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What Do You Find Attractive?


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Physical: Healthy. As long as they are healthy and I wouldn't be concerned, I would date them. 


Personality: I'm very picky on personality. 


  1. Honest but not blunt. (I don't want my partner to just tell me I look ugly or talk bad about me even if it is the truth, but I don't want them to lie to me when I ask.)
  2. Hard working. 
  3. Family Orientated
  4. Feminine (Even guys)
  5. well mannered but not stuck up.
  6. Generous.
  7. Accepting.
  8. Kind.
  9. Loyal (though I'm all for open relationships if you tell me first. See number 1.)
  10. Funny without being offensive to anyone. 
  11. Someone who is OK with my mental health problems.
  12. Someone who loves hugs and cuddles.
  13. Someone who shares the same taste of music as me or at least not  a fan of heavy metal, screamo, dub step, rap, hip hop, or other music I hate. (This is why I'm single...)
  14. Someone charming.



I am romantically attracted to both males and females, but I am only sexually attracted to females. If you are male and expecting a sexual relationship, I'm not interested. 





Applejack Fan Club

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  • 1 month later...

I like women who are as adventurous as I am. Someone who is happy to try new things and explore the world with me (Sounds pretty romantic and cheesy, huh?). I also value those are intelligent and have a strong moral compass.

Here the list form, for those of you that care. It is interesting seeing everyone's preferences!


Physical appearance:

1 - Ethnicity: Persians and Arabs are probably most attractive to me, followed closely by Latinas. Most ethnicities have beauty in their own ways! I'm not much attracted to my fellow Caucasians though (sorry!). Yeah, I do have fairly strong racial preferences, but I'm speaking strictly from a physical appearance standpoint. I have no racial bias in my day-to-day life. We're all human!


2 - Hair: Long and curly hair. Dark hair, in tune with the ethnicities I listed above. I don't mind creative hair dye (e.g. colored streaks). In fact, I really like girls who have fun with that! Just don't die all that beautiful natural hair! Also, short hair is a huge turn off.


3 - Body:  my height. "Average" weight is cool with me.

My, my, I sound really picky! Remember that these are preferences, not required criteria.


Keep the thread going, everyone!

Roller Coaster Count: 143
Favorite Roller Coaster: Tatsu
Best Pony: Starlight Glimmer (Background Pony: Saffron Masala)
Best Episode: Twilight's Kingdom (Single Episode: All Bottled Up)

"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens" -Bahá'u'lláh

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Updated post because my old one is old as fuck.
Emotional characteristics/personality traits are far more important to me than looks, but I still appreciate looks.
I find blonde women the most attractive. I don't know why, I just do. Especially blonde women with long hair. A woman certainly doesn't have to be blonde for me to think she's beautiful though.
In terms of personality, by far I'm most attracted to women who are sweet, cute, kind, shy, who genuinely care about others, and just have an overall gentle personality. I'm even more attracted to them if they have that while at the same time they still have fortitude and strength in their thoughts and beliefs.

  • Brohoof 1



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@LatinoChurro, my current boyfriend pretty much fits my description. ^^ Hope this is clarifying in some way, Lovely~




- Someone who refrains from talking about females in a vulgar manner- someone who doesn't use the term p***y and other generally offensive language to express their sexual attraction. Nothing makes me turn off more- I do make exceptions if you're just making it lighthearted though.


- Someone who has at least one of my big interests- someone who is geeky (animu fans fall under this too), nature-loving, and open-minded.


- Someone who respects and or likes the loved ones already in life upon meeting them. (This will be a step once you become that boyfriend)


- Someone who isn't overly sensitive- someone who can realize playful, derogatory jokes and joke back without being too insensitive to others. (There's hardly any triggers with me however) Also someone who is capable of taking serious matters that I claim are serious and able to talk about their serious matters openly as well.


- Someone I can talk about things and laugh about things like my best, best friend- also as a romantic lover, of course.


