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Opinions on Smoking


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I come from an area where smoking is heavily stigmatized. You smoke? You're a joke (eh? eh?). But then I moved to a town where everyone and their great grandmother twice removed smokes.


I don't like it at all. Smoking makes me uncomfortable. I hate the smell, I hate the idea of second-hand smoke, I hate the cigarette, I pity the smoker. Should I pity them? No, of course not, but I can't help it. 


What are your thoughts on smoking? Do you smoke? Do you plan on trying?


EDIT: It's especially frustrating when all my neighbors smoke and I can't leave my window open for an hour before the stench gets inside. Really getting tired of that

Edited by Pokekid543
  • Brohoof 11

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I smoke a bit, I mostly vape though. I am trying to quit mostly because it would be beneficial for when I get in the air force. My wife smokes, but she intends on quitting when we go to have kids as well. Honestly I feel the stigma on smoking is bull. It's totally okay to tell people that smoking is unhealthy but not tell them how bad being overweight is for them. If someone smokes and they do so in sanctioned areas where it is legal and away from people who do not smoke I say people need to mind their own business. Don't pity me for smoking because cigarettes are not going to kill me any faster than fast food is killing people.


A lot of the "facts" about cigarettes are insanely inflated such as implying that every cigarette gives you a chance of causing cancer. That is actually 100% false. Cancer is caused from build up of carcinogens in cigarettes. It's not like catching an STD in that "this time you caught it". It takes decades a lot of the time of excessive smoking to cause cancers associated with smoking. Smoking does not kill people as "easily" as people think. My mother smoked a pack a day since she was 13 and she is 51 now and still developed no illnesses related to smoking. While some people will develop conditions at a younger age due to lower tolerance, it is unlikely.


Also the "study" that says second hand smoke is more dangerous than smoking itself was debunked years ago and yet people still keep referencing it as if it is fact. Honestly, I feel more sorry for someone who is over 250 pounds and not a single person has the balls to tell them that they need to lose weight or they are going to die. You're more likely to die of obesity than smoking, but it's taboo to even point out someone is overweight.

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I don't smoke and I never will. But my mom and grandma smoke and personally, I never really cared. My mindset is to just let people do what they want and deal with the consquences. I really don't care if I'm close to them. If someone wants to smoke, I will not try and stop them. They made a choice and it had nothing to do with me.

  • Brohoof 3


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I never smoked in my life and I never will try it. I know that the negatives of smoking heavily outweigh the positives, and smoking is not healthy for the body anyways. If you want to live a healthy lifestyle, you need to avoid drinking alcohol and smoking first of all. As those will negatively impact the state of your body. YOLO, so make the best out of it without hurting yourself internally.

Edited by Jonny Music
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I have such mixed feelings on smoking.  I'm pretty much a live and let live type of person, but in the past year I've had both bronchitis and pneumonia so when people smoke around me, it affects me a bit badly.  I take the bus and when people smoke at the bus stop, I find it rude in such a small area.  I've smoked a bit before I got sick, not often though, maybe 1 cigarette every 3 months.  Its not something I could see myself doing all the time, and not something I've done again since my lung problems.

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My parents smoke. I really hate it. I'll never do it for as long as I live. I can't stand the smell, I hate it blown in my face (more often than not this happens to me). I even hate it that it gets on my clothes. 

  • Brohoof 4


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:maud: I smoked when I was in culinary school for 2 years, then I kicked the habit (Nicotine gave me headaches anyhow).


Personally, I still do smoke cannabis on a weekly basis. :scoots:


-_- To me it's a double-edge sword: :proud: You only have one life, and you should have the freedom to do whatever the hoof you want with it. :sunny: On the other side of the coin, many people have others they care about, and smoking will contribute towards a whole mess of health problems, even for those around you.


:maud: Ultimately, everyone has their own moral grounds on the issue, and have their own feelings and actions towards the topic.

  • Brohoof 3

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I don't care what other people do. If they want to smoke a pack a day, more power to them. They know what they're getting themselves into. I do wish they would learn to dispose of their buds properly and not just throw them on the ground everywhere.


I myself have never smoked tobacco, or anything else for that matter. Never had an interest in it and don't like the smell.


Admittedly, someday I would like to give a good cigar a try just to see what it's all about. Their not supposed to be as bad for you as cigarettes are, and really, what is life without new experiences every now and then?   

  • Brohoof 1


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Well, I'm in the middle.  Let me first clear up some disclaimers.  

I don't smoke.

However... I do use chew tobacco.  I have for a few years.  But I'm in the middle of quitting.  And it is going well so far.  The key is, as Fluttershy has said before, "baby steps."  I used to go through about 3 cans per week, or so, but as soon as I decided I needed to kick the habit I started lessening my usage.  I'm down to half that now.  I'm aiming to keep extending how long I can go using less.  Once I can make one can last one week, I'll make my next goal one can over two weeks.  If I can do that, I'll drop it all, and quit altogether.  

My opinion on smoking is not much different from chewing.  I hate both.  But they each have peculiarities of their own.

Anyway, I think the key thing that everyone should know is this:

You can't blame the users as a whole.  You have to realize that a lot (if not most) users of cigarettes or chew were peer pressured into starting.

I always used to think it was the nastiest thing ever, and it grossed me out.  But as I got further into high school, I saw how many people did it.  So I started to just not care.  It didn't bother me if people around me either smoked, or had a dip in.  I still didn't want to do it.  Then one day I got pressured to try some chew that was in the form of pouches so it wouldn't get stuck in your teeth.  I said no a few times but then gave in.

And here's the thing, folks...

