, but... *sigh* He had to keep up appearances of being a nice one, and this might help him get answers, so he begrudgingly used his hidden horn to reach under a plank in the front of the wagon, revealing what seemed to be the rest of the platter of love muffins he had been fed by the strange pink one.

"Here, try a few of these. They're packed full of love, so don't be surprised if they fill you up quickly. Provided you even eat love? This is a pretty weird situation and I'm not entirely sure what to think to be honest. I know you have at least some changeling blood in you, but how much, why you're experiencing it like you do, things like that... I think the only pony who'd be able to answer that is your father. You should try and contact him, and not just about this. Family should be cherished while you have it."

He levitated a couple of muffins over to Ambie as he thought about his own family. Not the adopted, changeling one that he had found in the hive, but the one he had back when he was just a human.

It occupied his mind for a little, but he forced it away again. Even if he could somehow get back, it was too late. They were either dead, or the ones that were still alive would lynch him for being a monster. There was no way back for him.




Most ponies would likely have looked horrified at Kaltrops at what he were saying, but Spicy just rolled her shoulders.

"Eh, long as there isn't a trace back to you, it should be fine. And really, what made you think you had to beef up your rep? Got some issues with your confidence there pal?"

A grin passed over her face, but she didn't poke him more about it just yet. She had more in mind to say, but it was entertaining to bash things back at him, and this seemed like good point for him to make some sort of comment. Likely about how he were plenty man enough and just wanted to scare her. And that was something she could bash around for a bit for her own entertainment.

Heh, with how she were thinking about things right now, she'd be surprised if Kaltrops stayed all the way to Ponyville. But hey, kudos to him if his hide were tough enough to not let her scare him off.




"How dare you!?"

Vivid more or less roared this into Widdershins face as void energy erupted around her, slamming him backwards with a shockwave of energy unless he had something up his sleeve for this, and causing a crater in the ground beneath Vivid's hooves from the blast.

She would stand over the crater, floating in the air with void magic burning on her horn, in her eyes, and around her like a thin layer of purple electricity.

"I have cleansed these eyes for anything even remotely corrupting, and even if I hadn't, he isn't flesh and bone. The corruption couldn't take hold in him passively with what he is, and he will not suffer under my gift. Not now, not ever!

And yet you dare to judge me? Think I do not know what I'm dealing with? I have had these powers for millennia, and you think to lecture me about what these powers can do?!"

A bolt of void struck the crater beneath her, causing the ground to shake slightly.

"You want me to lecture you about true evil, you hypocrite? Your kind takes over continents and make everypony there into their sick little toys. You manipulate and destroy, drive everypony crazy and take away everything they are, just for your own amusement. You're no better than the demons who stole my life from me. None of you are!"

The air seemed to crackle around her and blood trickled from her left nostril. The overexertion of power she used right now in her weakened state were not healthy on her body, but in her rage she didn't think about it. She just thought about what she saw as a horrible monster of a being that had told her that she were evil, and were ruining a life.

"I'm better than that! I keep my deals. I don't cheat. I serve the royals and the dead loyally and with a smile, even if I feel like I'm dying sometimes, and then you come along and say that I'm just like my old masters? That I will cheat and deceive? Corrupt and destroy? I'm better than them! I... I h-have to be... "

Tears of blood had started to roll down her cheeks near the end, before the rage finally gave way for sadness and she went down, powered down from her magic and sobbing as silently as she could right now, which wasn't going terribly well.

Vivid always had that fear in her mind. That she would turn to one of her old masters not only in body a little by little, but also end up working like them. Cheating beings into contracting out their souls, making slaves of their subjects and roll gleefully in the pain of others. The fear of having this temptation always within reach terrified her, but she refused to let it show. To let others know of her weakness would just let her get exposed and hurt even more, which could drive her towards this sea of depravity that she balanced on the edge of.

There wasn't much left of the pony she had once been as it were. Her body were corrupted, her morals and mind tainted, and her powers - that had once only been telekinesis and the vague soul magic she had gained over the decades of helping the lost onward - were dipped in the powers of demons. What little were left of her she clung to and tried to keep in front, though it was hard when she constantly had to be faced with the reality that this might not be her home anymore, and that everypony who knew of what she could do would just see her as an evil monster. It made her resentful and angry, and she buried her tears under that, to keep herself from showing weakness.

But nothing could remain hidden. Emotions would sometimes rise high, and with anger out, eventually sadness would follow and the rest - grief, fear, worry and desperation - tended to flood out after that.

Vivid might show herself as being cool and levelheaded, but you didn't need to scrape that many layers off to find that she were an emotional wreck that barely kept herself together sometimes, and that were the pony Widdershins were faced with now. Not a raging demon or a manipulative horror. Just a corrupted mare who clung to her last shreds of poninity, sobbing like a foal.



@dosey doe

"Oh yeah. All aboard the adventure train, woo woo."

Sorrow made a motion like she were pulling in a train's flue line, before following Dosey and making small *Chugga chugga* noises.

This would entertaining Sorrow enough until around the second time that Dosey stopped up to chase butterflies or smell the flowers, at which point she pouted slightly and spread her wings so she could look at things from above the dancing mare, and see how the town were looking along with legion, whose eyes were still glowing and darting between directions, seemingly wanting to see it all.

"Did Ponyville ever consider installing a chocolate fountain? The view of that would be amazing. And tasty, so doubly amazing really."



"No, I-I actually think you're early. The k-kitchens are in overdrive today. Something about t-the unknown workers being p-promised a feast."

"Bunch of annoyances the lot of them. We don't need them, but apparently, the forepony does. Told us to take the day off as there were plenty enough workers already."

"A-Aapparently, most ponies in t-town have been told that. She said it w-was better this way, since t-they work more closely."

"I hope a tree falls down on them..."

Null grumbled under her breath, annoyed at just about everything involving these workers, but she did tend to have a hard time to let go of a grudge, so that wasn't a surprise.




Ancalagon likely would find the smell of Dryad more prevalent as the night went on, as Lyriel had sneaked into town when night had fallen and the town seemed quiet enough, though for everypony she'd just look like a tree near one of the houses.

She knew that it were not optimal, and that Nerzhei would not be too pleased, but with everything that had gone on, her curiosity couldn't keep her away any longer.

She wouldn't turn back into her humanoid shape at all during the night, nor when the first rays of light burat on the sky and Last slowly got to herself again on the bench she had been placed on.

"Stupid dragon... He's going to regret this..."

Last were still a little groggy as she rose up, but not so much that she didn't know who to blame for her current state. The dragon had been the only other creature there, and she didn't just fall asleep like that, so the blame seemed easy to place. Hopefully her hoof would be easy to place in his face too, after making her skip on work like this.




Whilst it was commendable that he seemed to not want to disturb the others, his whisper didn't go unnoticed. These were bat ponies after all, and their hearing were quite a bit better than the regular pony ears could hope for.

Still, seemed like a harmless thing he said and it wasn't meant for them, so they dutifully ignored it. Never anything good that came from snooping into minor things that were none of their business.

Belladonna did have the privilege of having this being her business though, and something which she likely should answer, but she had to order something first, so it would have to wait for a little.

It wouldn't take long until she were over at the table, carrying a tray with her horn that had a couple of cups of coffee and a small selection of snacks.

"Decaff. We need to be able to sleep."

The pony in charge right now had given her a funny look as she asked for this, as he were used to her wanting to be awake, but she didn't seem like she cared to talk about it right now so he hadn't dug into it.

"Your chances are likely higher in your dreams to get your goals done, though I doubt you will find luck straight away. Likely this will take a few days.

I can supplement you with accommodations until further notice, though I require you to follow a simple set of house rules. Certain things are considered unacceptable where I live."




"Infiltration is simpler when you can change forms. Thestral's aren't that lucky."

Rosa had to go through a lot of things to be able to work in infiltration, so he felt somewhat jealous at changelings now and again. They had their own things to deal with, certainly, but this aspect made the job easier. Same with magic, which were also something somepony like him didn't have.

Yet, he didn't envy them overall, considering what else they had to deal with. The prejudices that bat ponies and thestrals have to hear were far less toxic than what the bug ponies suffered under, and the constant need for love - as well as the hive structure - made it sound more like a curse than anything else to be like one of them.

Funny how he now worked for and lived among them, considering these were his thoughts on them for a long time.

Seeing Cacora take wings, he actually raised an eyebrow slightly at her strange transformation this time, though yet again, he didn't ask. King Thorax had questions that superseded any that he might have, and they had to get there before more of Chrysalis' drones meddled.

"I don't pry unless I'm ordered to, or find it important to be aware of. Now follow, we have a few minutes of flight to go through before we need to land again. There is an access tunnel that will take us closer to the kingdom."

With that, Rosa took flight and would wait on Cacora before leading her north. He would fly just above the treeline, in case he needed to use the trees for cover under a second attack.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

Ziggy almost opened her big dumb muzzle to ask what had happened to Serenade's mother, since it came by as her having gone through a rough patch, to put it mildly, but she stopped herself before she could utter a word because who the hay would do that?

Serenade were her friend, and digging into something that seemed to jump between awkward and painful would be a horrible thing to do. Not cool.

"...Well, it's good to have something to bond over, that's for sure. Family should be able to get together and have some fun, plus it makes for a great tradition to pass down to your own tiny ones when the time comes."



