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Which pony least lives up to her element?


Which of the mane 6 least live up to her element?  

57 users have voted

  1. 1. It's time to choose.

    • Applejack
    • Fluttershy
    • Pinkie Pie
    • Rainbow Dash
    • Rarity
    • Twilight Sparkle

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I think we are being too harsh on rarity, Applejack doesn't ever seem honest as much as twilight, pinkie pie or fluttershy live up to their element... Though i cant judge so much since I don't really... Care? Im sorry



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I said Fluttershy. She basically lives her element. 

But it says you should vote for the pony who least lives up to her Element. If you vote Fluttershy, you're saying she is the one who contradicts her Element.  :(

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We always see the main six going out of character, and they all have reasons for that, the only character who doesn't is (you know what I'm gonna say) Rarity.



I mean...

-Fluttershy becomes mean in Putting your hoof down due to Iron WIll


-Rainbow Dash... I can't really think of anything, maybe when she was being nasty to Flutter in Dragonshy, but... can you blame her? Equestria was in danger!


-Pinkie Pie: becomes whatever Pinkamena is in "Party of one" because she thought her friends were lying to her.


-Applejack: She lies to Pinkie in "Party of one". Yeah, can't find anything else


-Twilight: No flaws since magic isn't a quality


-Rarity is always out of character no matter what.


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The only who has acted in defiance of their Element? I disagree. What about Fluttershy's behaviour in "Putting your Hoof Down"? She certainly wasn't being very kind in that episode. AJ has shown dishonesty, which is also in defiance of her Element. Rainbow Dash took a bite of the Cake's cake in "MMMystery on the Friendship Express", even though she knew Pinkie Pie was extremely protective of it, which is very disloyal. Even Pinkie herself acted against her Element in "Party of One". Only Twilight really hasn't gone against her Element (Magic) which makes me wonder how exactly one can defy such an Element. It's not a personality trait like the others.


As for how Rarity is depicted, certain episodes do show her generosity. It's just that generosity doesn't make for very many jokes, while her drama queen, fastidiousness and greedy tendencies do. So in episodes where she is not the mane character, that aspect of her is focused on more.

I didn't really take the Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie things into consideration because they were extraneous to their true behavior. Fluttershy was essentially manipulated and Pinkie Pie had something akin to a nervous breakdown. AJ did lie but I feel it wasn't enough to be on the level of her lying in Return of Harmony Part 2. Also Rainbow Dash's loyalty was always there when it was truly needed. I think Rarity is the walking contradiction as described above even if the others aren't perfect. Being selfish is part of her behavior and perhaps it should be addressed more in season four.

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i believe its rarity, note i dont hate her to be honest i like her as a character and believe she is rather under-rated


but for me i think rarity has the most tendency to break off of her elemen, case in point in the episode "Sweet and Elite" rarity picks her own vanity and pride over her generous nature in making twilight the best dress for her B-day, 


but to be fair her element is generosity and its not easy to be generous all the time, no matter how generous one can be a little selfishness here and there is what makes us human well in raritys case ponies :D

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I didn't read any of the post, i hit reply instantly, but i know for a FACT almost everyone is going to say Rarity. Maybe not more then 50%, but she will still be the one that people say least lives up to her elements the most.


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I really don't know.


Definitely not Pinkie, who practically lives up her element with ease. 


Twilight is with her element all the time, though she does have dumb dumb moments.


Rainbow Dash displays more honesty then Loyalty, in my opinion. Loyalty is a broad term, and being loyal means to understand what your friends are like and how they are as well as stand by them. Despite her recent times in which she's more loyal, she really didn't seem to understand when a pony didn't like something, or in some cases, she flat out does something that she knows that upsets another character despite her own beliefs.  At times, she even yells at ponies despite not realizing that they weren't always at fault or they had a valid reason to do so, in other words: Without a second thought. In Sleepless in Ponyville, she didn't ask Scootaloo what her problem truly was, she screamed at her and then Luna had to remind her to tell. At one moment, you might even think that she's trying to feed her own ego since she is, in fact, like the Wonderbolts now. (Scootaloo is RD's fan and RD idolizes the Wonderbolts. One might say having a pony act like a sister is feeding into her ego at the same time, you can say that she's just like that and in that same position) She's blunt to the core, but that doesn't mean that she reads ponies very well or really think before acting, which is important when your loyalty and your SUPPOSED to be understanding.