- I don't mind people smarter than me- everyone's bound to be smarter than someone in something- I just hope you don't make feel bad about myself excessively about being less intelligent or knowledgeable in an area or two by claiming that whatever I'm less than proficient at is common knowledge.


- Someone who doesn't shove the fact that I'm of a different gender in my face- I do want to be treated as an equal- someone you could talk about guy things just as easily as with another guy. Of course you can think of me as a girl when it's sexual but personality-wise or just mind-set, I'd rather not be reminded or that I'm some "small, teeny-tiny adorable female with boobs". Equal-perception that your opposite sex is not so different in mindset is really important to me.


- Someone who finds society norms and mindsets a very flawed and offensive thing indeed. 


- Someone who is more than a-okay to do any guy hobbies are introduce me to their friends.


- Someone who prefers not to listen to exclussively or mostly heavy metal, country, rap, or dubstep/other genres of that electronic style. I also don't like loud sounds or music.


- Someone who adores mostly cats, but also rodents, dogs, furry animals, birds, just animals in general. I really hope you don't have any animal allergies you know of.


- Someone who can carry out long conversations or weird ones at that.


- A brony of course. xD


- Someone who is generally modest and laid-back in personality. (I'm a huge stress-monster- this really helps balance out things ^^)


See Aquarius type .






- Blonde people are beautiful- especially the lighter, softer blondes. I'm envious and attracted to blonde hair. Contradictory though I seem to latch on to any hair color: many of fictional character crushes seem to have black/dark brown hair too.


- I prefer longer, bangy hair. Make sure you don't get it too patted down though like that terrible JB haircut. Messy, shaggy, fluffy hair is irresistible. Especially stray strands or locks that fall over eyes... 

I'm not sure if this would be counted as a mini mullet, but dem neck fluff- please let me pet your hair~~


- I don't mind if you're a "normal" body type, muscley, whatever. I don't really prefer too excessively chubby or skinny people though. I get a little uneasy then. Again, I do make exceptions.


- I like lighter eyes- eyes where I can see your pupils clearly. It doesn't matter if they're blue, amber, brown, hazel, green, whatever. Eyes are beautiful to me.


- Softer, lighter voices- guy squeals are the cutest thing. ^^ As long as you generally consider your voice/accent clear to interpret or hardly slurred I really don't care/no prob bob. 

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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Well because everyone is being honest, I won't leave out anything for me. Now I'm gonna say I don't care much for looks, I care how I look because I like to make myself presentable for every day. When it comes to other people, physical looks don't matter to me as I always believe that it's on the inside that counts. Personality is way more attractive to me, it always has been. I know it's in our nature as humans to have a liking towards the physical outlook of someone that makes us want a potential boyfriend/girlfriend or companion, like some birds, and other animals do, but I find the tiny things a person does, says, or act either cute, adorable or even attractive. I find a great sense of humor appealing, a sense of empathy, respect, some physical touch (Like kissing, hugging, cuddling, snuggles, and reasonable touching) and just an overall gentleman. Now like I said looks don't matter to me, like 90% of my view doesn't care for looks, the other 10% is the slight care for appearance but trust me I don't have much I physically like. Some of those things are green eyes, blond/dark brown hair, and soft skin. That's it for me! I told you not much! Lol  :D


But anyhow that's alI gotta say for me! Just remember that there's someone for everyone, don't give up so soon, or too early, sometimes you gotta have patience, I know it hard but trust me it's worth the wait! ;)





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@LatinoChurro, my current boyfriend pretty much fits my description. ^^

Dawwwwwwwww, honey :wub: And yes, most of the personality stuff does indeed fit me ^_^


In return, here's a list of what I find attractive and love about my awesome girlfriend :wub:


  • Understanding and accepting: We do definitely share a ton of opinions, which I'm very happy about. But even when we don't, she's still someone who'll listen and see where I'm coming from. I love being able to express my views without fear of being judged or misunderstood.
  • Open and honest: When I say this, I mean someone whose not afraid to tell me if she's going through a hard time. Or if she's concerned about something, including anything to do with me. Whatever the problem is, I wanna be there for her. Even if I can't help her resolve the issue, I want to, at the very least, help her through it.
  • Kind and caring: Whether I'm having a great day or a terrible one, I'll always appreciate how sweet she is to me. She just lightens up my mood, no matter what's going on. And even more, I love being comforted and cared for. It makes me feel like I'm not alone. I feel supported and I'll never stop being grateful for it.
  • Loyal and trustworthy: She's faithful to me in more ways than one and I know she'd never do anything hurtful behind my back. In fact, I've never had this much trust in anyone else before. It makes me feel secure and confident about our wonderful relationship.
  • Deep and thoughtful: This very post she made is just proof of this. It's already nice to know that she often thinks about me. But going the extra mile and actually taking the time to type this all out is really heartwarming. We also have some pretty interesting and meaningful discussions too, which is always a great way to bond.
  • Affectionate and expressive: I love the way she expresses herself. It's a part of what makes her so unique. She's so detailed and creative with how she types out her thoughts. Plus, I love all the pictures and videos she uses. She finds the cutest ones. I never fail to get those warm, fuzzy feelings when we're in each other's company.
  • Common interests: So it's pretty obvious that we're both bronies. But we share other interests too, like anime and music. We even introduce each other to certain stuff every now and then. When we were still just friends, I made a tumblr account just so I could be closer to her. She's turned me on to other stuff too, like cats and superheroes.
  • All around fun to be with: We're constantly coming with ways to have fun. Of course, messages and calls are always awesome, but we do more than just that. One time we played this game where we would pick a song and then try to associate it with a certain color. Another time, we played truth or dare with some of our friends. The fun is endless.



So as you can see, I love Kiwoy's personality and mindset. It's definitely the most important aspect for me in attraction. But to add to that, she's absolutely gorgeous too. Seriously. I can't wait to do another video chat with her :3 On a physical level, I don't think I'm all too picky. But for the sake of it, here's what I generally like:



  • I'm mostly into Hispanic, Asian and Caucasian women, so anything from fair to tan skin is yummy.
  • When it comes to body figure, I'm okay with anyone who's not too light/thin or heavy/thick. However, it's fine if you lean a little more towards one or the other.
  • Any type of hair is fine by me, whether it's curly, straight or wavy. But in general, I loooooooooove long hair <3
  • For hair color, I do tend to lean more towards the "natural" looking ones (i.e. brown and black)
  • I don't have any preference for eye color, expect for brown eyes. Idk why but I adore brown eyes :3 Others are fine though.
  • Not really a fan of make-up. I won't mind it as long as I can't obviously tell you're wearing it.


So yeah. That's all. :)

Edited by LatinoChurro
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understanding, funny and witty. that's it. those are the traits i find attractive. i've had my fair share of relationships and i've realized that, personally, what they look like doesn't matter as much as how they carry themselves. 



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- Being very extroverted.

- Tomboy(ish), whilst still being able to be a girly girl.

- Honest.

- Confident.

- Bubbly.

- Loving and caring.

- Intelligent.

- Witty.

- Kind.

- Having a great sense of humor.

- Good hygiene, dressing well, having a certain style.




- Blonde or brunette. (I'm a sucker for a little bit of colour in blonde hair). 

- Nice butt.

- Boobs.

- Sleak and athletic body. (Or basically a body that looks like it's being taken care of, training wise).

- A nice face, eyes, teeth, smile.

- Tan!

- Long hair.

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D'awww, reading some of these...


As for me:

Someone that doesn't mind my shy personality, stocky build and ungodly love for chocolate.

I have to get to know someone first before having a physical attraction to them.  Though some personality traits that I find attractive are:

Intelligence- someone that can talk nerdy to me, especially the sciences or computers :wub: 



A slightly dark sense of humour


Loves videogames(especially RPGs) or just roleplaying games in general(I always wanted to learn how to play)



Just to name some... ^_^ 

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  • 3 months later...