@Foxy Socks

"Correct. The Evergrown are a curious breed, though my sub-type are not a common sight, if you will excuse the pun.

Sometimes when one of us grows from the great tree, a rare mutation happens that warps the child sprung from it. It can vary from climate to climate, but in the jungle I were from, the symptoms are no eyes, sharp teeth, and a need for meat.

Back there, they refer to my kind as Snaproots, and suffice it to say we are not looked upon with much love, though I will spare you the details of how we are treated. A beautiful day should not be ruined by such a tale this early.

But I believe I ramble again. As I said, I were indeed born without eyes, so this is quite the curious experience, to put it mildly.

And if I may add, I am not the weirdest looking of my kind. Vinemasters - mutated or not - resemble ponies the most. I can still somewhat blend in with this cloak. Now, if I had been a Lotus on the other hoof, it would have been impossible."

At the end of his somewhat long-winded tale, a rustling were heard over at the tent and Brittle cautiously poked her head out of the room and looked at Foxy, then as her eyes fell on Anomaly, gasped and went back in again.

"As you can see Foxy, Brittle is better, but she is still rather timid, and your companions... Unusual look is making her concerned."

"I can fix that"

Anomaly snapped her tail, and a paper mask looking like a foal's drawing of a pony, placed itself on her face, whilst the elastic band went around in classic fashion.

"There. I'm totally a regular pony now."

Briar looked like he was caught in error mode as he stared at Anomaly's bizarre attempt at seeming less strange, not noticing how Brittle quickly skulked out of the tent and covered herself behind him.

"Hello, fellow pony. I eat muffins and grass, just like you."

And now it was Brittle's turn to look like she were having an internal 404. This was not going too well all things considered.




"Thank you, but speaking of the future... I will not lie Ghilan. I worry about what kind of leader you may be for your kind, and how close you might wander to Salosan's example. It is troubling, and fills me with concern for both you and the others of your kind."

Mother placed a claw gently on the elder's forehead and smirked slightly.

"So do me a favor, and rise above his example. Show them how a real leader should be."

She would take the claw off his head and use it to open a gate back to his village. She had been able to gather somewhat of a location through the times she had seen Lin and Omen open gates in the areas after speaking with her, so it should open roughly at the edge of town.

"My children. If you need to go there as well now, then do so with my blessings. We can discuss Omen later, though she will still not be able to walk for a time.

I don't know exactly how long, but considering how much energy she have accumulated over the years, I would be hesitant to think anything less than three days. It is hard to say though in her situation, and outside factors may weigh in, but I thought it best that you knew."

Mother stepped back a little, and fell back into a chair with a smal thump, where she could keep a good look on everything, but still rest her limbs a little. Not the hand holding Karganoth in the palm mind you, but other than that, most of her could at least calm down.

"Three days. Tried worse. Can I be put in a river for that long?"

Omen didn't really need to breathe, so that could be a pretty relaxing place for her whilst she got back on her hooves. Though how was she going to stay down when she couldn't move? Potential problem.

"And could you tie a rock to me so I don't float off?"




Pop didn't respond to Dawn's words with more than a grumble, and just went straight for her cup, where she'd down it in one go.

She stood basically immobile for about a minute after that, until she suddenly perked up substantially and swirled to meet her friend with a smile.

"Goodmorning Dawn. Sorry for being a little of a downer, but I just can't get going without morning coffee. Here, let me pour you a cup while I get the food out of the oven."

A cup and a tip of the can later, Dawn would have some coffee with cream and sugar next to it if she needed it, and Pop would hummingly go over to the oven and pull out the bread and muffins.

"I'm sorry if the pictures of Benny and me weirded you out Dawn. I had planned to turn them around after I woke up a little, but it seems like fate didn't want it to be. I can fix it after we eat if it bothers you?"

Coming over to the table, there'd be a tray of warm muffins, sliced bread, butter, jelly, and some honey. Should be a good spread for breakfast.




"Excellent. If I remember correctly, we should be able to find a stop close by, long as we take a shortcut through the forest. Watch out for Poison Joke please."

Smokey took the note from his face and crumbled it before tossing it on the ground. Seemed like just regular paper, so the forest should reclaim it within a few days.  He didn't notice the one behind him though, so that one stayed put for the time being as he started to wander through the forest, off the path and keeping in one direction.

Was it the safest way? Heavens no, not at all, but it were the fastest by far, and whatever beasts the forest threw at them, he were sure that they could beat them, or at least make a heroic escape.

"If we keep up with this pace and the train shows up shortly, we should be able to hit a town within the hour.  Though it won't be the closest. Dodge Junction is a little too backwater for my taste, and I tend to only return there when I'm visiting family. Better to add the fifteen minutes more to get to a town of some substance."

Edited by Blitz Boom
Added colors.
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom@Widdershins@WiiGuy2014

"Come out Dryad I can smell the stink of the undead upon you," Ancalagon said as smoke rose from his nostril. His eyes seemed to glow as he scanned over the town. He was larger than the town right now but he could see the smallest to details. He saw Last awakening as the rays of dawn started to poke through the horizon. He chuckled slightly to himself which was a rumbling sound like that of a volcano roaring. "She makes an amusing jester," he mused to himself slightly.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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10 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:

Pop didn't respond to Dawn's words with more than a grumble, and just went straight for her cup, where she'd down it in one go.

She stood basically immobole for about a kinute after that, until she suddenly perked uo substantially and swirled to meet her friend with a smile.

"Goodmorning Dawn. Sorry for being a little of a downer, but I just can't get going without morning coffee. Here, let me pour you a cup while I get the food out of the oven."

A cup and a tip of the can later, Dawn would have some coffee with cream and sugar next to it if she needed it, and Pop would hummingly go over to the oven and pull out the bread and muffins.

"I'm sorry if the pictures of Benny and me weirded you out Dawn. I had planned to turn them around after I woke up a little, but it seems like fate didn't want it to be. I can fix it after we eat if it bothers you?"

Coming over to the table, there'd be a tray of warm muffibs, sliced bread, butter, jelly, and some honey. Should be a good spread for breakfast.

@Blitz Boom

Dawn slowly sipped her coffee as she thought about Circle Pop's question. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if ... no, this was Pop's place. She wanted to respect. But then there was the fact that she had a massive dragon in a few pictures. She could just agree and silently nod but then that would make her seem more distant than she already was. It was instinct to just say 'yes, please turn them,' but she didn't want Pop to just simply turn pictures because she hated dragons!

"After we eat, why don't we walk around outside?" Dawn suggested. There. A better plan than asking Pop to compromise the integrity of her house. She'll just avoid looking at the pictures on her way out. Simple really.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom @dragon4111

As the ponies were about to enter the castle, a large shadow loomed over Ponyville. Will Guide looked in great awe to see it was casted by a giant dragon! 

On the inside, Will was overjoyed to see an amazing sight! So much so, that on the outside, all he could do and say was stare and go, "Uhhh....."

Spike smelled the giant dragon and had to drag an unresponsive Will Guide inside the Castle and in the direction of the library. "That's Ancalagon, a dragon lord of old," The little dragon said to the stunned Unicorn. "You're new here, so I'll have to tell you about him maybe later, but for now, let's get to the library!"


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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@Blitz Boom

"To be honest with you, Mother, I never wanted to be a village elder. I didn't think I'd find myself filling the role of one. The disgust I felt when Sen and his father were unfairly tried convinced me to do something about it. Rest assured, I'll take your words to heart and I'll be a better elder than Solasan."

Elder Ghilan felt Mother's claw on his head and reminded him of his own mother doing the same, encouraging him to do his best and to change the village's direction. He wasn't sure how he would do it but he will get it done. After hearing Mother's words, he nodded in affirmation and was convinced to give it his best. As for the siblings, they looked at Omen and worried for her. Their smiles faded as they wondered if they were partly responsible for her state. 

"Omen needs time to recuperate," Ghilan placed one claw over Lin's shoulder while addressing both siblings. "And I need you both to come with me. With Solasan's threat in the past, I think now is the best time to give your mother and father some closure."

Those last words resonated with Sen and while he wanted to remain in Mother's realm to keep Omen company, he also wanted to go back to the village. He had a promise to keep and a few loose ends to tie up. Sen turned to Lin, who was hesitant to leave but knew she had to give her sister room to herself. It would only take a while and eventually, she relented and went with her brother and the elder to the gate. 

"We'll be back soon," Sen exclaimed. "and we'll bring you and Omen something nice."

All three walked through the gate to the other side, unsure of how the village was changed over the course of their encounter with Solasan. His influence still haunts them, as it does the villagers. Back at Mother's realm, however, the three forgot about the focal orb now lying on the ground. The energy of the orb slowly flared up again once Sen, Lin, and Ghilan were gone. It hovered over to Mother and spoke in a softer tone though still sporting the sound of many speaking as one. 

"May we be of assistance?" 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom @Windchime

Light Rain's attention was grabbed by a voice coming from behind her. She turned around only to be met with a dragon. On the outside she nervously smiled, but on the inside she was screaming. A dragon here was baaaaad news. Even more bad than it already was. Dragons could probably smell through her disguise, or something, and they definitely had enough speed to chase her down once they saw through her disguise. She wasn't sure about the smelling part, but she wouldn't be surprised if they were capable of it. This was some A-tier mess she found herself in.

