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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom,

Vera blinked. Now there was two of them. Great. Now her cover was blown and she had to deal with whoever these ponies were. Fun. But regardless, she couldn't focus on them. There were more important things to handle at that moment. ​"Uh, excuse me? I'm trying to figure out what's going on as well, so if you could..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@Seamore Sandwich



"Different from what I was told. Not much else that can be done beyond waiting for him to get back then, after getting him out of the tree that is, and you seem well on the way for that young man. Perhaps better I stay for now though, to make sure everything is in order, or in case somepony else needs a helping hoof? I don't care much if you are a changeling, pony, kitsune or something else. Long as you don't try something, I'll help."


She started by looking around at the tree when Seamore mentioned that he were cutting out the changeling, then at the changeling itself to see how things went along thus far, which seemed to be positive. Seamore were going at this the right way that wouldn't get him hurt unless he made a really bad slip, but it'd take some bad luck to have that happen considering how much he seemed to be in control of things.


Hence, why she had turned her attention to the others around them. Boh those she could see, and towars the treecrowns where there'd undoubtedly be more. Changelings tended to either be on their own, or in big groups, and since she could see more than one here that looked like it could be from a hive, she didn't buy that what she saw where what she got.





@Seamore Sandwich


"I envy your abilities, Creator. Though I see what can come, I have but one chance to make things correct, where you can travel and try again, over and over to make things right. It seems like it would put a smaller degree of pressure on you, though having to relive the same events several times, only slightly different, does not sound easy on the mind either."


Zhu did what he were asked, and kept his eyes on the clockmaker as they wandered towards another point, though he had the urge to look at others, and see if they held much significance. Most beings did not, and whatever way their life would go meant little to the greater picture, but you never knew if one were potentially supposed to meet one who were important, or there was a slim path that would hurdle them towards greatness on one end of the scale or another, so often, he had to check all that he saw sooner or later, to make sure.


Still, he had been in this town before and had seen what he should likely. Adding the ten years back from there this were, would likely mean nothing. Just as it were when the Creator had moved and changed the decision of the builder to where the clocktower should be.


"It only changes what is most likely now, not the images. I see the potential ways things can go branch out before me, and one where the tower moved to a placement where it would make greater danger were amongst them, though slim. This increases the odds, but it is not new, nor a guarantee.


Still, I would likely sabotage the building of it if he moves it to where he thinks now, to make him return to the original spot. Playing against the odds are not a clever move, and especially not when it is part of something that culminated when it did. Or will do, depending on the way you look at it from here."


He knew of a few ways to sway the mind of the builder again already, but since this might be part of a bigger lesson, he did not act on it yet. Even if one of the outcomes were that it fell on a school. Trying to rush things when it came to the future were ill advised, just as it were to be biased. Even in the face of something truly horrid, you had to be able to be impartial and look at the greater picture, otherwise, you weren't fit to balance something as important as good and evil. Not in his mind at least.




@Seamore Sandwich



"Small opening. Annoying, but not impossible to pass through."


Though Vivid were larger currently than in her regular, pony form, she still had some tricks up her sleeve. Amongst them, to disperse into the dark smog that essentially were her soul when she looked for somepony to posses. She didn't need to do so in here, but that wasn't her intention either. It was simply to use this more malleable form to pass through, which where what she did as she rammed through the hole as a long line of black smog that poured towards the end, until she'd finally be able to have enough room to form herself on the other side of wherever this lead to. And not a moment too soon, as she felt her ability to do this strain the further they went from her own dream.


She'd have to find another way back after all of this, if she wasn't directly pulled back into reality when her resurrection were over as she had thought, though hopefully by then she could convince Charlie to return her to the door the way he had the last time. A much less inconvenient method of handling things, and perhaps the only way when it came down to it, depending on how things would go here.





@Seamore Sandwich



"Wings you say? Now that sounds fascinating."


A unicorn mare with a base coat of green with yellow swirls in a pretty pattern, a long tail and elegantly styled mane that went down one side of her head - both a two-toned mixture of pink - and green eyes, went over towards Penny as she were yelling out about her magic chocolates. She were wearing a pure silver necklace with a large, tanzanite shaped like an eye dangling from it, an elegant saddlebag down her left, and shoes in pure silver with a star-shaped tanzanite embedded in front of them all, but not really anything else. She kept her need to follow any fashion at home, in case she needed to attend an important event, but otherwise she wandered around like most. Except the shoes. She liked to keep her hooves clean.


If Penny had seen Scarcity before were anypony's guess, as the owner of the antique store not all that far from here weren't exactly a hermit that stayed to herself, but not the sort to butt in on everypony either. That and her store were a rather high end thing, so not too many that didn't have a lot of bits to spare tended to go there unless they looked for her specifically.


"I have a dear friend who I know would find the ability to have wings, even for a day, to be rather fascinating. Perhaps you could tell me a little more about your wares before I make a purchase? More specifically, if that particular ability is guaranteed, or it it is something more of a random effect, if there is a limit to how many of this you can eat in a given day and a potential expiration date? I find this fascinating, if it truly works, but I prefer to know a little of what I handle before I purchase anything. I hope that is acceptable?"


Scarcity wasn't talking or looking down upon Penny like some nobles likely would, regardless of the expensive things she had on her. She hardly saw a reason for doing so, as acting like a snob would alienate potential customers and fascinating ponies in general, and she just didn't have it in her to stick her nose so far up the sky regardless. She did enjoy feeling in control of things, and be the one who knew the most, but looking down upon everypony? Sounded rather exhausting really.






Clockwise looked after Gordan as his mood went bad and he ran off, but he couldn't say he understood what exactly had gone on. It sounded like he wasn't all that much into working, but when he were helping, surely that meant he had volunteered? So what suddenly made him sad about that? Guilt over not wanting to do this, or something else?


It was hard to tell, but he hoped that the pony would find something else to do that'd be more his pace at least. Something that would cheer him up again, though what exactly that might be he hadn't the faintest idea about.


Could also be he just needed a break and had gone to find something to eat? Clockwise had heard about somepony setting up a place where they could get some chow when it were, though he wasn't exactly sure where. But might be where he had gone towards? Hard to tell, but if he didn't come back, then good luck to him at least. For now though, he had a clock to gather up again.







"I-I am not much of a fighter, and I think that even injured, she could destroy me, if she so wished to. She were one of those who helped defeat the m-monster that attacked town from what I heard, so I don't think it's a smart idea to underestimate her."


The glare, the scars, the sword, her muscles and so forth could also tell of reasons why he were sure that the forepony were experienced enough in battle to snap him like a twig, wound or not, but he tried to keep the blabbering to himself right now. Not easy, but a small dosage of fear at the thought of annoying the mare did well in deterring him a little.


"Are you a fighter yourself? You don't appear much as the typical one if it is, no offence meant."







"Sounds strong, if this is all that is left of them."


She looked at the picture of the orb. It didn't look like much really, though it were pretty in a way? Conventional beauty tended to be something shiny and/or gold from what she knew of at least, though pretty for her would more be something chaotic. A laughing stone, a cloud raining with chocolate milk, pigs made of soap, things like that. These other things were nice enough, but they just didn't compare. At least not in her mind.


"What does the text mean? Putting two things together sounds like chaos, but Master Discord always said chaos couldn't be explained, so what is this? Just melting things?"


The apparent power of this was somewhat lost on her, though she understood the danger some at least. Being driven insane, dying or otherwise getting hurt wasn't good, and getting controlled? She couldn't think of something worse than being trapped in yourself, unable to do anything. She might be a servant, but she were never a puppet like that.


However... It did sound somewhat familiar.


"You say controlled? Like the thing that took over Sen before you went to the well? Perhaps something made by the same ones?"






Vivid's eyes narrowed at the mention of Star having a possessed friend.


