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Well I was bored one day during my winter break back at the very beginning of 2012, I like the animation style so I gave it a go.  I watched the first couple of episodes and liked it but it wasn't until Winter Wrap Up that I realized I was a fan of the show. 

  • Brohoof 1

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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I believe I became a brony sometime while the 2nd season was going or in-between two and three. I did see the advert on TV when it was first came out and took a strange liking to it because it didn't look anything like the old ones that I had seen glimpses of when I was young and they were girly and horrible. I don't really know why I didn't check it out sooner but I am glad I did eventually.

  • Brohoof 1


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Knew about the fandom. Never really took it too seriously but was intrigued. was really curious one day in December 2014 and loved the first few episodes. And now here I am today living in the amazingness of Bronydom

  • Brohoof 1
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I remember first hearing about bronies back in late 2011 on youtube. I googled 'mlp' and read through several sites about who bronies were. At sometime in the next summer, I saw a video on youtube based on a meme that used Fluttershy's rage from the season one finale. I liked the animation style from the clip used, so I later decided to watch the first episode in November. While I was watching the first episode, I couldn't stop thinking "Why am I doing this?". But by the end of the first episode, I wanted to see more. By the first few episodes, I became a fan of the show.


Between the time from the season 3 premiere to the season 4 premiere, I watched an episode every few days.


~ Created by @Princess Moony :squee: ~

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Mine's a funny story.

I was in the Cafeteria during school, and I saw a picture of Pinkie Pie on the floor. Not a printed internet picture, an actual, hand drawn picture of Pinkie Pie, (For a while, she was best pony) as a joke to my friends, I said I was now a brony, and because of my curiosity, I went home and watched the 1st and 2nd episode. It felt a bit awkward at it was kind of embarresing to watch, even though nopony nobody was there, so I didn't watch it for a while. Eventually, I gave it a second chance and actually watched a few more of the episodes, and I started to enjoy it. Eventually, every night I binge watched the episodes on my iPod, and remained an in-the-closet brony for almost a year, and now I'm finally starting to talk to people about it.

Sorry for the wall of text, any questions?


Your Resident Robot Cyberneticist





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I think it was around November 2011.


Someone had left the TV on in The Hub Channel and while I was walking around the house I heard the My Little Pony intro I've heard years ago, except this time the music got a lot faster and exciting.  I found that surprising, so I decided to watch.  I loved how each episode broke the mold of what a little girl's show is supposed to be and how it wasn't afraid to teach many truths and lessons that people tend to forget growing up, all of it while never actually doing any men vs women nonsense.


Although, I only just yesterday joined this forum and this is my first time with other Bronies.  So far so fun. ^^

  • Brohoof 1


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In December last year. I watched the episode 'Read it and Weep' and I loved it. Planning on watching more episodes in a while.

He looks at modern stuff too if your curious! img-31871-1-img-31871-1-biggrin.png


Huge thanks to DanishToenails for my profile picture!

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I'm sure it was, like, October 23, 2011? I don't know. My brother said he was a brony (No longer is), and then I asked what a brony was. ''A guy who like My Little Pony'', he said. I said, ''What? That's stupid.'' He became a brony because of my cousins, and I was sitting on the couch, my brother and my counsins turned on My Little Pony, and I'm like, ''Come on, it's a girl's show. This is so stupid.'' But I was still lazy and wanted to stay on the couch, and when the show tuned on, I had nothing else to look at. And yea, I could have stared at the wall, but the TV had constant movements on it and it caught my eye. I was seeing the show play, and I told myself, ''Wow, I shouldn't have talked bad about this show.''. Also, for some reason by brother watched, I don't know, G3 MLP to make fun of it? Haha. The episode I'm sure was Read it and Weep. My bronyism has been intermettent. I've lot interest and regained it about three times, the newest time because of my friend, telling me to watch Rainbow Rocks, and I got consumed again. Now school reminds me of dead ponies..

