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I was told to watch it about a year ago and my main reaction was "My little pony, oh gawd I ain't watching that". Truth be told, I did not watch it, not until early November when I was sat alone at home and I was incredibly bored. So, I decided to watch one episode and then another, and another, and another. My first day as a brony I watched 15 episodes :)


Then I found the fanbase, fandom musicians, fanfics and awesome artists and from there my love for the show blossomed.


No regrets!

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I sort of mentioned this in my intro topic, but I could afford to go into a bit more depth.


I spend the majority of my time on the internet, so ponies eventually became unavoidable. I first really started seeing them pop up in youtube poops by the poopers that I was subscribed to. They were all really funny videos, but they didn't make me interested in the series.


The FiM community then began to take off in the Sonic forum I frequent, and soon everyone and their mother had pony avatars, and were spamming the memes, discussing the show, etc. Due to how widespread the fandom was getting, I decided that the show wouldn't be for me; I'm a bit hipster like that.


And yet I still ended up knowing the names of all the mane cast before I'd watched a single episode, due to the explosion of the fan scene. Eventually I just gave up. I went into the FiM thread on the Sonic forum and asked for a single episode to watch. The first episode that was recommended to me was "Lesson Zero". I watched it, and found it absolutely hilarious. And since then, I've slowly made my way through the rest of the episodes, as well as checked out some of the great fanfictions and videos the community has produced.


It really was inevitable I guess. I love cartoons, and FiM is among the very best being produced nowadays. It was silly of me to ever resist the bronyfication process.

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I was watching a Smosh video and the 'Popular Smosh' bar had a link titled '25 crazy My Little Pony mashups' I clicked the link just to put troll comments about gay MLP fans (I didn't know about FiM at the time) but when I saw these: http://www.smosh.com/smosh-pit/photos/25-crazy-my-little-pony-mashups ponies instead of these: http://loopgum.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/my-little-pony-official.jpg ponies I just decided to open my mind. If it was so popular in Smosh, it probably had to be any good. So one night I just decided to search My Little Pony Episode 1 on YouTube. I really liked it, I didn't expect such an awesome show (based on the prev. generations.) so I watched more episodes. One day, I discovered I had already finished season 1 and the only thing I thought (after meditating about each episode) was:

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  • Brohoof 1


Formerly known as Holly Dash or Pastel. I'm the forum's most obnoxious member ;D

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I had wanted to watch it awhile ago (probably a few months. Not sure why i wanted to watch it eaither), but never got around to it. Then when i finally did watch it, i got hooked. I am very happy i sat down and started watching it.


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Well, since i was a young colt, my mother used to look after some horses and me and my brother used to go with her, so that got horses implanted into my head.


Then earlier this year MLP FIM came out on boomerang. at first i was a but skeptical but decided to watch it anyway.

The whole intensity of the plot and the animation just got me hooked and ever since i have been a brony. B)

Don't forget to check out my deviantART page

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I kinda feel the first episode isn't a good one for first timers though. It just feels like the odd one out for some reason.


Almost any show suffers from this. Pilot episodes are crafted and completed before ANY public opinion on the program exists. Typically, the pilot is played for the studio heads, and a control group of normal television viewers. Following this, a census of the group and the studio heads generates notes on what was liked, what was lacking, etc etc. Thats why the first episode of almost ANY show stands out as different from all the rest, even sometimes the second episode.


Sorry for the tangent, On topic:


I basically got into it while stumbling youtube one day, I was bored, knew about the brony culture, and figured I would look into what the big deal was. Ironically, the first episode I watched was the first episode I was just describing.


A couple weeks later I was sitting down to lunch, and flipping channels when I caught an hour of the show on The Hub. Ever since, I plan my lunch around watching the show.

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Some guy told me about it one day and I was like "wth...?" But he told me to watch it and two days later I started watching it and I didn't think it was too amazing at first actually, even though I was like "Wtf this isn't MLP, MLP is girly", and after I watched like 4 episodes I became addicted and was a brony ^_^

Then, about 15 minutes after watching the last episode (A Friend in Deed) I joined this at nearly midnight. :D

Sorry about the temporary lack of signature, I have changed my name, so I need a new one.

