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MLP Series Finale - How will it all end?

Akemi Homura

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I'm hoping for an emotional ending having the Mane 6 achieving their dreams. We'll have Rainbow Dash flying among the Wonderbolts (I can't help but picture her as the leader), and Rarity becoming a successful fashion designer in Canterlot. I'm thinking maybe a song with a verse from each of the Mane 6 singing about their new lives. The ponies could sing about how their lives used to be and how hard work and the magic of friendship helped them to accomplish their dreams.


I'm also a sucker for when shows present a montage of previous scenes, kind of like that scene in Magical Mystery Cure where Twilight is walking with Celestia and all those screens are displaying past scenes from the show. Incorporating that into the show finale would also be pretty nice. It just hits you right in the feels. sad.png


All in all, I think the show should end in a bittersweet way. You would feel happy for the Mane 6, yet sad at the same time because it means that the show is finally coming to the end. It's like a beautiful sadness. We have all enjoyed the MLP journey and don't want it to end, but when that end comes, we'll feel happy because as viewers of the show, it's as if we have accompanied these ponies we've come to love throughout their adventures in life.



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That's the inherent flaw of plot driven shows like MLP:FIM isn't it? You can only grow and mature your characters and story for so long until they all grow stale or monstrously mutated. Sitcoms have it so much easier. Its not a wonder that The Simpeons and family guy lasted as long as they do now. If I had to guess it may have Twilight fly off with Celestia in the sunrise as their friends wave them a final tearful farewell. beyond that I can't say.


It is sad to see that Lauren Faust the original creator of this show depart so soon. Well now you might know how us hardcore Futurama fans are feeling now. Damn those network profit margins...

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Off topic but you saw this image, didn't you Hawk? Great, now I've got to upgrade to a bucket of ice cream due to these feels img-1541707-1-woonauguuplz.png


Actually no I haven't . I was referring to the ending of the tv series St Elsewhere, which became famous for its final episode. Me and the strip were just making the same reference.


My first suggestion was a little less obvious, but it was referring to the ending of the tv series "Newhart", where the whole show was revealed to be a dream by the main character of "The Bob Newhart show", the previous show by the star of "Newhart".

Edited by hawkflame
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By unleashing the power of the Elements of Harmony, the pony world will turn into a place more similar to our world. Celestia and Luna won't be needed to raise and lower sun and moon anymore and their immortality will end so they can finally rest. All things Celestia set to happen to Twilight will result in making our former unicorn the new, first mortal ruler of Equestria. Everything that happened through their adventures that had a wide influence on many lifes will lead to a world where harmony once and for all comes from within all living beings and doesn't need to be maintained in the same way anymore as before. More character development prior to that will show how being a princess or an alicorn isn't such a big difference from being common, because Twilight's friends will also fulfill their hopes and dreams. And they will always be friends, even though their ways will seperate in the distant future. 


That's my "hopes"... more my headcanon.


What will actually happen? Well, since it is most likely that MMC was initially intended to be the series and not just the third seasons finale... *shrugs*

Extremely open ending with many open questions? I don't know.

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It will not end anytime soon, but of course it will in the end. The fandom will keep going for a couple of years afterwards, maybe even forever. There are hardcore bronies like me that have devoted their lifes to the show and to the fandom. But again if it would end, it would probably be a very epic episode, probably were all of the mane 6 get what they should. Lauren Faust mentioned it in a video what she wanted them to achieve, their destiny.



But we have to understand that they won't just let the show end while it's popular. They will at least try to keep it going while the fandom is there. Although Lauren answered in a Q&A that we had no effects on what would happen to the ponies. So they might not extend it for us.


If the show ends, I have no idea what I'll do. I'll stay a brony even if it dies, but if everything turns out for the worst.



Great song, it would be a dark day. Still I will be a brony forever.

Edited by Fluttershyfan94
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The writers should have fun with the last episode. make it a two parter with no second part.

I suggest the Equestrian invasion of Earth. Armies pass through the portal. a magical virus that turns humans into ponies. bronies supporting Equestria in order to become their OC's.  Technology melting before magic.Al Gore betraying Humanity so he can become a Pegasus and control the climate.


Instead of a conclusion, there will be a series of commercials put out by the US military: "Know your enemy" type stuff. (and lamenting that the ponies haven't been killing anyone, instead they seem to be making people happy.)

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The writers should have fun with the last episode. make it a two parter with no second part.