"What kind of possession? Have the creature taken over an empty body, or is your friend somewhere beneath the layers, unable to regain control? Because if that is, I will happily tear the demon out myself and return it to where it came from. I have little love for those that traps somepony in their own shell like that."


She could speak about this in much harsher ways, but there'd be a time for everything. For starters, she had to gauge what kind of demon were being talked about, and from there the appropriate actions would have to be taken. It wasn't something she could just let stand as it were, unless the demon possessed a body no longer in use, or for some reason lived in harmony in the host, but that idea were frankly unlikely. The number of demons she knew that would live peacefully amongst others were not high, not even if she included herself.





@Derplight Sperkle


Steps would suddenly appear from behind Derplight. Or well, not directly, but from an angle to his back right, in which direction would be a small path to the forest and... A pony? He looked like one at least, with a base green coat, going into purple on his legs and the end of his muzzle. His tail were strange, a bit like a griffins with a tuft of purple hair at the end, but it were seen now and then on ponies, so it wasn't all that unusual. Neither were his green and purple mane with the flower sticking out near the base, nor the necklace with the flower ornament around his neck.


What did seem out of place where the purple cape covering his back, as it didn't provide much of either warmth or protection, the fact that his eyes were covered by the thick, purple cloth wrapped around his head, and that when he breathed a little and smiled, a line of sharp teeth were briefly shown.


"Ah, the smell of a working city. Rather splendid, don't you think so Brittle?"


"S-Still looks scary to me."


The question seemed to be given towards a young mare of some kind that were frankly, hard to describe.




Her voice were low and she quickly went to his side for protection seemingly, which would perhaps be odd to some, but for Derplight, it should be fairly easy to see why she would potentially fear this town: She was a changeling. She might have a mane and tail, but the exoskeleton, wings, strange horn and holes here and there would mark her easily as one, though as one of the original changelings, and not one of those under the new king.


It was a fairly odd sight to see her as she seemed an amalgamation caught halfway through a transformation, but it really were interesting to see if he would have time to think on that before the green and purple *pony*sniffed the air, then faced directly towards the changeling in disguise with a warm, but toothy grin.


"Hello there sir. How are you doing on this fine day?"






"Well... I-I think everything is set up out here, so perhaps we should c-check how it goes in the kitchen? Might be they need some help?"


Originally, she had been supposed to help in the kitchen when she were asked to help out here, but as she had gotten here, the need to get things set up out here overruled then, and she volunteered to get that fixed first, rather than help with preparing food.


During their twenty year run, Null had for the longest time done hers to make sure they had something to eat, but while she did get better as time went on, she didn't have the skills in this like their mother had before them. No, that fell more naturally to Void, and after a long time of trying to convince Null that it was better that she did this part, she had handled cooking what they found over the years.


She knew that Null were stubborn with her doing too many things for a reason, and she really cared for her sister, but some of the things she had tried to pass off as food were frankly a disgrace to any stomach, and a reason why she were slightly happy that her sis wasn't here right now. Only a little though, as she wasn't used to being absent from Null for long, unless something had gone wrong.


In any case, like she had said, the kitchen called, so she led Storm towards where the cooking were going on, and as they passed Granny Smith, who were knee deep in getting some salad chopped, she greeted both her, and the last that were aheadof them. That being the Cake's, and likely Pinkie Pie. They'd know what the two of them should do now, be it helping in the kitchen, get the food already done out to the large table at one side where things where to be served outside, or split them up to have one help with each of the things.







Chow had been pretty surprised at seeing the way this were supposed to be open. He had thought it was a specific thing that had to be pulled or something like that to get this sorted, but he supposed now that he thought on it, that that would potentially have been possible to find on accident, and that wasn't her style. Could get the residents here into trouble if this were found out after all, though the intricate way - at least for him - this were set up surprised him.


When the hole opened in the floor, he looked at it hesitantly, and turned his back on the others to head towards the door.


"Hold on, just gonna go grab my spear."


They turned out not to listen, as he went towards the weapon he had tilted up against the side of the front door, but he didn't expect it to be needed much really. It was just on the off chance that something were actually down there. Which as it turned out, had been something that were completely correct, though he couldn't tell what as he just heard Astral burst out what sounded like a surprised sentence, which stopped him as he were aalmost at the door, and turned around to face something, or somepony, run towards him.


It was per instinct that he reacted as he did when the changeling went past him and towards the door, which were to turn on the spot as the changeling changed shapes, then tackle him and in a swift spin, both grab hold of his spear and pinned the disguised changeling to the ground. The staff part of the spear would be pressed against his chest, and the blade out of reach to actually hurt this one, which were thankful. DIdn't want to start this off on a bloodied hoof, right?


Chow glared down at his prisoner for a second whilst his mind gathered itself around what he had seen. It was a changeling, that much were certain, and apparently, it had been in the secret room for some reason. However, considering the tear he could see and what was likely a shocked expression or something else, he started to feel bad about this as his mind tookk over his reflexes, and he loosened his grip on the bugpony a bit.


"Sorry about the tackle mate, but I had to think on my friends safety here first after the yelling. You understand, right?"


He let out a sigh and moved away from the changeling entirely.


"Look, I'm sure a lone changeling ain't here to make issues, but the little one have some bad experiences with your kind, and I can't sure if they'll be nice about it. Likely an idea for you to leave before they get up here mate. I'll cover you, scouts honour."


The two others were likely not going to be happy about him helping a changeling escape if it were, but he'd deal with the aftermath of that later if it were. Right now, he'd just rather try and stop anypony from doing something rash and stupid that would end up haunting them, then take what'd come from this later on.


As for this one, well, he didn't personally hate changelings. He found them to be sneaky, manipulative and dangerous generally, yes, but he didn't hate the individuals. The hive were what made the majority of them issues, as sadistic rulers controlled what bad things they'd end up doing when the hivemind controlled their every move, but the loners that were away from hives tended to not be all bad. Some were, of course, but others tended to just be out and looking for a way to live away from what they knew. The one in the Crystal Kingdom he had heard about where a good example, to pick a more well known specimen.


All bets were off if the lil' bug tried something though. First sign of it trying to drain him into a husk, and he'd impale it and make it into a wall ornament.





@Hazard Time


"So planar magic is dealing with things that exists in a layer over our own existence, and then using summoning magic to tap into that and transfer energy between the layers? Cool, never heard of magic like that before."


With a last, small hop, Blitz made it to the top of the *fort walls* and grinned down at the others from her elevated position. Not often she were higher up than other ponies, but it was fun when it did happen.


"The rest of the stuff sounds really technical. You must've studied stuff like this for a loooong time to learn all those funny measurements. But why did you wanna learn about this sorta thing? Because you wanted to do something not many others had done? Means you get to discover all sorts of exciting stuff instead of just copying."


Being a pioneer was better than just being a follower, so if that was the reason, she understood it a little. Who didn't want to be famous after all, and be knownfor having done something special that nopony else had done? She did at least, and she were sure others did too. Otherwise, why try to invent or research anything at all? What'd the point be, if it wasn't to do something as the first one and be famous? Beyond helping others of course, there was that. But that didn't mean you couldn't take a little pride in your work, right?








Fah'lina looked like she were about to run out of breath from laughing when she saw the reaction from trinket. Usually, Ziggy would have tried to make her be nice instead when it came to this, but considering she were holding her hooves to her muzzle to stop herself from laughing too, she didn't really have the high ground here to say anything to the little mimic.


"S-She is k-kinda."


She didn't get further before the laughter tried to press on again and Ziggy had to put her hooves on her muzzle again, though some giggling managed to escape her this time.


Considering she wasn't all that able to answer things, and Fah'lina stopped laughing first, she started to show a few more things herself to try and explain to the pony. A situation like this she really wished she could write something these equines could understand, but when that wasn't an option, show and tell would have to do.


