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What do you sleep to?

Bright Bastion

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I used to like to sleep with some kind of noise while going to sleep, but after music started making me grumpy in the morning, I just stuck with the noise that my ceiling fan makes. I then later came across this news video: 


which suggests that noise machines in general are kinda bad for you, so I'm not too sure I want to be doing anything bad to myself lol. Then again, while there isn't music playing in nature, there is the soft rustling of leaves, ocean waves, wind, etc. so I'm sure that quiet calm noises should be fine to listen and go to sleep to. The thing that actually tells your brain that it is time to sleep is the lack of blue light and the presence of dark or dim-red light, while the presence of bright blue light tells your brain to stay awake. Nocturnal animals have this same process in reverse, so they go to sleep when it is bright out.

Edited by SomeMLP Brony
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Certain types of white noise really help me sleep, so I usually sleep with a fan on. Sometimes I use a white noise generator or I have an app playing the sound of a rainstorm, I love that too. Falling asleep with complete silence is more difficult for me since my mind can get distracted by thoughts which can lead to anxiety, so having a relaxing noise in the background works wonders.

  • Brohoof 1
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I sleep to Time after Time by SuG. It's very soothing because I love the sound of my hero's voice. He always helps me fall asleep and relax really well. Honestly, I can't sleep without hearing him sing. <3 I also sleep to my high turbulence fan and my TV on Boomerang but muted.

Edited by Takeshi Miyamoto
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I like to sleep in as quiet an environment as possible (I live in rutal Ireland, so it's damn quiet) but if there's irregular noise, or if I'm sleeping on a journey, I tend to sleep to Animals as Leaders, BT or Aphex Twin

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White noise is good. I cannot sleep with a TV on. Even if it's in another room and I can't make out the words, just the cadence and pattern of sound keeps me awake. I think it's the brain hearing the pattern and trying to pay attention.


Ever listen to the band Enigma? The first album is really good.

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I'll sometimes have a vid playing on my phone sitting on the bedside locker, usually something with running commentary. People gabbing about stuff helps me sleep, not that I'm easily bored or anything.. :blush:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll usually leave some kind of faint light on, but there's no way I can sleep to dead silence, it's too maddening for me, lol. I'll have to have a fan or something usually running all night.

  • Brohoof 1
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Sometimes I lie awake at night not being able to go to sleep. Then I realize it's so quiet my hearing is hypersensitive to my own body movements, so I turn on the fan. Now I sleep with it on most nights except in the winter.

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ASMR if I can't sleep, music if I feel like it, but normally just silence.


The rain helps me go out like a light though, especially when it's drumming against my roof and window. :)

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I just put my playlist on shuffle to help me relax. Country, Pop, Rock, Electronic. Whatever comes on.


Then when I'm sleepy I'll turn it off, put my phone on my charger and go to bed lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can usually sleep to almost anything, even when people are still talking in the room ^^;


If I'm having any trouble sleeping, though, I'll listen to some music (pretty much any genre, that I already normally listen to).

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I don't usually sleep to anything, but I sometimes fall asleep watching a YouTube video, so I guess that's something? I don't need it to fall asleep though, and it's always accidental.

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I usually put on a random video on my computer and just leave it on, sort of like a tv. I don't leave the volume up to high, but high enough for me to at least barely hear it.

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