Rarity has her greed moments as well because certainly she didn't need to flirt the gem, and she clearly had flirted with Spike to get the Ruby, on his birthday. She could have gotten other rubies instead of using her looks to get Spike. She wasn't very considerate in other aspects like Sweet and Elite where she didn't even finish her dress. One could even argue that Rarity was living her life through Fluttershy in Green isn't Your Color.It wouldn't take a genius to realize Fluttershy wouldn't like being in the spotlight since she knew her for a longer period of time. It would be more generous to allow her to follow what she would have wanted, not what Rarity perceived.  In sisterhooves, she didn't seem to see Sweetie Belle's needs and catered more to her own, even in the end, she wasn't very generous.Though, there are times where generosity did show through, like with Spike in Dragon Quest or with those beautiful dresses. Though, I would have been more captivated by her generous nature if that episode came later on in season 1. (Why rush if you go to the gala 12 episodes or so later? That sounds really pointless. If it was the episode before the gala, it would make a bigger impact)  She needs more episodes, seriously.


Apple Jack doesn't lie, she didn't even lie in Party of One. The only time I say she did lie was in Apple Buck Season.  Though, she could have told the truth to Twilight in Look Before You Sleep.


Fluttershy isn't very mean, so I can't say much. 


From this, RD would look more like the pony, but I always say that she should have been honesty.

  • Brohoof 1




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Apple Jack doesn't lie, she didn't even lie in Party of One. The only time I say she did lie was in Apple Buck Season.  Though, she could have told the truth to Twilight in Look Before You Sleep.

From the transcript of Party of One:


Applejack: Oh, well, she was just bringin' in some... supplies! Yup, supplies for the... renovation! Fixin' up the whole thing, top to bottom... uh, lots of construction goin' on in there right now. Rainbow Dash: [whispering] You heard her! Construction! [ponies mimicking noises of various construction tools] Applejack: Yup! Construction! That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. [nervous laugh] [gulp]


There was no renovation. Applejack lied. Lawyered.  :huh:   (Sorry, watching HIMYM atm  ;))


Now, I admit Rarity is the least in line with her Element. I voted for her myself. Not even the fact that she's best pony changes that. But the others have done stuff in contrast to their Elements too.

Edited by Full Spectrum

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Everyone votes 'Rarity'.


> inb4 new flood of fanfics that depict Rarity hated by everyone in Ponyville.


Just watch. WAIT FOR IT.

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From the transcript of Party of One:


Applejack: Oh, well, she was just bringin' in some... supplies! Yup, supplies for the... renovation! Fixin' up the whole thing, top to bottom... uh, lots of construction goin' on in there right now. Rainbow Dash: [whispering] You heard her! Construction! [ponies mimicking noises of various construction tools] Applejack: Yup! Construction! That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. [nervous laugh] [gulp]


There was no renovation. Applejack lied. Lawyered.  :huh:   (Sorry, watching HIMYM atm  ;))


Now, I admit Rarity is the least in line with her Element. I voted for her myself. Not even the fact that she's best pony changes that. But the others have done stuff in contrast to their Elements too.

Technically she was renovating her barn for the party, just not "construction" like Pinkie thought of it. She was changing the barn and constructing said party for Pinkie, which isn't a lie. She just wasn't stating what she was making within the barn. I can't fault her for it since she technically was telling the truth. 




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As so many others, I'm going with Rarity. 


I really do hope that they make an episode which focuses on her element. There's a fic which is a really good example of what kind of episode would be awesome. Not exactly like it, but along the lines. 


Signature by Azura

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Well dashie is my fave pony but she never lives up to her element everyone think rarity isn't generous she gives out dresses to her friends all the time

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Rainbow Dash. No doubt about it, I can never call her loyal again after what she did to her lifelong friend Gilda. "No, I won't stand by you, or even ATTEMPT to hash this out, I'm just gonna go with the winning team"

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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That GIF made me lol.


Heh, it's pretty obvious who doesn't live up to their element the most, and I don't blame her. It's not easy to show generosity all the time without going up to everypony and giving each a gift of some sort... but she misses out on her chances to demonstrate generosity. Heck, she gave Spike the smallest gem for taking care of Opal, how generous right? She should have been given a different element, like dexterity (though this refers to hands, but we get the point) since she's great with keeping everything tidy and neat when it comes to making outfits for other ponies. 



But no doubt, other ponies also don't fulfill their elements all the time. Fluttershy loses her kind by becoming assertive in the wrong way, and Apple Jack couldn't be honest when she didn't fulfill the promise she kept in Over a Barrel.

Edited by Wingin'Wolf


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Rarity. Absolutely Rarity.