There wasn't much else to show really, but she showed her tail's dexterity and strength to grab unto things, like an elephant's trunk, her gills, opened her eyes wide so the glassy membrane over the eyes themselves were shown, and her sharp claws. For something smaller than her, she'd be a horrific thing dressed in a cuddly squirrel disguise, but for larger things like ponies, she would be an annoying menace at best.


After the show and tell, Ziggy were able to breath a little without wanting to burst out again, and tried to take a few deep, shaky breaths before looking over at Serenade and responding to her. Perhaps not looking at Trinket directly would help.


"I don't get wh-aha-y they think apples are b-better. They're nice and a-all, but pears have a nice, sweet taste that's n-not to find in apples. It's like they're scared to try. Ehehehehe."


It was a poor attempt all in all, but she should be possible to understand between the fits of trying to hold back the laughter, and the end where she failed to keep it all in, though at least she wasn't falling down the chair laughing... yet.







Cover-up looked between the thestral and the feline monster, who had returned to picking at the pasta in his bowl to avoid getting cheese all over himself.


He hadn't had much help with what were going on ever since the attack, beyond the hospital helping him to survive after the rescuers had pulled him out from the rubble of his former home, and the pony that had given him the brush he carried with him. The situation itself, about his family and what had attacked them though, he hadn't an idea about. And now, here he had two beings that seemed to want to help. Crescent were open about it, whilst Zinthar... Well, it was harder to tell with him, but he hadn't attacked him yet, and seemed to want to latch on for now, so a tentative helper? He'd take it at least, which really put into perspective how desperate he actually were, now that he thought about it.


It almost made him want to cry again to see that he had others who supported him through this, but like Crescent had said, you shouldn't cry into the pasta. A comment that had made the colt give a small smile and a half giggle before he returned to finishing off his bowl of food.


"Yes, sleep sounds... It sounds good. Likely something we could all use."


"In time perhaps, but I have... Other plans before I rest."


Zinthar's plans were pretty simple really: Go out, hunt a fish, and then slice it over this bowl to spice it up a little. It were tasty enough, but it really needed that little bit extra that only meat could, and when he thought on things he missed eating, fish were high on the list.









A hand of stone rose up and took hold in Blood, before dragging her outside and keeping her in place, whilst the dragoness glared at the pony with a very unfavourably look.


"Do you ever think before you act? Or have your brain melted and oozed out your ears?"


She went over and stomped out the fire before it spread.


"I brought you here so we could seek help, and how much do you think the inhabitant is willing to help us when you break in, steal something that makes fire exhale from you, and then almost light off what for me seems like several pounds of explosives?"


She opened the door fully and let the light shine in on what she had smelled before. That being crates, barrels and such that were marked with different variations of explosives, strange names for ingredients and what she assumed were fireworks.


"It is already an issue trying to get help when you are a dragon, and a wandering disease-station, and this is just going to make it harder to make this pony listen. You might have forced us to have to get to town for this instead, which will just be more difficult, because you didn't think of the consequences of your actions."


The angry dragoness let the hand turn into rubble, and Blood would be free again. Both from her scolding, and from the harsh grip of the earth.


"Now try and behave yourself whilst I try to fix your mess. With some luck, I can at least mend this well enough to only make the theft an issue."


With that, she stopped talking to the pony, though she did give a disappointed snort from her nostrils, which brought small puffs of smoke with it.


The door tot he hut were easy enough, she just had to close it again, and then try and hope that the inhabitant of this place wouldn't be able to tell the scorching from the last one. As for the other one though... Lotus had grabbed hold of the empty bottle to remove that from sight for now at least, but the door itself would be a bother to do something about. The shed were already in a bad state, and the door being literally cracked in half when Blood kicked it in meant that the only real thing that there were to do here, would be to build a new one. Something which would take time that she didn't know if they had.


She were looking around for a tree to use, when somepony came wandering quietly behind them. A filly to be exact, that looked like her mane were on fire and her tail were frozen in the middle of a chain explosion.


"Heeeey, what happened to my door?"


Nerzhei at least turned around on the spot, prepared to think up something resembling an apology on the spot, when she locked eyes with the filly and raised an eyebrow.




The unicorn filly looked back with big eyes and jumped up and down so her metallic wings clanged slightly, clearly happy. Something which were also shown in her tone as she started to speak.


"Yey, cranky dragon lady! And she brought a friend too! What're you doing at my workshop?"







"If you want answers, you need to give some first. I was there when this happened tot he town,so I can answer, but I am not saying anything before you start talking and tell us who you are, and what you're doing here. Otherwise, I'm not only going to let Slash arrest you and throw you in jail. I will also personally make sure to get somepony to construct a pillory, and then leave you in that as an example, until the town is rebuild. I have had enough troubles with this town already without having to worry about an unknown quantity ruining things further."


She wasn't joking when she said this, and Slash knew it well. Though this town would likely complain about it, she knew that Last would quite literally get a pillory constructed, even if she had to do so herself, and then lock this unknown pony down there until the town were done.


Brutal, but she had to admire the ultimatum that were given with this, in case the other pony still wouldn't want to use the five seconds to say the most basic of information.


The other pony should too that this were serious. Both by the tone and by the icy glare that seemed to try and burn through her from the mare that had quite openly, just threatened her. It would be interesting to see if she'd listen this time, or if she would end up feeling the consequences of her actions.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"I've been known to go to afew cider bars and laying out afew stallions," Draco stated with a grin on his face. "But consider this most of the time I prefer talking or joking with my friends," he stated with a grin on his face at Clayton. But you better be prepared if you hurt my friends in anyway. Because as my dead papa put it I'm tartarus on wheels when I get mad," he said with a laugh. "But that's just my ear pop talking,"

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom,

As Storm followed Void into the Kitchen area, he was suddenly tackled by a flying pink blur. "Stormy~! Welcome to the kitchen-duties! Let's slap that apron on and get ready to bake bake bake!" Pinkie chattered at him, going from hugging him to getting him into an apron faster than most ponies could track. "We're gonna have lots and lots of hungry ponies to feed!"

Storm chuckled in return, "I'm pretty sure they're going to want more than just sweets and baked goods Pinkie."

Pinkie gave a great gasp, as if he had said something horrible, "Blasphemy! All anypony needs is sweets!" She giggled, "Well not really, but still, who would say no to a mountain of sweets? I know I wouldn't!"

Storm gave her a look, "Pinkie, those ponies have been hard at work, and while I love baked goods as much as anypony does-" Case in point being the muffin he was currently nibbling on "-I'm sure they could use some more nutritious and healthy foods." He gave a thoughtful look, "Maybe some soups, or pasta, or even curry. Something more meal-like than just a mound of baked goods." Storm listed off, holding up steaming dishes of the mentioned food- which definitely hadn't been there before -and placing them on a nearby counter as he did.

The pink party pony poked him with narrowed eyes, "You win this round Stormy..." And then she bounced off to get something out of the oven like nothing happened.

"Hello Storm deary, welcome back to Ponyville. And hello to you too Void. Are you all done with the tables?" Mrs. Cake greeted/asked cheerfully as she set a platter of cookies on the counter.

"You bet Mrs. Cake! Void and I got all the tables set up lickety-split!" Storm replied enthusiastically. "Between you and me, I think she did most of the work." He stage-whispered behind a raised hoof, causing the baker's wife to laugh.

"Great! Now, Storm, if you don't mind; we could use some help in the kitchen. As I'm sure you know, My husband and myself aren't exactly the best for cooking up much besides desserts and a few choice meals, and Pinkie..." Mrs. Cake shook her head in mock exasperation, "Well you know Pinkie, she mostly sticks to baking and party foods; Not exactly the best for your daily nutrition. Anyways, we would really appreciate it if you could help make some nice balanced meals for everypony."

"Say no more Mrs. Cake, I'm on it!" Storm replied, giving a mock salute/wave and disappearing, leaving behind only a slowly dispersing pony-shaped dust-cloud in his wake.

