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When do you stop looking young?


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I'd say at 25-27:


- First, at that age you're not young anymore, and I'm not inventing it, just read what these people replied me here http://mlpforums.com/topic/112628-does-being-older-means-being-more-free/page-2

- Second, at that age you lose your chubby cheeks and your cheekbones start showing up like an old skeleton.

- Third, you're not allowed to look young or dress young cause adult nazi standards don't allow you.

- Fourth, as told in the link on "First", you start to be in the same stage of life than a 50-year old, so it may make sense, no?

- Fifth, aging starts at 25-30.

Edited by RainbowMau
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Well, looks don't really matter to me overall in terms of age, for how you feel at least. I guess that is irrelevant here but I wanted to make that point for myself. If I had to say a guess, I would say around 35-40, I know some people that look like they are in their early 20's but are actually in their mid 30's. That is not always common though, it just varies.

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It has to do with a bunch of things like genetics, diet, health, exposure to the sun, use of hard drugs etc.


Some people can pass as being younger or older than they are to a degree because of this, but it's probably not going to be more than like +/- 10 years. But as long as you're alive you're going to look slightly older every day. There's no escaping that, but I don't think there is a clear point where you stop looking "young" you just appear less and less young over time. There is no flip over point.

Edited by Andaasonsan
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Well that depends on what you mean by 'young'. Up until the age you specified people's looks are undergoing almost continual change throughout childhood, puberty, etc.


I'd say you stop looking young when you start looking old. Too obvious? Too bad, that's all there is to it.post-30550-0-11174600-1415700449_thumb.gif

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This is like asking "what weight do I have to be before I stop looking thin"?


What signs of ageing do you expect to see to indicate that somebody no longer looks young? Mature choice of manestyle and clothing? Visible wrinkles? Grey hair? Bald patch? Everypony is going to have a different threshold for what "looks young" and what "looks old".


And even once you've chosen a threshold for what looks young, that threshold is unlikely to correspond to an exact age range. Some ponies lose their hair younger than other ponies. Some young ponies get their manes cut in more grown-up styles so that other ponies will take them more seriously. Ponies that spend a lot of time in the sun are likely to wrinkle younger.


You could say that at 13, females start developing breasts, and males will start growing facial hair, and therefore no longer look young. Or you could say that they start losing their baby fat at around the age of 2 or 3 years old, so no longer look young. This question is so vague that 3 or 13 is just as good an answer as 23 or 33 or 43 is.

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- Second, at that age you lose your chubby cheeks and your cheekbones start showing up like an old skeleton.


Well, that's not the wording I would use.  :P  But I think I see what you're saying here.  There comes a time when we lose that "babyface" and things aren't quite the same.  For one thing, we no longer get asked for ID when we go out drinking.  I've been told I look young for my age.  I was last legitimately carded for alcohol about 10 years ago for what it's worth. 


One thing to remember is that aging is relative.  You'll always look "young" to somebody who's 10 or more years older than you.  A 62 year-old coworker thought I was lying when I said I was 43...he was sure I was in my early 30s.  :lol:  Another thing is that when I attended Bronycon, I knew I looked older than the average attendee, but not so old that I stuck out like a sore thumb.  There were a significant number of visitors with gray hair and wrinkles.  Needless to say, I blended in better than they did.  :) 


But to answer your basic question...I'd say most people stop looking very youthful somewhere between 25 and 35.  But they don't instantly become dried up, prune-like seniors at that point.  There's still a great range of appearance between 30 and 65 you know.  :derp: 

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I kind figured RainbowMau had made this thread before i even opened it. Your way to strung up on age XD


There is no clear away to define an age when one stops looking young as age and lifestyle can drastically effect how one looks, especially the condition of their skin and stress can make grey hairs appear in people barely into there teens.


You're as young as you feel. :)

Edited by Shire Pony Malinter
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It depends on a variety of factors, many of which concern how you have personally treated your body.  A relatively young person can look ancient if they never exercise and use alcohol and drugs extensively, for instance.  Or an older person can look twenty years younger for exercising every day and eating healthy foods.


I surprised somebody at my college the other day when I told him I was 27.  Apparently he was under the impression I was 18-19 years old.  B)

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I will always look young :P:pout: 
I'm almost 23 and they ask me for ID everywhere. They even asked me once when I went to the cinema LOL for a movie for 16+ (that was quite embarrassing)! It really depends on how I dress, bc when I dress up (more fancy) people sometimes think I'm 25, but when I'm wearing my daily clothes, a hat and wearing my backpack, people think I'm 17-19. So I guess it also has to do something with your length and the way you dress.. (besides the genetic factors, and good health). 

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Depending on how rapidly you age, on how you dress and make your hair, how you live your life etc. I'd say around your 30's it's increasingly more difficult to look young. My older brother looked young when he was 30. Three years gone, he got a new stressful job, had a kid with his wife and now he looks like a bag of sadness.

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There comes a time when we lose that "babyface" and things aren't quite the same.  For one thing, we no longer get asked for ID when we go out drinking.


Or when you have a girlfriend and everyone thinks is your wife, which is even worse.

Edited by RainbowMau
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Or when you have a girlfriend and everyone thinks is your wife, which is even worse.

Hahahaha, or when you're going out to dinner with your dad, and they think you're his girlfriend. "Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!"   :pout:   :derp: 

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Hahahaha, or when you're going out to dinner with your dad, and they think you're his girlfriend. "Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!"   


"What do you mean girlfriend? I'm his son!"

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Hahahaha, or when you're going out to dinner with your dad, and they think you're his girlfriend. "Of all the worst things that could happen, this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!"   :pout:   :derp: 


Once I was with my mom at a mall and one of the vendors asked if she was my wife *___* Not even girlfriend... WIFE!!!

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This obsession you have with age is really not healthy, with that said though it depends on the person and what you define as "young." Genetics, health, whether or not you use drugs or alcohol, diet, exercise, and clothing can also have somewhat of an influence.



Once I was with my mom at a mall and one of the vendors asked if she was my wife *___* Not even girlfriend... WIFE!!!

If it makes you feel any better this one co worker mistook my Mom for my wife once and for the record I was single then and still am. Of course much of that has to do with the fact that my Mom looks much younger than she actually is and I look a bit older than I actually am.

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It really depends on the person. Some just look younger than their age and some look older.


My sister is one of those people that look older than her actual age. I'm always mistaken for being younger. I'm 17 and people always think I'm like 12-14.


So it just really depends.

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If it makes you feel any better this one co worker mistook my Mom for my wife once and for the record I was single then and still am. Of course much of that has to do with the fact that my Mom looks much younger than she actually is and I look a bit older than I actually am.


Well, the vendors thought my mom looked younger too, but if they saw me old enough (despite I look younger than I am) to be married, and I'm single too, except that I've been for all my life which makes it even more disturbing and depressing.

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You stop looking young when you tell yourself you don't look young.

Well, everytime I look at the mirror and tell myself I'm a teenager or a young adult every adult in this fucking world treats me as a criminal or worse. Edited by RainbowMau
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I knew this was a RainbowMau thread, haha...

Luckily for me gay men stop aging once we reach peak attractiveness, so I don't have to worry about this sort of thing :D

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