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spoiler Characters of the MLP Movie Chat Thread [NEW POLL QUESTION]


Thoughts on the New MLP Movie Characters  

35 users have voted

  1. 1. What new character interests you the most?

    • The Storm King
    • Princess Skystar
    • Capper
    • Tempest Shadow
    • Captain Celaeno
    • Queen Novo
    • Grubber
    • Stratus Skyranger
    • None
  2. 2. What new introduced species are you most excited for?

    • Seaponies
    • Anthros
    • Hippogriffs
    • Other (Storm King Species)
    • Other (Grubber Species)

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Most of the MLP Community know that Hasbro has released seven characters of the MLP Movie. If you haven't seen them go here to see a slideshow of the characters --> https://cincopa.com/~AMJAA59yr44t


Feel free to discuss thoughts, opinions, and ideas on the released MLP movie characters.


My personal breakdown on the characters:


The Storm King – This character instantly makes me think of Tirek. His appearance hints the possibility of traveling to the birth land of Tirek and Scorpan, originally mentioned by Celestia. However, I’m leaning more towards the idea that he is more similar to the primate family, by the suggestion of his face and body. His antlers suggest he can control some form of magic. The Storm King’s looks, stance, expression, and attire strongly suggest he is going to be an antagonist in the movie.


Queen Novo – The introduction of sea-ponies has pretty much been confirmed this far into the production of the MLP Movie. It will be fun to have another Queen in the MLP Universe. Her appearance just screams aquatic, with her fin like mane and wings. It will be really interesting to see if she holds any former relationship with Celestia. It will be fun to see another mother and daughter royalty pair, a part from Princess Cadance and Flurryheart.


Princess Skystar – This movie seems like it will be introducing a good amount of new characters of royalty. Who doesn’t want to add another Princess to the mix. Princess Skystar appears to be a young aqua pony. She is beautiful and I have a hunch she will be very smart and talented too. It will be fun to see if the sea-ponies hold any kind of magic of their own. And if so, what powers their magic.


Capper – Well what do we have here; an anthropomorphic cat. Just like many other bronies and pegasisters, I am interested to see how Hasbro will make this character work. Can you imagine what Rarity’s response will be to see an intelligent talking cat compared to her spoiled Opal? I can’t tell if Capper will be a protagonist or an antagonist from just this picture. His stance and facial expression suggest he is sneaky, charming, and full of himself. By the attire Capper is wearing I wouldn’t be surprised much if he has some kind of a relationship with Captain Celaeno.


Tempest Shadow – This character definitely caught my interest. What is one to think when they see a unicorn with a broken horn, a scar over their eye, a kickass hairdo, and wearing armor? All I’m going to say is that Hasbro better take the time to elaborate on this character. What is her backstory? How did she lose her horn? Can she still wield magic? Etcetera! Etcetera! Her armor looks very similar to The Storm King’s, so I’m predicting that the two are in cahoots with one another.


Captain Celaeno – At first glance many people believe Celaeno to be a griffin. However, if you take a closer look you can see that she bares no wings and possesses ears. Not to mention her stance would be hard to hold if she were a griffin. No, I believe we are in the presence of a species of bird. Her attire, jewelry, and name pretty much clarifies that she is a pirate. Now the real question is: is she a good or a bad pirate, or something else entirely? It will be fun to have an anthromorphic bird as a character in the MLP Universe.


Grubber – This creature appears to be some kind of dog. He kind of reminds me of a hyena. I’m going to call it and say that Grubber is an antagonist. The symbol on his shirt is the same as the symbol on the Storm King. So again, I’m guessing Grubber is one of The Storm King’s minions. If the voice actor isn’t an indicator, Grubber most likely will be a dumb side character hired to help the Storm King with a project. It will be nice to see another canine species other than the Diamond Dogs.

Edited by Valeska


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Favorites: Tempest SHADOW, Queen Novo and Captain Celaeno. These ones are the ones that IMO have the best designs and concepts. They will be the ones I'm more eager to see in the Movie.


Least favorite: Grabber. DOH. They were so close.... they tripped right with the last character to reveal... oh well, nevermind, it's just one out 8.

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I would really like to get more dept in Princess Skyfall as she is an Aqua Pony.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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Tempest shadow to me. Her look is rough, but her facial expression doesn't scream "Villain" to me. Her smile and demeanor gives off a nicer vibe than TirekStorm king and Grubber.