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I collect Monster High dolls and had already been walking by ponies in the pink aisles so when members of my doll forum started talking about MLP and the brony community I became intrigued. I slowly started feeling out the fandom, including the show the toys the community and the podcasts. I wouldn't say I officially became a fan of MLP until January of this year and probably realized I'm a brony/pegasister this month.

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I remember it like it was Yesterday. Pretty much all winter and Spring last year my friend was like "You gotta watch this, show man." And every day I said the exact same thing "My little Pony? Really? No offense to you or anything, but I am not really interested in a show like that" This had to been said at least once a week. Let's fast forward now to Summer of 2011 shall we? I was on a role playing forum,(Role player for the past ten years now people, might join with you role players very soon) and some one puts up that "Singing telegram" song that Pinkie Pie does because it was someone's Birthday . I decided to watch the clip once..............once turns into Twice..............Twice turns into three times and so on and so fourth. Ever since that day I have watched every single Friendship Is Magic episode and have almost all of them on my I-pod.

Facebook: Josh B.

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It all started a warm june day in 2011 i was in a skype call with Swift and he goes to me and say's hey Calum i just watched my litte pony at first i was like ok then your joking right then over the summer holidays he kept trying to make me watch it and by september i just said well it wont hurt anyone so why not and well i have been a brony ever since xD


Credit for the Sig go to Kyoshi

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I kinda feel the first episode isn't a good one for first timers though. It just feels like the odd one out for some reason.


I agree. It took me until the end of episode two, with Pinkie's "waterfall tears" to go "haha, this is so funny"... next episode *click* And episode three was the "coup de grâce" into full-on brony-ism. *yay* :)


as for how I got into it... eeyup... memebase^^' (I know that (wonderful) feelin', bro(ny) :P )

Edited by Cinnamon bun
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So, it all started out in the summer of 2011. I was relaxing, school was out, and I was browsing the internet. I would always go to a site called funnyjunk.com to see funny pictures and laugh, etc. Then I started seeing pony pictures, I was like :huh: then I found out about bronies. My thoughts were, "Grown men, grown heterosexual men watching, My Little Pony?" I thought about it for a second, I have a really open mind to be honest and started thinking, "Well, if these grown heterosexual men like this show, it has to be good!" So I decided to watch it one day, I postponed it to early August for some reason, then I finally watched the show in my room on my laptop, I was about, 11 minutes into it and I was actually enjoying it! I was surprised. Then my dad walks in and I turn it off, he goes to bed, (in order to get to his room he has to go through my room) so I got on his computer as it was better than mine, (I didn't have my own good computer at the time, but I got one for Christmas) and I watched the rest of the episode. Then for about 3 or 4 or 5 days straight I spent some time watching MLP: FiM then finished Season 1, then I was like "MOAR!" Then I heard about season 2 and I was like :wub: . That's the story of how I became a brony, feel free to share your stories, I would love to hear them! ;)


Dude... that is exactly my story. Except it was in late December and the pony posts on FJ intrigued me. I finally gave in to all the hype and voila, I turned pony-fabulous.

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I could have sworn I've posted this before...


Anyway, FIM first came to my attention approximately sometime in the summer of 2011. At that time all I saw were the memes, 4chan-esque stuff. "Mods asleep, post ponies" and things like that. Naturally that did not interest me because all I saw was some people taking a little kids show from a franchise I loathed and turning it into a meme. Whoop de doo, I thought.


As summer progressed into autumn, people at a private forum I used to go to started talking about the show, in little bits and pieces. Apparently it was actually a real phenomenon, something people actually watched and enjoyed. So, my opinion immediately switched to hipster-esque mode, where I refused to even look at it because other people wanted me to. They insisted it would be something I'd like, switched to pony-based avatars, even linked me to a couple of clips--the very first bit of FIM I ever saw was Dashie's Oh My Gosh line from Sonic Rainboom--but I didn't want any part of it. It had been my experience, after all, that if I started checking out something highly popular, I would invariably dislike it. That has happened with a large number of things...only rarely were there exceptions, such as with the Metal Gear Solid series, or Mass Effect.


My refusal continued unabated for the most part, though my resistance had begun to wane by October. I had, for some reason I can't remember now, started rewatching Demashita Powerpuff Girls Z, and then after finishing that series decided to rewatch the entirety of the original Powerpuff Girls. Of course, Lauren Faust's name was noted by me, her help in making that series rather higher in quality than it might have been otherwise.


