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general Are you happy with life right now?


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me personally...yes i too have a roof over my head i have a very loyal friend and i have a boy friend so i am happy yes and rightfully so since i have felt all my life like i was not meant for this world and also being lonely and beaten by school mates also before now i have been hospitalized 5 times. so with all my past this has to be the peak :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I think so? :D I guess, my life is very on/off at the moment, but I like to think things are getting better and better all the time :P


Last year, I had some seriously awful stuff going on constantly and I was in a really dark place, but ever since college began and I got some new friends, everything is looking up. I still have habits to improve, grades to better and money to gain, but I at least know that and do have at least a little motivation to do so :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I wish i could say i`m 100% happy with life.....but that would be a lie. The main thing that`s making me sad is the fact i don`t know how to tell my Parents i`m Transgender which stops me from being able to begin the journey of transitioning. 

  • Brohoof 3
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i am going trough the same exact thing as you as of this moment so i can tell you from experience that if your parents love you they will support you no matter what. me? my mom supports me but i can tell she don't like it but she don't care, she loves me any way i can tell you that this road is going to be very very rough. take it from someone who knows and if you have any questions or if you need to vent, chat, or need a friend i am here for you. trust me i can relate.

  • Brohoof 1
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Right now, happiness doesn't matter as much as satisfaction. I still can't find a stable job but I'm actively looking. I'm in a stable home situation, I do have some money in the bank, food, supportive parents, and sufficient entertainment. I have quite a few friends that I do need to catch up with ("Amending Fences"-style) and I've been drifting between temporary positions but I've learned in the past couple of years to stop worrying, love the bomb, and avoid temptation.

  • Brohoof 1
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This is a very tricky question for me to answer. I am 33 years old, I can't drive, I still live with my parents, I only have 2 part time jobs, never had a girlfriend/been on a date or anything. I just feel like I am nothing and have done nothing with my life. There are times I love my life. But, the older I get , the more I feel like it would be better if I weren't around. I am I guess happy with my life, this is very far from the life I ever wanted for myself though. I just feel old and like a failure, more and more. I don't mean to sound whiny, that's just how I feel sometimes.

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My life was amazing almost perfect as a kid... then it went downhill in 2011, and only got worse till 2014 (2012 was my lowest point so far)... I worked really hard to climb out of the hole I was thrown down, and now I'am very happy with my life. I may still live with my parents, I may still cannot drive legally, and I may still have a few dreams just out of my reach, but I would only trade it away to live in Equestria with my friends from POGM... Other than that this is the next best thing.

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I am very upset with how my life is going at the moment. It's only one reason that is causing it and this reason prevents me from being social. Causing me to be lonely and even preventing me to find someone special. I try to battle my loneliness by talking with others, but it only helps so much. It grows worse especially, since the people I talk to are usually inactive. I tend to just stay in my room and sleep. I avoid my family as much as I can and avoid meals. I am waiting for the warm seasons to come so I can go outside and walk around. It's the only time I am able to and even then I won't be comfortable. It will be my birthday in two days. I will be turning 17 and I think I will try to talk with my mom when she is alone. The feelings that are mixed in my chest when I think about it are unbearable. Anxiety, fear, positivity, unsureness, happiness, depression...I think it is time that I tell someone important to me. Although the consequences it could have on someone else who isn't ready or willing to accept the truth may harm them beyond believe. Once I tell them there isn't any way of going back so I am scared of what will happen, but I know if they knew I wasn't happy with my life then they would be worried about me and want to try help me with my problem....Right?

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No and things are only getting worse. I have zero friends, my grandfather died recently, my eczema won't stay under control, and to top everything off I just found out I have cancer.


No and things are only getting worse. I have zero friends, my grandfather died recently, my eczema won't stay under control, and to top everything off I just found out I have cancer.

I'm so sorry to here about this! :(  Hopefully things will turn around and get you out of the slump

I personally had dark moments in my life a few months ago. It took a little time to escape those dark and depressing

moments. But my advice is to look at the things you enjoy the most and think about "the light". Also (I don't know if

your very spiritual) allow GOD to stay with you. Allow his spirit to guide you and battle cancer with you.

Hang in there buddy!

  • Brohoof 1
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Happy, at times yes, at other times no.

Without the other life would be dull, though I can say there are certainly times I do prefer the latter (To not be happy).

Though there are a lot of things I cannot explain or put a finger on, in regards to emotions and other such things.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I'm happy having a job but my social life is shot to hell and it's always been that way. Not many folks like my quiet personality or whatever standard I'm not meeting up to lol. I'm glad my job keeps me busy although there's no one I can chat with after work. Kind of irritating.

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I'm very happy with my life considering I have an amazing girlfriend, a job, a car, my own apartment, and awesome friends. Currently, however, I'm stressed out because I'm working on my graduation thesis and explaining my entire working process is a pain in the ass.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm a lot happier with my life than I used to be, but there's two things that HAVE to happen before I can be content with my life, most likely three, and at least one of those things is dependent on one of the others and will most likely take years to accomplish.


I'd be lying if I said I don't often feel discouraged and hopeless. Things don't usually turn out well for me. Always in a way I can keep living, but rarely in such a way that's good. I'm doing my best to turn things around, but so far not much luck.

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Even though i have depression and dont know what to do with my life, im still happy.


I dont have pain, i have a house, i have a great family, they are a lot of franchises i enjoy...im okay.

Yes, im happy with my life.

Even though im not always happy in my life, im still happy about the life i have.

If that makes sense.

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I don't believe in happiness. Happiness is an illusion created by humans as a measurement of one's opinion of their own life. It's so arbitrary and subjective that I challenge its existence.

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II'm very happy with my life, 


I've been blessed with a lot and I'm grateful for it. 


I've got a girlfriend that  loves me, a family that cares, and friends that understand me.


It's a good life ^ ^

Edited by DefinitelyNot Vulcan
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