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Your thoughts on smoking and chewing tobacco.


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So what are your thoughts on smoking and chewing tobacco?

Do you smoke or use chewing tobacco?


If yes:

1. Why and at what age did you start?

2. Do you now or did you ever enjoy it?

3. Do you regret it?

4. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting?


If no:

A. Why did you choose not to?

B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it?

C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start?

D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting? 

  • Brohoof 2
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No I don't smoke or chew.  :) As for the questions:

A.) Never felt the social pressure, personal want, or personal need to. I don't try it of my own accord because I lack all curiosity towards it, and the money to support it if I actually liked it/got addicted.

B.) My parents used to, but quit. Most of the rest don't smoke, or do so minimally--I'm proud of my parents for quitting, and I think it was a good choice health-wise. Otherwise, I trust people to be responsible for themselves.

C.) Nope. It's too easy to pull reasons I'm thankful I didn't, and continue not to. At best, younger-me (5+ years ago) might've thought it "would look cool" without thinking seriously about trying it.

D.) Moderation is key to everything, and with things that can be both addictive and dangerous to your health, you want it be your unbreakable and ever present law of conduct. I'm not going to say tobacco is as bad as often portrayed, but it can eventually become a crutch and a health hazard all the same, so go into it with a level head, and work to keep your head level at every point--repeatedly check in with yourself, and ask if you're handling smoking/chewing in an objectively respectable way, and in a way that you can afford (financially, socially, emotionally, etc). Often we can start out well with something, and let things become a problem/burden without realizing.

EDIT: The above is if you're set on starting. If your weighting your options still, and don't feel the personal need to start, legitimately ask yourself why you're starting. Even in small amounts, it's not the best thing for your body or your wallet. If you want something to calm you, there are alternatives like working out, yoga, positivity exercises (the mental kind), etc. Really, the only reason I need to write it off is to hear how much people spend on smokes, think of what I'd rather buy/save for instead, and reconfirm I don't have a need for them anyways.

Edited by SFyr
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How topical, considering Leonard Nimoy just died of COPD, and my dad is on his way out from the same thing. 




A. Why did you choose not to?

It's a stunningly bad choice to make, and expensive too.


B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it?

My dad smokes, and I'm going to lose him within the next few years. I'm going to be bedridden when that happens. My brother smokes for some inexplicable reason. I guess he just wants to slowly commit suicide too.


C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start?

The only time I ever wanted to smoke is the day I got back from Iraq. I wanted to celebrate with a giant cigar, but I never did. I probably would have gagged anyways.


D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting?

Knock that dumb shit off  

  • Brohoof 3
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I've never had any interest in either. I always see lots of athletes and celebrities getting all kinds of diseases as a result and there's just no reason for me to do it.


A. Basically the above.

B. A few of my friends do. It's not my place to tell them how to live their lives, if they want to do either I'll support them.

C. Not really. To be honest, both of them seem gross to me ^_^

D. I can't really give anything in the way of advice. I guess just that they understand the risks.

Signature by Lacerna | You should fill out my Johari Window. All the cool kids are doing it.

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Yeahh, I chew tobacco.
1. Why and at what age did you start?
Errr...15? Maybe a little bit after I turned 16, but it was definitely around the end of my 15th year on this planet and towards the beginning of my 16th :P 
A lot of people around me did it and I was young and wanted to fit in, to put it bluntly. Wasn't much more than that, albeit I found it to be relaxing and kept doing it because of such.
2. Do you now or did you ever enjoy it?
When I first started, I was rabid about it. I'd rarely ever go outside of school without having a pinch of snuff in my lip, and I'd go through 2 - 3 cans a week on average. Now the maximum I use is about a can a week because it doesn't have the same appeal but it still manages to be a relaxing way to help with my anxiety and stress issues. So yes, I enjoy it.
3. Do you regret it?
Not really. Maybe I regret using it so much early on as that money could've gone to much more useful things, but all in all it's a great way to relieve stress and anxiety.
4. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting?
Don't be stupid at first and know your limits with the stuff. You'll be puking everywhere if you mess up. Don't underestimate the value of packing your can beforehand, either, as it'll break apart in your mouth if you don't and you'll more than likely end up swallowing it. Brush your teeth a couple of times a day as well.

