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What are your life struggles?


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Everybody in life suffers from a disability or something they cannot control >_>

I can relate to people who have a hard time getting over it, But I'm gonna go ahead and mention that

I have a neurological disorder (motor tics) and it's hard


This topic will make you realize that other people have the same feeling

What are your life struggles?

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A big one would be making friends face to face. I've always mess up or say something stupid and they shrug it off, but deep inside of them they don't really want you. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to be intellectually smart but when words are spoken out of my mouth it goes the wrong way. I studder a little maybe because it's a growing disability or not? I'm not sure but I really hate my voice.

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A big one would be making friends face to face. I've always mess up or say something stupid and they shrug it off, but deep inside of them they don't really want you. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to be intellectually smart but when words are spoken out of my mouth it goes the wrong way. I studder a little maybe because it's a growing disability or not? I'm not sure but I really hate my voice.

I have a hard time making friends too. But I have troubles reaching out to people

and that sometimes they would be uninterested if I want to talk to somebody new

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Not very social to people I don't know and I don't know much people.

I have been paranoid (mental ward paranoid) before and poor sleep plus stress plus caffeine can make me paranoid if such factors occur for a noteworthy period of time.

I do not open up about my interests easily and its holding my life back, I still live at home I'm 25 never had a job or relationship or drivers license. When I buy merch I hide it and don't use it.

Also getting a skin condition of ingrown hairs which is making me dislike myself more and I'm not motivated to pursue my goals regularly, and lack motivation to even do chores regularly. Sometimes if drama happens with online friends I get suspicious of them if one claims another is lying or such and it hurts my ability to trust people without scrutiny and the scrutiny I wanna avoid because it feels unpleasant. I prefer avoiding issues.

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I have severe Aspergers Syndrome, crippling anxiety problems, among other things, those two are the biggest issues I have. I can't even drive as a result. My personality can be wonky, I don't get out much, socializing with others offline is a huge issue, and I almost constantly am worrying about something, big or small. I also get disability because of these things. 


I try as much as I can to live within my means so I know I cannot do a whole lot, but I am fine living a simple life. 

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I just...Can't seem to make friends anymore. I thought I would heal from being hurt and betrayed and abandoned by a bunch of friends at once but no...


And this comes full circle since it feels like a friendship between my boyfriend's best friends is losing its spark.

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This isn't such a big struggle but anyways - I spend so much time alone that I'm slowly losing contact with people and my social skills in real life are so rusty it hurts. Making friends feels difficult for me as well, mainly because I don't feel like an equal to others, but an inferior instead. It quickly gets distressing when my mind constantly tells me to be sorry for my existence and keep my mouth shut.

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I have  severe physiological and musculoskeletal issues due to not actually having core muscles anymore- turns out after a dozen surgeries to try and stitch your core wall closed, there's not much left there holding your insides in besides mesh and prayer. Without cumbersome and uncomfortable medical devices, I can't stand up straight or bend over- and most forms of motion are entirely out of the question. As a demonstration, put one hand on your stomach and do literally anything else- feel those muscles in there tighten? Yeah, I don't have those. Add to that the stomach and digestive problems caused by having some of your intestines pushing right up against the skin (I can't eat red meat or dairy anymore, spicy food and some vegetables cause bloat with could actually kill me if the gas bubble gets stuck in a loop of intestine up against the skin, and other fun stuff like that), and that's a less than pleasant way to go about your day. Painkillers aren't an option, because I work in a field where a minor lapse in focus could get someone killed. So it's either "spend every waking moment in some form of agony", or "people could actually, factually, die and it's your fault".


I also have PTSD, a traumatic brain injury, bipolar disorder, and chronic pain in most of my left leg, ankle, and foot, as well as my entire back, torso, and neck. I have nerve damage in my right arm that makes three fingers on that hand almost entirely unable to grip anything (my brain sends a signal saying to give 100% effort into holding something, but because of the damage the signal degrades so by the time it gets to my hand there's only about 60% left- there's no way to improve that at all, because there's no way to 'boost' the signal strength). The TBI makes forming new long-term memories difficult, while the PTSD makes letting go of painful ones I already have almost impossible.


Making friends is difficult, as it is extraordinarily hard to empathize with someone whose biggest problem is that they don't like their job or their dog pees a lot. It's hard to clearly express interest in other people, because I honestly can't goddamn remember things they tell me unless they tell me over and over again, which most people find offensive or think I'm ignoring them.


