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planning RolePlay Mentoring


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In case anyone on this forum wasn’t aware of it, I love roleplaying. I dedicate a lot of time to it, because it’s fun and creative and helps me work on my writing skills. As something that I love, I want to share the joys of roleplaying with other people, but I know all too well that sometimes that can be a difficult thing to do. Navigating the world of roleplaying can be challenging, and new roleplayers often find themselves facing a steep learning curve. How do you create an original character? What’s the proper etiquette in a roleplay? And what does OOC stand for anyways?


To help you all on your journey from newbie to RP expert, we at MLPForums have gathered a team of roleplayers to answer questions, give advice and critiques, and generally help you improve your skills as a roleplayer. We are here to offer advice on everything from character creation to setting up a roleplay to writing posts.


Now, let me introduce you to our team of roleplayers. They are ~




@Quill Waver


You’re probably wondering at this point how this whole mentor thing is supposed to work. Well, I’m glad you asked, hypothetical readers. All you have to do is post in this thread with a brief explanation of what you need help with (it’s okay if that explanation is “I want to roleplay but I have no idea what I’m doing"). From there, I will match you up with a mentor based on your needs, and you will receive a PM from the chosen mentor who will work with you from there. Simple, right?


So what are you waiting for? Post your questions, I promise we don’t bite ;)


Note: At this time, we are not accepting applications for the RolePlay Mentor position. This may change in the future if we find that more people are needed to handle the number of requests.

  • Brohoof 23

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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Why not? I'm not exactly new to RP'ing and I'm not too sure if this is anything that anyone could help with but I could use a bit of advice on attracting new players to an already established RP.

  • Brohoof 3

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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I'm gonna post this here and on the other page but I'd love to help (mentoring), if you need anyone else to help. I don't need ought just letting the relevant people know.

  • Brohoof 2

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
My various Roleplay Characters

Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Well..  I defently need some help with that.  Ive never RolePlayed before, but what i really want to know right now is HOW do i make a history for my OC.   I have a name, I havent even been able to draw it the way i want it yet...  But i really just need some help currently on how do i make a history.


I will need help in the future also tho.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by ME

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In case anyone on this forum wasn’t aware of it, I love roleplaying. I dedicate a lot of time to it, because it’s fun and creative and helps me work on my writing skills. As something that I love, I want to share the joys of roleplaying with other people, but I know all too well that sometimes that can be a difficult thing to do. Navigating the world of roleplaying can be a difficult thing to do, and new roleplayers often find themselves facing a steep learning curve. How do you create an original character? What’s the proper etiquette in a roleplay? And what does OOC stand for anyways?


To help you all on your journey from newbie to RP expert, we at MLPForums have gathered a team of roleplayers to answer questions, give advice and critiques, and generally help you improve your skills as a roleplayer. We are here to offer advice on everything from character creation to setting up a roleplay to writing posts.


Now, let me introduce you to our team of roleplayers. They are ~


[member=NightTerror Nebula]


And myself, [member=Eloquence]


You’re probably wondering at this point how this whole mentor thing is supposed to work. Well, I’m glad you asked, hypothetical readers. All you have to do is post in this thread with a brief explanation of what you need help with (it’s okay if that explanation is “I want to roleplay but I have no idea what I’m doing"). From there, I will match you up with a mentor based on your needs, and you will receive a PM from the chosen mentor who will work with you from there. Simple, right?


So what are you waiting for? Post your questions, I promise we don’t bite ;)

as a matter of fact, id like to volunteer as a mentor. if that'd be acceptable, of course. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I don't need much help in the department of RolePlaying. Through a few years of experience in various topics and various styles, I know my way around an RP.

But I could help mentor others. As this seems to revolve around RP on these forums, I could help answer questions about different forums, or general RP.

I'm just putting my offer out there, in case you guys need/want some help :grin2:

  • Brohoof 2

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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I could use some help in the RP area. What I need help with is starting a RP. I also have a problem with chickening out of a RP. Often I feel like I'm to much of a noob to RP with people who are more advanced than me.

  • Brohoof 3




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Hello! My name is Magos Amphrose. Right now it so happens to be Mega Ampharos, because everyone gets my name confused. :P


I will be one of the people assisting you with roleplays. As of right now, I'm taking all of your names and disappearing into the alternate dimension where us mods like to hang out. I can't wait to get you all roleplaying at your best!

  • Brohoof 5
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I just wished to add to first timers who are seeking to get they're hooves dirty, two things.


1. Have characters flaws. Perks are great, being super strong or a genius is all fine and good. But for every "power" or "ability" your char has, they should have two flaws or weakness to balance it out. These can be easily mundane things like, allergy to dairy products, poor eye sight, etc. Not everything has to be the inability to speak, or a tragic past with dead parents. Then again, all perks don't need to be super powers, something as simple as a naturally fast growing mane can even be used as a flaw if you think about it. Have weakness to your character...no celestia-mode here.