The dragon also wore armour with the signs of the Royal Guard on it, which meant that the A-tier mess just got bumped up to S-tier. Scratch that, SS+-tier. At least he was mostly looking at the reporter called Striking Detail, so he was probably not aware of her disguise yet.

He also mentioned something of changelings being allowed, as long as they didn't impersonate...? This needed more research.

Light Rain flicked out her tongue a little, letting her taste the emotions of the dragon. She was not taking any risks with this one. But instead of tasting suspicion, or any scary emotions, she tasted...love? And a bunch of it too. This was...exceptional? But at least it was a bit of good news for a change. People in love didn't do as much angry things, so that was a plus, and this also meant that he could double as a healthy snack, but Rain quickly put those thoughts out of her mind. No eating people's love directly, that was a no no.

The dragon also introduced himself as Benny, the chief blacksmith for the Guards, which brought Light Rain's heart from a whine back to a purr. At least she wouldn't be directly thrown in jail in the next few minutes. He did mention that "taking over appearances are still outlawed, and cause for imprisonment." which meant that Light Rain was pretty much boned if they found her out. She was in a proper mess now. No longer SS+-tier, but still a solid S.

And Benny also talked about the new changelings that were there. Apparently they were sparkly now...? And Queen Chrysalis was overthrown?! This King Thorax he mentioned sounded like the absolute most scary threat out there. If she was caught by his army, she would be finished. She would still look like a supporter of Chrysalis, even though she wasn't, or she would look like a member from a different hive, which she was now, technically. She didn't have a hive.

In one conversation, Light Rain's life went from scary to absolutely terrifying. And then it got even worse when Benny actually asked her questions.

"Uh, well," Light Rain stammered, "uh... well I don't know... I mean, I-I'm new here, I don't know a n y t h i n g about these new c-crimes you talk about. N-nope, I don't k-know... ANYTHING. ...Just making sure you know."

The stress was really getting to her. She was effectively being grilled by two different parties, and being scared to death by the thought of a third, incredibly mighty party. Today was not a good day, and it was starting to become visible.

  • Brohoof 1


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@Blitz Boom

Pinkie and Storm had a small laugh about the conversation as they managed to pull themselves out of the hole with an odd popping sound. "Well that was interesting!" Storm exclaimed happily, "But how about we get to tracking down some sugar moles now?"

"Yeah, yeah!" Pinkie chirped, licking her lips in a manner reminiscent of a certain mystery solving canine, "Sugar moles!"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom


"Oh great, you're 'clairvoyant' and you have a God complex," Gaea said, exaggerating the word, "clairvoyant," to show she still didn't believe him.   "You're not going to find them.  We'll have to wait until tomorrow night.  They strike caravans under the shroud of darkness to avoid confrontation.  If you ask me, their just cowards.  I've been trying to get something back that they stole, but they keep getting away."  Skye and Brooke were both wearing their pendants now, so the tracking spell would be useless.  


@Blitz Boom


"He kept his face well concealed from the descriptions we got.  He had a brown handlebar moustache which I believe was fake, though not many others share that opinion.  He wore large silver lensed sun glasses, and a baseball cap.  His coat was a light blue, but nopony could tell us the color of his mane.  The tail however was black, but a professional would have dyed it that way.  He went by the name of Silvester Stallion, which was of course fabricated.  Also, according to those he talked to, he sounded a lot younger than he looked."


@Blitz Boom


"It looks exactly how I had envisioned it!  Your friend is really good at making bodies.  Wait, doesn't this look a little familiar?"  Charlie paused for a short moment, obviously trying to remember where they had seen the face before.  Before there was even enough time to respond though, Charlie continued, "Oh well, I'll figure it out eventually.  How much longer do you think?  Will I have to eat?  If I do, what do I eat?  Do I eat leaves like the bugs?  Or do I eat bugs like birds do?  Or maybe I eat birds like the cats do?  Do I eat cats?  I wonder what cats taste like."

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On 7/17/2017 at 4:24 PM, Blitz Boom said:


Whilst it was commendable that he seemed to not want to disturb the others, his whisper didn't go unnoticed. These were bat ponies after all, and their hearing were quite a bit better than the regular pony ears could hope for.

Still, seemed like a harmless thing he said and it wasn't meant for them, so they dutifully ignored it. Never anything good that came from snooping into minor things that were none of their business.

Belladonna did have the privilege of having this being her business though, and something which she likely should answer, but she had to order something first, so it would have to wait for a little.

It wouldn't take long until she were over at the table, carrying a tray with her horn that had a couple of cups of coffee and a small selection of snacks.

"Decaff. We need to be able to sleep."

The pony in charge right now had given her a funny look as she asked for this, as he were used to her wanting to be awake, but she didn't seem like she cared to talk about it right now so he hadn't dug into it.

"Your chances are likely higher in your dreams to get your goals done, though I doubt you will find luck straight away. Likely this will take a few days.

I can supplement you with accommodations until further notice, though I require you to follow a simple set of house rules. Certain things are considered unacceptable where I live."




"Infiltration is simpler when you can change forms. Thestral's aren't that lucky."

Rosa had to go through a lot of things to be able to work in infiltration, so he felt somewhat jealous at changelings now and again. They had their own things to deal with, certainly, but this aspect made the job easier. Same with magic, which were also something somepony like him didn't have.

Yet, he didn't envy them overall, considering what else they had to deal with. The prejudices that bat ponies and thestrals have to hear were far less toxic than what the bug ponies suffered under, and the constant need for love - as well as the hive structure - made it sound more like a curse than anything else to be like one of them.

Funny how he now worked for and lived among them, considering these were his thoughts on them for a long time.

Seeing Cacora take wings, he actually raised an eyebrow slightly at her strange transformation this time, though yet again, he didn't ask. King Thorax had questions that superseded any that he might have, and they had to get there before more of Chrysalis' drones meddled.

"I don't pry unless I'm ordered to, or find it important to be aware of. Now follow, we have a few minutes of flight to go through before we need to land again. There is an access tunnel that will take us closer to the kingdom."

With that, Rosa took flight and would wait on Cacora before leading her north. He would fly just above the treeline, in case he needed to use the trees for cover under a second attack.

@Blitz Boom (Belladonna),

*Cosmic nods in agreement.* "Truely. And I can keep my mana field from overloading better there. With my magic currently sealed, I have to worry about mana overloads more than most. I am gonna guess that when I first woke up in the forest after meeting a pair of mares, one of which is just as missplaced as I am, but more for when, instead of as where, I must have undergone one such discharge of magic." *Cosmic then thinks and then says,* "Those cultists really didn't know what they were getting into when messing with space, time and the dead. First they rebirthed a dead Draconiquis of Destruction and then summoned me. I think they soyls give up before something really bad happens."

@Blitz Boom (Rosa),

*Cacora follows but asks while in flight,* "You said he wanted to see me? Do you know why?" *Cacora hopes it is because of her earlier message that she gave to Pinkie Pie.*

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There seemed to go an odd silence over the room as Cosmic talked, interrupted only by his voice, and in the end, a drawn out sip of coffee by Belladonna, who let him finish what he were saying, though she had considered interrupting him before he started what he just had.

"You are aware that there is others here, yes?"

The comment were in regards to his talk about a few things he had said, though mainly about the cultists - which were bad enough - and then putting himself in the same boat as a draconequus. It would create rumors fast as soon as somepony started to talk, and as all the other patrons suddenly payed up and went away, it seemed like this dice were irreversibly thrown now.

"Bat ponies, or thestrals as they are sometimes called too, have rather sensitive ears. Hearing something we said is easy for them, and you have just insinuated that you were brought in for the same purpose as a rather violent sounding draconequus. I expect that the guards will now become very interested in seeing you tomorrow, as soon as the rumor reaches them."




"I wasn't briefed on that. Just that he wished to speak with you, and that it was a matter of some urgency since Chrysalis's drones were also out and looking for you."

Whilst he didn't lie, he did leave out one of the key aspects to the questions, which were mainly why he wasn't told. But he didn't think it would lead to confidence in his abilities if he informed that though he had been with the royal court for several months now, he wasn't trusted enough to know why he were getting a good portion of he things he were asked to retrieve. It would just lead to asking why that were, and letting her know that he were a defector of the Night Court wasn't going to grant him any bonus points, and would just make his assignment harder than it needed to be.

There wouldn't be any events as they flew, though he didn't think it as comforting as one perhaps should. If Cacora here were so valuable to Chrysalis, would she really just send one strike team? Might be that she were dethroned, but queens made new drones relatively fast from what he knew, so she should have more.

"Fly down into the forest. We're walking the rest of the way."

It seemed safer to land now and walk the last half mile rather than fly considering everything. The queen couldn't find their route, or they would be in a world of trouble, and no matter how skilled he were, there were a limit to what he could do against a full assault.

There didn't seem to be anything as they landed and he led them on, but they should be on guard. Just in case.




"Well duh, we look around until our hunting dog catches a scent. I miiiiight have implanted their scent into her brain."

"You What?!"

"Oh, calm your horses. It's just a memory. Not like I replaced her nose or something... Though that would be rather cool actually."