And to top it off, the bipolar manifests itself as either a depression that both keeps me up all night AND makes me oversleep, or random outbursts of intense anger. Or maybe that's also the PTSD. It's hard to really pin down which is which.


Not to mention my entire social circle up and vanished within two days of my abusive ex-wife taking everything I own and leaving without a word. Luckily I still have some family stateside- a whopping three family members- but having to rebuild my entire social circle while piecing together what little I had left AND try to make friends AND deal with a high stress job AND try to cope with a list of medical issues described in great detail in a file over a foot thick... yeah. It's tough.


Here's a trick I learned over the years.


Failure is good for you. Seriously. You don't learn how to cope by having the world handed to you on a platter. You learn by being homeless a thousand miles from anything you know with all your worldly possessions locked in a 20 year old rattletrap car in an impound lot. You learn by having to spend two hours a day, every day, relearning how to take the two steps from your bed to the door without falling down. You learn by failing, and by having to keep going anyway. You learn by looking around and seeing that the world couldn't care less how you feel about yourself, so you may as well make yourself happy instead of making yourself miserable.


When it comes right down to it, there is nobody anywhere who will solve your problems for you. No magic pill will make your demons run from you. Your pain and anguish and hurt and fear will never get tired and stop chasing you. You, and you alone, have to face it, and either beat it, or failing that learn to live with it.

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Well I'm not sure if I can count it as a current life struggle, but I struggled for a long time with severe anxiety and depression. Though it's nowhere nearly as severe now I worry however that I'll fall back into that dark spot. I'm pretty tough though so I've found ways to cope, problem is I'm pretty lonely. Something I often wonder if it has the potential to send me back to feeling that way or making it worse.

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My biggest struggle is dealing with my depression and extreme lack of motivation. There are so many things that I would like to do, like get a second job or join the local community theater, but I have hardly any motivation to leave my room. Lack of self confidence adds to all of that I suppose.


My other struggle is coping with my ADD, which I always have a difficult time keeping under control.


Not to mention the crushing weight of stress and expectations.

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My three big ones are Crohn's disease, social anxiety, and depression.


I'd work on overcoming the social anxiety, but that would require constantly forcing myself through anxiety-provoking situations, and anxiety makes my Crohn's symptoms more severe. I have no reliable way to control the Crohn's symptoms either, so I'm kind of stuck. I can't risk making myself sick when I have no health insurance.


Thanks to those two problems, I'm still stuck living at home with my parents, and for someone like me who's pushing 30, that's incredibly embarrassing.



On another note, I'm also super-retarded at math. I've never been able to do anything more advanced than basic algebra. That pretty much stopped me from pursuing any of the college majors that interested me.

Edited by Detritus
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My life's struggles? Keeping in mind that I have no health insurance and currently have no way of getting any, let's begin:


1. I've been wearing the same exact glasses for 6 or 7 years. My eyes are bad and they are often burning whether I wear the glasses or not, though sometimes I have no choice.


2. Something is wrong with my right knee; I have chronic pain there as I have had for months now. I have to wear a brace any time I'm going to be walking much or exercising further.


3. There's a mouse infestation in my family's house that we can't seem to get rid of no matter what. This infestation is bad enough that we see mice during the day and they tend to frequent the furniture (my bed included) leaving evidence of their presence in the form of waste.


4. I have a lot of social and work-related issues that I suspect are caused by a certain condition, but I can't get a diagnosis (as I can't afford to see a professional) so no one really believes that my issues are as severe as I say (or real at all, in some cases) and people expect me to just "suck it up" and deal with things that I find myself incapable of dealing with. Further along this vein, people do not understand me at all, and often get angry with me over misunderstandings, eventually I lose friends to events that I don't understand what even happened. I also feel horrible for days and sometimes even weeks if I upset someone I care about, and I can't stand making mistakes in front of people because every single one, no matter how small, makes me feel like a failure. Not being seen as smart and respectable really stresses and embarrasses me to the point I can't function properly sometimes. Past experiences have left me with major trust issues as well as loneliness and I was already shy and awkward, so that makes things even trickier.


5.I live in the southern US... and I'm bisexual, transgender, and non-Christian. I sometimes have to pretend to be someone I'm not just to do simple things.


