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Opinions on Smoking


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Smoking is dreadful for your lungs. Don't do it. It's a waste of time, money, and deteriorates your health over time. Not to mention it harms others along with it harming yourself.


Weed isn't nearly as harmful as cigarettes, but extended usage (mainly as a teen) still causes longterm damage to your lungs, possibly the development of the brain, and it is known to have an effect on sperm count. E-cigs are the least harmful (as far as we know), but they've have had no longterm studies, so if you're smoking E-cigs, you're essentially a lab rat for the E-cig companies hoping there aren't longterm effects, so I'd advise against that as well unless you're using them to quit smoking other products.


Also, yes, it is my business if you smoke, because it effects me, and it effects you. I'm not going to sit idly while you slowly siphon your lung capacity, I'm going to try and help you because I care for more than just myself. It's your choice, but it's a choice you need to consider greatly, and realize the effects.

It really isn't your business though. Smoking is heavily regulated and you can't smoke in a majority of public areas. Where are you going to where you are being exposed to second hand smoke so much? Not to mention second hand smoke is not nearly as deadly as people originally thought.


Also by that logic we should go to every bar and downtalk anyone having a beer because of how bad it is for you. What others do with their bodies is no ones business and if you are going to claim it is because of second hand smoke, I don't know where you're hanging out but clear

Y you should stop going to places where people smoke...

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It really isn't your business though. Smoking is heavily regulated and you can't smoke in a majority of public areas. Where are you going to where you are being exposed to second hand smoke so much? Not to mention second hand smoke is not nearly as deadly as people originally thought.


My own home. Other's homes. The street. I've had the displeasure of inhaling vast amounts of secondhand smoke from others smoking around me throughout my life. It isn't pleasant.



Also by that logic we should go to every bar and downtalk anyone having a beer because of how bad it is for you. What others do with their bodies is no ones business and if you are going to claim it is because of second hand smoke, I don't know where you're hanging out


I'm not saying you should go around degrading people from smoking, drinking, etc. There's a difference between giving advice and downright insulting someone. I won't walk up to some random guy and badger him for smoking by himself in public, but if there are others around that are clearly bothered by it, then someone may politely ask for them to put it out. Of course, its their choice whether to do so or not.


Now, if I know someone personally that is smoking or if its clear someone is struggling with addiction, then I most certainly will speak up and take action. It becomes my business when its effecting others, especially others that I care deeply for. I watched as both of my parents nearly suffered slow, agonizing deaths, due in part to cigarettes and other drug addictions. I was told they wouldn't live. Miraculously they both did. I don't wish that fate on anybody. I'm not going to rip that cigarette out of someone's mouth, but I'll try to do my best to help them kick the habit.


I need to stress that I can't force people to do anything. In the end, it's their decision. But I encourage anyone who smokes cigarettes especially to stop because it is doing harm to themselves and others. I'm well aware that it's extremely difficult to quit, that's why it's a process and will take time. Even if they fail and stumble they still don't deserve to be ridiculed. I want people to be healthier and happy. But again, in the end it isn't all up to me.

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My own home. Other's homes. The street. I've had the displeasure of inhaling vast amounts of secondhand smoke from others smoking around me throughout my life. It isn't pleasant.


Stricter regulations of public smoking areas I'm all for. Most places don't enforce their policies enough. That being said, you would need to inhale insane amounts of second hand smoke DAILY to cause any real effect on you, so no worries man.




I'm not saying you should go around degrading people from smoking, drinking, etc. There's a difference between giving advice and downright insulting someone.


Unsolicited advice can be insulting though. If you approach anyone who does not want your opinion and you give it to them anyways it's rude. You should give advice only when asked for.




f there are others around that are clearly bothered by it, then someone may politely ask for them to put it out. Of course, its their choice whether to do so or not.


Everyone says stuff like this as examples. I kid you not, I am a smoker, my wife is a smoker and we hang around other smokers. Where do you find these people? Literally my experiences are usually having to huddle together in a tiny closed area away from buildings and anyone who doesn't smoke and be no where near other people and constantly apologizing to the one or two people who don't smoke who choose to still stand in the group of smokers. Who are there insanely rude smokers that just blow in your face without care? I would like to meet them.