"Thank you for setting up the tables Void." The full-figured baker-mare said with a smile, "Now, is there anything in particular you would be more comfortable helping with? Aside from baking, of course. Three ponies is already a little over the top for that, I think." Mrs. Cake gave a soft giggle. "I could put you with Storm in cooking up the main courses, or you could start preparing some light side-salads if you'd like."

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom,


He wiped away his tears, spotting Astral and Misty exiting the basement. "AGH!" Astral put her hooves together, mustering together the most powerful spell she knew, something she learned from dark magic spell books, you could see it too.


His eyes widened fully, eyes almost completely black from the size of his pupils. He ran out, Astral almost letting out a magic blast towards him, luckily he exited the door, leaving it open which made Astral realize that would be reveal their magic, especially if she fired the spell now, she stopped her spell releasing black smoke from her hooves. He ran quickly into the streets as fast as possible to get out of range. "Thanks Chow!" He yelled out, flying off in his pegasus form. Possibly leaving Chow wondering how he knew his name.


Astral looked at Chow angrily, her hoofs still emitting black smoke, something event of a dark magic user. "You, let him go... Didn't you?"


Misty placed a hoof on Astral's leg. The only part of her she could reach. "Don't be angry at him." Misty looked at Chow. "Let me do that." She walked over to Chow, looking him in the eyes, levitating herself up to line their eyes up. "You better tell me why you let that little..." She held back her anger, enough to not swear. "That little pest... Go."

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


"Technically, it isn't so much chaotic as it is confusing. If I remember correctly, there was someone in Canterlot who was talking about how the two disciplines could work together. Magic and science... I think that's what he said. The applications of the arcane could be used in the testing and organization of knowledge, probably compiling it into a single object that can act as a repository. That orb might be the culmination of that attempt."

Lin paced about the room and thought deeply, accessing her memories from when she first saw the orb and what it had to offer. There were days where she simply could not get it to work, while other days were simply spent staring into it. She learned much from it, but all that knowledge was too much and she could no longer look at it. Eventually, curing her of hostile magic ended up draining her strength and all that she learned somehow went along with it. All she could remember were those body-hopping spells and those related to seeing into another's dreams. But the image of her brother from the cave couldn't escape her, or rather she escape it. 

"But what bothers me is how detailed and complete it is. I could ask for knowledge on any spell and it can teach it to me. Ever wonder why anyone would want that? Or what risks having such an object would have? If it's any consolation, Omen, I'll learn how to use my new abilities from you. It's much better than looking into that orb any day." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom, Cresent was glad to see the youngster giggle, something he had a feeling he would need more and more how ever and where ever this quest would take them too. Remembering about the brush he made a mental note to give the youngster a sketch book for the jorney, something to distract him from the worrys and such.


As the feline made his comment on his plans before rest, having a hunch the feline needed meat with the pasta it was another mental note he made on what to bring. Along with having cover up get use to being around meat....that would be a challenge, but the youngster wasn't a vamp. Which in an ironic way made things easy for cresent as the young are surpringsly less scared then the adults when it comes to the revilaction of vamponys and such creatures. Once the food was done being eating cresent spoke up "feel free to help yourself to seconds a full belly is easy for sleep, ill set up the beds for all of us, um zin"


he asked the cat "what would you sleep on exactly? I have 2 pop up bed in the house here but I don't know what a cat would call a bed to be honest" he said

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@@Moonlit, @@Blitz Boom,


Soon as she came to notice the commotion she'd caused from her little show, her face became bright-red in embarrassment and her shape shrunk within itself. She managed to perform a few awkward giggles herself as well: after all, the scene must've been hilarious, were Trinket not the prank's victim and were she able to actually witness it. Besides, the concept of Ziggy having a 'chewable mane' as Serenade put sounded pretty funny inside her head. At any rate, being frightened by things that don't really offer any real danger was somewhat a common occurrence for the mare.


"Heheh... You sure are one special girl, Fah'lina." The pink tone on her cheeks gradually fading away, she complimented the creature, impressed by her display of skills. "Just... d-don't do that thing with your teeth again, alright? Or... at least warn me before you do... Because, y'know... I'm not a... fish..."

Edited by Driz
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@@Blitz Boom, @@Driz,  Serenade gives Trinket a smile, "You get used to having her around after awhile. And Ziggy has a...peculiar sense of humor, they both do really. If you want more muffins, feel free also here" She passes over a brown paper bag containing four fresh muffins. She then sits down at the table and flips open the book she had been reading for the past while, one she needed for her upcoming meeting with the Princesses' - Ancient Stellar Observations and Phenomenon

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Blitz Boom,

Ginger Lightning spaced out for  quite a while it was kind of unsettling...she  snapped out of it and ran back into the woods...

"Meeko!here doggy doggy!" She called looking for Meeko. She had lost track of the poor timber wolf pup... she should go back to where she last saw him...

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@Blitz Boom


*looks at vivid thinking wow she knew alot 


¨well she made a deal so she could survive and she let her take control of her body if she needed¨


¨so you cant really rip the demon out of her she can chooose to come in and take control then out¨


¨i made a deal too witch was  to protect her¨


*looks at vivid in eye for a second then away


¨thats what happend to my father and sister ¨

*starts looking sad


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@@Blitz Boom,


 Blood Drops blinked confused as she was held by a stone hand. She wiggled though it didn't free ehr. She stared blankly at the Dragoness as she began ranting about how stupid she was. She blinked at her and let her finish. She was indeed very persistent.


"I was only looking" she protested. She indeed was curious and liked drinking stuff, "Should have locked that liquid up before some pony drank it" she defended herself.


She turned away and snorted at the Dragon annoyed at her, though she couldn't stay annoyed at her for long. She blinked and carried on like nothing had happened, since she had forgotten about burning the door down. She glanced at the place.


"Nice place, shame about the door" she giggled. She looked at the new arrival and smiled "Well hello there little one, I won;t eat you" she said with a smile, it was true after all.


She glanced back at the dragon "Though this dragon might, I don't know if it eats filly's" she added, she looked at her "You don't eat filly's do you?" she queried curiously.Fillys are smaller and therefore easier to eat then fully grown ponies after all.


Blood had a sudden urge to lick the 'Blitz' Filly, she held out her tongue and went closer to the filly. 


She glanced at the dragon "Can I lick it?" she asked.






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"It is rather difficult not knowing who you can and can't trust. Also, Null and Void, I get it." Zen nodded and smiled, levitating a cup of tea she pulled out of her robe, then began to drink it. "That said, I could perhaps help Void, if you'd like me to." she said, that ever-present genuine warm smile never leaving.

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@@Blitz Boom




"Not entirely.  A plane isn't simply a layer, though some assert it is simply so that layponies can understand their hypotheses and evidence.  Most planar conjurers, however, will assert that a plane is actually a sphere, where all of its relative reality is on the outside surface surrounding a magical singularity.  This may not have been observed and it may never be observed by mortals, but there is various evidence to back it up, such as various aura chromatographs taken of the ether between realities.


"The term 'summoning magic' is also incorrect, though as you are a laypony, I can let that pass.  The reality is that my magic revolves around accessing the magically-rich ether via natural ley-lines and extracting it into whatever form is desired by directing it through conduits, what are commonly referred to as 'summoning circles'.  Depending on the runes inscribed, the angle at which they're inscribed, and the item used to inscribe them, as well as whatever components are present within the conduit at the time of channeling, I am able to generate either energy or matter at will."


Zoisite finally took a moment to catch his breath, though his head was up and his expression seemed brighter than it had been all day.  "Well, conjuration simply called to me.  It simply makes sense and it is what I feel passion for."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom


Derplight turned to see the steps that came up somewhat behind him. The sight was...unique. He hasn't seen such a pony before, or the changeling in its... form? To Derplight's limited knowledge, it looked like this particular changeling's magic has somewhat failed mid change creating... this. Derplight was just plain confused at the situation. 