I'm betting she's going to be the token "evil character that reforms" in the movie, and going to have a very sad/tragic backstory to explain how she came to work for Stormking after losing her horn and being taught the magic of friendship by The mane sixTwilight.

So tempest looks to have the most potential to me. Plus I like her design. I know I'm in the minority as it seems like people are complaining nonstop about her being "EDGY" and all that, but I'm a sucker for armor and appearances like that-- loved Apocalypse dash for example.




Grubber looks 100% to be the Toadying, incompetent comic relief minion of the big bad that gets beaten when they're angry and runs away at the end rather than stick around to help the big bad.


I'm betting Queen Novo is the stereotypical Obstinate ruler character, who holds to tradition and refuses to help the mane six due to some ancient tradition about isolation or not trusting outsiders, ect. ect.

Tying into this, I'm betting that Skyfall is her daughter and the equally stereotypical "Rebellious princess" stereotype that frees the mane six from their cells and objects to her mother's old fashioned ways, wanting to both help the mane six and break her city's isolation. She will of course be proven right and queen novo will admit she was wrong, ect. ect.

I'm fairly sure that Captain Celano and Capper will be the "Good pirates" mentioned in the synopsis, and will try and scam the mane six, maybe even sell them to Storm lord, but then end up realizing the error of their ways and helping them out out of the goodness of their hearts.

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I like what I've seen so far. I don't think I can decide on a favorite just yet, but I am interested in seeing the sea ponies.


Princess Skyfall – This movie seems like it will be introducing a good amount of new characters of royalty. Who doesn’t want to add another Princess to the mix. Princess Skyfall appears to be a young aqua pony. She is beautiful and I have a hunch she will be very smart and talented too. It will be fun to see if the sea-ponies hold any kind of magic of their own. And if so, what powers their magic.


Just one thing: Her name is Skystar, not Skyfall.

  • Brohoof 1
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Honestly, I am most interested in Princess Skystar and Queen Novo. Their designs are just beautiful, and I really want to see how they're handled in the movie. Plus; it means more exotic culture. <3

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I am trying not to speculate to much about the film personally or the characters... but here goes anyway.


Tempest Shadow - she may be probably too edgy, but her design is pretty nice... I am curious about the broken horn and the scar, if that is a scar and not some facial marking. I am not convinced she is working for the Storm King as of yet.


Storm King - Looks too much like Tirek honestly... and somehow just far too generic to me as a villain. he fits the style of the show, but at first glance looks not very interesting overall. He'll probably be very one dimensional like Tirek was as well, and just be bad for the sake of being bad... which can sometimes work, but is a tired formula.


Princess Skystar - a seapony with a dumb name. Her design is fine, but her name is just horrible. Skystar for a seapony.. really? Other than that nitpick I am curious as to what her role in the film will be. Why do so many keep calling her Skyfall? I am glad they did not name her Oceana though.. that would have been worse.


Capper - I have made my thoughts known in other threads on this character. I think he has the potential to be a very interesting character if done correctly, and not just made to appeal to what a board room thinks people will like. I have the horrible suspicion he is a Jack Sparrow rip off character put in a generic cartoon cat body. "Hasbro: Hey people like Jack Sparrow, they love cats, they love hip.. they will love Capper!" My only actual real issue with him though is of all the possible ideas and myths they could have gone with, they went with something we have seen from virtually every studio that has ever produced animation instead of trying to stand out and blaze their own path like they did with...


Celeno - A much more interesting design. So similar to a griffon, but not quite. An anthro bird by appearance. Now I might sound hypocritical complaining about Capper and not this one, but the difference is we have not seen this design continually recycled and reused by other companies year after year. I am not against anthros in the film and series, just not ones that make me think of a dozen other cartoons and films off the top of my head.


Novo - Just like Skystar with a much better name. I get the feeling she will be the undersea version of Celestia.


Grubber - Sonic's forgotten brother, Grubber the hedgehog. He screams henchmen.... he might as well have it stamped on his forehead. I actually hope Hasbro will throw a curve-ball and make that not so... since it would be nice to be fooled by his appearance. With a name like grubber, you have to believe he is a greedy little SOB.


