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S06:E06 - No Second Prances


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You’re talking about great depression? Clearly you’ve not experienced a great show for youths and family. There are proper places to talk about these things and MLP: FIM ain’t one of them. Sure you can hint it and deal with similar lightweight problems, but if you have three major and four lesser symptoms by ICD-10, then you need help of a medical variety and no show with pastel equines is gonna help your mental state. Starlight and Trixie can be sad and depressed all they want, they were still badly executed and worked only because Twilight was too plot device-y to stand up and drag them both into an open discussion, which she always does when it comes to every other character but Celestia herself who she reveres. And then there was Trixie who went from a friend-stealing jerk to a woobie who just wanted a friend in the matter of seconds. It happened so fast one could not ascribe it to some realization but a switch in her head that turned her from Bad Trixie to Good Trixie who was just misjudged by the Big Bad Twilight. They could have made the whole scene with her realizing her mistake and all that, but nope, a few seconds is good enough! Better have more time for Celestia’s jerky twin sister!

I go to a doctor every week for my depression but that is wayyy beside the point. What you want to see in the show is frankly irrelevant. The truth is they can write about whatever they want, hell they could write about a character being dead if they want. The point is not to help the viewers but to entertain them. You don't need to write a thesis because all I was pointing out was that if someone is depressed they are not going to act normal like you seem to want them too.

Credit to Kiki


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I thought that was great - an 8.5 out of 10 for me. The story was engaging and the comedy made me laugh. I like what they're doing with Starlight Glimmer - I expected that after being reformed she'd be a meek, obsequious character with no discernible characteristics of her past, but it's clear from this and The Crystalling that she still has a strong personality and continues to display the occasional flash of anger. I was also happy to see DJ Pon3's name become canon at last.

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I go to a doctor every week for my depression but that is wayyy beside the point. What you want to see in the show is frankly irrelevant. The truth is they can write about whatever they want, hell they could write about a character being dead if they want. The point is not to help the viewers but to entertain them. You don't need to write a thesis because all I was pointing out was that if someone is depressed they are not going to act normal like you seem to want them too.


So, to sum it all up: stop hiding bad characters and stories from a family friendly show behind a shield of sadness and gloom. This show is not a brochure your get in a waiting room at your local medical center. It’s here to make people mildly amused and to force us all to buy toys. That’s that.



I know that pretty damn well. I just really like writing angry walls of text about human deficiencies, particularly those pertaining to writers of fantasy works.


P.S: I won’t say I’m sorry cause you have depression. I’ll say: grab it by the horns and fight on. Good luck.

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After bitching since season 4, I'm finally happy Trixie came back, and got what she deserved. It felt alot like how Trixie and Babs connected in the comics. Trixie and Starlight were great.

And I'll just leave a pic to sum up how I felt about Twilight...


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Great episode. Pulled at the heartstrings a bit. More Trixie is always appreciated. Also kinda rad that Trixie and Starlight became friends...I mean, it makes sense really..both were villains at one point but aren ow both reformed...and Twi seems genuine with her apology this time and more trusting of them both.


Kinda giggled when Starlight manipulated Big Mac's voice....Was just random as hell, lol.

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Great episode with Starlight Glimmer and Trixie for today! Princess Twilight Sparkle forgives them at the best ending part after the great show with Trixie, especially Starlight Glimmer befriends with her in a great way. So I rate 10/10 for this episode.  :D

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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Alright, now that I'm on a laptop, I could type a bit more instead of relying on a pesky phone touchscreen.


I really enjoyed this episode, though I could see why some people wouldn't.


Most of you guys probably already know I'm a HUGE supporter of Starlight's, so of course I enjoyed it.


However, I really can't defend her joking about her misdeeds. I mean, I know why she did it, if she can laugh off the bad situation it could downplay it and get her past it, and while I agree it could do that I feel it wasn't quite time for jokes yet. I guess in two words I'd say "too soon."


But other than that, I loved her just the same in this episode, as well as Trixie. I think the scenes between them were really impactful, and it was almost meta in a sense that it addressed issues with redemption. Of course there is always going to be that nagging feeling of distrust, no matter how hard you try to give someone the benefit of the doubt. As much as it was regarding Twilight, it felt like it regarded some fans as well. There has been a lot of talk about the reformations of Trixie and Starlight, even before we knew about this episode. They pretty much said it, "Everypony always says they'll give you a second chance, but deep down, they never forget."


Another aspect that's hardly taken into consideration is how genuine someone may be. There are obviously those who will continue to make the same mistake, but there are also people who really do feel guilty. Guilty and remorseful enough that they genuinely do want to change themselves for the better. I think we've clearly seen that Starlight wants to be. There are parts of her old self that slip up, but she's been trying her darnedest not to revert back.


I know what she did was definitely disastrous and completely and utterly wrong, but like it or not, she's on the road to redemption now, there's no retconning that. "Please, Twilight! I know you're trying to help, but I need to make friends on my own if I'm going to become a better pony."