Now, if I know someone personally that is smoking or if its clear someone is struggling with addiction, then I most certainly will speak up and take action.


Almost every person who smokes is addicted. That's basically saying you'd go to anyone.




It becomes my business when its effecting others, especially others that I care deeply for.


Yes and no. Your own family, sure. However just because you care about a person who is say... A friend? Doesn't mean it's your place to step in. Leave it up to their family or something.




I need to stress that I can't force people to do anything. In the end, it's their decision. But I encourage anyone who smokes cigarettes especially to stop because it is doing harm to themselves and others. I'm well aware that it's extremely difficult to quit, that's why it's a process and will take time. Even if they fail and stumble they still don't deserve to be ridiculed. I want people to be healthier and happy. But again, in the end it isn't all up to me.


At least I can say it's a noble thought to have. 

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you would need to inhale insane amounts of second hand smoke DAILY to cause any real effect on you, so no worries man.


I sure hope so.



Unsolicited advice can be insulting though. If you approach anyone who does not want your opinion and you give it to them anyways it's rude. You should give advice only when asked for.


I agree that unsolicited advice can at times be insulting. There are times when its appropriate and times when it isn't. For example, John Doe smoking a cig at a bar with his buddies is a rude and inappropriate time to mention the health effects of cigarettes. I'm sure he's well aware and doesn't give a damn about your opinion. Now, your neighbor John Doe coughing his lungs out, after having spent the rest of his check on cigarettes while he has a receding bill of health, well, someone needs to help him. That's a good time to help.



I am a smoker, my wife is a smoker and we hang around other smokers


You should totally stop smoking bro. ;) Just kiddin' with ya. But yeah I should clarify; I don't intend to degrade anyone for smoking. We all have our own addictions.



Where do you find these people? Literally my experiences are usually having to huddle together in a tiny closed area away from buildings and anyone who doesn't smoke and be no where near other people and constantly apologizing to the one or two people who don't smoke who choose to still stand in the group of smokers. Who are there insanely rude smokers that just blow in your face without care? I would like to meet them.


I've seen smokers who are inconsiderate to the people around them before. I've also seen people who are inconsiderate to smokers. It goes both ways.



Yes and no. Your own family, sure. However just because you care about a person who is say... A friend? Doesn't mean it's your place to step in. Leave it up to their family or something.


Unfortunately not everyone has a supportive family to help them kick addictions. When I'm dealing with a problem I'm very glad when my friends step in and try to help. Even if I don't succeed I'm still appreciative. I know plenty of smokers, and from my experiences, people like it when they feel their well-being is cared for when an addiction is causing it to suffer.

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@, My only advice to you is don't take it personal if people get pissed off at you. If you take the risk of trying to step in and people reject it, don't be that guy who is all "JEEZ I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP, GOD!"

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I don't smoke myself because I understand the health problems that come with smoking. But nevertheless I do not hold it against anyone who does choose to smoke, it's their choice. In a perfect world I'd like to see it banned and never used as it is harmful to people around it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I hate it. It's so pointless and can just mess up your life. Same with alcohol and many drugs. It's bad for your health and it just consumes your money with your addiction to it. My religion also doesn't allow smoking, so as you see this isn't something I will ever like nor be into.

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I hate it. It's so pointless and can just mess up your life. Same with alcohol and many drugs. It's bad for your health and it just consumes your money with your addiction to it. My religion also doesn't allow smoking, so as you see this isn't something I will ever like nor be into.

Out of curiosity what religion is that? I've never heard of a religion that barred smoking.