Rarity's element is generosity, and in almost EVERY episode she is greedy, needy, and demanding. I actually have a VERY hard time even liking Rarity in general. She never, and I DO mean never, seems to have any development. They made her a diva, and never even went anywhere beyond that. She has had a few times where she shows generosity, and it gets thrown in her face. She has had several times to expand her character, but they always end up underwhelming to me. They REALLY need to do something more deep with Rarity soon. She has been a real frustration to write about because everything about her conflicts with the idea of a good friend in the long run. She doesn't emulate generosity enough to earn the title.

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I knew Rarity would get the most votes before I even voted. Rarity has shown selfishness countless times throughout the episodes and has broken her element more times than all the others. When Spike gave her his birthday gem, I'm not counting that as her being selfish because it seems more like Spike's own generosity than Rarity's selfishness. But still, you can refer to the other posts to see what she's done.

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  • 1 month later...

This is a question I been wondering about for a while now, and yet I can't seem to find an answer to it. I searched for this topic, just in case, and nothing came up, so here it goes.


How is Rarity generous? I've been re-watching FiM, and I can't help but wonder how Rarity shows generosity? I mean she did cut her tail for the "sea" serpent in "Friendship is Magic: Pt 2", and make dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala in "Suited for Success". Other than that, how does Rarity show generosity? I honestly don't see it. From what I've seen, her behavior seems to be greedy, and selfish. 


So I propose a conversation about this. I don't want to start any arguments, but I want to understand. 


So let us begin my friends.

Edited by Sir Cal Stonehoof
  • Brohoof 2

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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I know she can be quite selfish but think of it this way, she did show her generosity in making dresses for her friends but its not only her who doesn't show their element. I can say that Rainbow Dash isn't really loyal as she ran away from Pinkie in ''Griffon the Brush Off'' and Applejack isn't really honest as she lied in ''Party of One'' and ''The Last Round Up.'' Overall I respect her personality in either way.

Edited by ~Glimmer Lily~
  • Brohoof 2


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Hm...well, here are some instants of Rarity showing generosity:


  1. Cutting off her tail for the sea serpent in season 1, episode 1, "Elements of Harmony".
  2. She was willing to give up her ticket at the end of "The Ticket Master" in season 1, episode 3.
  3. She was willing to make the dresses in "Suited For Success" in season 1, episode 14.
  4. She was willing to be the test subject for the wing spell in "Sonic Rainboom", season 1, episode 16.
  5. She was willing to compromise with Sweetie Belle during the race and ending of "Sisterhooves Social", season 2, episode 5.
  6. She was willing to make the Mare Do Well outfits in "The Mysterious Mare Do Well", season 2, episode 8.
  7. She was willing to give up her social status for friendship in "Sweet and Elite", season 2, episode 9.
  8. She made the outfits in "Secret of My Excess", season 2, episode 10.
  9. She was willing to help Fluttershy out in "Putting Your Hoof Down", season 2, episode 19.
  10. She was willing to assist Twilight during the "spells" in "Magic Duel", season 3, episode 5.

Those are the main moments of Rarity's generosity that come to mind. Rarity doesn't show generosity often as some other ponies represent their element of harmony. Hopefully, season 4 will have Rarity being a bit more generous.

  • Brohoof 29


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On a Polish website - For Glorious Equestria, once was an article about it.

Generally, the author explained why someone how Rarity was placed in the MLP. 

He concluded Rarity is needed to show that person like this, seemingly arrogant and selfish, may be value to the magic of friendship. 


But I think Rarity is totally not friendly... Maybe in next season she'll prove that I'm wrong. 

  • Brohoof 2

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The modern English word "generosity" derives from the Latin word generōsus, which means "of noble birth".


So according to that, I can say she's generous as seven hells!


Although, remember that generosity does not refer only to materialistic approach. It's also willingness of sparing one's time/talents/work etc for others while expecting nothing in return. And seeing how Rarity's always keen on creating something fabulous for her friends, or how she attempted to help Fluttershy in "Putting your hoof down", I'd say I see no real issues with this character. Understanding her is a bit more complex than understanding others in my opinion.


EDIT: And Tom IS best pony, what's the matter?

Edited by Khajiit
  • Brohoof 4


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  • She was willing to be the test subject for the wing spell in "Sonic Rainboom", season 1, episode 16.
I think she was mainly interested in becoming an alicorn and that's why she volunteered. I haven't seen that episode for a long while though so I guess I'd have to rewatch to see her reaction in the first place. xP

And, I think Rarity has had a few generous moments, but really not enough for a character who is meant to be centralised around generosity. She often comes across as selfish a whole lot more than generous, as I can tell.

I think it's something the writers will definitely have to work on in Season 4. I have to admit though, writing generosity in with a character with traits like Rarity's does seem like a pretty difficult task.

  • Brohoof 4
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