Molotov were about to make another complaint, but instead went over and urged Blitz onward. He couldn't physically or magically stop a draconequus Well duh so it was likely better to just cut his losses now and get on his way, rather than having her end up really messed up.

Letting out a few barks, Blitz put her nose to the ground and started sniffing whilst walking west. It seemed like she were having fun pretending to be a canine, though it might also be Anomaly had planted a few more things in Blitz's mind than she had led on. Hopefully it wasn't that though.



@Trixie The Evil

Brute would get up to Las Pegasus without any major incidents other than the usual looks, tip-toeing around others to make sure she didn't hit them, and the two that had asked her if she could sign an autograph for them, which she happily stopped to oblige to. Might be she were new at the top of the fighting circuit i this town, but she had been drawing attention through the years for getting so far as she had as a unicorn, so autographs were something asked for on the rare occasion. After she had won though, it had naturally increased with those into that scene, like these two that had run up to her when they spotted her. Good foals those two from what she could tell, so she certainly wasn't gonna skimp out on getting them a signature.

There had been champions in the past that refused, or put themselves behind guards and said that you could only rarely got an autograph, and usually only then when you were willing to pay up. About 40 years ago that got changed in local law, so that the reigning ones couldn't go around and make the sport seem bad by acting this way, or they'd get fined. Those lower than the absolute top were also scrutinized under this law, but it was less severe for them, as they weren't the face of their town.

Sadly, she knew there were still those making a mess though. Las Pegasus had made law for their fighters, but this was a competitive scene that stretched to all of Equestria, and not all places followed troop, and went instead with an unwritten rule of honor. Sometimes it worked, but there were a few in the nationals and beyond that were really some pieces of work... Usually she didn't have to deal with them, but since she were now her town's top, that meant she were going instead of Boulder Hooves, and she'd have to.

Hopefully she'd get far in that tournament, though she doubt she'd win. Not as long as Iron Will and Air Turbine were still active, and unless the tournament started to ban all non-ponies from entering, rather than just have a size limit to avoid huge dragons, it were safe to say that the minotaur and griffin would still remain the end game most were betting on.

But that was a worry for another time. There were still several months until she had to go, and right now she needed to focus on the interloper. She just had to drop these logs off first.

About five minutes later - a good ten minutes after Spoiled had entered the town - she would be over at the right stand and carefully place the logs next to the relieved worker.

"That should do, right?"

"It's going to do perfectly. Thank you again Brute, I really owe you one."

""One of these days I might cash in one of those favors you keep adding to your tab Shorty. Perhaps you can tell me something though, now that I'm here? I saw a mare with glowing green wings fly towards town. have you seen anypony like that?"

"Green wings... No, I'm afraid I can't say I have. But I were trying to repair the gears the last few hours anyway, so I could easily have missed it. Perhaps go and ask Sunday Tea? Hard to swing anything past his nose."

"Ain't that the truth. I'll go see if he knows something then. See you later Shorty."

The little pegasi waved as Brute took off towards the stallion in question. Hopefully she'd get some answers there.



@Seamore Sandwich

"Gods are like fate. Just a word blamed for all the bad things that happens to the short-sighted."

Zhu had belief that there were beings that kept watch over the world, but they weren't gods. They were elements, or incarnations of emotion or magic. The building blocks of their world, and their guardians if you wished to see it like that, but nothing more than that.

Taking the energy and casting his tracking spell, Zhu looked with slight annoyance as the spell flickered out and refused to work. Either that meant he had cast it wrong - which he knew he hadn't - or the two were concealed again. It seems like his ways of tracking them had come to an end now, as the only other ways he knew included him having to know where they were, but the roads he had seen didn't bear any marks of importance. It could be anywhere.

"They have concealed themselves again."

No question, no judging, just a statement, though to her it would likely just make Zhu seem like even more of a fraud. Annoying for him to have to listen to, though not unusual. Not everypony wanted to believe the way he saw the timelines.

Having nothing else to do and a mare not trusting his word on many things it seemed, he were at her mercy in regards to finding his sisters egg now, though he did have something that might be useful. Something the others had dropped in the pile of trinkets.

"You seem to know them. Do you know their tools too? The female dropped these earlier."

The ward were one thing he had withdrawn, but there had been a bunch of trinkets on the ground, and not all of them were his, so he would present what he had, and pushed them towards her for the taking, if she so wished to. Perhaps this would convince her a bit that he wasn't in this for greed as well, as if he were, why would he let go of these things? Wards had value, and the other things might as well.



@Seamore Sandwich

"That's sadly not much to go on. A profession conpony in many ways it seems."

So basically, they had nothing at all to work with here. No guaranteed look, the clothes he wore had likely been destroyed or at least tossed after he were done with them, the mustache were either fake to begin with, or shaven afterwards to hide better, and he had potentially used dye. At this point she wouldn't be surprised to hear that he had taught himself several different ways to speak so that others couldn't even tell his approximate age, or even if it were a he. Could be a very convincing mare.

How to go on from here were hard to tell with this little to go on in her mind, but perhaps they had a way? Backtrack the coins potentially, though where they originated were hard to say.

*sigh* This was going to be a long, uphill battle it seemed...



@Seamore Sandwich

"You will be able to eat several things, but your main diet will be love. I would advise you to find another changeling when it is and have them learn you how to eat without draining a pony dry, or you'll find yourself on the wrong end of a pitchfork.

As for the familiarity of this body, I don't know who it might be, but it could be you have seen it before. Or at least some of its parts. Quite honestly, I don't know where he gets these exactly. Just that he makes deals with the clause of the body being handed to him when the user dies. For his kind, a noble trader, even if it sounds disgusting to those in the equine world."

Moving away from the body, Vivid closed the bauble again and started wandering in another direction.

"It won't be until morning that I can go through with the ritual. I need you safe, and then I need to go and rest. Believe me, nothing good will come if I attempt the ritual without having most of my strength back."



@Holiday Agnaktor @Windchime

Benny turned around as the other pony started to speak, and was about to say something, when a peculiar smell hit his nostrils and he took a good sniff in the direction of this nervous pony.

"Huh, I didn't know there was a stand with caramelized apples in town."

In what might have been a shock to Light, Benny had not been after her when he started to sniff in her direction, even if it might look that way until he rose his head further up into the air to get a good waft. Much as she might fear it, he couldn't smell that she were a changeling. In part because he had no idea how changelings were supposed to smell differently than ponies - which smelled mainly like produce, flowers and dirt - but also because she were getting nervous, and nervousness brought an entire other smell with it, that reached his nostrils a little after and made him take a step back.

"Oh. I'm sorry about that ma'am, I didn't mean to make you nervous. The smell just seemed to draw me in for a moment there. And if it's because of the changelings, you don't need to worry ma'am. After Chrysalis were dethroned, the criminal rates involving changelings went down immensely, and most of the hives are willing to negotiate peacefully. It's highly unlikely that this town will get overrun.

Might even be just  giant misunderstanding as well really. I mean, plenty of hives were structured to work directly or indirectly under Chrysalis. Her ways is the only one most of them likely know, so having her gone and being told to play nice might be hard, which could explain this erratic behavior a bit too. Trust me, it's not easy to uproot your life from one way and then start living it another from one day to the other. Takes time and a patient mind to help you through it."

The love around him would intensify as the smiling dragon remembered the first time he had come to Equestria too, after Circle Pop and him had exchanged letters for the better part of two years. It were quite the culture shock, and he made some stupid mistakes. Heck, he even still made a few now, and he had been living in Equestria for a few years at this point.

But Pop always had patience with him. Helped him to understand, to adapt, and begin to love life over here. From the best of days to the toughest nights, she had been there with him and made him happy. And now...

A doe-eyed expression went over him briefly before he shook it off again. he was in the middle of a potentially big changeling case, and having these thoughts right now would just make him a love battery for every bug within a mile. He had to focus a little here, though thinking that hardly worked on his emotions.

"If you have any questions about the changelings, feel free to ask me, and I'll see if I can't ease your mind a little ma'am. You can trust the Royal Guards."




Mother and Karganoth waved at the others as they left, whilst Omen sort of vaguely nodded in their direction until the gate closed behind the last of them.

"I hope they will find some peace in what is to come."

"What are they doing?"

Mother just smiled at her unknowing daughter, and nuzzled her behind the ear. Hopefully she would still go a long time without the death of somepony close to her harming her.

"Nothing sweetie, just try to relax. You need to conserve your strength.

Sadly, this is the only way for her to do so as well, scholars. She can't simply get over this easily, or through a night's sleep, as she doesn't rest. She always uses energy, which means it takes time. Unless you know of a way to feed her a careful stream of chaos magic that is. With how much of it she is made from, a slow stream of that might help energize her without mutating her, but I'm not sure if you even can control chaos this way. It's fickle magic.

That were to put it somewhat mildly, since the very definition of chaos was that it wasn't controlled. Made it hard to help those like Omen in cases like this, whereas others who had perhaps had earthen magic flowed into them or something similar would be able to get things done there, since it were more stable and controllable magic.

"Might I ask you all, why did you not follow them? Would your kind not be happy to have you back in your current state?"



@WiiGuy2014 @dragon4111

"My lord he's a huge one. I really hope he's not here to cause trouble."