2. HAVE-YOUR-OWN-CHARACTER! Listen I have been roleplaying on the table top, card shops, and now internet since I was 13, now passing 30 I can tell you...not everyone should RP as Goku. Or in our case, Twilight. Make an OC! Original characters are the spice of RP. Now that said, you DO need a good pasta meal to put that spice on. LEARN the canon cast. So you can "side rp" them. IE your main character is your OC but you can just change font color to say blue to represent Rarity and have her interact in the scene. Two oc's talking to each other...for hours...with not a sign of the canon cast, is very boring. Just be sure to make your fellow rper's know you would like to take up playing both your oc and a few side characters, liven stuff up, flesh out storylines, etc.


One final thing, and I want every pony to read this...


Roleplaying IS A ART-FORM! Period!


RPing is just as much an artform as being a musician, artist, etc. IF anything, Roleplay allows the rebirth of your childhood imagination, the coming out of secret passions real life or novels and movies will never give you. Let it flow like a river.

  • Brohoof 7

Shameless plug for my Sundagio fic!



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i would like to get in to role playing. does anyone know of any 40K RP's

i have done some rp's on steam but they where bit parts i was only needed at the start and end.

Edited by reece123
  • Brohoof 2
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While I've dabbled in roleplay in the past, I've never really gotten seriously into it, especially not on a large forum with dedicated RP sections & rules. I guess it all just looked like too much for me. I agree though that as well as just being a bit of fun, it seems like a great way to improve one's writing skills and creativity, and it should be no secret that I love to act and get into character.  ^_^ 


I used to be hugely into writing when I was in school, I would write up entire scripts of wacky stories involving myself, friends and whatever else I felt like. I still have all of them with me. I also wrote up several mini-act plays while I was in Drama school, so I'm no stranger to how that area works at least.


But I've really no experience at all when it comes to roleplay with others, I wouldn't be sure if there is some proper etiquette to follow or how these things are generally started and setup, and I've pretty much never made an OC in my life. I'm also sometimes nervous about about how others may perform & whether I'm fitting in well.  :please: 


I've often thought that Roleplay simply wouldn't be my cup of tea, but the more I think about it & my background in performance, the more I think it would really go hand in hand. The main issues I see would just be getting to know how it works and becoming confident in interacting with others and a general setting.

  • Brohoof 4

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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I'd like to try roleplaying. I did it once but never picked up on it again so I may be missing out some of the things you guys do here in the forums. I came here thinking that it may be very different from tabletop roleplaying and I'd like to know how things work here. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not exactly new to roleplaying but I could really use some advice on how to run one (I am a horrible GM) and a crash course on romance and 1x1 RPs among other things like character development 

  • Brohoof 2


Click here to boop that snoot, or here to request boops from Felix!

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Sometimes, when I'm RP'ing with more experienced people, I have a hard time matching their posts in length. They seem to make everything flow together while keeping a consistent 1000 character plus post. I spend a lot of time on my posts, sometimes a half hour plus, and I'm not sure how to improve on that. I add in small details when roleplaying, such as describing surroundings or adding in a character's thoughts on something or sometimes go out on a limb and have the character talk to themselves in their own head... 


I'm not sure if you guys can help, but if you can offer any advice I'm all ears. (all eyes? teehee) 

  • Brohoof 1


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Please see the original post on this thread to see who is currently being mentored and who is queued.

Edited by Taialin
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I would like to apply for the waiting list :) I've only started role playing fairly recently and I know I still have much to learn ^ ^

Edited by Vulcan
  • Brohoof 1


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I'd like to get into hosting roleplays, as I don't think I could ever secure myself a spot in the planning stage. :P But I need to know the general rules of what needs to be established and maybe the maximum character limit. I'm quite confident in terms of world-building and plot, but since I have no experience actually RP-ing there could be things I'm overlooking. I also need the nicest way to turn down people who don't English good. Sign me up! :D

  • Brohoof 2

♬ Inspirations have I none, just to touch the flaming dove, 

All I have is my love of love, and love is not loving ♬


thanks to Nai for the lovely profile art!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would be interested in getting some help with roleplaying. ^^ I have participated in a few RPs before but I think I could use some pointers when it comes to posting in character with the canon characters and my OCs, which in turn would improve the overall quality of my posts. So any help that I could get would be greatly appreciated. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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Time to test how well can you teach, RP boys


Really though, I have regained some interest on RPing as a whole, but I would like to be fleshed out before starting for real, and what a better way than this one? Sign me up for this when you get the chance, please

  • Brohoof 2
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Well guys, sorry it has taken me so long to get going doing my job as a mentor, but I am finally free. As you may or may not know, I have been a member of the forums since 2012.  I also go by Skycoaster. Role Play has been my section of being most active. Though most of my activity is in Equestrian Empire, I do venture out into Everfree on occasion.


Equestrian Empire holds a special spot in my heart. I have been playing Princess Luna there for quite a while, as well as being involved in the very first RP in that section as well.


Let's get to RolePlaying!

  • Brohoof 1

Equestrian Empire Cast RP Character:
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Append my name the waiting list, if you please, for I wish to learn how to properly Role Play. Though I usually learn by doing, I could use a guiding hand in this. Perhaps it would be best for me to set aside my current style and begin anew with the basics. So, looking forward to being under the tutelage of experienced roleplayers.

  • Brohoof 2
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