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Dealing with haters.

John A. Games

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Depends... sometimes I feel like trolling them with outrageous affirmations... other times I troll them by appealing to logic... other times (rarely) I just ignore them... now my 1st and 2nd habits generally gets them so enraged they either ragequit on their own either block me and save me from the proof of their existance... which basically means I win >:))


I only lost to a hater once in my life and that was because I actually cared about what that mofo thought.... never again. :v

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I just hug and nuzzles with all i come across. But what would one define as a hater? Somebody who disagrees on some topics, or someone who just makes a fuss and call all bronies "Bleep and bleep" etc?


Either way, i'd try to just be overall friendly, and the person can have his opinion and maybe one day that person will have a nice chat and join the gang :twi:

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Sometimes I just ignore them, most of the time I just reply with something like 'so what?' and leave it at that, they really don't deserve my attention.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just ignore them. Seriously, why should I care what they think? They can't do anything about what I like.


Oh, and it's pretty entertaining to watch them get extremely angry over people liking a show. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Doesn't happen to me so I wouldn't know. I think being prudent with how you present yourself keeps you from being a target... Not something all of the disadvantaged in the world can help, I know, but being a brony by itself should barely register as a bulliable thing. We're not in 2012 anymore.

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I have two preferred methods of dealing these types of people:


Extreme sarcasm, this is a fun option that can lead to some funny results. :3 Also it can clearly show that they do not bother you one bit.


The second is just purely ignoring them. That is probably the best option. Not even acknowledging them is better than giving them more fuel for the fire. 

  • Brohoof 2



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I feel a bit redundant saying this cuz I say it so much, but just ignore them. Most "haters" aren't even haters. It's trolls, and it's obvious because most of the people who "hate on me" have those stupid ass meme avatars or have "I think mlg parodies are funny" written all over them. 

They're just trying to waste your time and if you even bother writing more than one sentence they're not going to read it. So just ignore them and they won't respond back. And if you try to "troll" them back, it doesn't work because they're already trolling you and all you're doing is wasting your time.


I frequent non-mlp sites, videos, etc. with pony avatars and haaaaardly every get any shit, and people respond to me like a normal human being because I am a normal human being. is "haters" STILL a big "issue"? in 2015? I think I've had one person say something to me in the past 3 months.

Edited by NotoriousSMALL
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Its the same way I handle trolls "Hi Troll  :) " and then "oh im sorry but you messed up this, this and this" and keep doing that until they have nothing left but to correct my grammar and spelling and when it comes to that i ask if thats all they got.

If i cant find any loop holes in there logic then i tell them good job on the perfect trolling and move on.

A lot of trolls dont like me :P

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I've seen how other people deal with them. You just need to make them feel like they're talking to a brick wall. ...But it's probably best to just ignore them. They really don't deserve your time. Instead, use the time you would've spent dealing with haters doing something else.



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  • 1 month later...

I deal with them by not giving a fuck. I seriously do not care at all what they think. Caring about that would be a waste of my time, and I'm very careful about who and what I spend time and energy on.

  • Brohoof 2



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The stoic (and I believe the correct) approach to it would be to realize there is nothing in the world you can do about it. People are awful for the sake of being awful, and nothing in all of space and time can account for anything that would get them to stop. Don't try to win them over with kindness. And don't instigate more mockery from them by retaliating. They are what they are, so you just have to take it. Say nothing. Do nothing. Think nothing of it in fact.


It sounds depressing. But with this (if you let it) comes a much greater sense of optimism. If you concern yourself only with what you yourself can control, then you render their words utterly meaningless. They would have an easier time trying to force tears from a rock.

Edited by A Quiet Argonian

I stopped watching the show a while ago...


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I'm not sure what to do with haters. Sometimes I want to correct them, and other times I'd rather ignore them. It can be a tricky situation at times.

This is basically what it turns into, and it always is a waste a time.



  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 months later...

You give them non-consensual hugs all day long. And hope they will accept bronies that way and how good it feels to have friendship and kindness in your heart :wub:


Edited by Lithophila
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  • 4 years later...

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