Edited by gamecubeguy214

Pennutoh has a gun

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1st, saw a trailer for "Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Adult Fans of My Little Pony" on vimeo. 2nd, bought & watched the movie. Watched some MLP on You Tube. 3rd, Bought the first season. Watched it. 4th, looked at some videos of music on You Tube - (esp. "Pony Swag" & "You're Gonna Go Far Kid." 5th, fell in love with Rainbow Dash. 7th started collecting pony stuff and bought the rest of the series on DVD.  I've even bought the two Equestria Girls movies on DVD.  But I will probably not watch them again.  They were OK, but the ponies are better.  (IMO)  Actually, if there are any Equestrai Girls fans out there, I would be happy ot give them to you.  If anypony wants 'em, PM me with an address where I can send them.  If you're concerned about giving out your address - and if you're under 18, you might should be in this day and age - you can give me the address of your closest PO and I'll send them general delivery.  You can pick 'em up there when they arrive.

  • Brohoof 1
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I was watching some ytp and came across some mlp ytp and thought it was cool so i decided to watch mlp and ever since December 2014 ive been hooked =D


Brony 4 Life

Edited by cdx561


                            Brony 4 Life

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When I was little I would turn the entire TV off if MLP came on


Then somewhere in the middle of summer, 2013 someone that lives in the downstairs of my house showed me Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows and I guess I didn't remember the art style


Late august, 2014 was when I saw a video by blameitonjorge. In that video he mentioned Party of One.

(Keep in mind, I latch onto things very quickly.)

So I Thought the voice acting wasn't so bad and that got me doing google searches.


Later I found the clip from Sonic Rainboom where Rainbow performs the sonic rainboom


Mid September 2014 was when I finally started watching the show and started listening to pony music and going on these forums.

"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant, it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are"

Click on my dragon to help him grow!


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I was watching rucka rucka Ali and I came across his brony song. I decided to research the fandom to see if the stereotypes in the song matched which they didn't. My friend later showed me pink fluffy unicorns which he blasted in my head. Then finally a new girl moved to my neighborhood. She looked like she didn't have too many friends so I started talking to her at school. I later found out she was a deviantartist and also posted cartoon art from anime. When I was looking at her art I came to some pony themed stuff and asked her about it and she told me it was a great show. I decided to try it out after realizing other men liked it and I fell in love quickly. I asked her if something was wrong with me but she said its fine and that I shouldn't be a ashamed. She became my first friend I could share my love with the show with. It was then where I realized the magic of true friendship and how a true friend never judges. I owe her my eternal gratitude... :)


Bellow is a drawing she sent me as a symbol of our friendship.


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Ahhhhh, how and when eh? Well the story I have goes on for a fair amount of weeks before I bowed to Brony kind so to speak heheh.

It started with me watching a specific video from a Youtuber called 'NateTalksToYou' he did a *Ahem* Clop Reaction vid with many other Youtubers in the vid, I found the video pretty funny but also a bit messed up as you expect from a person who has never seen Clop before, in he video though I heard a vaguely familiar word "Brony" said a few times and Nate also mentioned it in one of his old Q&A's so I did some research on Bronies, after a bit of research I laughed...Laughed at the idea of Bronies, this then lead on to me becoming an 'Anti-Brony' anytime I saw a Brony video on Youtube, I commented, and time I saw a Brony online I judged them called them gay or a freak, but all this online bullying lead to my brain being filled with pony images and then a Brony who I sadly don't remember told me "You're judging a show from one video, this is quite a silly thing to do, how about you try watching one episode yeah?" my response was quite bad, but that talk was in my head for days and it lead to me watching S1 EP1 on Dailymotion and becoming the one thing I laughed at over the past weeks, I even have the day I watched S1 EP1, which is the date I became a Brony.

2nd June 2013 is that date, never regretted it

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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I officially became a "Pegasister" (I guess would be the appropriate term since I am female) in January of 2015. I've been a fan of the show since it came out 4 years ago..


