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spoiler So what is left to do?

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CMC got their cutie marks

Discord is no longer a threat

Twilight has now proven herself a princess countless times

Diamond Tiara is reformed

Trixie is reformed

Background ponies finally got their episode

Rainbow Dash is a Wonderbolt

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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- Defeat Starlight Glimmer.

- Maybe an Applejack's dead parents episode, even though I don't know what kind of conflict there could be.

- Something involving Starswirl and Scorpan.

- Something dark magic related, maybe.


And that's it I guess.

Edited by SpaceOnion
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A Celestia and Luna origin episode.

Showing more family of the mane 6. 

Having sisterly bonds between the two royal sisters.

More development for the Crystal Empire.

Sombra returning and doing something this time.

An episode based on video games somehow. 


Those are just some of my completely random ideas. Most of which may never happen, but one can ponder. I still think there are a lot of ideas that are floating around out there. 

  • Brohoof 2



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There are so many characters that haven't been completely developed yet. For example, Zecora, Celestia,  Shining Armor and Candance etc.-- not to mention the massive amount of world building that is possible. There is still a lot to be done; or that can be done. How much the show will cover before it ends is the question.

Edited by Jaxsie
  • Brohoof 4


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I wonder what would happen in the end of the entire series if Twilight or Celestia became legitimately evil.

Edited by Zach

signature made by myself.

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Celestias War crimes during the dark ages

Cadence Pregnancy

Sombra Return

Crysalise return

One last Trixie Episode

Rainbow Dash officially a Wonderbolt, because being a reserve pony or a pony they have from the Academy as a back up pony does not count. FULL MEMBER.

One more BIG FIGHT. Even bigger then Tirek. Mono E Mono with whomever some big super dark Ultimate bad guy.

Starlights return


My head cannon episodes


Twilight Frost the Princess of the Snow and Ice ( Villain ) needs to be a thing lol.


Twixie cutie mark origin showing that her cutie mark is basically the same as her dead mothers when she was just a filly and the day she vowed to be the great and powerful trixie like her mother the great and powerful illusia, a stage illusionist- and the toy wand signafying her forlorn wish to bring her momma back by being like her. Which incidentally was a toy given to her just before she died of an illness to make all little filly trixies magical wishes come true.


Then there is a great war episode I had a cool head cannon for that would introduce the missing elements of harmony or the elements of balance called Hope, Resolve, Will, Courage and Sacrifice.

  • Brohoof 1
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Some great ideas in here already.  There's endless things left to do!


In addition to what's already been said, how about


  • Spike finds his real parents
  • Celestia and Luna take Twilight to the Ibex empire for the signing of an important treaty
  • The Daemon (sorry, the "Cutie Map") takes the mane 6 to the Zebra homeland
  • Slumber party at Castle Twilight (I want it, goddammit)
  • I'd like to see Gilda visit Ponyville again, now that she's nice.
  • Brohoof 1


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Not yet she ain't. She's in the reserves, but she isn't a full Wonderbolt yet.

From what I feel she seems to have chose to be a reserve. I do believe Spitfire is always asking her to go full time but Rainbow prefers to stick around Ponyville and continue her mane six adventures.


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I've gone ahead and added the "spoiler" prefix to your topic due to mentions of what happens in the newest episode. The newest episode about the CMC was just released yesterday and not everybody has seen it yet. It is usually best to let a week pass after episode release before omitting the "spoiler" prefix :)

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You know they don't just plan out all the conflicts the series will have. They come up with ideas as things go along. There's still that movie that's gonna come out in 2017 and there a number of things that still need to be explored (as listed in other posts). 

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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Time to find starlight glimmer

watch the new EG movie in 2017

Go back to Yak Yakistan

Go to the Griffin Kingdom

Fight some horrific monsters

Nightmare Rarity comes to the show

Midnight Sparkle comes to the show

Sombra returns as a good guy

Scorpan comes to Equestria

Babseed returns with some problems

Principal Crinch goes to Equestria teams up with Starlight Glimmer


There are so many things to do!

  • Brohoof 1

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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- Chrysalis's fate/Go and face the changelings

- Sombra coming back (you know... his horn was intact)

- Spike finds his actual family

- Cadence gets a kid

- Star Swirl the Bearded/Lore Episode

- Zecora backstory/Zebra episode

- Tartarus episode

- Grown up Inkie and Blinkie episode

- Rainbow Dash meets up with Lightning Dust while Wonderbolting episode

- Celestia and Luna's parents

- Flutershy's family

- Rainbow Dash's family (Yes, I know we know her dad, but what about her mom? Also personality and occupation stuff)

  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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- Chrysalis's fate/Go and face the changelings

- Sombra coming back (you know... his horn was intact)

- Spike finds his actual family

- Cadence gets a kid

- Star Swirl the Bearded/Lore Episode

- Zecora backstory/Zebra episode

- Tartarus episode

- Grown up Inkie and Blinkie episode

- Rainbow Dash meets up with Lightning Dust while Wonderbolting episode

- Celestia and Luna's parents

- Flutershy's family

- Rainbow Dash's family (Yes, I know we know her dad, but what about her mom? Also personality and occupation stuff)

I like all of those especially the Zebra one! :wub:

  • Brohoof 2

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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There's still plenty to do.