Nicotine is a drug.  But it isn't just addictive in itself.  It's more than that.  It comes with a "buzz" - it's sort of a relaxed, comforting feeling.

Plus, there becomes the physical addiction to the action, beyond that.  For smokers it's having something in their hand.  For chewers it's having something in their lip.

My view is this: There's no benefit in starting.  So just don't.  But you're a user already, if you were peer pressured into it, I feel sorry for you because that's what happened to me.  On the other hand, if you're a user already and nobody pressured you into doing it, why did you even start in the first place?

I've got my plan, and I aim to quit.  It won't be cold turkey because that just doesn't work.  Seriously.  It doesn't.  I tried that once and I went through migraines and moodiness for a few days.  So I gave in and went back.  But I realize now that it takes time and effort, and it takes a plan.  Take steps.  Lower the intake over time.  

I realize the topic is "opinions on smoking" - so, my opinion on smoking would be this: We could be the generation to stop using tobacco, at least in a wide majority anyway.  It's nothing but a detriment to health, and it's not cheap.  

Now am I the asshole that goes around flicking smokes out of people's mouths?  No.  I don't care.  Do what you want.  But just know you're hurting yourself.

~ Miles

  • Brohoof 4



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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I dislike it, and I think it's a nasty habbit. However, I'm okay with it existing as long as the one who's doing it only lets it harm themselves and no one else. If you wanna smoke, fine...do it outside and away from EVERYONE ELSE.

I feel strongly about this because someone very dear to me has a father that smokes...she was diagnosed with a nicotine allergy, but he wouldn't stop for her...in fact, he'd smoke in the house, and in the car...she had a smokers cough for 2 years, after she'd moved out. It was TERRIBLE. The fact that someone can be that selfish befuddles me. People need to learn to respect one another, no matter what...


I've always hated the saying "Respect is earned, not given." That to me is terrible. You should respect everyone regardless of whether you like them or not, because it's the right thing to do. Civility is a lost art that needs to return. You want freedom? show that you can handle it. Show that you can use it without hurting others, and respecting others belief/health.


so the TL:DR version?


I don't like it, but as long as you're good about not subjecting others to the reprocussions, you're good.

  • Brohoof 1


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Pretty sure way back in the day we had a thread titled "Is smoking cool" or something along those lines.

Of course it's not, but I made a satirical post with Fidel Castro puffing a big fat cigar. 

But yeah, it's not cool. Guy in my Math class always shows up late and sits behind me, he stinks of cigarettes and it's really just disgusting. 

  • Brohoof 2






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I don't have a problem with people smoking for recreational purposes but because I'm concerned for my health I'd rather they don't smoke due to second and third hand smoking. If there was a way for them to be quarantined in some house out in the country when they do smoke where it would be filtered out than I wouldn't mind.


I don't care how many car accidents there is, cars still have a function in life, smokes don't.

Edited by cider float
  • Brohoof 2


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I absolutely hate it. Smoking cigarettes has absolutely no positive effects whatsoever and only negative effects. It affects your health, it can affect others around you, the cigarettes that are tossed around harm the environment, and on top of this, they are a huge waste of money and are designed solely to get you addicted.  Ido not understand how these things can even be legal at this point. It is one of the only products on the market that actively has a big health warning that says "Hey, this stuff can kill you." And we still allow it.


I am quite against smoking as you can tell. My dad smokes all the time and it bothers me to no end. There is absolutely no point to smoking.

  • Brohoof 6



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I'm not into it, I've never smoked anything but I don't care if you do. If you smoke then good on you. I don't being in the same room as a smoker, if someone asks me if I mind if they have a smoke then I usually say 'not at all'

  • Brohoof 1

I'm not a medical expert, psychologist, psychiatrist, teacher or love doctor. Take my words with a pinch of salt, yeah?


I am an experienced cook, musician and care worker though, so that's something.

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I get the why. I do, I get it. Smoking is actually a very good outlet for many people, it helps them relieve stress. But...it is a very temporary form of relief. Way more so than other things. The cons far outweigh the pros. I myself have only every tried it once, and that was when I was eight or nine years of age. I've always hated it though.

  • Brohoof 1
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I loathe cigarette users mainly because they don't care about the people around them or the environment around them.

Plus it's sad to a person slowly kill themselves. IMO, those people need therapy or just do it, if you know what I mean. Plus, don't tell me it's a stress relief because that is an excuse and you know it. I loathe smokers as you can tell. If you do smoke I can tell you, you can't be friend of mine, I consider you highly unrespectful and you're already died in my eyes.

Edited by COBLoneWolf
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Oh wow, this topic...

I despise cigarettes with every fiber of my being. I hate everything about them, from their ingredients, to their addictive-ness, to second-hand smoke.


I hate them so much, I keep being tempted to ask people on the street, "You enjoying that cancer stick?". I hate them so much, if we started dating, I would break it off if I found out you smoked, I don't care who you are to me. I hate them so much, I openly make my family feel bad about smoking near me!

But the worst is my history with cigarettes.

No matter whee I go, I am always around cigarettes. In fact, there was a point in time where I was around these two people who smoked so much, I started to think that the cigarette smoke inside the house smelled better than the fresh air!



So yeah. I don't like cigarettes. I don't wanna be near them, I don't wanna see them, I don't wanna smell them, I don't even wanna be near you more than 3 feet if you smoke.

  • Brohoof 4
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I just don't understand why anyone does it to begin with. I can't see anything good about it.


I don't hate people who smoke, but I can have a hard time being around them because the smell gets to me. I especially could never date someone who smokes. Sorry.

  • Brohoof 3

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