I suggest the Equestrian invasion of Earth. Armies pass through the portal. a magical virus that turns humans into ponies. bronies supporting Equestria in order to become their OC's.  Technology melting before magic.Al Gore betraying Humanity so he can become a Pegasus and control the climate.


Instead of a conclusion, there will be a series of commercials put out by the US military: "Know your enemy" type stuff. (and lamenting that the ponies haven't been killing anyone, instead they seem to be making people happy.)

Dafuq i just read?And you know Obama already wire taping all private conversations in equestria, they would have no way to launch a preemptive attack

  • Brohoof 2


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Honestly, I think we all know it'll end with them achieving their dreams. Where else could they go after that? It'll just be over because MLP is plot driven. In fact, I think someone mentioned that in an above post.


I hope it won't end on season 4... there's still a great deal they could do with the series.

  • Brohoof 1

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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Hm, give some closure to the usual questions but open up new, potentially exciting avenues without creating too much dissonance in the process. What this should do is give bronies new concepts to explore in fanfics or other artwork. That should give the fandom a little extra fuel to keep going even after the show itself has come to a close.

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Hey guys, before you start going down in the reply section and saying: "OMG YOU WANT MLP TO END? GET THE HECK OFF THIS FORUM NOOB", well, I don't want MLP to end. I never wish it will end or think that it was gonna end anytime soon. Just pointing that out.


But, if it actually DOES end soon.. img-1541662-1-sad.png


really??? NOOOOO!!!!! lets all hope it doesn't for a while. In my little dashie it stated that the show ends after season 8 so i hope thats a really long time away


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Hey guys, before you start going down in the reply section and saying: "OMG YOU WANT MLP TO END? GET THE HECK OFF THIS FORUM NOOB", well, I don't want MLP to end. I never wish it will end or think that it was gonna end anytime soon. Just pointing that out.


But, if it actually DOES end soon.. img-1541662-1-sad.png



Heyo :3 Your topic, 'How do you think MLP:FIM will end?' was more or less the same topic as another topic hanging around in Show Discussion, entitled 'MLP Series Finale - How will it all end?'. I've merged the two.


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Heyo :3 Your topic, 'How do you think MLP:FIM will end?' was more or less the same topic as another topic hanging around in Show Discussion, entitled 'MLP Series Finale - How will it all end?'. I've merged the two.

Wow, I didn't know there was another one.. wacko.png  

I mean, before I started my topic, I searched. I didn't find anything that had to do with the show ending. Maybe I shoulda looked more carefully.  blink.png   




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I'm pretty sure that we already watched the final episode. But, since the show's gonna keep going anyway....


I'd like to see some sort of transition to a New Equestria. I really like what I see above about Celestia and Luna no longer needing to bring day and night. While the focus would - and should - focus on the main characters going their separates to achieve their dreams, it'd feel more...whole if the Princesses got to lay down some of their burdens as well. Tangentially to that, I'd like to see the Elements destroyed but stated, in the cheesiest most heartwarming way possible, stated to be within us all.


I doubt the show will be blessed to get an ending so overwhelmingly fulfilling, but I can hope.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm hoping it can tie up all the loose ends before it's over. Give us alot to work and think about. But then again it is a kids show so i doubt a show could get that complicated.


But then again again Sonic SatAM was pretty darn amazing and the ending was epic.


Except it didn't have one, it was all setup to have a second season, and even ended on a cliffhanger, but the new exec hated cartoons and ran it into the ground ratings-wise out of spite so it wouldn't get renewed. 



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


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I think the drug induced coma of Fluttershy. She wakes up and is alone. She looks around the room and relizes non of her adventures with her friends ever happened.




No, but really I hope it ends with the characters beging a new journey. A kinda of a cliff hanger like they did on Teen Titans. Celestia calls the ponies end and gives them a daring new adventure. Then the credits end.



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Seriously, I can't be the only one who has seen that youtube video. And now I have to add a load of stupid gibberish in order for this thing to let me post

Dang it, you beat me to it!



But still, I thought MMC would have been a satisfying (although a bit abrupt) ending.


Or a movie.. A movie would be good too

(A proper one, not Equestria girls)

  • Brohoof 2

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Every single response in this thread from here on out better be "with a movie", or nopony's gonna leave alive - so says Rager-shy! :angry:

  • Brohoof 2

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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This is one of the main things to why I love advancement, it potentially sets up a PROPER ending to the series. Hopefully it does not end like Tom & Jerry where they committed suicide. That would be dark.