Cue approximately the second week of October, and I find out that a favorite reviewer of mine by the name of SF Debris was going to do, as part of a "WTF Week" a review of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I believe I specifically posted on the Youtube video announcing this that "pony fetish is infesting everywhere" because the series seemed so...out of place for someone who is one of the most sarcastic yet intelligent reviewers of science fiction. The guy does Star Trek reviews primarily--this was so out of left field that it had me standing up to pay full attention. I decided, out of curiosity, to watch the review. I wasn't sure what to expect...probably a castigation of the show entirely.




That's the review I watched. Cue my amazement as he not only brought up the involvement of Lauren Faust as the primary instigator of the show, but praised almost every aspect. While he said, at the end, that he was not a brony but that he merely enjoyed the show and moved on, he specifically stated not to let that keep viewers from checking out the show if they wanted to.


I finally broke down and decided to check out the show, figuring I might as well give it a full test run. I went ahead and downloaded a torrent of the first season, figuring that, like SFDebris, I would at best enjoy the show and move on. That was October 20th, 2011.


Cue a massive binge. At first I wasn't sure what to think, when I watched the pilot episodes. After all the plot had been spoiled to me through the review, I was in a bad mood, it was late at night, and I had already been biased in how I would interpret the Mane Six thanks to that review, so I was stuck in full viewing from Twilight's eyes mode. I emphasized with her, sympathized with her, hated Pinkie Pie for her hyperactivity and her constant invasion of Twilight's privacy, disliked Rarity and Applejack for stupid reasons, thought Fluttershy would go nowhere as a character, and only somewhat liked Rainbow Dash.


Then I watched the third episode. And then the fourth, and the fifth...and the sixth, the seventh, the eight...come the morning of October 21st, I think I was already converted. If I hadn't been before seeing Winter Wrap-Up, that song nailed it entirely. Everypony completely blew away my wildest expectations, sinking into their place in my heart with key episodes, from Applebuck Season for Applejack, to Rarity with Suited for Success, Fluttershy with a combination of Dragonshy and The Stare Master, Rainbow Dash with Sonic Rainboom, and finally Pinkie Pie with Party of One. Twilight of course had already snared me from the beginning. The ponies had me caught in their trap, and I've been a pony fan ever since.

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

Want to read psychological analyses of the Mane Six? Start here.

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I recently started listening to dubstep (Korn helped me with that) and I found a guy called Alex S. You may know him for his famous Nyan Cat remix, but anyway, I looked through his songs and found that most of his songs were MLP related. I was intrigued to find out how a grown man was watching a kids for girls, so I decided to watch the first episode, and here I am now!

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funny story, my GF always loved MLP the old school ones she has over 200 orginal MLP's and i was like ok...... then a freidn linked me to a youtube of "art of the dress" and yeah i realsied that rarity IS and i kid you not IS my gf with the sewing and whinning and all of it!!


and im Rainbow dash which kinda freaked me out!! cos i saw the old one and then went hell no!!


my gf and i have both dyed our hair now to match the ponies in spirit of supporting MLP!!

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December 17th, I believe. One of my good friends was chatting with me about TV shows, and me, being very close-minded at the time, put off his recommendation to watch it for about 2 weeks, until eventually curiosity got the better of me.

Love at first sight. :wub:

Oh yeah, and my dad just walked into my room and saw my Pinkie Pie brushable up on the desk and gave me the best WTF look I've seen in a long time.

Yo Applejack...



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I became one recently in early February and my friend NewCalamity showed me, :)


Now I feel the urge to add more to the herd. (Bronies and Pegasisters).



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My pegasisterdom is thanks to my husband, actually and I'm not really sure whenit happened. Those ponies just have a way of sneaking into your heart, it seems. Anyways, my husband became acquainted with MLP:FIM when he visited failblog and after a while he asked if I would like to watch the first episodes with him. I loved MLP when I was little, too, so I thought it would be fun to see how it had evolved since the 80s. IT WAS AMAZING! So, we worked our way through the first season, watching episodes every evening until we ran out and had to wait for season two. Since then, watching MLP has made Saturday my favourite day of the week!

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A friend of mine practically forced me to watch it one night when we were hanging out. I had been avoiding the show for weeks, mainly because I knew I would end up liking it because if so many people watched it then it had to be good.


I love it now. And I don't regret it either. :D

~ You never see my hooves because they move so fast! ~

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