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Here's something I wrote not long after I decided I was a brony.

Warning, text wall. But it's everything I had on my mind at the time if anypony is interested. And while you're on my page..wink.png *nudge*


Check out my new music projects on youtube, Bandcamp, or Soundcloud

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The end of my freshman year of college, a friend told me about a girl she saw on campus with a mlp backpack and continued on to say how immature it was. I grey up with the mlp toys but didn't know there was a new generation, so I decided to watch the show and instantly fell in love. Said friend has since watched the show and admitted to it being good; however, she still makes fun of me every chance and tells me to grow up, but that's okay :) So I guess I've been a brony since about April of 2012 


What fun is there in making sense?


Please take the time to check out my Etsy Shop or help support my art on Patreon

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I remember how I became a brony pretty clearly though the month is a bit unclear all I know is it was some time in 2012 lol
basically a good friend of mine sent me a text message with a picture of Rainbow dash saying it was adorable. I asked what this was and she simply replied "Ponies" so I said "Ponies?" in response and basically the word ponies was said over and over for about 20 minutes until she told me to watch the show...so I did and then I discovered the magical world of Ponies

  • Brohoof 1


Worlds biggest batpony fan                                                   Signature by me :3

If you're reading this I've got one thing to say to you.....


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Don't kill me anypony but I used to be a HUGE Hater.


I watched the show once before (first episode) and I thought it was stupid


Curious, I decided to watch it again.


And It was AWESOME yay.png



BTW: I think the first episode is a bad example for the show.


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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Yeah I use to be a huge hater.....


But about a week ago I finaly decided to find out what was so special about the show after my cousin...( a pegasister) showed me button's Adventures on youtube.


I watched the first 2 episodes and thought they were ok. Then i decided to watch an episode that Bronies said were the best for a non-brony to watch. So after watching " Party of one" (which is my favorite episode now. :) ) I Started to question myself. After a few days of watching MLPFIM and listening to brony music on Youtube, I listened to "Great to be different" By Forest Rain.


After listening to that song I finaly accepted that I was a brony :) Sorry for the big response


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I  joined about 3 months ago. My little cousin begged me to watch the show with her. I would walk away from the living room thinking "Oh god...I actually enjoyed that". And then the spiral into bronyism started and well, now I'm here xD

Dr. Icarus http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dr-icarus-gold-icarus-r4796

"A face and a mask are one in the same, they're just another thing to hide behind"



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I watched the first airing of the show, I was baby sitting my niece, and we were watching sarcastically after a few jokes, I was completely sucked in by time Twilight met Fluttershy. Didn't know about bronies until about a few months later though. I feel so blessed to have watch this community grow and develop. I LOVE YOU ALL. 

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If I remember correctly,I was told by a friend to check the show out.Me being the asshat I was,just kinda blew it off.But one day I was on deviantart and was seeing tons of great art work by the broines.So I thought oh hell why not give the show a try.I watched the first episode and was like okay that wasn't to bad. Then I started to watch more.....and more.....and before you know it I was done with season one.After that I was in love with the show.Now I'm the last of the broines out of my friends.

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Oh dear god...I have the worst "How I became a Brony" story ever.


Alright, so I always noticed bronies getting cussed out on Youtube. Keep that in mind.


I went to a party with my friend a month or so ago, and they had beer there. Now, I'd never drank before, but I did. I didn't handle my alcohol very well, and I was nearly passed out after 4 cans. So my friend took me back to his place and I slept some of it off, and he took me home when I woke up at noon-ish. I was still a little tipsy, and I had always wondered why this show was so popular, so I watched Hurricane Fluttershy. Don't know how I got to that specific episode, but I remember it being that episode. So, I watched it and enjoyed it until I was sober, and after that, I kept watching it and I kept enjoying it. Then, I got the game for my android, and I ended up charging a lot of money I didn't have to my phone bill, so then, I was in debt.


So I worked it off to pay back my grandma (she's my legal guardian.) And after I did, I had some money left over.

So I went and bought a Rarity plushie and some Pinkie Pie earphones.


It was when I was checking out, and the lady asked who I was buying these things for. That's when I realized I had been a brony.


But I'm still avoiding alcohol, although it did pretty much have a positive outcome. That crap was nasty.