Alonsus could just imagine that this dragon would take one huge step into town and flatten several buildings in the process. Almost made him wish he could run off right away, but if that dragon really wished to make problem,s, him running would not help. He could be caught easily out there, yet here in the castle... Well, he'd be safe, regardless of the dragon's intentions. Unless he tried to break the palace, but that wouldn't be a possibility. It was too heavily reinforced with magic, not to speak about the physical hardness.

"May i ask, is that one a safe dragon? I have heard stories of elder dragons and they don't often have a peaceful ending."




Pop smiled at Dawn.

"Sure. We can take the way out the back too if you want. I'd be able to show you some of my inventory then perhaps.

I know you said candy wasn't something for you, but I'm curious if there isn't anything that could fit you. A bitter-melon drop or something less sweet in it perhaps?"

It would be an easier exit for Dawn without having to see the pictures again and perhaps make comments or feel worse about their presence, and if there was one thing Pop wanted to do, it were to make her friend feel as comfortable as possible. That and pour some kind of snack in her. There had to be something the mare would be able to enjoy, and she intended to find out if she had the chance.

But all in due time. For now, there were warm food and warmer coffee in the cups, and Celestia bless it, she really needed the later of those things right now. Might be she'd even go for a third cup this morning, which usually didn't happen outside of late travels.



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"You're on! I'll bring snacks then."

The thoughts on having this listening evening with Serenade sounded like a bundle of fun, and the visual in her head kept her going until she almost walked into the darkened castle.

"Hey, we're here. Let's see if we can't find a torch or something to light the way or we'll just plunge into a hole. And just say if you smell any you-know.what in there, okay? We'll take a turn and run off like we've seen a ghost."

Ziggy made wide eyes and turned to Serenade with a nervous look.

"You uh, don't think there's actually ghosts in there, do you? Not that I'm scared or anything, just... Hehe... Curious."




A lot of ponies wouldn't know what to do about the huge dragon looming over them again, though most didn't panic, as they had seen him last night, or been told about him at least, and nothing were destroyed yet. There were still a certain aura of nervousness around things though, but that would likely never stop when huge beings like this were in town.

With the focus on Ancalagon or the workers, it wasn't that many who actually saw Lyriel change from tree form to more of a humanoid one when she were prompted to do so by Ancalagon, but she sure did drew eyes as she wandered on barren feet towards the dragon with a smile on her lips. Seeing something look like a human crossed with a tree were not normal for ponies.

"Great and noble Atazi. It is an honor to see someone of your stature notice this simple daughter of the Silver Valley."

The smell of undeath were faint on her, and clearly didn't come from the dryad herself. She didn't even look corrupted, like the others in the closed off Silver Valley were these days, which were another mystery to add on top of how a dryad had gotten from Dragon Land and all the way to Equestria.

"Oh great, more freaks. And the whole town is a circus now! Hey dragon, what the hay is the big idea with all of this? Those your workers? You know, those I were supposed to stand ready for?"

THe last part of Last's rant to Ancalagon were almost spat at him. It was abundantly clear that she had not enjoyed being hit with a sleeping spell, especially not since with all of these ponies in town right now, that meant she were behind on everything. She had food to get prepared, an overview of the damaged int own to hand to the one of Ancalagon's who were highest in the food chain, and a huge flock to lead in work. No way was she going to leave the direction of this town to anypony else after the princesses had entrusted her with it.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"We will try."

The scholars replied, though that reply comes with a lot more than just simple caution. They are fully aware of the dangers of such magic considering how paradoxical its nature is. Many beings have come across the orb the scholars were sealed in and many have shared their findings, adding to the pool of existing knowledge that no longer consists of their own. Some have added their own interpretations to what chaotic magic might be while other findings were discovered when the orb came into contact with unfamiliar magic, a handy thing to have at a time like this.

A slow beam of purple and green light came forth, crackling with jolts of static and joined itself to Omen and for a while, the magic coursing through her didn't really do anything. This gradually added more and more energy and reducing it as it became more and more unstable. There was a shaky rhythm to the infusion of magic channeled from the artefact but the scholars gave their word and will try to accommodate and assist as required.

"This procedure will take time as we are slowly infusing her with chaos magic, a lot slower than we hoped. We recognize some of this magic as Discord's; his release from captivity caused a disruption in our magic but we have learned to adapt and even mimic some of it. Omen, please let us know if you wish us to stop or change the intensity as needed."

The orb then floated lower to Omen's height to monitor their performance but still spoke to Mother. "As for your inquiry, we are not longma like Sen. We are of a race called the Hyracotherians, similar to the ponies of the current age but about the size of small dogs. None of our kind remain to this day and we did not deem the pursuit of returning to our physical states a necessity, thus we did not go through the gate. Where we go to learn more is a different matter for another time. For now, we are content to gather and share information. For example, the meanings behind the names of elders like Ghilan and Solasan. In their old language, the former means 'the guide' while the latter means 'pride.' Elders give up their birth names and take on their new names as a reminder to live up to what they believe their leadership should achieve. A shame the Solasan you met is a corruption of the real one's beliefs."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Blitz Boom @Windchime

When Benny started sniffing in Light Rain's direction she just about had a heart-attack. He K n e w. He pretended that he didn't, but Rain could see through his lies, or rather, taste through them. She quickly flicked her tongue out again, and again, instead of any emotions pointing at her being discovered, she tasted only love. She didn't really listen to what Benny said while her mind raced at a bazillion miles an hour. What was that wall of love? Was it a way to be un-readable to changelings? If so, this dragon was really good at what he did. But Rain didn't put it past him. He was a dragon, after all. Dragons were mysterious and powerful and they could sniff straight through her disguise no matter how well made.

And then, to make it all worse, Benny suddenly released a concentrated wave of love without warning, catching Light Rain completely by surprise. After feeding only on ambient love for a few weeks, having pure concentrated love practically shoved in her face was almost too much for poor Rain. She quickly pulled back her tongue to prevent her from over-charging herself. She never had been able to deal well with sudden love-waves. When she got love thrown at her like this, she usually had to discharge it, which basically meant changing forms forcibly, which in this situation would immediately give herself away, since normal ponies aren't enveloped in green flames or rapidly changing colour and shape. To prevent this from happening, she closed her eyes and changed her eye-colour as fast as she could, burning through some of the love that Benny had accidentally (or intentionally) pumped into her. Using that, she could only juuust keep the love under control.

After a second or two, she regained her composure a little bit. She did look a bit shaken, but who wouldn't be? She recovered just in time to notice Benny asking her if she had any questions.

Light Rain blinked twice, and responded. "Um... dear Chrys-...elestia that was intense Well, I g-got a question, how are un-disguised changelings looked at? L-like, how do ponies think about them? Not the shiny ones, I mean the o-original ones."

If they were accepted in society like Benny had said, then she still had a chance. If not, then she would have to stick with this disguise for the rest of her life, which she didn't mind that much. She liked it. Gave her a bit of individuality, which she could never enjoy in the hive. Chrysalis wasn't too happy about individuality.

And "You can trust the Royal Guards". No, she couldn't trust this dragon. He sniffed her out, blocked his emotions with a love-shield, and used the same shield to almost make her expose herself. This dragon really knew what he was doing.

  • Brohoof 1


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@Holiday Agnaktor @Blitz Boom

There was no way this twitchy behavior would get past Striking Detail. His cutie mark was, after all, representing a great attention to detail, but it wouldn't take a cutie mark to notice this. Striking Detail looked at this interviewee talk, and she was definitely nervous. Just, what for? Was it because of his sudden interview? Most ponies take it lighter than this. Was it because of the topic at hand? She may have had some traumatic events in the past. That could be a story in itself. Was it because of the dragon? That very dragon was trying to reassure her and win her trust, and has been nothing but kind. And yet there she is, as nervous as a student right before taking a test they didn't prepare for.

And then she squeezed her eyes shut like she bit a lemon.
Wait. Were her eyes blue before? Striking Detail honestly couldn't tell. Light Rain seemed unique in that she had gradients generously used over her body, ones that the highest fashionistas in Manehattan would fawn over. Come think, she would make a great model.
No. It had to be the light. Striking Detail was looking between the cyan dragon and the gradient-green pony repeatedly, and this must be his head playing tricks on him.
Striking Detail rubbed his eyes a bit. He should get more sleep.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to have interrupted your day, and I'm certain this friendly dragon didn't want to disturb you either. Maybe because you're new in town you're less used to having royal guards around patrolling the area? If so, you will get used to it soon, and eventually, you will be grateful to have them around. Not that criminality is very rampant, but I've lost something before and gained it back due to the help of the royal guard." Striking Detail held up a torn, badly folded "Press" hat from one of his pouches. "Well... What's left of it."

"Either way, Benny, sir, I'm surprised to hear that the royal guard are less informed than the local presses are. Or is that because you work at the smith's? Either way, you are welcome to come over to the office to go over the details if it would help you and your squadron, and getting an interview in return would be most delightful..."

Striking Detail finished his sentence looking at Benny, but couldn't help but keep an eye out on Light Rain. She never really was calm in this whole conversation, and even less so with an authority nearby.