I watched the first Ep on Netflix and I loved it. It was colorful, funny, and sweet. (The moral overtones sold me for my feature children) I thought to myself. I want to design a pony to be a part of that world.


I watched more Episodes. I fell in love even more with the art and that was it. The next thing I did was research the rest of the show. I was curious as to the characters and if there was anymore to the MLP world.


That's when I stumbled on MLP Bases. I Google searched MLP images to get to know the Mane 6 better and I found Bases instead. Maneless and tailess cartoon ponies that I could customize to my heart's content. As an artist this was spectacular to me. I was squealing with joy as I studied and sketched my own characters.


Thus my first few OCs were born. Including Cerulean Wings, based off of Trixie Sparkle (I'm a fan of her too) I watched more of the show after that and even delved into PMV. Some of you Bronies and Pegasisters are very talented! I'm honored to be amongst you.


I found the forums after I pretty much read a good bulk of FiMWiki. I literally stumbled upon Poniverse and went "Ok. So this must be MLP headquarters?" Right? I signed up and the rest is history. I am a Pegasister, A FiMFanfic Author, and A Pony Artist. I am so glad to be a part of this friendly, lovely herd. I hope to make tons of friends here, and anywhere else we MLP lovers reside, and gain inspiration for my art.


I love sharing what I come up with so to have a home here at MLPF is fantastic. I wouldn't change it for the world. :3

~ I Am Perfected Imperfection ~

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I came in October 2013 after just randomly deciding to give the show a chance and before I know it I was hooked and now been here since April of 2014 and have been to Everfree north west and more planed and hope to get more involved not sure how yet thou? 

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I forget when exactly although, I know I didn't start watching the show until after Rainbow Rocks came out.  I don't think there was really a 'first time' I discovered the show but I can remember a few things.  Before watching the show, I remember seeing the Rainbow Dash vs Starscreem Beath Battle and and that video Idea Channel made about Bronies (I can't remember the name of it).  I'm pretty sure I also heard 'Lullaby For a Princess' before seeing the show but I had next to no knowledge about MLP so I had no Idea what it was about (geat song though).  I can't remember any other MLP videos I'd seen before watching the show though.  But the mere idea of bronies itself (grown men who watch a little girl's cartoon?  Whaaaaat?????? (yes that was what I thought)) is what eventually got me to watch it.  I'd always tried to follow the motto "don't knock it 'till you try it" and MLP was no different.  So one morning, while taking a dump, I watched the first episode over Netflix on my phone.  I wanted desprerately to find something to like in the show but the first two parter didn't really impress.  However, I didn't give up on the show.  I continued to watch it on Netflix until I got to "Return of Harmony" which completely blew me away.  That was the episode that prooved to me just how awsome MLP is and I've been a brony ever since.  At first, I was totally in the closet about it (just like a lot of bronies) but I have tried to open up about my bronyness.  As for when I officially "joined the herd", I can't really remamber when registered on this site.  I think it was somewhere beteen early Noverber and late December of 2014.

Edited by Serenade
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It's almost a year since I became a brony. Anyways, I became curious about My Little Pony since I keep hearing it on other sites and watched two episodes of MLP. Ever since then, I became very interested in the show.


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I can't remember the exact date, but I know it was right before A Canterlot Wedding was about to air, as there were previews of the episode on the HUB. I became a brony through people I followed over on Fan Fiction and Deviantart. I actually read a MLP fan fiction that shipped RD and TS long before I ever became a brony. I just dismissed it as foolish until Deeth Irteen got really into MLP and caused me to look it up on Wikipedia.

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its a funny story. September of 2012, I got to see my old friend and well I went to his house. when I was hanging out, my friend's brother told me he liked my little pony and I asked him isn't that for girls. well later at school, I made a new friend and he liked my little pony. I asked him if he can show me and he showed me episode 1 and 2 of season 1. I started to like it so I watched more and thats how I became a brony

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