When he sniffed the air and asked Derplight a question, he gave a quick look back to see if there was somepony else that the question could be directed to. Seeing nopony, he held up his changed hoof to point at himself. "Do you mean me?" He gulped. "I guess...I'm fine?" he replied with a nervous smile. 


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Blitz Boom



Seamore finished cutting through the tree, yelled the usual, "Timber!" in a less enthusiastic manner than usual (only as a warning the tree was coming down) and the tree fell away from everypony. There was still a bit more to cut away to finish getting Miles' horn out of the tree, but at least now there would be less risk. As Seamore prepared to make the final cuts, Miles twitched and let out a slight fearful moan as if he was having a bad dream he couldn't wake up from. He stopped cutting and looked toward the doctor with an expression that would ask without the need for words wether or not he should continue.



@@Blitz Boom


"When she comes, buy some of the berries from the salesmare, but spill them and use none of your magic. What happens afterward must happen," The Traveler spoke into Zhu's mind. Right on queue, a young Earth Pony mare with a tan coat and a frizzy, light pink mane approached pulling a cart of nuts and berries. Her cutie mark was much like the assortment in her cart, so it was clearly the trade she was meant for. There was an uncanny resemblance to Penny Buttercup, as this was her grandmother. "You two look like you could use a snack. Might I interest you in some nuts or berries?"



@@Blitz Boom



"Chocolates tend to last a long time, but even so, I've had to resort to enchanting the boxes to keep the fillings and enchantments fresh, so in the box they should last indefinitely. I also took extra measures and the box will prevent you from taking any chocolates that won't work with anything that's already affecting you, so the effects are 100% guaranteed. How many you can have, and how long they last is truly dependent on your metabolism, but most last all day, though I do always include cancellation chocolates in case you decide you want the effect to end early. I also have built in safeguards for some including a warning before the effects end, and in the event that the wings disappear mid air, the user will drift slowly toward the ground instead of falling. Cloud walking is also included in those chocolates, as it only made sense to add it anyway." Penny knew her craft well, and the way she spoke would clearly show it. "If you'd like to try a free sample, I think I have the perfect chocolate for you, too." She levitated a piece of chocolate shaped like a lemon slice out of the box, the top of which had a layer of yellow colored chocolate on it. "It's a purification chocolate, which should help with the Tanzanite in your necklace, and like the silver, its magic is associated with the moon and water. Since it has the same attunements, maybe it can add its energy to the energy from your jewelry and help it enhance your psychic awareness." Throughout her Canterlot education, Penny always liked the study of gemstones as sort of a second hobby.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom



Blue froze when Lyriel asked her the question. She hadn't thought of that yet. Oh horseapples.

She tried to think of an answer, something, anything that would make at least a little bit of sense. After a few seconds of silence she realized that she had to give an answer, or she would seem even more suspicious than she already was.


"I... I... I d-don't...know. I...don't...r-remember what h-happened."


It started out as simply not knowing what to say, and turned into a pretty good excuse! Heh, she surprised herself with her own greatness sometimes. Even when she was panicking she was the best.


She put a hoof to her head, as if she struggled to remember something.


"I don't remember... The last thing I remember before ending up here was me walking back from a concert back in Canterlot, b-but I... What happened...?"


Ooooh, this was perfect. Amnesia was the best excuse ever! If she would have to explain anything too difficult, than she would just 'have forgotten it'! Hah! 'Get out of jail for free'-card! Yeaaah!


Frosty gasped when Blue told them that she couldn't remember anything about how she got here.


"W-woah! I think you have amnesia! Are y-you ok?"


Blue gave herself a brohoof in her thoughts. Yep, I'm the best.


"We should g-get you to a doctor, or somethi-oh wait there are no doctors here. Well, eh, I could try some experimental mag-"




"Oh. Sorry."


Blue sighed.


"Well, we should probably get moving if we want to get to that cave anytime soon. We'll figure out my memory some other time, yeah?"


'Some other time', hopefully never. She was starting to get tired of having to think of excuses and backgrounds every ten seconds. She was pretty creative, if she did say so herself, but not that creative.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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"I do what I can to not hurt others, in parts because I am not worth much in a fight. My mother tried to teach me a few times, but I have never been confident about it solving things to raise a hoof towards others. Experience have since taught me that there is a time for actions such as that, yet I tend to leave that for others to fix, as I am still at best a distraction. My assistant back in Canterlot on the other hoof... I-I would not put it past her to swiftly deal with things. She is very effective at her job and highly protective. A reason why I have not dared to bring her here. I think that if her and the forepony met, it would not end well."


Granted, it would be nice to have her here and help him with a few things, considering everything that went on, but he couldn't take the risk. The first time she'd see Last Stand get in his face and sneer at him, she would strike, and it wouldn't end well for either of them. Not because he thought that the forepony were impossible to harm - in fact, he believed that even if she weren't hurt, his assistant might still be able to surprise Last - and that she were bound to send his assistant to the hospital, but more because of a lot of legal ramifications coming from that, and the fact that as it stood, the forepony wouldn't fare well, considering her wound, and getting her sent to the hospital would halt the reconstruction of town. And thinking on the fact that he were here to help with getting the town rebuild and not to sabotage it, such a scenario wasn't something he wanted to happen.


Clayton took a glance around at where they were, as well as the nearing clock tower. They'd have to take a turn around some of the rubble to get there, but they should be where the hinges were needed soon enough. Would be interesting to see if the forepony would be there or not, though even if she weren't, he could just let the crate down there regardless. It shouldn't be an issue.






Void looked at Pinkie with an intrigued look as her and Storm began to ramble off about meals, baked goods and such, wondering about the pink mare. Considering what Storm had said, she could use the same, strange magic that he could, and she wondered if she might end up seeing some of that if she kept her eyes open and focused. Or well, *eye* would be more precise, considering she had a glass eye, but details like that likely didn't matter much right now.


Sadly, it didn't seem like she got a sampling of what Pinkie might be able to do, but she did get to see more of what Storm did at least, which this time included some steaming hot meals, arriving as he mentioned them to Pinkie. It was likely not a thing that she'd ever be able to just shrug off as normal, but on the other hoof, likely not something she'd consider less impressive either, so it seemed to even out more or less.


The dishes caught her eye though. Most she didn't really know, but a few she could look at and knew some variations of. Not exactly, but it looked and smelled near enough to make her mind go towards a couple of things from the past twenty years that she and Null had run into. Nothing quite like the stuff from Troy, but few things really reminded her of the things from there.


Wouldn't be long before Mrs. Cake would show up and divert things though. And by things, she meant both both her and Storm, of which the later were sent off to help with some dishes that didn't include baked goods shortly after. Which left Void back in the hot seat with the baker. Not before she had a chance to take in the friendly, familiar interaction between Storm and Mrs. Cake, but unfortunately, it fast for her to really gauge how well they did together normally. It seemed friendly enough, but how friendly? And was it mainly courtesy? For some reason she were curious about this for a moment, but it passed fast as the questions came and the situation at hoof arose again.


She didn't find Mrs. Cake scary per se. In fact, of the ponies she had met in this town, she actually found her to be one of the most calming ones to be near, as she appeared very nonthreatening in basically all aspects thus far. Yet to be faced with somepony one on one, no matter who it were, still made Void a tad bit more nervous than usual. The complete focus on her by anypony else than Null were not something she had ever gotten used to. Usually because it meant bad things were about to happen, but it wasn't something she could hold up against Mrs. Cake. She were just asking questions, not planning on shoving her into an oven after all. *nervous, internal laughter*


"Well a-actually, if you don't mind, could I help with the dishes? I-I know some good stews and soups from back home in T-Troy that could be good. If there's some spices, that is."