Also, be sure and use it in moderation. It isn't healthy, but it is calming and good on the nerves. Many people seek out smoking to chewing tobacco outside of my area, anyway, and I don't smoke, so yeahh :P


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1) It didn't ever feel necessary. I've never really been under so much pressure or craving a buzz that it requires drugs. Nor have I been under any social pressure. Also, it's pretty expensive. Why buy things that relieve stress when I can buy useless and overpriced branded merchandise.


2) Pretty much 60% of my friends smoke regularly and the other 40% take recreational drugs like weed. I don't have any problem with either. Neither of the two groups are hurting anyone and the ones that smoke tobacco seem to take it in moderation. It's their bodies, they do what they want with them. 


3) I don't wish to start, but I do kinda want to try it out. Not to have it regularly, just to briefly see what it's like.


4) As I said, it's their body. It's not really my job to choose what they do and don't do. But I guess I would question them to see if it's what they really want to do and not because of peer pressure or something similar.

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A. Because it only has disadvantages: it's expensive, it harms the lungs (can provoke a lung cancer...), it makes the teeth turn yellow, it's addicting etc.


B. No, nobody in my family and none of my friends smoke.


C. Of course not.


D. Don't, you'll regret it, that's for sure. That's one the stupidest things to do.

Edited by Blobulle
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A. Why did you choose not to?


Won't ever touch to drugs or anything close to this(except alcohol, considering I don't really like it and only love sweet drinks, I don't really care if there is alcohol or not in it as long as it's good).

I use think like that only because I thought that was the right thing to do until recently, now I understood how I am supposed to dedicate this life until the very end, and I need to stay completely sane until this very end, I can't afford to lose time or to get into any addiction. So I basically decided not to ever smoke.





B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it?


My dad used to smoke a loooooong time ago(not so much though). My friends don't smoke, I'm okay with smoking, as long as I can breathe normally, otherwise I try to stay less closer so I can. I don't really appreciate the smoke, but that's not really why I didn't want to smoke anyway.

Nowadays people who smoke have to smoke outside buildings in France, and they all smoke outside the high school, so It's great. But even if someone smoke, they now ask if we are okay with this or if they should stay a bit away from you so you are not disturbed by the smoke.


Really, I don't mind them smoking, because they are good people. About the fact that they smoke, I don't really give a damn to be honest, they do whatever they want with their life, I have enough to think about mine to think about theirs.




C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start?


Never, there are things I once decided not to ever do, and I never questionned these choices(suicide, smoking, drugs,..) because I considered them basically wrong without knowing why.

Now I have reasons. But still, never wished to smoke.




D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting?


Do whatever you want with your life, as long as you are still able to discern whether or not you are heading in the right way.

But remember, the mind is something really fragile, and you can never be sure if you will be able to bear all of this without losing the sight of your goals. Some addictions are okay(sugar..), but some can drive you crazy and be horribly hard to remove.

You only live once though. That's why I can't guide you, I'm not the one that should make this choice, you and only you are able to do it.

In fact, he won't understand a damn thing about what I will tell him :lol:


I know the doctors are very expensive in America, but if you live in EU and your doctors don't cost much and don't do their job only to earn money, I would advise you to talk about this with one you can trust, he might understand your thought and help you. He won't necessarily tell you not to smoke, but rather he will be here to advise you before, during, and after smoking.

At least I think he will, people can be really nice and understanding. :)


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I do not smoke at all!


A. I chose not too for many reasons. I'm not even of age to smoke in the first place, and I think that smoking is not good for you at all. I also think it smells nasty. :L

B. My father used to smoke, quit for probably 20 or so years. He just started smoking again about a year ago. I wish he wouldn't. He has such bad asthma.. I'm afraid he's going to stop breathing in his sleep. He sounds awful. I love my dad.. I don't want him dead. :C

C. No! Not one bit!

D. Whoever wants to start smoking, I wouldn't do it at all. It's soooo expensive. Smoking makes you and your clothes smelly. It may not appeal to anyone around you. It also makes your teeth yellow and black. It can rot your teeth. Give you yellow fingers/fingernails. It'll give you gum disease. Smoking can cause many different cancers such as lung cancer and throat cancer. Smoking isn't "cool" as teens my age say or think. It's nowhere near "cool." Smoking shouldn't be a relaxer either. Maybe it makes you relax, but at the same time, you're getting your body hurt in the process! You know how many chemicals are in cigarettes?! Hundreds! And they're all harmful to your body!


