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Does it bother you that bronies are considered "cringe" to most people?



81 users have voted

  1. 1. Does it bother you that the general public considers bronies to be odd/weird?

    • Yes
    • Maybe a little, but I'm not going to change their opinion, so I might as well enjoy myself without their approval.
    • No.

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"Cringe" isn't real! It never was! It's just a word LeafyIsHere invented so he can say "It's ok that I bullied and mocked that child in front of an audience of millions, he was "Cringey"!".

Except he didn't, the word cringe has been around long before Leafy even joined youtube.



Hey, remember that time Steven Universe fans bullied a girl into attempting suicide because she made "Disgusting" art where she drew Rose Quartz not looking fat enough for their "Tastes"?

And that's relevant because...? 

  • Brohoof 1
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Except he didn't, the word cringe has been around long before Leafy even joined youtube.



And that's relevant because...?

Someone was saying Sjwniversers and Bronies are on the same level. Looks like someone never heard about our record-breaking charity work or their record-breaking horribleness!

https://mlpforums.com/topic/158860-emerald-stars-crazy-adventure/- My Fanfic, featuring my OC Emerald Star and his Stand, Grey Justice. The Mane Six also get Stands in this fic, so if you like awesome fights, Stands, and epicness, check it out!

NOW ON AO3! - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8505844

MLP:O/C - Order/Chaos, an original MLP Fighting Game featuring Original Characters! Apply within! https://mlpforums.com/topic/159347-mlp-oc-orderchaos-mlp-fighting-game-with-a-cast-of-ocs/?p=4726269#entry4726269

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Someone was saying Sjwniversers and Bronies are on the same level. Looks like someone never heard about our record-breaking charity work or their record-breaking horribleness!

I still fail to see how that was relevant.  I mean, they said that the fandom was equally cringy and not equally horrible. 


Plus, bronies can be pretty horrible too. 

Edited by Yamet
  • Brohoof 1
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some of you are really good and one part i love about this fandom i how accepting the majority are towards differences.. but i find some of you to be a bit too supportive of stuff like r34 for my tastes : ( i like the show nice and innocent and i does kinda make me think poorly of some of you guys sometimes because of what you do to the fandom's public image...
i don't want to start anything.. im just answering the OP :c

Edited by Ju88snow


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I still fail to see how that was relevant.  I mean, they said that the fandom was equally cringy and not equally horrible. 


Plus, bronies can be pretty horrible too.


"Bully a girl into suicide and ruin her life because she drew art of Rose where she didn't look fat enough" horrible? No.


Even the bullies on FIMfiction aren't thst horrible.

https://mlpforums.com/topic/158860-emerald-stars-crazy-adventure/- My Fanfic, featuring my OC Emerald Star and his Stand, Grey Justice. The Mane Six also get Stands in this fic, so if you like awesome fights, Stands, and epicness, check it out!

NOW ON AO3! - http://archiveofourown.org/works/8505844

MLP:O/C - Order/Chaos, an original MLP Fighting Game featuring Original Characters! Apply within! https://mlpforums.com/topic/159347-mlp-oc-orderchaos-mlp-fighting-game-with-a-cast-of-ocs/?p=4726269#entry4726269

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"Bully a girl into suicide and ruin her life because she drew art of Rose where she didn't look fat enough" horrible? No.


Even the bullies on FIMfiction aren't thst horrible.


What do a couple of awful people in any particular fandom have to do with anything being asked? Please tell me we are not suddenly holding an awful people contest to see who wins? I mean awful is awful.. period.


The question asked is does it bother you that some consider this fandom and/or bronies themselves cringey? Not how awful is one fandom vs. another. Just reading stuff like that I can totally understand why someone would label a particular group cringe-worthy, and I would not be able to fault them for it.


This fandom is full of cringey people... pointing at some other fandom and saying "See! We are not as bad as them!" does not in any way eliminate that "cringiness".... it just shows there is plenty to go around for everybody.


That being said.. I still don't care what anyone else thinks of bronies or the fandom, I did not get into MLP:FiM for them, so their opinion has no merit to me.

  • Brohoof 2


~No profound statement needed~

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That's definitely something I don't have any reason to be bothered about. I admit that I occasionally watch those compilations and can't help but think that sometimes they're in the right.

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  • 5 years later...

If Anti-Bronies called Bronies weird, then I won't bother, cause they are Anti-Bronies and I can't change their opinion.

If people called us weird but won't even mind with us then I'm fine with that.

What would bother me though would be if the general public believe narrative that we are p*doph*les, cl*pers, zooph*les who s*xualizes animals and watch p*rn of Ponies and also that we are all "toxic" "unfriendly" and that we are all cosplayers and that we hate women or little girls, as well as being 'obsessed' with ponies. (In a negative extreme connotation) I also hate the label autistic or LGBTI to represents all Bronies, I think there are Bronies who are Neurotypicals and straight, not just lesbian, gay or autistic. (Even though I have Autism myself).