I am basing all of my thoughts on these single little pictures, and nothing more, so far none of the designs have turned me off the film, not even Capper, I just think they could have done better in that case. 


~No profound statement needed~

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I really like Tempest Shadow! I understand some people mioght consider her edgy, but you must agree this is a new move for MLP franchise

Edgy is good I feel, it's new. Is she acts edgy too it would be too much or if there were lots of similar characters already it would be too much but trying new things is interesting.

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I like what I've seen so far. I don't think I can decide on a favorite just yet, but I am interested in seeing the sea ponies.



Just one thing: Her name is Skystar, not Skyfall.


Sorry about that! I had her name right in the poll, but not in my post. Now that I think about it, wasn't Skystar one of the leaders in the Warrior Cat Universe?


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I hope Capper will be a really amazing character, and they are making a reference to the beginning of MLP! 


I'm worried that he will only be there because of the increase in animal movies and the furry fandom.



Edited by Saphira Rose
  • Brohoof 1

I hope you have a blessed day!  :wub:


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Due to even more releases of the new mlp character toys, we now know that the Storm King is not a Centaur, Captain Celaeno has a sick pegleg, and sea ponies are for sure going to make an appearance.


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Equestria Daily is reporting that brief descriptions for the characters have been revealed.


Capper - Con Artist Cat, turned hero


Tempest - A Unicorn Who's broken horn speaks to a troubled past


Songbird Serenade - The Hottest musical act in Equestria


Grubber - Hilarious bumbling side kick to The Storm King


The Storm King - Big Bad Villain of the Movie


Captain Caelano - Dynamic Leader of the Parrot Pirate Crew


Qyeen Novo - Regal Ruler of the Sea Ponies


Skystar - Energetic Daughter of Queen Novo

Edited by PinkiePie97
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Tempest, Chapper, and Cap' Caelano. Because I knew they going to be the hit of the movie, a bad ass unicorn, sly con artist cat (who again remind me of Buck from ice age), and a griffin priate. a pirate.  :pinkie: 


yeh all these characteric are my type for a  favorite  and interesting characters.

Plus the Storm king remind me of Anku from Samurai jack to we'll see how he does his part. 

  • Brohoof 1



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Tempest, Chapper, and Cap' Caelano. Because I knew they going to be the hit of the movie, a bad ass unicorn, sly con artist cat (who again remind me of Buck from ice age), and a griffin priate. a pirate.  :pinkie: 


yeh all these characteric are my type for a  favorite  and interesting characters.

Plus the Storm king remind me of Anku from Samurai jack to we'll see how he does his part. 

Captain Caelano isn't a griffin because she lacks any wings. I'm guessing she is more like an anthro bird.


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Captain Caelano isn't a griffin because she lacks any wings. I'm guessing she is more like an anthro bird.

huh, i didn't noticed she doesn't have wing now. that explain a lot, knowing she's too thin to be a griffin and standing on two. i was going to say that is odd looking griffen. 



♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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I'm thinking Tempest Shadow may be an in between character. She probably used to be a close "hechmare" of Storm King, but later rebelled (probably after witnessing an event regarding friendship) and rebelled. In the clash with Storm King, the horn was broken as a spiritual curse, and now she's caught in between. Wants to seek the good of friendship, but fears the pressure and pain of her past.


Maybe only through that magic of friendship can her horn (and her heart) be healed and restored. Let's find out in eight months...

Edited by Shabb3r
  • Brohoof 1

“All Muslims are like a foundation, each strengthening the other; in such a way they do support each other.” (Abu Musa, Bukhari & Muslim)

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I'm thinking Tempest Shadow may be an in between character. She probably used to be a close "hechmare" of Storm King, but later rebelled (probably after witnessing an event regarding friendship) and rebelled. In the clash with Storm King, the horn was broken as a spiritual curse, and now she's caught in between. Wants to seek the good of friendship, but fears the pressure and pain of her past.


Maybe only through that magic of friendship can her horn (and her heart) be healed and restored. Let's find out in eight months...

In the toy she has Strom King's symbol in her armor (where her cutie mark would be) so she should be still working for him. Now that can change by the end of the film but I think the broken horn is the reason why she joined him, she migh be bitter.

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Another new character named Stratus Skyranger was revealed at the Toy Fair.




Holy crap! An actual hippogriff! I was not expecting that one! O_O

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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