6. Being transgender, I am constantly uncomfortable because my body feels wrong. I can't stand the way I look or sound, and there's almost nothing I can do about it.


7. I can't seem to find work, in spite of having a Bachelor's degree.


8. While I'm in a much more positive state than I used to be, I seem to still be struggling with depression and I find it difficult to keep myself motivated.


9. I have severe Carpal Tunnel syndrome in my right hand/wrist, which makes it difficult to be on my computer for long or write, or draw, or just about anything that involves repetitive motion.


Those are the main ones, anyhow.

Edited by Carl Poppa
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1. I've been wearing the same exact glasses for 6 or 7 years. My eyes are bad and they are often burning whether I wear the glasses or not, though sometimes I have no choice.

I have had like three glasses and I treat my current ones like gold, they're levi, since they were expensive. Was surprised by how much difference they made. So it seems glasses don't last that long, I had been using them for around the same amount of years. 

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I must have mentioned this before on the forums, but I'm a very angry person. I mean that in the sense that I'm prone to anger outbursts. Over the years iv'e sorted of "channelled" my anger, and made it my personal font of energy and motivation. Some people have even gone far enough to call my attitude Zen-like.


That being said, I'm not unmindful that sometimes I can get so pissed that I can't handle it. Whenever I do get there, I usually end up regretting it later.

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Cocaine addiction... Been getting help, but life has been pushing be back to my old habits.

I'm not proud of what I'm doing, but I can only take baby steps in freeing myself from this mess.


Thinking about rehab, but I'm too scared about letting people know irl.


So that's my current life struggle. Which ironically was meant to "cure" my original struggles( I'm schizophrenic )...

Edited by Kagami-sama
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My main life struggle is Stargardt disease, this is eye disease, so it mean for me I'm not able to work at the most of professions.


The second struggle is... hmmm... Starting conversations with people? I mean I can talk with people about almost everything and I talk sometimes too much but... I don't like start the conversations, I just can't do it...

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I have a very strong ADHD (if that counts) since I was 5 or so. Spent my entire childhood being bullied for it, kids and adults called me insane and a weirdo and had a lot of teachers and grown-ups turn their backs on me because "I couldn't stay calm and I couldn't pay attention to serious life". Yes, today I still have it and I am actually happy that I have it, because I know that we are different from others and a tiny bit more special with completely unique abilities.

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cutting out the stuff I can't take care of, my OCD is something of a 'disability' . I can reduce or fight it, but never get rid of it completely. It makes just thinking alone unnecessarily anxiety-ridden and plagues me with constant, persistent, nagging fears. So I'd consider that a struggle of sorts. 


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My current life struggles are dealing with ADHD, living as the firstborn son of an Asian family, finding a job, not being able to make friends, "unenlightened" parents, and struggling to get through community college.

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Some of my life struggles are:


- taking things too seriously at times when it comes to video games that I really lose fun out of just enjoying the game.


- Being very soft spoken and not standing up for myself when someone talks down at me or yells at me.


- Fear of failing because I never learn from my mistakes and I don't notice what I do wrong in order to change it.


- Lack of or not motivation: I always say I'm going to do something, but then I just put it off for another day.


- Trouble making friends at times and holding a conversation: sometimes I want to talk to someone and hope that we can be friends. However, sometimes I'm not good at starting conversations and all I really know what to talk about are video games, anime, and MLP. I feel that I might make the person I'm talking to feel bored and uninterested in talking to me.


- Fear of what people will think or say: I worry about others judging me depending what I write or post on a forum or something along those lines. I'm trying to work on it to where I shouldn't be afraid of what others will think. However, I still am afraid sometimes and it's become a bit of a struggle.

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  • 3 years later...

I just struggle a lot with depression and the drive for self betterment. My biggest issue is that I always end up second guessing myself and it always ends up hurting me in the long run. I pretty much just need to choose a path and go with it without always talking myself out of what are normally pretty good decisions. 

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Five years ago, I was diagnosed with both panic disorder as well as chronic depression. In 2018, I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. I am also battling an addiction. I have been taking medications to help with those things though.

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Is hard to move out cause I don't have the money to do it,while also have to deal with my parents constant arguments :worry:I'm surprised they haven't divorce yet leaving me homeless:worry:

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