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Why should FiM have gore in it?


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I can't speak for opinions about the show itself, but gore seems to be quite popular as a media.


I tried to watch Cupcakes and it was horrible. It's not really even horror some of this stuff. It's just gore for the sake of gore a la badly imitate d Quentin Tarantino.

  • Brohoof 1
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"Why WOULD there be gore in MLP?" - There is, do you remember the season 3 finale? also nightmare moon was tried to destroy celestia. it was something like violence for teens or older, i nptice the future of MLP would be... IDK..

Violence ≠ gore, and I cannot recall anything specific that would resemble gore in the examples you are citing.



I'd have to agree with your opinion of Cupcakes. I believe Davies redeemed himself a bit with Smile HD, though. Still senseless, but not as gratuitous.

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Other than the fact that I've never seen anyone ask for ponies with gore, Hasbro knows its limitations. We could have three-fourths of the fandom (let alone the very few, very loud people) stand up and shout for blood and good and sauciness, but it's not going to happen- it's a kids show, it's been advertised as a kids show, and Hasbro will be sued out of buisness by half the U.S if it suddenly doesn't become a kids show.


Besides, think of the kids who watch the show. How many of them (and, by extension, their parents) are going to start tearing at their eyes if they started doing something like that? The fandom would be reduced to pretty much only the blood-crazed psychos- and, unfortunately, a fandom cannot be sustained by that small of a number.


If I may ask, @@Little Riolu, might you show an example of a message board or something that has bronies legitimately stating that they want gore in the show?

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Edgy teens. People who think that making something obscene automatically makes it better. They're more than welcome to put as much gore into fan content, but it has no rational place in the canon series.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well, most bronies are 13 to 35 year old males. I think that explains why. :kindness:  I personally don't really want any gore in the show. It's perfect the way it is!  :squee:

Edited by Best Poni
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The show so far has had suggestive material on gore.


Spike with the torn up mouse toy and ketchup to trick Twilight Sparkle that, Owlicious killed a mouse.

Those Teen Dragons wanting Spike to smash the egg with the baby phoenix inside.


Though I wouldn't mind the Mane 6 having a massive reaction to a clean dismembered head and a headless pony running around Ponyville. All part of a prank by Discord and Luna.


A pony that lost a limb and has an artificial replacement would be interesting.

Edited by Singe
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If you're just talking straight up blood and guts for no reason, then because it be would be funny in a twisted way to see a kids show do that.


If we're talking adding violence to the mix but with purpose to the story, then it would be to see a natural rise in the stakes, to show how serious this matter is, like how Krillin died in the King Piccolo arc to show the kid gloves are off and things are intense now. 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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It honestly makes me sick when people combine violence, gore, and other dark themes with MLP. MLP is something beautiful, wholesome, happy, and peaceful: why try to screw it up by corrupting it with darkness?


I deal with darkness every day of my fucking life from sunrise to sundown. I love MLP because it's happy and free of darkness, and I want it to stay that way.

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Gonna have to add my voice to the chorus saying they haven't heard anyone suggesting the show itself should be gory. At most, it might be fun to see it cover some more mature topics (but in the Teen Titans sense more than the Batman TAS sense), but the IDW comics kind of already cover that.


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@@Little RioluYou haven't made another response in this thread. Could you please specify where you have seen such comments? Because to me this either seems like you read these comments from specific sources or you're simply wanting to see how people would react to this concept.


I have never/very rarely seen such comments on this forum, Equestria Daily, Youtube comments, Deviantart, talking to other Bronies... and it seems like all other members who responded in this thread are the same.

Edited by Luna the Great
  • Brohoof 1

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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@@Little RioluYou haven't made another response in this thread. Could you please specify where you have seen such comments? Because to me this either seems like you read these comments from specific sources or you're simply wanting to see how people would react to this concept.


I have never/very rarely seen such comments on this forum, Equestria Daily, Youtube comments, Deviantart, talking to other Bronies... and it seems like all other members who responded in this thread are the same.

Okay, I might have been exaggerating when I said "So much Bronies".


But what I mean the people who want characters they hate to die in gory deaths...


I've been Diamond Tiara, Flash Sentry, and Princess Celestia haters saying they wanted them to die in deaths that seem gory or painful.


Yes, it might not be so much Bronies, but believe me, I have seen comments like it.


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Ponies are biologically incapable of producing substantial amounts of gore without looking terribly stupid. In fact, most of canon (and fanon) pony fights are a thing straight out of some B rated action movie and completely ignore their equine and magical capabilities in favor of quick and/or painless resolution.


Well, if you’re into this gore thing, there’s no one stopping you from sating your hopefully artistic desires, if you do so privately or in the company of like-minded individuals, and in accordance with law. Though I do have a feeling most visible "gore lovers" are in it just for the edge, or they just really, really hate a character.


Me, I dislike unconstructive violence and think gore should only be a by-product of decisive and unavoidable actions like making of meat products, crime investigation, surgery, self-defense, and military operations, none of which should ever be candidly portrayed in MLP canon, for obvious reasons.

Edited by Goat-kun
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I don't know why there are viewers that think blood and gore would make the show better, but having "mature" elements like this don't automatically make something mature (which I'm sure we're all aware of).

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Okay, I might have been exaggerating when I said "So much Bronies".


But what I mean the people who want characters they hate to die in gory deaths...


I've been Diamond Tiara, Flash Sentry, and Princess Celestia haters saying they wanted them to die in deaths that seem gory or painful.


Yes, it might not be so much Bronies, but believe me, I have seen comments like it.

Did they specifically state they wanted gore in the official show? As much as I wouldn't mind seeing Diamond Tiara die a gory death (I may even make fanart of it eventually), I definitely would not want such thing to actually happen in official show.

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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Putting gore into MLP just turns it into Venture Brothers or Superjail except it wouldn't satisfy the audience of those shows neither the MLP fans basically satisfying a very small niche of fans that will tire of it quickly.


In terms of fan parodies of MLP with gore I think of HotDiggityDog and Cupcakes which I hate.

Edited by cider float


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