Though he internally got the sudden urge to turn around and run as fast as he could when he saw the dark magic oozing from Astral who were seemingly in an even darker mood, and Misty floating up and getting into his face, Chow did his to at least keep his composure on the outside and stood his ground. Something which included him looking directly into Misty's eyes without blinking, whilst he began to give his answers.


"The changeling was a potentially innocent guy that were about loose his head because of how others have been to you, and you wonder why I let him go? Look at yourselves and how you reacted on just seeing somepony like him here, and then ask that again.


Hives are as bad as their queens, and especially Chrysalis' servants deserve all the flak they get, but not all changelings wander in hives anymore. There are individuals thinking to themselves, hiding from their former hives because they're afraid to go back under control and become invaders again, and I know that those at least tend not to be evil. And if you want proof of that, try to get the library to hand you some documents about the changeling diplomat in the Crystal Kingdom. That should show you that there's always another side to things."


Chow grabbed a better hold in his spear and put it on his back, prepared to leave, as he'd likely either be expelled or would leave on his own considering the tempers in the room.


"And now, how about I ask you something? When you saw the changeling, did he do anything to you? You look like a simple foal and an earth pony, surely that means he'd have tried to fight instead of running off like that, crying, right? Or did you just meet him with beginning hostility, which made him want to escape because you too wouldn't give him a chance?"


He looked specifically at Astral the more this went on, because his words got somewhat more judgemental and his gaze harder. Not something he wanted to direct to Misty.


"You can keep your prejudice from bad experiences. That's fine, and I can understand that. But as I can help it, I'm not going to let you act out on it and murder somepony. Because the second you kill one of them for no other reason than what they are, you're no better than them anymore."


This last one were the sort that would likely get him blasted out of the open door, so he braced himself somewhat for impact, but it had to be said. Some changelings had killed Misty's entire family, simply because of what they were and because they could - from what he had been told at least - and those specific ones needed to be harmed back. That he agreed on. Yet not all changelings were like that, nor had even been there to begin with, and you couldn't judge all because of how a few had been. You could carry some unfavorable views, but going from there to trying to kill on sight? Where did the line go between them, and you then? The anger? Because that wasn't a valid excuse.


As for the point about the changeling saying his name... He had no idea how to get that in there, but it was likely going to bite him in the flank sooner or later. Far as he were concerned, the changeling had moved here too and had seen him at some other point before this, and nothing more. Who it had been he hadn't a clue, but eh, perhaps he'd find out some day.







Omen did what she could to try and follow at what Lin said before she started to pace around, and used some time after to attempt to make it make more sense, but frankly, she were lost when it came to this. Magic were one thing that were hard enough to try and understand, but when science came in over it too, she couldn't keep up. It used too many big words to explain things, and she never knew how the things actually got any sort of power, moved, etc. because the explanation of that tended to just get more complicated and have more big words, or were written in large, thick books.


After a time, she resigned herself to just think of this as *mystic thing, no touching* and try to move along somewhat. Usually this worked well enough with other things she didn't understand, which were also one of the reasons why she didn't touch many mechanical things. It seemed the best not to try when you didn't knew what it did or how it worked.


"No, I haven't thought on why somepony would want that. Perhaps just to have it? To get power from it? Guess it could be many things.


I don't understand what the thing is with the orb much. Likely never will. But it sounds too dangerous to use, so yes, better I try to teach than that it sounds like. Things I can tell shouldn't be dangerous, I think."


Omen went silent and pondered what next to say for a little before she went on.


"What do we do now then? We train? Look? Something else?"







"I can sleep most places, though..."


Zinthar looked towards the colt, who - despite the offer for a second bowl - had thanked no and were starting to clean up after himself. He were a bit of distance from them, so as the feline snuck closer to Crescent and lowered his voice, the youngster wouldn't be able to hear him. It was a matter of keeping a bit of dignity to himself, which the thestral would likely understand as he heard the slightly hopeful words that came out of the feline mouth.


"You wouldn't happen to have a box lying around of some sort? Not filled with pillows or other such things, just a simple, plain box."


It was a guilty pleasure of his to find rest in things such as that unfortunately. Even back before he had gotten trapped, he had made the other ones give him a bed not lined with expensive silk or such, but instead a lovely, well polished box with a lid, all to himself. He didn't mind the hard surface as he were perfectly fine from nature's side to rest on such, and the cramped quarters for some reason were rather soothing to him, so if he had the option he would take it. Especially after being kept away from having the option for around a millennia, where the only option to sleep had been on glowing mushrooms with odd smells, which were about as nice as trying to rest on an deflating, well used football.








After a time, Ziggy finishes giggling over the whole thing between Fah'lina and Trinket, at least for the time being. At that point, the mimic had already shrugged in a manner that seemed to indicate *okay* towards Trinket's request for her to not open her maw wide again around the mare. She had also jumped over and patted the pony a bit on the head to try and be nice, before returning to slowly gnawing her muffin down with the small, rodent teeth she had in front.


"Hehe, okay, I'm done now I think."


Ziggy went over and gave Trinket a quick little hug as a bit of an excuse before bouncing a bit away from the table to look out of the window again. She didn't know what she expected really, but... Okay, that wasn't true, she were expecting that there were lots of injured ponies outside still and she had to zoom out and get back to work, yet as she gave the glance it seemed like things were still fine. Some citizens were currently moving a cart of bricks and assorted towards where she assumed the building site were right now, along with three pegasi, each flying a bag beneath them in the same direction.


Beyond that, it didn't seem like there were anypony right around here though, but she supposed that wasn't much of a surprise. Lot's of things for the locals to do right now really, even if they weren't one of those who had volunteered to get the town rebuilt, so you couldn't expect everywhere to brim with life. Still, worth having a look, just in case.


"Seem quiet out there, so that's good. No ponies wondering around going owie."


She went back to the others, and upon seeing Serenade reading her book once more, stopped before going over to her and just kept to being around her two, actually smaller companions. Because that was one thing Serenade certainly wasn't, outside of her costume. Huuuge siren, that were just going to get even larger, sooner or later.


"We better be nice and calm now when she's reading. It's some important stuff, though it's sorta confusing too. Not for Serenade though, she knows tons about those sort of things."







It would take a little, but eventually, she'd be able to hear the barking of Meeko somewhere nearby, though it wouldn't be the only voice, as a rather unimpressed voice of a mare also broke in over.


"Hold still pup, or this will get worse."


If she would follow the voice, and Meeko's random spurts of barking, she'd eventually find both him, and a mare that seemed a bit out of place here in the forest. Her eyes would likely be drawn to Meeko first though, who thankfully seemed to be perfectly okay, despite the bouts of pain before. However, he were currently stuck in a bucket whilst the unicorn were using her magic to pry a few dozen pins out that he had seemingly fallen into when hiding in said bucket earlier.




The mare seemed to be floating the pins from the timberpup down into the bag she carried with her, so Ginger shouldn't have to worry about walking on some of them by accident.






"You would be surprised what I can do with souls, my dear child. But you're correct in this case. If a contract was willingly made, I cannot really do anything with the bond between them."


It wasn't strictly true, but it didn't seem the time to mention that an option would be to simply destroy one part of the duality, which would likely be easier to do with the pony, rather than the demon. Demons were resilient, whilst ponies often weren't, aside from some out-liners like herself, and unless Star's friend had asked for invulnerability of some kind, it was likely that it hadn't been granted by the demon. Unless the demon liked the vessel, in which case he or she might do that simply for their own benefit.


It were a harsh way she gazed upon demons, yes, but the majority she had met would gladly sell off their own relatives for something worth more to them than that. Though granted, most she knew were either from the pits, or the void, and it wasn't exactly nice ones that frequented either of those places.


The part that Star mentioned after her friend though, began to puzzle Vivid some. It seemed like there were a story there that included a cost, yet the details seemed somewhat scrambled.


"I am sorry to hear that your parents have perished. Loosing close family is not an easy thing to go through, yet I think that I need to ask in about this, and this deal that you mentioned. Something tells me the story behind both are related in a rather... Grim, but important fashion."