But I wouldn't go myself too far calling those people out, as that would be rude and unfriendly and it would be even against the messages in the show. I think that most Bronies are straight neurotypicals, but that there is some vocal Neurodiverse, as well as LGBTI minority.


Whether anyone is a Brony or a non Brony, don't call out people for opposite opinion, it's pretty rude.(That's why I mostly stopped watching commentary YouTubers)

Think positively. Friendship is Magic. :mlp_smile:

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It doesn't bother me even slightly, but "some" bronies ARE cringe. It's an opinionated community, and a lot of its members are hypersensitive, the bronies that would cry if bullied of confronted about it aren't the hypersensitive people I'm talking about, I'm talking about the bronies that can't tolerate a difference in popular opinion and literally try to pass you off as some type of social deviant or miscreant for daring to have a difference of opinion than them publicly, they then try to humiliate others that disagree with them with some convoluted perspective on something MLP related filled with double standards and hypocrisy, completely overlooking what they "love" about one character, but when it's executed much better in another, they just completely fall apart and all of a sudden you are some kind literal idiot who is ruining the fandom and you are toxic for pointing out what's wrong with a popular episode or a popular pony... Or dare I say it a popular princess... The only pony you can apparently criticize without repercussions is Starlight, apparently it's totally valid to do that, but everything else, could divulge into a shit storm or just get you completely ousted or socially alienated for disagreeing, but IF you try to defend Starlight from unfair hypocrisy, double standards and absolute BS, you are a "toxic hater troll" for pointing out inconsistencies in their logic, and their clear bias/personal favoritism, bc they wanted to look intelligent for hating Starlight and publicly making a monkey of anyone that loves her, they can't emotionally/psychologically tolerate their favorite pony getting the "Starlight treatment". 

Not all of these oversensitive bronies are Starlight haters, obviously I have a certain degree of sensitivity when it comes to Starlight, but I totally respect people not liking her, I can usually just point out why their reasons for doing so are way flimsier than her back story could ever be. Some bronies especially community bronies go with the grain, I'm not like a lot of other bronies "socially" but when it comes to our genuine obsession for Equestria and the MLP franchise we definitely share this.. understand from my perspective, you can't be genuinely "anti social" and enjoy MLP from a place of authenticity, the shows message of inclusion and tolerance escapes many bronies, they are exclusive, a lot of bronies think disrespecting or ignoring bronies that aren't as popular as them cements their "horse fame", this weird competition that the SUPER CRINGE bronies play, that you aren't as big of a fan as them for (x) reason, questioning your fan hood trying to one up you, it makes them insecure when someone Introduces a new perspective to something they claim to be obsessed with and just had never thought about, they think your theories come off as a mockery, or satire, not what they really are ATTENTION TO DETAIL, intrigue, real theoretical scenarios, a measurement of the logic and consistency of the show... They then have to feel superior by shitting on things that you genuinely love about the show bc you made something they loved seem silly/improbable/nonsensical and not even on purpose..

a lot of bronies are toxic and bad people, it's okay to love MLP for being "fiction" we all know the real world doesn't work like Equestria, but some of these people do not emanate one god damn social sentiment from MLP, what you just like the idea of make believe people(ponies) having friends, ponies that CONSTANTLY disagree with one another, but when anyone disagrees with you in real life, you need to socially demean them, verbally abuse them, try to get them alienated for a difference of opinion? These bronies are gross... And yes they are CRINGE.

  • Brohoof 1


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No, it is the truth. They are cringe, and some of them are worse than that. They are ****ing insane. Like myself for example. So, it can always be worse. And isn't this a blessed comfort, my brothers and sisters? That we can take solace in the fact that furries exist, and they take the price on the cringe-o-meter. The same way furries can take solace in the fact that serial killers exist.

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Nah, doesn't bother me too terribly. the MLP fandom has faced many many  cringe lords and I mean that in a polite way. But what I am pissed about is my bully from middle school (I'm in high school now). He called me a furry and a three year old all because I drew some dumbass OC of mine. I ignore him personally, it's not his f***ing place to judge me when his art's no better. I enjoy my OCs and I don't care what Daniel has to say. I drew a lot of art in retaliation, but realized it got me nowhere, I still do draw hate art, but just as a little joke to myself. Also the cringe compliations may be right, but it gives no one an excuse to steal someone's animation/art/OC and  be making fun of it. All you need to say is "I don't like that," and move on.  God damn man... 



I bless you all with a cute pony image! (not made by me)


Edited by Stellar Heights
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The short answer is no it doesn't bother me. In fact the cringe and counter culture aspects is what drew me to the show early on. I enjoyed the controversy of annoying people in the youtube comments section because I had a pony avatar. :sneer:

Eventually as I watched more of the show I grew a genuine enjoyment of it and it community. 