Just look at this:

This is some of the stuff a cigarette is made up. The-effects-of-smoking.gif



Sorry, but I am very very anti-smoking/drug use. :T


Obviously I won't hate people if they smoke. I just feel bad about what they're doing to their bodies, that's all. I worry about their health. 

I love my dad to death and he smokes.

Edited by PrincessWubsyButt~
  • Brohoof 1


My OC, Starlight. (Better than Starlight Glimmer):


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I am a none-smoker, but I'm going to ansrew the questions for the smokers/chewers since I am an ex-smoker of 8 years.



1. Why and at what age did you start?


Age 15, and I started because it looks cool and I badly wanted to smoke just because.


2. Do you now or did you ever enjoy it?


No don't smoke anymore, but I loved it. I still use nicotine in the liquid I have in my vaping devices which I switched to as an alternative 3 years ago 


3. Do you regret it?




4. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting?


I wouldn't recommend anyone take up smoking, but it's not my choice. I'd  throw in a recommendation to think of vaping instead of bothering with smoking

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A. Why did you choose not to? B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it? C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start? D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting? 

Nah, i don't.

A. I don't do it because 1, i have no money XD (me personally), and i aint gonna take money from my family to buy stuff i dont want or need. And it's bad for you, i'm already unhealthy enough xD

B. My mum used to smoke, I got her to stop when i was young though. Some of my friends smoke a bit, but like it was just a craze a few years ago xD. Meh, don't smoke near me.

C. i don't wanna start, don't even think about it really.

D. Don't do it, unless you wanna waste money and die early. (not all the time, but you know there's a lot of health risks.)

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1. I started smoking cigarettes when I was 12. Swtiched to Copenhagen long cut when I was 19, did both until I was 23. Now, I just chew. (Another plus from chewing is that no one bums from you.)

2. I enjoy dip. I'm not so big on smoking anymore. I grew up on a ranch, and it was the thing to do for some reason. The old saying from the predator movie: "A bunch of slack jawed faggots 'round here. This shit will make you into a god damn sexual tyrannosaurus, like me."

3. At times when I'm strapped for cash. I always think: Why did I spend all that money on tobacco? or Why can't I sleep!? (during withdrawal)

4. Think about anything expensive you'd ever want to own or already own. The addition of tobacco in your life makes it more difficult to procure those things. Money is always tight, and it is truly a waste of money.

Edited by Floor Tom
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I don't smoke or use chewing tobacco.


A. Why did you choose not to?

Health reasons.


B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it?

They don't.  I wouldn't care if they did as long as they didn't smoke near me because of secondhand smoke.


C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start?



D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting?

Have fun.

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A. Why did you choose not to?

Because I'm too young and I don't wanna die earlier than I already am

B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it?

My dad used to smoke, but he stopped when he and my mom decided to have kids. I do have a couple uncles and grandparents that smoke, but not that much. As long as they're not puffing in my area and giving me cancer, I couldn't care less.

C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start?

lol no

D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting? 

Don't do it if you're trying to look cool, impress someone, or just try it out. In fact, don't do it at all unless you wanna die early.

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A. Why did you choose not to?

    Mainly because i see no gain from doing it physically,mentally, emotionally, or financially

B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it?

My girlfriend use too smoke but now she uses an electric one. I would prefer if she stopped all together but at least its healthier then smoking regular ones.

C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start?

Sometimes because my life is so stressful and i've gone through a lot

D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting? 

Be prepared to spend hours of hard work pay on this habit.

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Yup, I smoke, but only a pipe and the occasional cigar. No cigarettes here.


1. Started when I turned 18, and I got into it because a good (older) friend of mine smoked a pipe.

2. I love it! :D

3. Nope! No regrets!

4. Don't smoke cigarettes. As another good, older, pipe-smoking friend of mine once said, "They're smelly and overpriced."