The strange alicorn's appearance didn't exactly go unnoticed, though luckily for everypony, he hadn't manifested somewhere with that many ponies. A half dozen or so were there, but those for sure did look, though they seemed to walk away from him rather than approaching him. That is, all except for one, who rose on leathery wings and flew a little closer so that she could have a better look at the stranger through her slightly tinted glasses.


"...A-Are you a real alicorn, mister?"


The foal didn't seem to be afraid, but rather a little bit excited, which were also evident in the look she gave as she fluttered around him. She did respect personal space though, and didn't get within a half meter just yet, but considering this might be a real life alicorn, you couldn't fault her for wanting to fly a little bit closer and touch him, just to make sure this wasn't an illusion. Jelly Drop didn't though. Not yet at least.







Blitz tilted her head and looked confused at the mare who were walking towards her with her tongue out that wanted to... Lick her? It sounded pretty weird?


"Well, it sounds a little weird, but su-"




Nerzhei interrupted before it were done, then went over and pulled Blitz up from the ground just to be sure for now and placed her a bit further away from Blood. It seemed like she constantly had to remind this pony of what were wrong with her to not make her infect the majority of Equestria, which just made her wonder how she hadn't done it yet. Didn't seem like she had a handler to put her on a leash currently. Well, beyond the dragoness, but this was a necessity for now, not something she planned to spend her life on.


"Huh, why not?"


"She's sick, spreads by touch. Wouldn't want you to get sick too, right?"


"Ooooh. Yeah, that wouldn't be fun. I likely wouldn't be able to make any fun things that way."


Good, so at least the foal understood. That were a plus, though it still amazed her that this were the one she met here, considering what she had heard of this place. Though perhaps she were just overthinking it? Might be she just came here for some stuff, and she hadn't heard the filly say it was her door that were broken.


"In any case, did I hear you right? Did you live here?"


"Why does nopony believe that it's my workshop? I mean, I still smell of gunpowder, right?"


Well, Nerzhei couldn't argue with that. The low smell had hung around the foal even the first time she had met her, but it were even more noticeable now. Likely, she had been making something recently.


"Very well then. Then I'll help fix your place when I'm done with my companion here for the day, after her... Mishaps. However, before this, I come bearing a favor to ask. I believe you have a forge, yes?"


Blitz eyes lit up like it were Heart's Warming Eve at the mention of her forge, She loved that thing, and showing it off was something that made her a little gleeful.


"Uhuh. You need to use it? I got some metal too if you want. Just not the springs! I need them."


"Excellent then. Perhaps you could lead the way? Then we'll start it up before getting some metal to use. And worry not about your springs. I need something more tangible than those."


Blitz didn't even answer before she ran off behind her workshop, and towards the east, which left Nerzhei to finally be able to let out a small sigh of relief, before picking up Lotus and looking down on Blood.


"Blitz is a... Familiar face to me, so we seem to be in luck here. But please stop trying to touch everyone until we can at least attempt to do something with your illness? Especially her. I don't want a kid to get what you have, with all due respect."







"What I like and what she agrees to, isn't always the same thing. I'll take the idea to her, but no matter how much I think it'd do her good, I'm not going to force her into anything. She's a grown mare, and she can make her own decisions."


That last part was a hard one to swallow at times, because even though she knew this were true, she still saw herself as the big sister who had to keep an eye out for her younger sibling, and not as somepony who should support, but not try to decide.


Perhaps it would've been different if they had left home in another manner, or if she had been able to find her a calm place longer back in time, instead of trying to mend things now, after twenty years of stress, but what could she do? She had been six years old, and from one day to the next, she suddenly had to care for her wounded sister all by herself, whilst they were on a run from an angry mob. What could anypony expect her to do?


Likely nothing, but that didn't mean that she didn't constantly scorn herself for not having found a way somehow. Something which didn't help her anger issues, but that were a secondary concern.





@Hazard Time


"You should do what you like, that's the most fun. That why I tinker with stuff and make explosives too."


After lingering on the top of the *fort* a little longer, Blitz jumped down again. She had gotten to the top of the wall, she had done what she had wanted to with that. At least currently. Perhaps later she'd get the urge to paint it or something strange, though something told her that Zoisite was gonna try and stop her in that if it were, but eh. Things to think about if it happened.


As for what Zoisite had said up to now... Well, she'd try to keep it in mind, but as it weren't something she completely understood, chances where that she'd stash it in some part of her subconsciousness and forget about it soon enough, in favor of new things to tinker with that would pop into her head. Usually what rummaged around in that. Well, that and thoughts about muffins, but that wasn't really unnatural all things considering.


"Oh! Oh! Since you do this sort of thing, what do you do then? Also something magical and mysterious?"


Halfway through speaking, Blitz had turned to Zoisite's... Sister? She couldn't remember if this had been established or mentioned yet right now, but it could be, and she wanted to know what the well armed mare did too. Perhaps she were a blacksmith? She had a a pretty weapon after all, might be she made those sort of things herself.





@Derplight Sperkle


The larger, sharp-toothed pony gave off a minor laughter at the nervous reply.


"Splendid to hear sir, though I feel like I should calm you, and let you know that there is no reason for the nervousness you feel, if it is in regards to us. Brittle here could hardly harm a fly, and I haven't the faintest need, nor urge, to harm anypony. Ponykin is far simpler to just speak to, rather than resort to such barbaric ways. But perhaps I am moving at a slightly odd pace. perhaps one should take it from the start, yes?"


He lifted a hoof to his chest, and gave a rather formal bow towards the disguised changeling in front of him, whilst doing a minor presentation.


"I am Briar Trapjaw, a simple evergrown. And this is my dear companion, Brittle Buzz."


Briar straightened his neck after the introduction, then lifted his hoof to correct his mane a little, whilst Brittle stood close to him and tried to shield herself with him, though did raise a shaky hoof and gave a weak, short-lived wave.


"I haven't smelled you around here before. Are you perhaps another of the volunteers that have come to assist the town? Or have I perhaps simply missed our presence in town before? It happens more often than you might think when you cannot see, though I do try to keep up upon the smells and sounds of those that lives here. It can get so terribly awkward otherwise."





@Seamore Sandwich



"A little bad dream isn't going to harm him right now. I'll hold him. You just keep getting him dislodged from there."


There were a few ways in which a bad dream could harm him actually, which were why she came over and held the doctor down, just to be on the safe side. Still, it would likely be fine enough, as long as he wasn't getting attacked in the dream or something like that. She didn't know if that was an actual thing that could happen, but she had heard stories before of the dream halls and such, so she supposed anything were possible, but in that case, he'd be out of reach anyway, more than likely.


Well, all she could do for now were hoping that it wasn't going to end with something quite as bad as that, and then keep him down whilst Seamore got him sawed out of the bit of trunk he were still attached to.





@Seamore Sandwich


"Yes, I would like to purchase a pouch's worth of berries. Please."


Zhu didn't exactly do well on a diet most days, so the sight of the cart, and knowing that he had to waste this food, didn't sit too well with him.


The majority of the things he ate were raw, so that no campfire could be used to track his movements, and he barely made contact with civilization, and could often go for decades between setting his paws within a town, which meant anything made there were also mostly out of reach, as he didn't think it fitting that he stole simple things like that.


These berries might still be raw, but it were something that would be bought from civilization, and wasting it really did feel like a pity to him. Something which his stomach suddenly reminded him about beneath his robes, yet he could ignore that. It wasn't the first time he hadn't eaten in days, and it wasn't going to be the last either. There were too many things to do still, before he could have a breather and feed, just as it were now as he approached the seller he had been asked to.