I can't really say how it will end. At this point, I am too busy looking forward to the future of the show, which is very bright. :)

Edited by Kyoshi



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I hope the series will never end. And there actually is a teeeny little idea ping-ponging inside my head which could made it possible. But I guess it won't be easy. Damn, it could be almost impossible! But still I need to share this idea with you, because I'm starting to get used to the fact that with this fandom nothing is impossible ;-J (Hay! I dreamed about someone making PMV of a piece of music I found, and three days later my dream has come true! Thanks, @@Stellafera) So here's the idea:


There are lots and lots of very talented people in this fandom. They can do vector art, write great fanfics, and recently we could have seen that they can even make animated episodes, which seem pretty much as the original show, and they are still improving. So there's already a huge potential in this fandom to support the show and continue it even if Hasbro will finish the official series.


Unfortunately, Hasbro will never let them, because the only thing which matters for them is $$$, and the only thing they like more than $$$ is more $$$ ;-J And they will definitely not want to loose their trademarks etc. They block great fan projects, but, on the other hand, they (Hasbro) arrogantly steal from fans what's good. Recall how many fan ideas they incorporated into the show. And they even made a whole movie about ponies in human forms -- the thing that is definitely fanbase-originated! I saw human-version ponies months before Hasbro ever came up with the idea of "Equestria Girls". Even the name of the movie is not theirs: They have stolen it from fans, and trademarked, and they shamelessly took over the equestriagirls.com domain name.


So, in a way, I often think of My Little Ponies as being slaves of Hasbro. As well as people who work for Hasbro on this show and contribute their great work to the greedy corporation. The following picture is a great illustration of how I see it:




But every slave has its price and can buy himself back when working hard enough, or he can be bought back by someone else, like Anakin Skywalker has been bought back from Watto by Obi-Wan Kenobi & Qui-Gon Jinn in "Star Wars: The Phantom Menace". Hasbro sells licenses to other business subjects, which allows them to make money on people making their own content based on their MLP franchise. On the other hand we have Bronies organizing charities to raise funds for many different subjects in need.

Sooo I added 2+2 and started to wonder:


Could it be possible to raise money on Kickstarter or something like that, and then to buy back the whole friggin' franchise from Hasbro? :DHow much money would it take to FREE THOSE DAMNED PONIES?! :P




A WHOLE LOT, I guess! ;-/ But everything has its price. The only question is if this fandom, when taken together, is enough to pay this price? Or how much fans do we need for anyone to pay just one dollar to amount for this price?

Or it's just a pipe dream? Maybe it is, but who knows?... Life doesn't stop surprising me ;-J


So imagine that someday this fandom will grow big enough to buy back these slave ponies and free them once for all. Making the franchise open and free, it would automatically legalize all the fanwork over the world and encourage those who hesitate in making their own, being afraid of Hasbro's C&D letters. Such letters would then become shameful past which everypony just wants to erase from his/her memory. It could also open more ways for co-operation between the creators of the original show and the fanbase. Imagine that the creators work for us, not for Hasbro. They won't break your fanfics anymore! They will make them come true instead :-> Lauren Faust wouldn't worry anymore that some greedy corporation takes over her childhood. "Fighting is Magic" the game could be finished with the help of the original creators of the show. Skilled fan animators like these from Silly Filly Studios could fearlessly make full-length movies, e.g. a prequel about how Luna become Nightmare Moon and has been banished to the Moon, or the battle with King Sombra, or even some other spin-off stories on the edges of our imagination. Could all of that become true someday? I hope so.


I'm a fan of another great show, "Sliders". So I end my post in its mood:

I bet there is a parallel universe somewhere, where ponies are free and everyone can participate in their life without fear. There surely is some universe where fans has been able to buy back the franchise. What possible ways could have they used to make it happen? Can we incorporate their ideas in our world too? ;)


And now I'll leave you with this idea planted in your mind. I wonder how it will turn out to thrive... ;-J

Edited by SasQ
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Lol at all these theories. Would be funny and awesome to see some of those happen but realistically, they won't.


I think it should end with a movie or "special episode". What will it be about, i don't know but all I need to see the CMC get their damn cutie marks before this shit ends.


Scootaloo must also beat dashie in a race.


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Ragnarok, the Norse Apocalypse, MLP style.


I believe there will be a massive battle, lasting three winters where the sun and moon are gone. Most major characters will be killed, including Celestia. Two ponies will survive, male and female, and they shall rebuild civilization. A hall shall rise up, one impermeable to any evil. Inside, those who fought alongside the major characters will live in joy as the world is rebuilt.


Or maybe the series will end on a more happy note, an ending that the intended demographic will be able to interpret.

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