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I smoke. I do so cuz it's enjoyable and relaxes me, and I don't smoke that much cept when I go out. However, I am considerate and will not be an arsehole to nonsmokers unless they do that fake coughing and/or unwanted advice. It's bad for me? Wow, I totally did not know that. *eyeroll* That burger you are stuffing in your face is also bad for you and that car you drive is causing more pollution than my cigarette does, but you don't see me bugging you about it! My grandad is over ninety and has smoked a pipe for most his life. The funniest thing in the world was when his doctor told him to give up to prolong his life. My grandad just looked at the guy and said, "I'm ninety three. Are you being serious?" XD

  • Brohoof 1



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I smoke. I do so cuz it's enjoyable and relaxes me, and I don't smoke that much cept when I go out. However, I am considerate and will not be an arsehole to nonsmokers unless they do that fake coughing and/or unwanted advice. It's bad for me? Wow, I totally did not know that. *eyeroll* That burger you are stuffing in your face is also bad for you and that car you drive is causing more pollution than my cigarette does, but you don't see me bugging you about it! My grandad is over ninety and has smoked a pipe for most his life. The funniest thing in the world was when his doctor told him to give up to prolong his life. My grandad just looked at the guy and said, "I'm ninety three. Are you being serious?" XD

If there is one thing I can tell you about people is that they like to control you.

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If they want to slowly kill themselves...let them. Their business I guess. 


Although I will say, I wish some people would be a little thoughtful and keep their nasty habits to themselves. Standing in the middle of a crowd and blowing out puffs of smoke, or pointing their little cigars as far away from themselves as possible is really irritating. 


The smell makes me physically ill  ^_^

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm just gonna say that we all have smoked at least once in our life, whether it was primary, or the asshole next to you with second hand. I don't like smoking not one bit. It is the worst smell ever. Having asthma doesn't make things better either. If the people who want to smoke want to shorten their life span, go right on ahead. There's a ton load of commercials that talk about the consequences of smoking. You would think it would scare people to stop, but no. I'm just glad my parents quit.

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I do smoke, but generally only at parties and so forth. Whether people smoke or not isn't any of my business, so I don't really care. I do it because I like it and its relaxing (well, at least for me).

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I'm just gonna say that we all have smoked at least once in our life, whether it was primary, or the asshole next to you with second hand. I don't like smoking not one bit. It is the worst smell ever. Having asthma doesn't make things better either. If the people who want to smoke want to shorten their life span, go right on ahead. There's a ton load of commercials that talk about the consequences of smoking. You would think it would scare people to stop, but no. I'm just glad my parents quit.

Scare tactics don't work is why. People shouldn't be ridiculed or made to be afraid for their choices. There are tons of stories of bronies getting beat up for being bronies and people accusing them of being pedophiles, creepy and everything under the sun but that doesn't stop them from being bronies does it?


Scare tactics are ineffective and only really make people not want to listen to you. Woo hoo you showed me a nasty diseased lung on TV and said "this will be you", even though they fail to mention the REAL facts such as that smoking kills less people than obesity and that second hand smoke is NOT as deadly as they are implying. When you distort the facts and use scare tactics, you hurt your own credibility.


Do not judge every smoker based upon the actions of some random douche who blew smoke in your face once or twice. The fact is that there is a good chance that you're not actually very educated on the subject of smoking because a majority of people today are pumped full of misinformation. Many people legitimately believe there is conclusive evidence to suggest that vaporizers produce worse second hand smoke than cigarettes even though a majority of these studies are not conclusive and there is plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise. I use a vaporizer and I've looked up the facts. Vaporizers do not produce smoke, and there is no evidence (shy of the Blu brand which for whatever reason uses different stuff) to suggest that vapor has any negative effects on non-smokers and the effects that they have suggested are a possibility are significantly less than cigarettes.


It gets really annoying when every non-smoker tells you how bad smoking is for you and 9/10 they are not even correct. Every smoker knows it's bad for them, what's more annoying is we usually know more than non-smokers about the negative health effects of smoking. I've had people tell me that smoking can kill you in 10 years from half a pack a day. This is simply not true. My mother smoked a pack a day since she was 13 and she's 52 next month.


I don't know where everyone is finding these people who apparently just blow smoke in their faces on a regular basis, but as someone who does smoke, I don't even find other smokers who do that like... Ever. I am wagering either you guys are exaggerating how often this happens or you're leaving out details that would valid explanations as to why you're exposed to second hand smoke so much. I find it odd that other smokers don't even want to blow smoke in my face, but supposedly a lot of people here are claiming they get rudely exposed to it on a semi-frequent basis. I would like some explanation please.