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@Blitz Boom@Widdershins@WiiGuy2014

Ancalagon looked at the little pony ranting at him and stated "Be respectful little pony," he bared his large teeth. HE looked at the dryad and said "Well met Life maker," he stated with a respectful tone. "It is good to know that the Dryads of old are still around," he said gently with a small smile. "I wonder how many of you are out there in the world now since the last time I slept? and why do you smell of the undead?"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom

    Widdershins is pushed back a few yards, but seems more or less otherwise uneffected by the magical outburst. It was as if a small group of very determined fillies had pushed him back after Vivid Loss's momentary loss of control. After a few moments of the mare's sobbing to herself, the Draconequus continues on tone & affect as flat as before.

    No, but he is still his own entity, his own character. Cleansed or not, part of a demon still wishes to be whole regardless of its fate. Every dimension has its demons & each comes with it its own rules that exist solely to ruin the lives of all it comes in contact with. Demons are pure evil; You should know that.

   Yes. You are evil. From what you have been & become. You take from & ruin the life of another to make a deal & impact the life of another. 

  That is what we Draconequui- Oh hey, you actually pronounced it right tha- exist for. We are embodiments. The Sea pounds the Land for countless aeons, which forms the beaches of the world. Time itself will eventually devour & destroy everything in every existence not unlike your Daemons, but without Time that same existence ceases to be. We embodiments are every bit a slave to our prospective elements as better to fit the theme & drive the point home to mortals. 

  You can change, but you still are. You can't ever be anything but the sum of what has come before.

  Widdershins's long body slowly lays down, covering the distance between him/It and Vivid Loss, enough for his face to lay on the ground somewhat close to her own level.

But... you can always feel.

    That's what I am. The pain of unknowing, the Confusion that Life brings, that uncertainty of what you do or what will come from your actions, fearing for others or others fearing for you is what makes you mortal... sane.  As long as you can still feel, is what makes you... You.

 We do what we can.

   Have a pancake.

 With his last three words, Widdershins's long grin cracks back onto his face as Vivid will feel a slight added weight as a particularly fluffy pancake poofs into being on the top of her head behind her horn and ears. If she eats it, she will likely enjoy it's notable side effects. Primarily that of subduing her magic just enough on a visual level for her to pass as a normal, undemonic mare as long as nopony goes about examining her vaguely misty skin. Temporarily of course, as any good chaos magic would.

   Oh, and I happen to find that pancakes are pretty good natural napkins for drying teary eyes...

                            ...Not that have the capacity to cry, of course, Lava-Lamp-Loverly!



 To Blitz Boom:

  Ow.                                                                       I hope this doesn't look weird...                                                                 Judging...     I can't...

   ...Anyways.                                              Help Us, Save Us...                                   Need to...                         Why can't I...

       From up in his corner, Eye closed still and looking for all the world like the tiny intercom box for the doctor's waiting room, the Voice In A Box begins his introductions with a drone and clearly not enough patience to care enough to open his eye and address Anomaly directly.

   "Welcome to the Wordspace.  ...Or Hammerspace as it is sometimes referred to. ...Or Interspace, Space, Hidey-Hole, "Pocket Dimension," Portable Hole or... Well, He changes it far too often, I'm sure you've grasped that notion by now. You being what you are. Irregardless of your misconstrued perceptions you may find that things occur differently here. This area exists as, for lack of a better term, a sort of magical nexus. You may find that magic, abilities & such may come easier to a caster here, regardless of what prior limitations may exist for aforesaid spell-casting. Accuracy notwithstanding, use at own risk. You may view this area as somewhat of a sandbox or an open canvas not unlike that of a blank sheet of paper. Consequences, such as letting loose a fireball in this confined area are minimized, most spells will either bounce off the walls or elsewhile get absorbed by them. In said walls are a limitless amount of drawers or portals designed to hold my Master's collections & other accouterments. I would strongly recommend against playing with such as anything related to the Master has a habit of randomly portaling to alternate dimensions or worse. I have warned him to keep his things more organized."  

   As V.I.A.B unrolls his rigmarole of instruction/direction which undoubtedly seems attributed to countless years of practiced lines for such an occasion, so much so that he no longer cares for whether or not his audience is even bothering to listen, the wall on the right of Anomaly begins to ripple like water.

   From the ripples an immense form wades out of the wall. A huge, fleshy, hippo-like body easily three times the size of a pony wobbles through, the walls sealing shut as its fat tail slips through and its immense weight shuddering the floor, but seemingly not enough to travel up the wall to alert V.I.A.B. Having emerged fully through the wall, the sheer enormity of the creature has already encompassed most of the distance to the opposite wall. The equally large neck turns to become moderately aware of Anomaly, it's end topped in an even more alarming feature of what appears to be three large, flesh-like petals, each with what seems to be a tiny, beady eye at the base of each "petal." It's head opens up a tiny bit showing a multitude of tiny rows of sharp teeth and a few narrower, but still thick, ropy tongues inside. From a large, trifuricated mouth easily big enough to encompass a pony whole a deceptively tiny, questioning roar can be heard: "Greeheonk?" Seemingly satisfied now, the massive bulk of a flower-headed beast turns back to its path and once more wades into the opposing wall, it sealing once more to a solid behind it before Anomaly can catch it to ask.

  Completely unaware of the preceding event, V.I.A.B finally opens its eye.                                                 I can still hope....         ...hope never dies...          ....please...

 "I trust as such that you will treat another's abode with all due respect that a guest may? Are you sufficiently aware now of proper protocol, risks, allotted concerns, preinferred expectations and... *sigh*  ... never mind. Any questions?"



  To Whit; Dear Sir Blitz of Boomington:


     At Spicy Rolls's moderate teasing, Kaltrop's head raises in alarm off the eave of the cart, his claws scuttling a bit under his curled up bulk leaned ontop like some rolled up tarp.

   "Wh-what? N-no! I don't care what you think or anything! I'm plenty Dragon enough to live on my own! What do I care what some bunch of stupid, traveling, yokel merchant scaredy-ponies think that just because somedragon is bigger than them means they're gonna eat them! What do I care if they run muzzle-first into a tree trying to flee?!

   I'm plenty scary as it is! As a dragon should be! You should be afraid of me! You'd be stupid not to! Stupid Pony."


     To B to the L to the I! T! Z! Boom!

    Ambie leaps up a bit off his front hooves to catch one of the muffins midair from a corner with his mouth as the second lands gently on the ground near his side. For a moment he nibbles on it a bit much like a chipmunk. 

       "Num.  Hum, doesn't really taste like anything to me...tastes kinda funny..."

    After finishing the first one, but still eyeing and picking at the second one, clearly going to still eat it anyway, Ambie clears his mouth and starts talking again.

  "Heh... Well, my, uh, parents are real characters... 

   Mother had a lot of plans for me to become a proper gentlecolt & take over the family heritage or something... No doubt she still does. I'd rather she not... Heh, well, things would get pretty complicated pretty fast around my Mother. She's not a very... Well, Mother does have her standards.

   My Dad though, I'd be surprised if he even still remembers he even had me as a son! Mother & most of the rest of the staff at CSGU have their hooves full just trying to keep him in line. Mother always said it's a minor miracle they haven't fired him yet for all the trouble he stumbles into. Besides, my dad is pretty irritating. Nopony wants to deal with some unaware buffoon anyway."

  While Ambie is talking, he scarfs down the second love muffin. (...In retrospect there...)  In his haste, he gets a bit to close to his hoof trying to finish off the crumbs and bites his own hoof. "Ow! I bit my hoof!!"  While exclaiming in his shock and examining his hoof, Ambie accidentally inhales the muffin wrapper and looses his footing to flop forward onto his muzzle with a muffled: "Ow... My face..."

Edited by Widdershins
Fixing Typos
  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom


"Inventory it is!" Dawn anmounced grandly, beaming widely. Maybe a dragon's marefriend will be good after all. After all, she does seem like polite company so far and it wasn't like Pop was offending her in anyway. "How many coffees do you usually have? 'Cause, you sounded and even looked frumpy when you greeted me."


@Blitz Boom, @Widdershins


Aurora Lights, a griffin with dark brown feathers and a scattering of orange fur among the slightly lighter brown flew overhead. She had just come from Canterlot after enjoying the sights and she even had a red fancy scarf on from Canterlot's Carousel Boutique branch to prove it. At hearing some indignant shouting below, she lowered her head and dived down. Maybe this was a bit of good company for a chance? She stopped her diving and flared her wings to hover when she noticed that instead of a scaly canvas, a dragon was on top of the cart! Aurora didn't know if she shoukd approach or not but since she was flying already, it could mean a quick getaway.

"Lookee, lookee, I spy a dragon! And he is a meanie for shouting so loudly!" Aurora exclaimed after clearing her throat.



What else am I meant to put here?


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    Once more again, especially since having just having gotten done defending himself in his usual way, Kaltrops cheeks balloon out indignantly proving more flexible than one would typically think a reptile's cheeks would be. Head snapping up to regard the newcomer, he foregoes the usual introductions.

   "Who asked you, Birdbrain?!!? I don't shout! Dragons is naturally loud! I can be loud if I want to!"

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich

"Well, if we see any ghosts uhm... I'll take off. You know, just in case Fah'lina gets scared."

The mimic scoffed at the comment, but didn't attempt to attack her or something just yet, leaving Ziggy alone long enough to look around near the entrance and finding a torch in a holder on the wall. It had clearly seen better days, but the metal design had kept it intact at least. She just had to add some wood and stuff to the end and then light it.