And that's how Equestria was made :D

  • Brohoof 5


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Around January of this year I began watching the show, just to give it a chance, as I was curious about it. About February or so I after I'd finished all the episodes, It was then you could say I became a brony. Just in time too, as an anime con with a lot of brony merch/panels was in April.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I officially considered myself a brony on July 10th, 2011. That's the date I joined my first pony forum.



It all started by accident. I was just browsing the Internet circa the end of 2010 when I started seeing pony image macros appear. A lot of them of a blue pony who I'd later learn was the Great and Powerful Trixie. I didn't think much of it at the time until around May of 2011. I was lurking an old forum I used to be a part of just to see how things were going. I saw a thread called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic," which seemed to be an odd subject to be discussing. So I looked into it and saw that a member I used to know became a "brony." The first time I encountered that word.


I saw him talking about the show rather excitedly and was putting forth the case for watching it. He managed to get other members into it. He posted a link to the pilot episode and so I checked it out myself. As soon as I finished watching the pilot I was shocked that I enjoyed it. My Little Pony, a title I once associated with its 80's version, and I'm enjoying this new version. I saw in the YouTube comments the same reactions that I was feeling. Most being along the lines of, "Why am I watching this and why can't I get enough of it? Why do I want more?" So I decided to continue to watch the rest. By the time I found it, Season 1 had just ended recently, so I decided to watch the entire first season in the course of about 3 or 4 days, donating about 3 or 4 hours to ponies when I had the chance.


The reason I didn't consider myself a brony in May 2011 is because even though I found the show and enjoyed it, I didn't fully accept the fact I was liking it. At the time I felt weirded-out that I was enjoying the show not only because it was normally intended for a younger demographic, but not males. That didn't stop me from being pony-curious though. After finishing the first season, I decided to do a little research into the community and found a lot of fan art and fan fictions. I also learned that there were musicians within the community. I found that out by lurking a site back in June of 2011 that had a radio station dedicated to pony music. I even remember the first brony tune that I immediately loved, and that was PinkiePieSwear's "Giggle At The Ghosty (Simple Joy Mix)". I found myself listening to this song on a daily basis because I liked it so much.


I also heard of stories about how the community was very welcoming, tolerant, etc., and even saw it with my own eyes in the community I was lurking. It was something I wasn't used to seeing normally on the Internet. After dealing with the internal struggle of deciding to embrace ponies or not, I finally gave in and joined that site back in July 2011. I was welcomed very quickly, to my surprise, with open arms, and met some pretty awesome people and learned some more things, not only about the community, but even myself. The rest is history.


Although my view on the community as a whole has changed in some respects since I first joined— a lot has happened within it, and to myself, since 2011. I still consider myself a brony and am happy to be a part of this fandom.

  • Brohoof 2


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Suprisingly it was myself who got me into ponies. I was starting to get myself into that weird part of YouTube, when I came across small snippets from Season 2's first double episode, which had recently aired. I was, like most people would be, confused. How did I get there, and why did the comments shout praise from grown men? I eventually caved in and started watching the full episodes, and trapped myself in what I've never been a part of before: a fandom. :P


After that and Tumblr, fandoms were seemingly coming out of nowhere right in my face.


Sig by Champion RD92



Like mashups? Like ponies? Then by all means, subscribe! http://m.youtube.com/#/user/IAmMelloYellow

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It's interesting to hear how other people got started! For me, sometime around 2010 or 2011 I was journalling on Dreamwidth and I noticed a lot of pony icons (especially Rainbow Dash). Someone on my friends list was open about being a brony, and I knew a few others who were very into it - one was similar age to me and watched it with her husband. I wasn't bothered; I've never been a fannish person and I don't like animated things as a rule. But, one dark and stormy night when my partner was on night shift I decided to watch it to see what the fuss was about. I didn't think the first few minutes were anything special and I was going to put it off, but then Twilight started meeting the other ponies and they were all so adorable (as was her consternation) that I kept watching. By the time Nightmare Moon was revealed I was quite gripped, and Pinkie Pie's Laughter song and general cuteness had me sold. I forgot about it after that though until August of this year when something I saw online reminded me and I decided to show it to my partner just to see if she would like it. To my surprise she loved it, so we carried on watching season one .... and two .... and three ... and somehow fan videos and art and music started sneaking in ... and by the end of August I realised we had both become bronies!