  • Cute
  • ...very cute.
  • If they're a boy, I'd like them to be taller than me. If they're a girl, I find them cuter if they're shorter. I'm weird, I know... :P
  • Reasonable weight

Though I could probably have exceptions for them, I'm not sure...  :ooh:


  • Positive and cheerful- they don't have to be this all the time, but I don't really like if they make a habit of it and I don't know how to help them =/
  • Shy, or at least, can be at times (especially when they're being treated affectionately  :wub: )
  • Good sense of humour
  • Open to lots of snugglecuddles <3
  • Open-mindedness
  • Honesty
  • Being understanding and kind and loving :kindness:
  • Loyalty
  • Common interests
  • Cute <3


It's a lot, I know... I can't help the way I feel :blush:


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I fInd Japanese guys who wear eccentric clothing and loads of make up attractive. Like hell if I'm afraid to admit that.


Okay so... I do find personalities more attractive though. lol I'm serious. I absolutely adore PelleK's personality so much because omfg. I love guys who are really sweet and adorable! Those are usually the best kind.


Also, Japanese boys with adorable puppy dog faces:




By the way, these are all things I find attractive in my fangirl crushes. THOSE HAD BETTER COUNT.

Edited by AdorbzFangirl
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x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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I'm not going to say anything about appearance, as that's the least important thing about a person to me. I don't even brush my hair on most days, so why the hell would I expect a girl to do the same? That would be very, very hypocritical and unfair. xD


I'm not going to say personality, either. The real important thing isn't personality, but attitude. I don't care what someone's personality is like, what I care about is how they approach the world around them.


Intelligence isn't nearly as important as being interested and curious. Wit isn't nearly as important as being lighthearted. Particular beliefs aren't as important as being tolerant and open minded. Any particular skill or talent isn't nearly as important as having the passion, grit, and determination to pursue said talent. Neither success nor failure means anything—what matters is what you gathered from the process. You can be kind in personality but still be self-centered in desiring gratification. It is your attitude that determines how you show your personality. Attitude towards love is most important, here... if you are willing to let someone in your life, that's big.


In short, who you are doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is the way you perceive the world, and the choices you make. This especially includes your attitude towards me and any potential attraction I may have to you.


This is, in part, because I don't believe our pasts define us. I believe it's the conscious choices we make that tell others who we are.

Edited by Admiral Regulus
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I don't mean to sound shallow, but looks do matter to me to an extent.  I have very differing standards on what I find attractive physically. I like a pretty face and smile, that's probably the most important physical thing for me. I don't about here having huge breast and a wide rear; I'll find their personality more of a turn on than any of that stuff.


Personality wise, I like a girl who is friendly, kind, outgoing, positive, and understanding. A lot of these things are meant to reflect my the opposites of my personality. I'm not very friendly or outgoing, so I need someone that's a people person. I like the kind and positives traits as well, as I'm very negative sometimes.


To me, I don't necessarily need a girl who shares the same interest as me, though it would be nice. She doesn't have to like video games or MLP, but as long as she accepts that, I'll be okay. What matters more to me is sharing moral and financial beliefs; it'll never work it you don't have those two.

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My best friend that I am in a fluff with, you guys may find weird but he is 16 and is a big guy with a beard like well Hagrid (from Harry Potter) he is a really fluffy bunny that is like me without the ponies and he is a guy. I am more for personality because if i were blind I would not care what anyone would look like because I would be blind and personalities are much more interesting!!!!!

Edited by ~Flash Brush~


                                  ~The ONE & ONLY~

                                      ~Flash Brush~

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I find honesty attractive and I like someone interested in me rather than just having kids to draw welfare or child support checks. I like a mature partner that likes to have fun and live life without too much drama. Someone quiet like me, someone who won't judge my personality in a negative way.


That's apparently just a dream but I don't think that person will come. Being single is hard but much more tolerable. Besides, the potential break ups are so hard to deal with.

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