A bit of scavenging and McGyver'ing later, Ziggy were clamping two rocks together to get a fire in her construction, which took longer than she had expected at first. Always looked so easy when her brother did this, but apparently, this were something she should add to the list of things he did that she underestimated.

"Phew, that was more difficult than I thought it'd be. Ready to explore?"

Ziggy took the torch in her muzzle and looked at Serenade for an answer before she'd go into the castle.

Some pegasi could use their wings more dexterous than this, to a point where they could grab hold of things like this if it were, but Ziggy had never trained that hard at that, so she couldn't. She had focused on having them be able to withstand her strange flying pattern without falling out of the socket every third turn, which involved an entire different set of muscles. Perhaps she should seek out a teacher or something that could show her a few things another time though.




Mother raised an eyebrow in surprise over the scholars work. Not just handling chaos magic - which she had assumed wouldn't be possible as it had to take mostly stable magic to keep them as they were right now, in her mind - but also seemingly being able to stream it in in a small, relatively controlled stream.

Sure, Omen did occasionally twitch and bulge here and there, mainly on her back, but the chaos wasn't extreme enough to cause a full fledged mutation, which she had warned the siblings off some days before this.

"Too many years to possibly remember, over several worlds, and this is the first time I see someone actually have stable success in doing what you are now in the process of. I'm genuinely impressed."

Omen should likely have added something here, but the feelings that went over here were all over the map, and attempting to keep track of it all needed her full attention. Likely for the better really, as her trying to move around or speak too much might strain her in this potentially volatile situation.

Meanwhile, Mother let out a sigh at a part that the scholars brought up and shook her head slightly.

"I hear that you are familiar with Discord then. No surprise I suppose. A being of his power is bound to have some stories around.

He came here a few thousand years ago. An accident from what I can gather, and I did not like what I saw. Chaos is unpredictable, and I do not wish for my children to go with potentially cruel masters.

But, hit power was greater than my warnings. My children flocked to him, all begging to serve, and when he picked one out... I loathed doing it, but at that point it were already too late to separate them without hurting the unformed one, so I told him how to blend his own magic with the child, and from that, Omen were reborn.

I owe him now, for helping when it looked dire with Sen, but I have not historically thought highly of him. Especially after he just disappeared all of a sudden, leaving Omen to fend for herself in a world that changed to something else right before her."

Mother wasn't aware of Discord's imprisonment in stone. hadn't gone past her when she had last had a talk with Omen, though that wouldn't have done much really. Omen just knew he were back now, not where he had been for the past several millennia.

"But you likely do not wish to hear an old reaper's grievances. Perhaps I could ask a little more into why your kind are extinct instead, and why you lead the longma? Considering you say you were more closely related to the ponies, why you have chosen them seems strange."



@Trixie The Evil

"Hey, Sunday? You here?"

Brute looked around the empty stand that seemed to be closed for the time being. Rather strange, even if it was a somewhat slow day. Don't say she had to go and look for him now, right? It would take all day if she had to bounce back and forth the town over.

"I'm sorry, but I ran out of soda, and- Brute? What're you doing here? We both know you don't drink soft drinks."

The pegasi that usually ran this stand came around a corner with a bag down his side almost bursting with bottles of clear soda that he had to go and get at home. No wonder this place was barren of tourists right now then. Without any soda, this little corner were more or less empty until evening.

"Then we both know I'm here for something else. I was helping Shorty out when I saw somepony weird fly into town. I'm wondering if you've seen her? It was a-"

"- Mare with glowing green wings? Yeah, I saw that one, and I reported it to the guards when I was on the way here, though they didn't seem like they believed me. All too captivated by the spectacle on Cloud Nine I figure. You're out to try and check it out?"

"Somepony haves to."

"Too true, though where she went I don't know for sure. I saw her fly towards the old quarter. You now, where they store the stuff we can't have up anymore so they can harvest it for parts. Might be she's hiding out in one of the moire cleared out buildings there, or in Cougar's old shack. Celestia knows there's room enough to hide there."

"Better than nothing. I'll go and snoop around there. See if I can stir a response."

With that and a small bow, Brute went on her way to check out the area of town were only mechanics rally got around these days, and even that were infrequent, considering they did well in maintaining the stuff they had in town, so replacements wasn't needed that often.



@Holiday Agnaktor @Windchime

Benny didn't bite much notice in how Light's eyes looked, so he didn't find the potential color change an issue. Even though he had been trained in the guard since it was part of the job, even though he mostly stayed in the forge, he wasn't trained to be an investigator. He were better at dealing with obvious threats. The sort who swung swords and proclaimed to be an invader for example. More subtle things however... Well, let's just say it was good he wasn't on an evidence collection team.

Instead he focused on the question about the open changelings, which made him let out a small sigh and wave a hand around to indicate the general populace.

"Sadly, progression isn't something that happens from one day to the other. Bigger cities like Canterlot, Manehattan, or Las Pegasus, all have guards that have been open about telling civilians that regular, non-disguised changelings, are not to be discriminated against, and it does go in the right direction, but there's still the obvious glares and stares. Nothing violent thankfully, but I think the best way to put it is that somewhere between a third and a half of most cities are holding them at a hoof's distance for now.

Makes it difficult to have them mingle, which is desperately needed to make them more regular in the street and more accepted. Long as they see discrimination, stares, and whispers behind their backs, a lot either stay in small towns where they have to deal with less, or they take the risk and hide in another form.

I don't know if I'm supposed to tell this, but they're actually looking into making a sort of *buddy plan* where they have changelings assigned off duty guards or volunteers to go around with them and help them blend in a little. Testing have gone reasonably well in Canterlot last week, and let me tell you, if they accept them even a little there, that's huge. After Chrysalis' attack, Canterlot can seem awfully hostile to our new allies.

I hope it goes through really. I mean, I'm a dragon in Equestria. I've had my fair share of comments and abuse, so I can sympathize with those who just wants to make a regular life for themselves. Same reason I signed up for the program. I know what difference it can make to have somepony offer you that first olive branch.

Heh, listen to me babble on. You likely didn't want a novel. Short of the long is that changelings are cautiously accepted, and if there's attacks or discrimination, they can go to royal guards and inform them of it. They should have been briefed in all of the major towns, with the Coast Guard waiting to see how it goes with the rest before taking the step. Stubborn sort."

An understatement, as it were easier to eat the sun than force Tidal Wave to do anything, even if it were a direct order from Canterlot, but he were sure she'd come around eventually. She were just understandably cautious.

"As to what you asked ma'am... Well, short of it there is that they're perhaps not going to give me the time of day.

You gotta remember, the Royal Guards have been in place ever since Equestria was founded, and their rules are old. It was a hard enough time for non-pegasi to get hired in the first place because of it, and a dragon? If the general of the Solar Guards hadn't been the sort who's at the front for freshening up the archaic rules, I would've never been allowed even an audience to apply for a job at the smith.

Not all guards are too happy about a dragon being fitted with a badge, so outside of Canterlot, they're not all too cooperative unless they have to, and unless I come forth with some proof, they'll just tell me this is a Manehattan situation, and ask me to go back to Canterlot.

Anyway, I can tell you more on the changeling situation from a diplomatic side of things, and other things as well if you want it for an interview. The more the word gets spread the better frankly, and it'll be good to clear up some misunderstandings before things gets weird. Plus, I could use whatever information I could get as well. Mutual sharing is caring I think the pony expression is? Also have to admit, I'm getting curious about your cap. Looks really mangled."



@dragon4111 @Widdershins @WiiGuy2014

"I'll respect those who deserve it."

With that, Last turned her back ont he dragon and went towards the town square in her search for whoever had orchestrated the current circus of workers. She needed to get them more focused to get this done faster, and with no time for preparations because of Ancalagon, she were going to be extremely busy in both that, and being caught up in how long things had gone during the night.

Lyriel looked after the pony with a slight pale complexion passing her face for a moment, thinking about why a being would act that way towards a huge, noble creature like this, but she were not the weirdest equine the dryad had met, which made her look back up at Ancalagon, with the weirdest one she had seen in mind.

"I do not know of undeath, honored Atazi, but I did see a sickly pony earlier. I tried to help her, but she did not want it, and began wreaking havoc in my forest. I had to ask her to leave. From what the animals told me, she left during the night, but to where I sadly, do not know.

As for my kind, I am ashamed to admit that I know little of a long history of my kind. The dryads of the Silver Valley have only been there for about twenty years, and of those..."

A saddened expression went over Lyriel's face, and a lump in her chest seemed to tighten.

"...The rest fell to corruption. They forgot the Earth Mother's ways, and drank too deeply of the tainted water. They only worship themselves, and the shards of the Adatzne bow now. I'm the last of us whose sanity remains."

Ancalagon might have heard of the bow Lyriel were talking about. Removed from speaking with the outside world, the dryads of her valley had a habit of making their own words for things, like in this situation, a rainbow, became the Adatzne bow, which in their tribe meant *The sacred light*. In itself it wasn't remarkable, but what were were the story that said bow had shattered, and the pieces fallen to the ground in the little valley, causing the dryads to spring, and the waters to be deemed unsafe, as those who drank it turned into trees.