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Wooohoooo, a longgg time ago it was XD .


Somewhat around August 2012, even though it's kind of strange realizing that his much time passed...


It all started on My Lion King forum, the forum I'm very active on even now. You can guess, it's a TLK forum. But suddenly the whole board started being filled with pictures, avatars, signatures... of some colorful ponies. First, I was intimidated by it, but it also kind of interested me. I actually found the designs of characters to be rather interesting. One girl named herself RainbowDash and she was the one who made me watch it.


As I asked: "Should I?" she responded with "You must" and with sending me that cute "Yay" video of Fluttershy's.


So, I gave it a chance. I expected to give up after an episode or two, but I was hooked immediately! I watched the entire first two seasons in a very short time, and I bet you know how the story continues...


I became a full-time brony/pegasister, a girl who can think about ponies anytime, who can see ponies in everything, and who completely finds herself in Twilight Sparkle. I watched each episode for at least 3 times, and, even though (of course) I don't like each and every episode, this show became a great part of my life, and who I am.


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January 2011. My friend said he was a brony. I never heard of My Little Pony before, except for the 80's movie, so when I asked about it, he told me to watch the show MLP:FIM. So I did. Dear Celestia, it was like a double rainbow golden leprechaun ultimate orgasm all at once and I was like WOOOOOAH!!!  

Edited by PrinceEpic
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I can't remember exactly when it was... But I was on a forum for another fandom (don't ask! I won't tell!) and I was the Admin. Anyway a lot of my members discussed My Little Pony and the only experience of MLP I had was from the old toys I had for years as a little girl. I asked my then best friend, (now boyfriend) what all the fuss was about and he told me to watch MLP:FiM so i did... I watched the very first episode... then the second... all the way up to the most recent... Magical Mystery Cure! (As well as Equestria Girls)


I haven't told any of my offline friends or family about my Brony status because the majority of them would just laugh at me... or find me weird... I'm a closet pegasister... therefore I don't own any pony merchandise :( but I has a whole folder on my laptop of ponies xD that's my pony merchandise xD

  • Brohoof 1


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TBH, I have no ideal. At first I was like, 'PFT, My Little Pony. I was into that before these jokers. And then I cut their hair off.'

And then I learned that it was actually a new show. And I was like, "well what the heck, I don't watch anything but kids' programming anyways."

And I lurved it.

And then my dad became a brony. Though I don't think he quite knows what a brony is. But I've caught him singing the theme song. It's like brony-hood by osmosis.

THAT'S how i became a brony too exept fo the dad part. but i am having trouble with it.you see,my friends outside...oh nevermind.

if you want to hear the whole story, message me.:D

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Well earlier this year around july. And a while before that... Well you see I am a VERY avid YouTube user and browse just practally any random thing you can think of (mostly how to and informationals, playthroughs) yeah. Sometimes I stumbled across what I thought in my head as extremely annoying and gay people (Which I feel extremely bad about now and lets face it guess here is my best place to say sorry. :( ) Though through all of this "annoyingness" I never was really lashing out about it in comments. Though some of my IRL friends talked about how stupid MLP was and I sort of just taged along with them and was like "yeah those people are gay". I sort have just dealt with it till august came I was litterally screaming inside my head "wtf am I doing". Ok so I saw this well played comment on youtube stating that "You have not even seen the show, so how do you know it sucks?" Being slightly accepting at the time I decided to give it a try... Hearing that "Sonic Rainboom" was (uhh what should I put here?). I decided to watch it all the way through. But at the intro I was like "... Why. Do. I. Find. This. CATCHY? But watching it through all the way... I found my self practally saying "Is it ok for me to be... liking this???" Kinda still thinking like that today but almost completely shrugging it off. Its good animation. Its not like other "Girl >_>" shows that are completely just saying. Omfg I ate all my food. LETS HAVE A PARTY. It actually has a good storyline and plot *btw Pinkie Pie umm atleast you make a party look pretty crazy XD*. And a major part is that Lauren Faust was a part of the development which is cool because she was part of development for some of my other favorite shows as a kid ex. PPG. And even more lol... Also pretty cool that Tara Strong voices over twilight. Yeah used to watch ben 10 alot. But to where I am today I guess I could say that I am completely a brony. Practally all my friends know it and are alright with it. And my mom knows but still not sure of my dad. I'm currently working on a fandom of going through the mirror in equestria girls from the human world in my perspective. Already have 10 completely filled notebook pages. (Yeah that's going to take a bit to type out xD) but yeah. Seen the whole season pack 1-3 plus EG and not really questioning it anymore. What I like is what I like :P

