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Group Work:Your Opinion On it

An Unknown Pony.

Do you like group work  

45 users have voted

  1. 1. Do you like group work

    • Yes,me and my group members work well together
    • Heck No!,I work best alone and dislike group work
    • So and So.

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My Opinion on Group Work other than 'I would have gotten an A if not for group work':

  1. Group Work is tiring,Especially when your Group Members are Talking and Not doing their work,And your sitting there planning what to do.
  2. When your too uncomfortable to talk to your group/Thinking about what to say,You are labelled as Slacking,I'm sure some introverts relate to this.
  3. Getting Ignored because your the class outcast.
  4. End up doing the work yourself because your members are lazy
  5. I Prefer to work alone,I did try once,And I Was the first to pass in my Project.  :)

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” 

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I don't like it. Everyone in my school, they all bully me. Every time I try to give them my support, they tell me to go away then they remove my name for not helping them..... and that's... I never get along with other people. No one, wants/needs me and my help.


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I can see why a lot of introverts hate group work. I personally would like it if the conditions where right. (I explained why I had a lot of problems previously) 


As an extrovert, I love being around people. But introvert/extrovert doesn't matter when you get an F because you are in a bad group. I personally think everyone getting the same grade is wrong, that that's my opinion. There are some things that are better with a group, as long as said group understands cooperation. 


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Honestly,I've been both when it comes to group projects.


I've been the slacker,and the hard worker.


I prefer working alone,though.


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Group work is ineffective because it assumes that it will be contributed to at least partially by everyone involved. This is not the case. My partner never came to class with his 50% of the assignment because he hadn't worked on it at all, even though he'd shown me a version, he later confessed it was just a rip from someone else's work he found online and he knew he couldn't turn it in to the teacher. So I was left trying to fill in the gaps that I simply could not do alone.


Second of all it forces shy and introverted people into situations where they are not at their best. The assumption that multiple minds put together makes a better analysis is a bad one. Two brains does not mean twice the brain power. In fact, it can even limit the 1. This is a major problem because you'll have people not speaking and not contributing and it simply isn't their fault that they aren't wired to deal with people in this way. The education system seriously needs innovation.

Edited by ARagY
  • Brohoof 1

To each their own

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Alright so I'm gonna just jump right in to this one

As far as group work goes, you have socialism and communism

Socialism is one person does most of the work and everyone gets the grade

Communism is everyone has to contribute an equal amount for anyone to get a grade

Last week, I had a pretty fuckin' communist group assignment due 4 days after it was assigned

I got grouped with one of THE MOST incompetent students I've ever worked with, I've worked with her before and my experience with her as a partner was not fantastic.

My other two group members were pretty neutral, only the girl I've mentioned previously kept complaining to me and the kid next to me while we were trying to collaborate and come up with some ideas.

It wasn't until the day before the project was due that the teacher finally comes by and says "you guys need to actually work together to get this thing done", everything had to be done on my ipad the night before it was due. The problem here is, I also had a 4-page essay due the next day that I hadn't even started since I was too pre-occupied with this dumbass project. I ended up staying up until 2 AM and passing out on an incomplete essay because of this stupid project.

I woke up that morning with word still open and like 1 page written, so I skipped my entire first period getting that shit done and printed off.

It would've saved a lot of trouble if it wasn't a group project or at least a more socialist group project where my efforts didn't effect everyone's grade. Because of stupid communist projects I lose sleep and consider dropping out or killing myself.

I made a 95 on the essay though, so I've got that going for me.


TL;DR group projects make me wanna drop out or kill myself, fuck group projects.

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When I die, I want the people who I did group work with to lower my coffin, so they can let me down one last time.

  • Brohoof 2

I'm bad because I listen to music with swears.

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It is a double edged sword, it is great if you have a group of people that are willing to do their part and help everyone get the job done if not everyone is pulling their weight it can screw you over and that is the main reason why I tend to prefer working alone.

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I think Group work is fine, so long as you know how to deal with people and work as a team.

I've only had few problems with group work myself. What comes to mind is one of my old high school projects where we had to meet up and film something. Pretty much only 3 out of the 8 people came and naturally, it fell apart.

In university it is a little different. Most people there want to actually succeed and are willing to pull their own weight when it comes to delegated tasks. Again, similar scenario in the workplace.


I've come to the conclusion over the years that it really depends on the setting you're in. 

Edited by The Crimson Cross


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Depends who and how many. I get anxious but I see it as a way to improve my social skills.

If everyone cooperates, I'm cool. If there are flunkies in the bunch, then that creates problems.

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I fucking hate group work. All too often I'm forced to work with asshole pricks I'd rather pretend don't exist, or people who don't give half a fuck about the assignment, or people who simply don't know anything. 


On the bright side, every now and then I get put with someone who's not a complete tool, and that can be a cool experience.



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Group work...  :eww: I always feel so uncomfortable working with a group, and like what I actually want to do gets suppressed. =/ It doesn't help that a few of them seem disinterested in doing the work, because I'm too shy to ask if we could stay focused or anything. The work's almost always at the mercy of the most vocal members of the group, and that never turns out too well... Though I'm actually fine with them letting me do everything, because it's often a task that could be done- and more quickly- individually anyway. :P


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If I'm in a good group that has roles assigned to people who will do them, then yes; I'm fine with group work. However, in my experiences, this rarely happens, and it's usually one or two people doing all the work because the rest of the group is busy talking with each other and not being productive. The only way group work will work is if everyone does their part, and that's difficult to do without motivated people or a good leader.

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Group work is garbage confirmed. I'm usually stuck doing all the work, and it doesn't help that I'm a loner who hates speaking to others, especially when correcting others when their answers are wrong. Just kind of annoying how your grade depends not only on how you do, but how other random students do as well, especially when you have no friends.  


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I rather enjoy group work so long as the others do their work and everybody communicates well. I have a feeling people here don't like it because they've had bad experiences.


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High school group work not the worst. Working in a group in a work environment is natural. But college group work is just awful!

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  • 4 weeks later...

So far in my time in college, I've never really had a problem with group work. I'm not as shy as I used to be, so it's not that difficult for me to speak up and everyone actually does their fare share of work.

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I dislike group work,because usually I need to do most of the work. But the main reason is,I don't want anyone to blame me when I did something wrong. So,when doing individual work,I have nothing to worry about because I'm the only one who can blame me.




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