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I'm pretty anti-smoking


I've never smoked and never will, to me it looks and smells disgusting and I don't undertand why people would choose to do something which they know is causing themselves considerable harm.


However I'm not bothered by people who choose to smoke as long as they don't do it anywhere near me.

  • Brohoof 1


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I don’t judge smokers and as an ex-smoker can totally see the appeal of it. It’s enjoyable and in my opinion relaxing. Still smoking isn’t the best or healthiest way of getting nicotine which is why I personally vape these days and have done since about three years ago.


Vaping in my opinion is a much better delivery system compared to smoking and I support it’s usage amongst anyone whose either wanting to get off cigarettes, or is old enough (18+) to decide to use nicotine if there a smoker or not.

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I hate them so much, I keep being tempted to ask people on the street, "You enjoying that cancer stick?". I hate them so much, if we started dating, I would break it off if I found out you smoked, I don't care who you are to me. I hate them so much, I openly make my family feel bad about smoking near me!

If you don't like smoking, that's fine. But do you have to be so goddamn rude? 

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I am not really fond of it. A lot of people 13 and up smoke in my town. It smells like death, it makes people weaker. I don't see any reason for people to do so.Plus I hate the fact that its sold in grocery stores, those things should be sold at apothecaries with recept. Its not a consumption item like other things.

I don't mind that people smoke, but it should not be so easily attainable as they are now. Even childen can get them here.

Edited by A Cat

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Smoking is one of the world's dumbest habits, and I hate it with a burning passion, especially cigarettes and cigars. The smell, taste, and constant aroma whenever I'm outside is downright disgusting. Smoking doesn't simply affect one person, but also everyone around them, especially children. (Pregnant women who smoke and parents who smoke in front of their own kids infuriate me.) The only purposes for cigarettes are for you to pay a lot of money (depending on the state, cigarettes can cost a fortune, and that's without taxes), force you to keep up with the horrific habit, and kill you as the companies that make it continue to make more moolah. In short, cigarettes and cigars are worthless and poison in a stick.


What makes it worse is the fact that the habit is a royal pain in the ass to kick, because the nicotine found in many brands is very addictive. Once you start, it becomes very difficult to quit. Even if you don't smoke cigarettes with nicotine, the tar and carbon monoxide will really damage the lungs.


On top of that, I have a very personal family history with smoking, and this is why I really hate smoking and never dared try it. My grandpa from my mom's side and grandma from my dad's were heavy smokers, the former of unfiltered cigarettes. Both of them died from smoking-related cancers, the former well before I was born. Although my stepgrandma never smoked, she died from secondhand lung cancer. The smoking habit caused my dad to suffer from asthma, but he fortunately quit in 2001. My mom picked up his habit; she quit, too, in 2000. My stepmom smoked a little, but she also quit.


There's nothing cool, cute, or fun about smoking, and no objectively good reason to smoke these cancer sticks exists.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 3

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I immensely dislike it. They get you addicted, and it becomes a bad habit. The smell is bad, plus they don't just affect your health, but other people (including kids) can accidentally second hand smoke, which gives the smoker and the person risk of diseases like lung cancer.


Just hate the very thought of it :\

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I'm in a bit of an awkward position here because I have to sell cigarettes as a part of my job. And it sucks :mellow:. Every time I have to pass a pack over to somebody who has a really raspy voice, or breathing problems, or who has to rummage through a beaten up backpack to find spare change to pay with just eats at me a little. When I took a job at a store that has helping people be healthy as part of its mission, I didn't expect to be selling cigarettes and junk food most of the time.


And yet, it clearly hasn't been enough to make me quit. I've rationalized this to myself by accepting that there's nothing I can do to keep people from smoking. If I refused to sell them, then they'd just walk across the street to another store and buy em there, and my boss would just hire somebody cooperative in my place. And y'know, regardless of how destructive and awful the habit can be, the decision to quit has to come from the person themself. There's nothing I can tell the person that they haven't already been bombarded with in the media, and I've eventually come to the conclusion that it's better to just respect the person's choices, even if they're probably influenced by addiction. Though, it'd be a different story if the person were my child or friend :please:.

As an aside thing, whenever it's come up that I don't personally smoke, every single customer has urged me to never take up the habit.

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