He didn't have cloaking magic of any kind, which were a pity when it came to wandering into places such as this, and the robes didn't exactly make everypony trust him, but it seemed it mattered little to the pony - potentially because the Creator already had them perceived as something else. He wasn't sure - as he pulled the asked coins from the pouch inside his robes, before leaving with the bag and *accidentally* drop it after thinking he had secured it to his belt. A simple way of doing this, but there weren't always a reason to over-complicate things.


As for the mare herself... The familiarity showed well in her potential futures, so he knew that she were connected to somepony that he either had or would meet later in Ponyville - time travel made for a curious choice between terms really - but as for which of the futures that he saw that would befall her shortly now, he couldn't tell. It seemed an even chance of several things to occur as the likely one, even if the berries seemed to indicate there being only one.





@Seamore Sandwich



"Ohoho, you know your stuff well dear. Most assume I simply wear these to flaunt a little."


While that were true to some extend, the truth were more along the lines of what Penny here had said. The gems and the silver where all to heighten her abilities to some degree, though they rarely did much during the day unfortunately. Pure silver was a great conduit, but as it were associated with the moon, it was mainly at night that it truly shined, and let the gems in her boots help along to strengthen the link. The gem in the necklace were large and focused enough do without needing all of that, but the more it empowered the better after all.


It where why most of her evening wear had these sort of gems in them, and her dresses be lined with strands of silver that could help enhance her focus in unity with these things. She wasn't a weak unicorn that could barely cast a spell without thinking her head were cracking, but there were a grand difference between some minor spells and the telekinesis, and then the psychic powers that could be.


Now granted, even with as many gems and silver as she'd ever get, there would be a limit. The gems themselves hold the properties, but it wasn't like they were charged with magic. Those sort of things were preposterously hard to find, even on the *alternative markets*, and at those prices...


No, she had to be satisfied with the swinging effectiveness of these gems and the silver at night times, and then take joy of what, low buzz of thought and special awareness she could pick up on here and there. Depended on the strength of the moon in the given night of course, but nopony ever said that gaining an advantage were going to be a simple thing, now did they?


Then again, perhaps there would be a simple way of doing things after all, if this little piece of chocolate worked? There couldn't be much harm in simply trying for now at least, no?


"Your explanation sounds fascinating and covers the questions well, but as you propose, it is always better to see for oneself. Let us see what occurs then, shall we?"


With that, she floated the lemony looking chocolate over, and chomped down on it.


The taste was rather intriguing. Not entirely what she had expected, yet not in a particular bad way, though she didn't get much time to enjoy the aftertaste before the effects began to get to work, at which point she actually opened her eyes wide open in shock for a moment.


She had expected... Well, something barely affecting her, basically? And yet, right now, she felt as if the full moon itself had risen in the sky. She could feel an influx of energy mix with the silver and her tanzanite gems, flowing gently through them and her in an even stream, and raising her awareness and calmness by some degrees. It also meant the shock were gone fast, but she cared little for that, as she did about the wondrous piece of confectionery and the effects it provided. A proof of Penny's claims, and something which most definitely were something that made Scarcity think of this as a purchase she could likely not miss.


"I will admit, I did not expect this.effect, but I will not lie and claim that it did not work as promoted. How much for say... A dozen boxes for now?"


Considering the amount of work put into these and the uniqueness, she did not expect it to be cheap. Yet considering everything, it would likely be well worth it, though she might potentially have to leave for a few minutes to get to her shop and bring more currency, in case she didn't have enough on her in bits and the small pouch of jewels she carried in her saddlebag. But, they'd see when she got a price to work with.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,


(can I play as my friends oc ill do here speech color green)




¨yes we have seen the worst of it all I can tell you the whole story know but I am waiting for my call and my friend is actually here she is¨


*looks around


¨well I guess she couldn't make it ¨


¨but maybe another time I will let you guys meet although I don't know where we could meet or anything do you have any ideas¨


¨because right know I think I am getting called in¨


*guard waves 


*another pony gets up and walks in 


¨i guess not but soon I hope ¨


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@@Blitz Boom,


Mrs. Cake smiled and gestured towards the part of the Kitchen where Storm was already at work; dashing between stoves and counters, mixing, pouring, stirring, preparing, boiling, and cooking a multitude of dishes and ingredients. "That would be lovely deary, we could definitely use some more ponies to help with the main dishes. The only one right now is Storm, after relieving my husband of the station, and even with all of his energy I'm a bit worried he'll tire himself out cooking for so many. "


"Thanks for helping out Void! You've been superduper-helpfultastic!" Pinkie piped up, popping out of a nearby egg-carton and giving Void a party hat with '#1 Helper' on it, before disappearing back through it (In classic Pinkie Pie style).


"Oh Pinkie..." Mrs. Cake said with a giggle and a shake of her head. "Well, I'd better get back to work. Thank you again for helping us out so much Void." She said as she began walking back to help bake... And to help keep Pinkie from eating the sweets.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Seamore Sandwich,  Flight was difficult, he hadn't done it in so long. He hadn't normally disguised as a pegasus, especially since his wings were hurt. "Oh what's that?" He flew down rapidly, landing with a woosh of air outwards. His wings furled outwards as if to show them off, almost making himself look like wonderbolt material. Which wasn't his goal of the display, in fact he was only doing it to slow his descent. "Chocolate?" He approached Penny, noticing the other pony currently there. He walked next to the pony to get a better look at the box in particular, looking at the chocolates. "What kind of chocolate are these?" He asks pointing to the box of chocolate.

Edited by Lloyd

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Ah, that's understandable. Given what I've read in your mind, you're a time traveler, correct? Exactly what era are you from?" Zen asked curiously.




"No...I-I'm not...pickin' up any heartbeats..." Deadpan muttered, looking absolutely heart broken. Tears ran down his face as he looked at the ground.

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@Blitz Boom

"I can understand that," Draco stated with a grin on his face slightly.He hummed as he saw the cakes. "How about a cupcake?" Draco asked with a grin on his face slightly. "My treat," Draco said as he pointed to the cakes bakery. HE had a sweet tooth. And he came into some money.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin wandered around her room but didn't appear to see anything else of interest. Whatever she came here for, it was simply to reminisce and looking for something to work with. Beyond that, there was little else except for the prying eyes of the villagers. She knew them well, walking about through the day and getting a feel of the atmosphere. They were scared, reserved and too hesitant to voice their thoughts on her looks and powers. The old family hut was perfect to keep herself and Omen scarce when they didn't want any attention drawn to them. 

"This place is cleaned out with nothing more to see. We could stay here for the meantime to practice; I haven't gotten used to opening up gates and whatnot. Are there other things I should know? Maybe more powers than just moving from one place to another? The anticipation is getting to me!" 

Despite the sudden shift in mood when Ghilan brought them the good news, it was a welcome change. She was getting tired of hearing bad news and even terrible news about what happened to her family during her absence. It was about time for things to lighten up. Lin cleared away her book and pushed the dilapidated wooden table out of the way. 

"So, oh knowledgeable teacher," Lin perked up to get herself in the mood. "What is our next lesson?"

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@@Moonlit@@Blitz Boom


Trinket nodded a polite thank you motion as Serenade handed out more muffins for the take, even though the blue mare's hunger had already been satisfied after only eating through the first one. Remaining sat down at the table, she kept her curious pair of eyes switching between the three individuals in her presence: Serenade, as she opened up a book and dove into it; Fah'lina, continuing to eat with her wonderful appetite; Ziggy, as she checked on the world outside through the house's window. That last one in specific reminded Trinket that she needed to get back to work soon. Even though things had calmed down considerably after she first arrived at Ponyville that morning, the damaged houses still weren't going to fix themselves. Perhaps a few more minutes to cool down wouldn't hurt, however.


"Ah... I see..." She responded to Ziggy's comment, unconsciously staring at the book's cover while she did so. After a few seconds, she turned back to face the zegasus and attempted at some small talk. "So, uh... Ziggy... How long have you been a doctor for? Isn't it sort of... like... a stressful job, sometimes?"

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