Yup, she's definitely making an effort. I think this episode did a great job establishing post-Cutie Remark Starlight. There's no going back now, unless Twilight decides to go back on her word and punish her at this point, but that wouldn't look very good on her, now would it? Not to mention how much of a jerk move it'd be to do that to someone who is giving their best efforts.


I actually think this was a better pairing than the Starlight/Discord ideas that have been going around, and that's coming from someone who wanted an episode between those two. Trixie is definitely more sympathetic and pathetic (can I use those two words like that in the same sentence? XP) than Discord.


All in all, great episode!


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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I felt sorry for Celestia, just forced to awkwardly hang with those ponies she barely knew.


I'm with you there. It must have been very awkward for Celestia. She had been invited to see how Starlight is doing with her friendship lessons, and she ends up having to wait for several hours because Starlight was busy with Trixie at the time helping her with her magic trick. I don't blame Celestia for being annoyed like that and not wanting to socialize with Derpy, Cranky, and Vinyl, especially when Cranky asked that question she's probably heard a hundred times over already in regards to her mane and tail.

  • Brohoof 1
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at least an 8/10 for me. I'm always super interested in unusual or unexpected interactions, and we had Starlight interacting with Mrs. Cake, Big Mac, Angel Bunny, and Trixie. It was cool to see the focus be lifted from the mane 6, on to these side characters. The dinner scenes with Celestia were funny too. I also really enjoyed how they made Trixie a flawed character and deserving of empathy. 

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You’re talking about great depression? ... There are proper places to talk about these things and MLP: FIM ain’t one of them. Sure you can hint it and deal with similar lightweight problems, but if you have three major and four lesser symptoms by ICD-10, then you need help of a medical variety and no show with pastel equines is gonna help your mental state.



Sorry, but I beg to differ.  I have my own pantheon of mental/emotional issues severe enough that I have been on SSI for the last 30 years.  And MLP: FIM does help immensely. 


A couple of months ago I was going through a really bad patch and I called my doctor.  She talked to me for awhile about my physical and mental symptoms and my really serious anxiety and panic attacks.  Do you know what she ended up with after tweaking my meds and setting an appointment for me?  She said, "Are you watching the Ponies?  Go and watch the ponies right now!"  (I have the DVDs)  "Snuggle up with your Pinkie Pie stuffie and I'll see you on Thursday!"


The Ponies do help.  My life is measurably happier since I discovered Friendship is Magic.  And I'll just bet there are plenty of people right here on these forums who will say the same. 


I have real-life friends - good ones - and they are a great comfort to me.  My doctor is awesome, but when I wake up in the middle of the night with tachycardia, and runaway anxiety, it is most often the Ponies that get my feet back down on the ground.  I have "The Art of Equestria" at the head of my bed along with my Pony stuffies, vinyl figures and other Pony stuff, and it helps!


Pastel Ponies are good medicine.  And I'm sure that's true whether you're 14 or 64 (like me!)

Edited by Foliha
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An interesting parallel I noticed:


From The Cutie Re-Mark:

Twilight Sparkle: I know you only convinced those bullies to not tease Fluttershy to stop the rainboom!

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, that's not true. I convinced them not to be bullies because everypony should be equal. Stopping the rainboom is just a bonus.


From this week's episode:


Starlight Glimmer: You win? That sounds like you just made friends with me to beat Twilight.

Trixie: Exactly! Wait! I mean, no! I got caught up in the moment. I like you. Beating Twilight is just a bonus.

  • Brohoof 3


Credit to @Kyoshi for the signature!

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Season 6 is shaping up to be a great season. I liked the character drama between Twilight, Starlight, and Trixie, and the cameos were really fun. I wish Celestia had a bigger role but this is a really great episode.

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An interesting parallel I noticed:


From The Cutie Re-Mark:

Twilight Sparkle: I know you only convinced those bullies to not tease Fluttershy to stop the rainboom!

Starlight Glimmer: Oh, that's not true. I convinced them not to be bullies because everypony should be equal. Stopping the rainboom is just a bonus.


From this week's episode:


Starlight Glimmer: You win? That sounds like you just made friends with me to beat Twilight.

Trixie: Exactly! Wait! I mean, no! I got caught up in the moment. I like you. Beating Twilight is just a bonus.

I knew Trixie's words sounded familiar!


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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Howdy all!


Loved this episode!


Nick Confalone wrote a dandy.


The Great & Powerful Trixie returns in style and Kathleen Barr doesnt miss a beat.


Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer was good.


Twilight taking friendship lessons way too serious.

Talk about an overprotective mother.


The facial expressions was funny.

(AJ & RDs)


Fun to hear Richard Newman as Cranky again.

And yes asking Princess Celestia about her hair was priceless.


Starlight telling Twilight she made a friend was hillarious




Derpy Muffins & DJPON3 was cool (Wish they both spoke but oh well)



Cant wait for the next episode.