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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I became a brony in September, I was watching one of aviatorgamings videos and they started talking about derpy, so I looked it up. There was a save derpy video by nomorethan9. When she started crying i did too, so I decided to watch a few episodes. I became hooked and watched both season 1&2 in a week, (via youtube) and then wait every Saturday for a new one. Now I'm waiting for season 4.

"Life isn't about success, its About trying hard and learning from mistakes" ~TheScrewUpCrew


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About more than a year ago, we met some old friends of my mom down in PA who now had a family of three girls and one boy. Me and my brother got along really well with the three oldest kids, especially  their 16-year-old son(who was older than me).


It didn't take long to figure out that he was a brony. Now I had heard about bronies before, but had never seen one. I never actually  hated bronies or ponies and whatnot, but I always thought "how in the world could all these teenage boys be so interested in a show for little girls". I thought it had to do with a mental condition or something.

At the time I always had it in my mind that MLP.FiM. was very similar to shows like Barbie, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, or the origianal My Little Pony shows(although granted I haven't actually seen any of these). But we still though he was cool otherwise, we still got along really well, and we looked forward to every time we would go back down to PA and hopefully see them again.


Now one time, about more than six months ago, we visited them and we just decided to ask him how he became brony. Then he told his back-story and somehow got the idea to show us an episode or two. I reluctantly complied, and thought that it's good to keep an open mind.


The first episode that he showed us was "Diamond Dogs". For some reason, I don't know what it is, but when your with other people who are laughing at something(especially your friends), even if you don't know what they are laughing at, you feel compelled to laugh along with them. And needless to say we(more me) were laughing right along with them as we watched this "show for little girls"

After that we watched the first episode(both parts), and I grew more to appreciate it and realize why so many older people would actually enjoy this.


After that day, months passed and I never gave it any thought. Untill some time in September, when somehow, my younger siblings got the idea to start watching MLP.FiM. on Netflix. For a while I tried to avoid it telling myself that it's better than most kids shows but its still for little kids. But as time passed I began to start catching glimpses at it as I walked past the living room, and then actually stopping for a few seconds to watch it. After a while I was actually trying to watch as much as possible without anyone else noticing me. This went on for a while, and I kept on questioning myself and why I was doing this.


And then it happened, I was catching a glimpse of them watching the final episode of the third season, and I saw Twilight become a princess, and then the show just ended!! For the rest of the day I was depressed thinking stuff like "Is everything going to be the same as before? Will everything completely change? What about her relationship with her friends? Will that change? Will the show be RUINED?!?... Oh My... IS THERE ANY MORE SHOW TO RUIN?!? Is that it? Is there another season that just isn't on Netflix yet?

If not will they make more? OH! WHY did they have to leave it off like that?!? WHY AM I SO DEPRESSED OVER PONIES?!?!?" and so on.


That night I decided to look it up on the internet, just to see if there was more, or going to be more. I was quite relieved when I found out that they were making a new season. And the next day, on Saturday, October 5th 2013, I finally stopped denying, and excepted that I must be brony.


I hope you have enjoyed my story. I am sorry that it is so long, if that is any inconvenience. Thank you for your time.wink.png

  • Brohoof 1


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Curiosity started it all for me. I keep seeing all these pony macros and gifs everywhere that i finally decided to check it out to know what it's all about. I watched the Friendship of Magic two-part episode and thought it was okay. It didn't give me that oh my celestia this is amazing feeling, but i just watched the next few episodes anyway since i can already see the link to episode 3 in the recommended videos on the side of the screen. 


Probably around episode 5 is where started to become a brony. I just keep watching and watching and the next thing you know, I have a mlp folder on my laptop with screencaps, fanarts, memes and all that. 


My little pony has a way of dragging people into the fandom



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