Also, the benefit to pipes and cigars over cigarettes is that you're not supposed to inhale the smoke, meaning it doesn't get into your lungs, meaning no addiction and no lung cancer. They don't burn as hot as cigarettes, either, which even reduces the (already pretty minimal) risk of mouth or throat cancer. And pipe tobacco is miles cheaper in the long run (although cigars are ludicrously expensive).

Edited by Henny Penny Benny
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Nope, I don't smoke and I never want to :eww:


A. Aside from smoking being really bad for you, it's the smell I can't stand. Whenever I walk by someone who's smoking, the smoke gets stuck in my throat and I find it really hard to breathe.


B. Nope.


C. Definitely not.


D. If you want to smoke, then don't do it in public please.

Edited by SparklingSwirls
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I do not smoke or chew tobacco for a few reasons.

First off, there is nothing appealing about the smell, and I'd imagine it would taste pretty gross, as well. The smell actually gives me headaches- it's just downright unpleasant. Secondly, I have asthma. My grandmother that raised me was a chain smoker- she is in stage four lung cancer and it's terminal. It's depressing. Third, you don't get anything out of smoking or chewing- there aren't any benefits, or advantages. It's a waste of money. So why do it?

I have other family members who smoke. It may be a deathwish, but It's my belief that if they want to do it, it's up to them. When they light up around me, however, it absolutely pisses me off. I can't breathe. What pisses me off even more is when some parents light up with their kid on their lap.

I have never wished for a moment to smoke or chew. Like I said, it's downright disgusting to me. Always has and always will be. As for advice for people who think they may enjoy it: If you're rich enough, if you don't have a family, and are okay with causing health problems to yourself, go right ahead. It's a lot of money that does absolutely nothing for you. If you do it, you're choosing to harm yourself- but do NOT drag other people down with you. Don't smoke with other people in the room, unless they're smokers themselves. In fact, don't smoke or chew at all if you have people that rely, love, or care for you. You'll wind up with cancer, or some other health problem, and it'll just hurt everyone around you.


In short: Your funeral, pal.

  • Brohoof 2



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A. Why did you choose not to?


Because I never chose to...?


B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it?


No one in my family uses tobacco products, nor do any of my friends. I just didn't grow up in that sort of environment. People that smoke disgust me because of this. I'm not used to it, so it's a major turn-off. I often forget how disgusting it actually is.


C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start?




D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting?


...you're kidding, right?

  • Brohoof 1




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Well I smoke a pack a day, which is 20 cigs. I also occasionally smoke tobacco with my hookah.


1. Started when I was 16, cause I went to a lot of parties and one thing lead to another.

2. I did and still do enjoy the social side if it, but besides that I don't like it.

3. For the most part, yeah.

4. Don't go straight into smoking like an entire pack each day... seriously.

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Leonard Nimoy just died of COPD



Spock died!?!?!




But chewing tobacco? Do people even do that any more?


I've been offered cigarettes (and weed :blink: ) by different people, but I wouldn't try smoking.


I once thought that I'd probably try smoking once and then stop to avoid getting addicted, but a couple of years ago it turned out I have a lung abnormality which means my lungs tend to spontaneously collapse (really, it's a thing that does happen to some people), and smoking would be a serious risk of making it worse, so I'm probably never going to.

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A. Why did you choose not to?

I value my health & my teeth too much.  I have better things to spend the money on. And my integrity and free will to remain independent of addictive substances wouldn't let me rest if I did so. 


B. Do any of your friends and family smoke/chew, and how do you feel about it?

My grandpa smokes. I'd wish he'd stop. He's on an oxygen tank for crying out loud. 


C. Do you wish (even for a moment) that you did start?



D. What advice would you give to someone that is thinking of starting?

Don't. That's how your teeth get wrecked. That's how you get gum disease. That's how you get cancer. That's how your skin starts aging prematurely. That's how you start loosing money.   

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A) I never saw the use in it. It's only bad for you and it has absolutely no beneficial effects that I could see. I also didn't care about 'being cool' so I didn't have to do it to fit in either.


B) Some do. It's their choice, really. I'm not going to tell them how to live their lives and they know perfectly well how bad it is.


C) No, because again, I fail to see the point in smoking, and chewing doesn't seem to happen all that much in the Netherlands.


D) Don't. You're wasting your money and fucking up your lungs. There is no legitimate reason, in my eyes, to start doing it.

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