  • Brohoof 2


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Loved the episode. Humor was spot-on. Trixie'a deadpan delivery at the beginning of her magic show was hilarious.


Did anyone else miss having Snips and Snails in a Trixie episode?


Yeah, me neither. ;)

  • Brohoof 3

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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Loved the episode. Humor was spot-on. Trixie'a deadpan delivery at the beginning of her magic show was hilarious.


Did anyone else miss having Snips and Snails in a Trixie episode?


Yeah, me neither. ;)

You know, as much as we knock on Snips and Snails, I feel if there was some more time in the episode a moment with Trixie treating them both as actual ponies and not slaves, and Snips and Snails making Trixie feel good about herself (in a non-egotistical way) would have actually been really sweet.

  • Brohoof 3


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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You know, as much as we knock on Snips and Snails, I feel if there was some more time in the episode a moment with Trixie treating them both as actual ponies and not slaves, and Snips and Snails making Trixie feel good about herself (in a non-egotistical way) would have actually been really sweet.


Definitely agree with this.


I have to say, much as I like the occasional pandering, I feel in the wake of season five and the Slice of Life episode, this was just too much and fell too flat. Cranky, DJ-PON3, and Derpy have the most basic of cameos – which would be fine in the background, but not the foreground in this context. Twilight was also bordering out-of-character with the bit pertaining to the silverware. She's a book nerd, not a... manners nerd? Certainly not in the way of things like proper culinary placement; I mean, what did she do back in the Golden Oak Library days when Celestia paid a visit? Notwithstanding the hyper-organized procession that was the Sugarcube Corner brunch in season one, I don't see Twilight busting her rump over Celestia nearly as much these days – at least not to the extreme displayed here.


I dunno. This one just didn't hit the high mark with me.

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One point, you can't blame the ponies for not trusting Trixie at first, after the Alicorn Amulet, but I'm glad that Starlight manage to help Trixie earn Ponyville's trust back.

Also, Earning trust from others with a troubled past can be though on anyone. Trixie and Starlight help to remind Ponyville and Twilight that they've changed. That show was just want they needed to show them.

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I liked this episode to be honest, eventhough i can see people not liking it.


Twilight mistrust of trixie, while a bit over the top, was something i can understand. Eventhough they made up with each other, Twilight still has some rest doubts and that's realistic all things considered. Still, maybe over the top, but i can watch over that.


Wasn't really that fond of the background ponys including. It just screamed like pointless fan shoutouts and didn't really added anything to the episode, eventhough Crankys end comment was hilarious.


Trixie was still the same character, eventhough she is good towards Starlight. Some people just have these personality quirks and sometimes you just have to live with these. It might make them seem odd, but they are not evil or anything because of it.


Also, Twilight made a mistake with Starlight. You happy guys? I can understand Starlights frustrations and it fit very good with the episode.


All in all, good episode. Not great, but good.

You got two villains, one that took over Ponyville once and the other one that changed the fate of Equestria for the worst, both influenced by revenge on Twilight and both becoming friends sounds like a recipe for disaster.


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I can't be polarized by this episode. It was pretty decent for me. From someone who doesn't particularly care for Trixie, this is easily some of her best screen time in the entire series as she goes through all the emotions.


Twilight seems to be regressing a bit on a lesson she learned in the premiere from Spike of all characters, but given that she's new to this one-on-one mentoring thing, it's nothing too bad. Resisting the temptation to control your friends' lives over your own feelings is a good lesson to spotlight and its portrayal isn't botched, that's all that can be asked and said.


Some of the gags and dialogue in this episode felt very reminiscent of Season 1 in a lot of good ways, with Trixie's antics providing comedy, some creative running gags and one-liners, as well as Twilight's mental state and Princess Celestia's dealings being a healthy source of humor as well.


The only things I can hold against it are that the fallout between Starlight and Trixie at the end is done so quickly and sounds so forced that it almost feels like it was tacked on at the last minute for a dose of added tension, like the inevitable fight that happens in every buddy comedy, and that the appearances of Cranky Doodle, Vinyl "DJ PON-3" Scratch, and The Pony With No Name seem to be laying it on just a slight bit thick with fanservice. Enjoyable it is, but it doesn't really add much of value to the episode.


All in all, fine stuff.

Edited by Wind Chaser
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Why did we need to shove Starlight into the main cast again? I get that she's reformed, but why not just let her wander Equestria or some shit. Did we really need a poor man's Twilight Sparkle on the team?

  • Brohoof 2

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

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Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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Why did we need to shove Starlight into the main cast again?

Because Both Re-Mark and Crystalling confirmed that she's part of the Mane Eight now. Leaving her out to dry would be a terrible direction for the show. She needs to learn the true Magic of Friendship and embrace it rather than reject it. This and the HWE episode coming up continue to affirm this.




Did we really need a poor man's Twilight Sparkle on the team?

Starlight's a lot of things. "Poor man's Twilight" ain't one of them.

  • Brohoof 2

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


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