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Which of the mane six do you think is cutest?


Which of the mane six do you think is cutest?  

194 users have voted

  1. 1. Same as title:

    • Twilight Sparkle
    • Rarity
    • Fluttershy
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Applejack
    • Pinkie Pie

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I voted for all six, is that bad? :D


They're all soo cute and adorable, though! Yes, even tough tomboy Rainbow Dash, haha. They each have a quality that makes them cuter than the other five, but it all balances out.

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I chose Pinkie, for Ioved her in the first season, even with her You Gotta Share song. Okay, that actually kind of annoyed me, but she's adorable and my favorite pony. Let me find this really cute expression of hers from her Smile Smile Smile song.


God dammit, I can't open it on Google, because this computer has blocked the website, so you'll just have to imagine. Maybe I'll show it later.

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I had to choose Twilight, she is just so adorkable :wub:

Dash is awesome and everything, she still holds my favourite place in the Mane 6, but Twilight...the way she freaks out over the little things is just so freakin adorable.

  • Brohoof 1
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I find the mane six "cute" like how you would find a pet or something.I think they are all adorable with their big eyes,funny face expressions,personality and belief that their right all the time, lol.If they were real i would freakin adopt Twilight or Pinkie as pets in a flash.They are to cute to resist.

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  • 1 year later...

who of the mane 6 do you think is the cutest cast your vote with name or number :)



1 apple jack



2 flutter shy



3 rarity



4 twilight



5 pinkie pie


6 rainbow dash



i vote number 2 flutter shy ;)



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It's hard for me not to choose Rarity :D


I mean, she's not only beautiful on the outside, if people would try to take notice, she's even more beautiful on the inside :D


...wait a sec...




REGARDLESS, she's got it all, and probably the most adorable fan art, at least, in my opinion :wub:

  • Brohoof 2
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My least favorite ponies of the mane six are Applejack and Rarity, at a tie for fifth place, being preceded by Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Applejack doesn't really have that much I can identify with, as I can with Twiley (intense love of reading) and Pinkie (silliness/randomness). (Although, I loved Ashleigh Ball's performance as her in the song in Bats! very much.) And Rarity, while I like her voice and sometimes find some of the things she says funny, just doesn't resonate as well as the others do. So I would have to say:


1. Fluttershy



2. Rainbow Dash



3. Pinkie Pie



4. Twilight Sparkle



5. Rarity (two for her because I couldn't choose between them)



6. Applejack


(Of course.)

  • Brohoof 1
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