Credit to Kiki


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Any fandom has its share of cringe (I'm tired of that word, but I need to use it to have a discussion in pop culture circles). It's been around since the first sci fi cons decades ago. As long as there are various people participating in an interest, there are going to be various levels of cringe.

My personal definition of cringe in this fandom has to be the way some people want to live in the MLP world. Like spending hours on end in MLP Discord servers or near constant roleplaying. I gave RPing a go and managed to keep it up for maybe two weeks. I posted 1-2 times a day; this person would post several times a day in other RP threads. One day, they stopped on their end, which was a relief. I couldn't find new ways for my OC to commiserate with the other roleplayer's OC and their "dark, tragic, edgy" past. (Yes, I should have ended it myself, but I didn't know the etiquette of ending an RP session.)

I understand if MLP is escapism for some people. But escapism should be a temporary reprieve from life's troubles, not a lifestyle. Your mind may go elsewhere, but your body remains where it is; the more time you spend in an imaginary place, the more time you spend in your real life bad place.

For a show that teaches adversity and perseverance, it amazes me that these escapists can't take those same lessons and apply them in real life. Of course your problems won't be wrapped up in a tidy 24-minute window, but you're at least moving forward and trying something other than staring at a screen all day.

I don't feel hateful towards these people. Just... sad.


On 2022-08-25 at 5:49 PM, They call me Loyalty said:

No, it is the truth. They are cringe, and some of them are worse than that. They are ****ing insane. Like myself for example. So, it can always be worse. And isn't this a blessed comfort, my brothers and sisters? That we can take solace in the fact that furries exist, and they take the price on the cringe-o-meter. The same way furries can take solace in the fact that serial killers exist.

"Take the price"? Is this some new net speak that just popped up or did you mistype a word?

And "That we can take solace in the fact that furries exist..." "The same way furries can take solace in the fact that serial killers exist"? Even if that's your honest sentiment, you're not making a lot of sense. But if you're going for simple outrage or offense, you're failing.

But if the existence of another fandom tears you up this much, you need to learn mental strength and acceptance. There's no need to punch down in order to make yourself feel better. That's pure weakness.

My Instagram: @autumninkarts

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On 2022-08-31 at 7:45 PM, Autumn Ink said:

this person would post several times a day in other RP threads. One day, they stopped on their end, which was a relief. I couldn't find new ways for my OC to commiserate with the other roleplayer's OC and their "dark, tragic, edgy" past. (Yes, I should have ended it myself, but I didn't know the etiquette of ending an RP session.)


Oh boy, I am like that sometimes, mainly because I run out of Ideas and laugh my terrible cringy villain OCs all over the place, like Azure Shadows, my technically a shadow pony OC who can turn into anything because he has a magic orb with changeling magic in it... What was I thinking? :blink: I am very sorry...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nope. I may be cringe, but I AM FREE!

But seriously, about EVERY fandom out there is cringe in it's own way, but who cares? Just have fun and be happy.

  • Brohoof 4

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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9 or so years ago, I thought the whole idea of bronies was cringe. Even now, I think there are some fans who deserve to be called cringe. But that just comes from my own preferences.

I fell in love with anime and discovered that almost every cringeworthy thing about the MLP fandom is also an issue with anime fans. Sometimes it's even worse with them, depending on the series of course.

So I passed the point of caring long ago.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by Kyoshi

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haven't seen much cringey brony stuff for a while *checks youtube*


none of this was at all cringe D: that is a terrible cringe compilation. even the dance was surprisingly good

*checks other cringe compilation* ahh that's why I don't check things like this. They are all about being horrible to people who are just trying to have fun at conventions and then exposing them to ridicule online. Grr. 

anyhoof, cringe stuff always bothers me a little, and people do need to be self-respecting and self-aware, and fandom escapism can lead people to act up (not you shouldn't feel happy to act up in a fandom place like a forum or convention). One of the main things levelled against bronies specifically though, is that it is for kids, but there's plenty of kiddie stuff that appeals to adults (like Disney). The other thing levelled at bronies is the NSFW side, which is more understandable, and there are many pony fans even who come from a fandom place where that stuff is anathema, but the show is also liked in a racy pseudo-ironic way by many of the netty 4channish 2010/11 crowd and nsfw stuff can work when a show is enjoyed like that. The other thing levelled at bronies is brony content that is deliberately cringe for clicks like horses with big swastikas in cute love hearts or poorly drawn sonics making out with poorly drawn rainbow dash, but that's just people trolling. 

Overall, while cringey stuff does bother me if I'm being honest, and bronies get a bit of attention for that, bronies really don't seem to be all that cringey for a big internet fandom.

Anyway, here's a furry who was arrested for knowingly transporting a furarm interstate. He tried to plead the constitutional right to bear arms, but it didn't work because he was dressed as a wolf and also had a head and tail.


(it is a joke arrest :P but is great)

  • Brohoof 1


1 hour ago, Props Valroa said:

because the US flag is the ultimate pride flag



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