Of course, no sane being would think that a rainbow could break into pieces, as it were nothing solid, but the dryads didn't know that. They just saw the pieces that resembled what they occasionally saw in the sky, and then assumed it was the same, rather than try and understand what the real deal behind the mysterious, magical construct had been, or why it had been broken.




As he keeps accusing her of being evil to the core and that there was no way the corruption had been cleansed, like she had said, the ground started to tremble slightly around her again, but she couldn't muster the same anger again. The balloon had inflated and then burst, and right now the hot air just flew right out the hole.

"You... Are wrong..."

The words were forced through cleansed teeth, but she made no effort to try and look at him right now, nor attempt to rise up. She didn't have the emotional strength to both talk back and that at the same time right now.

"Everything, and everypony, can change. If we couldn't, Discord would be destroying this town, not protect it. He changed, and made his cruel magic do good. I can too, even if the source is evil."

Chaos might not be as evil as void energy, but the way he had used it certainly was. And look at him now. He might play tricks and have his dreams of a world in utter chaos, but he adapted, and started to use his magic for something that helped others instead. What were so different between what she did and what he were doing? that she used parts of other beings? This draconequui didn't even know what he were talking about when it came to that.

"And you understand nothing of demons. Their bodies are void when the spirit dies, just like any of ours are, and this demon is gone for good. There is nothing in his being that will yearn to put itself together or corrupt anymore. It is just a slab of meat, bought at a butcher who got his pieces fair and square. I didn't hurt anypony to get them."

Widdershins knew far more about draconequui than her. That was a fact, so whatever he said about them likely held more water than what she knew, but he were a tourists looking at a guidebook when it came to demon. He didn't understand how they worked, or how their pieces could be safely repossessed like she did. What he knew he had either gazed from a book, or seen in other worlds were the essence of demons worked in other ways, or belonged to the dreadlords. Neither of those two counted in this situation.

"So no... I am not evil. I were a good pony before this, and with my freedom returned, I am again."

She lifted her hoof up to her hood, feeling after something that seemed to add weight to her hood before, and drew down a... Pancake? Typical draconequui behavior. She shouldn't even be surprised really, as she starred at this with bloodied eyes, and yet somehow she were. Perhaps that surprise combined with the turmoil she still felt she were in were what caused her to take a bite out of it too, though it quickly got spat out again.

"Urgh, bleach and rotten eggs. Disgusting."




Anomaly didn't have the patience nor care to listen into all of the instructions, and V.I.A.B. had barely gotten a third through what he said before Anomaly was playing around to see what would happen if she touched the walls, or sent some attacks against it. Irresponsible behavior, but what can you expect from their kind?

Oh come on, it's boring! It's rules and limitations. I hate those things. Feels all icky and stuff. Plus it said I could use magic on the walls ad it'd eat them. I had to try.

Seven solar beams, one fire breath, a couple of shockwaves and then tossing candy at it? That's not an experimental thing, that's a moveset for a wonky Pokemon.

Anomaly for legendary Gen VIII

*sigh* whatever. Go back to annoying the weird eye creature a- Holy cow! What the heck is that?

Anomaly and the author starred at the weird creature passing through, with the later receding quickly just in case, and the former looking with big happy eyes on the creature.

"This is so amazing."

The words barely wanted to get out of her after she saw the creature closer, and it shoved off its teeth for her. Oh how she wished she could do the same too, but until she got back with her other, metallic half, this was as good as it could get, and quite frankly, the thin pony form started to feel horrible when confronted with things like this.

She kept her eyes on the creature all the way until it went out of the room again, then went towards the wall it had gone through and lifted a hoof to push and see what would happen.



@Widdershins (the great hamster rider of the east.) @Dji

Huh, more company now. And it seemed like Kaltrops couldn't function around this one either. Wonder if it meant somepony like his dad had been killed by a griffin, or if he just hated all life in general. Either way, seemed like the feeling was mutual from the feather-duster's side, so apparently they were gonna end up in a right big brawl if somepony with an ounce of diplomacy didn't step in soon. Sadly there were just her, so here went sarcasm and unflattering comparisons instead.

"Now now kids. Calm down and play nice, or mommy's gonna put you in timeout."

Okay, so this were not starting off well. Though it still felt sooo good to say, heh.

"Seriously though, what's shaking Wing-A-Ling? And what makes you seek out Spicy Rolls and her talking dragon puppet? Here to gawk? I mean, I could see why. He looks almost life-like after all, eh?"




"That funny taste that just makes you keep gnawing them down? That's love."

Happy sounded a bit like he were giving up on the kid being of any significant help to him, but was it any wonder? He had changeling blood, but it had made him into a weird hybrid that couldn't really change forms, he didn't know the taste of love, and trying to munch of a muffin had almost choked him. How this bloke was still alive were a mystery to him.

"Why do I get the distinct feeling that if I left you alone, you'd end up getting chased by woodpeckers? You a magnet for bad luck there lad, or is it just being a bit careless? Either way, it ain't looking good. Let's get you up."

He'd help Ambie up if he'd let him, whilst at the same time thinking over how this might be the first one he had ever known that he could assassinate via common sense. Pity there weren't a lot of electrical outlets around in Equestria, or anywhere else in this world for the matter. Those who used electricity, tended to be more careful about it than that. Likely because the foals were out and wreaking havoc at a pretty early age in this world, but regardless, he could still think of around a dozen other things he could try, though he was a little torn on whatever or not he'd not prefer to not do anything, since he were curious how long it'd be before it went too far.

"By the way, your parents? Sounds like the sort that's not fit to have a foal. No disrespect here, but strict standards and forgetting the tiny one sometimes is the sort that you expect from snobby nobles, who then ends up with annoying off-spring, not regular folk."

Well, not regular for the pony world, but telling how this was pretty much par for the course were he came from wouldn't get him anywhere.




"One or two cups in the morning normally. Three if it's a bad day. Usually I don't need it further up the day, but I do need a pick-up to get started most days. Long hours at work and a shop that needs to be maintained even when it's closed, doesn't exactly give the most stable of sleep patterns. I have been told by... A certain being, that it'd be better if I moved to Canterlot and set up show there, were I could get an easy helper and a better turnout, but I'm still thinking about that. Not an easy decision to move, you know?"

A deep gulp of coffee goes down her throat before she lets out a pleased sigh at the liquid starting pistol.

"How's everything tasting by the way? Hopefully good."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom@Widdershins@WiiGuy2014

"Noble huh? been awhile since somepony called me noble," Ancalagon said with a chuckle. "Mostly it's just dragon hunters saying 'I will make myself a legend by being the slayer of the black dragon'" he shook his head with a chuckle. "I have always honored dryads for bringing life around them," Ancalagon said with a compliment. "Of course their beauty is unmatched," he stated with a flirtatious grin at the Dryad. Hmm I see the camp fires of my courier guild they are coming," he said gently as he was smirking.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom

"Our meeting with them was a product of circumstance. We do not lead them; their elders play that role. We were simply found by Solasan. This vessel only contains information and power but what anyone does with  these things is up to them. Objectivity was a must but after being made to serve a dark power and having Sen and Lin become unwilling victims in the process, we broke our oath of neutrality to aid you and Omen to the best of our ability."

The orb then created a two panel visualization before Mother. Images on the left came into view showing Sen and Lin being controlled against their wishes by Legion the exact moment they entered Mother's realm. The green eyes and expressionless faces were reminiscent of that moment. On the right, the Hyracotherians who also fell to the same fate ages ago. A mad, faceless tyrant sat on a throne while pitting their own kind against each other. Those unaffected fought back but they didn't wish to harm innocent victims to the tyrant's magic; it was a perfect plan in the latter's mind. The more he swayed to his side, the fewer were around to fight, and the easier it would be to assimilate his enemies. Eventually, both images merged to form a new visualization where the scholars were shown storing information into the orb while keeping their enemies at bay. They seemed desperate to finish their work before allowing themselves to be absorbed, leaving their bodies behind while releasing a wave of energy that incapacitated their would-be attackers.

"That wave stretched for miles, releasing our corrupted kin from control but plunged our civilization into a dark age of ignorance from which they never recovered. We regret our actions but there was no alternative to our solution. Anyone who recovers from Legion's spell will remember painful memories of doing things they have no control over. Too much emotional trauma could lead to severe psychological effects. We see this form of existence as a means to atone. Our old knowledge can help with a variety of issues but our powers pose a great risk when misused. That magic used to wrest all control of an individual? We developed that magic. It was originally used for infiltration and spying but after recent events, we were reminded of how we failed to communicate the downfall of our kind. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

Another visualization appeared, this time of Discord and his stone prison. A hint that someone had the orb, now in Mother's presence, when the draconequus was imprisoned and petrified by Celestia and Luna long ago. 

"Discord, prisoner in the stone. The disturbance that led us to knowing of his magic was his release from this state. Your adopted children, Sen and Lin, were trapped in this state for a time before Omen realized she had the ability to control them as Legion did. We took his release as an opportunity to learn of his magic in the event it was needed. We were correct in doing so and now we can use what we learned to help you. If you don't mind us asking, what is next for them? We acknowledge Omen and the siblings parting ways or the siblings refusing to settle in the village as two of many possible futures."  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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