Just because long term goals are coming true doesn't mean there won't be problems and complications. All they need to do is change the general direction of the show (as long as they don't change too much of course)


Plus, they live in a magical land. That has as much story potential as the creative team can think up!


PS: to people saying a Sombra or Chrysalis return...I think that might be off the table thanks to the IDW comics...

Edited by Jangobadass

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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Defeat Starlight Glimmer

Rainbow Dash becomes a full time Wonderbolt

Celestia gets her very own episode

Learn about Fluttershy's Family

Learn about Rainbow Dash's family

Learn about Scootaloo's family (if she has any)

Actually do something with Zecora

Return of the changelings

Bring Scorpan into the show

Visit new locations


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First off Rainbow Dash still isn't a Wonderbolt yet.


Second there's still plenty of room to develop new things


- Explore new towns and places we either haven't seen or don't see enough of

- Explore more of a character's backgrounds, Zecora, the royal sisters, Cadance, hell, we still don't know much about the main pegasi's backgrounds(we still don't know jack shit about their families)

- Build on some old conflicts from the past and/or bring back old characters(Am I the only one who wants to see Little Strongheart again)

- Give Celestia a freaking episode already

Edited by Megas75
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RD isn't a full on Wonderbolt yet. There needs to be an episode about that.

Celestia deserves an episode.

A return of Chrysalis.

How Luna and Celestia work.

Twilight actually becoming a full on, well known princess.

Fluttershy's family, maybe she wants something bigger we don't know about.

Explore the rest of Equestria.

NEEDS to show a world map. Wanna see that badly. 

A visit to Zecora's tribe.

Don't be a dweeb


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  • Develop Silver Spoon.

Give Spike a good episode.

Give the Crusaders more ponies to help with cutie mark/self-identity problems.

Give the Mane 6 more things to do outside of Ponyville.

Close Starlight Glimmer's character arc, and possibly reveal her motivations.

Build up to the 2017 movie.

  • Brohoof 1
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I wonder if we are going about this the wrong way as it seems to narrow the possibilities the show could take at this point. Sure there are some loose ends that could stand to be addressed, but for every question answered another seems to raise another one in the process. The possibilities are seeming without end at this point, but I think they are gearing up for the movie in 2017.

Edited by UnknownFry
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Yeah a lot of the internal things in the show are wrapping up, but there are still many more left that many people here have pointed out.  But even so, they can still continue, just because these's characters have completed one journey doesn't mean it's the end, you can still show their adventures and struggles after they're big achievement.  

Also there's also complete external events that nopony knows about that could cause stress to them (Like an invading army. Or maybe a time traveler from the future warning about an upcoming apocalypse the Mane 6 weren't able to stop? Like Trunks from DBZ?...Please include a Trunks analog writers, he's awesome!) 

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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A FREAKING CELESTIA EPISODE. Everyone keeps mentioning it because its TRUE. Dang, its like Celestia set someone on the staff's car on fire and they've held a grudge ever since.


Wrap up the wonderbolts stuff with dash.

Have more dash and daring do interaction


Applejack's parents.

Do a story explaining the everfree forest and what its purpose is and why its like that.

Do an episode explaining about the tree of harmony and what its purpose is (Though, I suspect that the everfree and the tree of harmony thing will be the Movie's plot)


More adventure episodes! come on, there's tons of stuff you could do for the mane six having adventures XD changelings making a return, another power ponies type episode, ect.

Do an RPG episode! you know, the kind of episode where the characters are sitting down and playing a D&D game and we only see the characters from the "in character/game" perspective, occasionally breaking away to show the mane six arguing about the game outside the game.


Explore spike as a dragon more and his place in this world. Dragonquest is pretty badly disliked, do it right!


Show the mane six's family's. We haven't seen dash or flutters :(



Make all six alicorns. XD I know, I'll run into lots of hate over that suggestion


Edited by Unlikeable Pony
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More on the alicorn sisters and the alicorn lore. The sisters have been around for a long while, even before the stuff about Nightmare Moon happened. Hell, I'm actually more interested in their history than the lives of the Mane 6, and being deprived of that for 5 seasons only makes me want a story about them more. Also, I doubt Twilight and Cadance are alicorns in the same manner as Celestia and Luna, so there's another story opportunity.


More action/adventure episodes, too. Admittedly, I'm more into action/adventure stories, but the show definitely has potential for some of that.

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