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Thoughts on "A Flurry of Emotions"  

172 users have voted

  1. 1. Did you like it?

    • Nope. Definitely more of a flurry than a blizzard. >_>
    • Not really...
    • It's just meh...so meh.
    • I enjoyed it well enough.
    • YES!!! You could say it was flurry-rific! <3

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4 hours ago, Truffles said:

I like the idea. It hadn't occurred to me they still might be helping support their daughter even though she's royalty now. It does fit with what little background I can speculate on their personalities. I agree they are likely fairly well-to-do, though they probably don't hobnob with the likes of Hoity-Toity and the other Canterlot elites since they seem pretty reserved from their few appearances on the show.

Heh, Twilight is probably a bit embarrassed if she does get an "allowance" from them. She'd have to hide it from the other princesses, perhaps. Though if it's true then Cadance probably knows already because I'm sure Shining would be getting something as well. XD

"Daddy! I told you! Please stop depositing bits in my account! I'm a big pony now!"

"Don't be silly, honey. You may be an extremely powerful Alicorn Princess, but you'll always be my little baby."


"Sweetheart, listen to your father. Spike dear, is my little snuggly-poo eating enough?"

"Sure" *snicker* "Snuggly-poo eats like a horse!"

"Spike, not one word to our friends!"

"Parental nickname...Snuggly-poo. Check!"

"Pinkie, how did you get here?"


  • Brohoof 3


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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2 hours ago, cuteycindyhoney said:

"Daddy! I told you! Please stop depositing bits in my account! I'm a big pony now!"

"Don't be silly, honey. You may be an extremely powerful Alicorn Princess, but you'll always be my little baby."


"Sweetheart, listen to your father. Spike dear, is my little snuggly-poo eating enough?"

"Sure" *snicker* "Snuggly-poo eats like a horse!"

"Spike, not one word to our friends!"

"Parental nickname...Snuggly-poo. Check!"

"Pinkie, how did you get here?"


And thus was added another tidbit of info to the P-Files in the Sugarcube Corner basement!

Foreeeeeeverrrrrrrr.... :okiedokieloki:

  • Brohoof 1

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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I loved this episode, Flurry is so adorable :adorkable:
I do hope she eventually grows up into a filly, there is a lot of potential for her character, you know, being an Alicorn and all ^_^.

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I generally do not like these kinds of episodes where the "baby" character is somehow just as powerful as the adults, or as intelligent, Unrealistic etc, but this had a cute charm to it that made it ok. Meh, 3/5 for me. Flurry is still kind of really annoying me too much with how she can Instantly cast the most powerful spells in the show from just being born less than six months ago ( their time ). Not to mention being born with full language comprehension is really a negative for me. 

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As the poll thing said, Flurry riffic! Flurry heart was so ADORABLE! Also, yay! my first comment on an episode! :please:

Join me on my YouTube Channel. I do Brony videos, Live Stream Gaming, and I have other things too! 

My name is Nightfall Shadow, and you can find me at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEkRdbqqO6pFerLEz-0jEHQ/live

At least I hope that is the correct link to my channel lol. 

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I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. The little things were paid attention to, and really boosted the overall feel of everything. I liked Spearhead. No one seemed to be out of character, which was great. Pinkie in particular seemed a lot like the Pinkie I remember from the earlier seasons, which I loved.

This episode made me a little softer toward Flurry Heart as a character, although I still don't like her design (her proportions bother me the most). I liked her mannerisms, they were pretty cute. As another user already commented, her nature still seems quite a mystery. Some things that remain a question about her character for me are:

1. If she can teleport wherever she wants to, I figure this should lead to some major misadventures for her parents? I could picture her easily getting distracted and ending up... well, anywhere. How do you discipline a child that can teleport away from you at will, and literally barrier themselves from the world if they'd like?

2. It's official. An infant can overpower Twilight. Coupled with her intelligence, what does this mean for her in adulthood? Will she mature faster than a normal baby? Just imagine if she turns to the dark side... she'd be a very scary entity.

3. Flurry Heart can fly, despite being younger than the Cakes. Her eyes also have never appeared "normal" the way a foal of her age should've.

Flurry Heart has been given a lot of attributes that make it feel almost like she could take the spotlight herself. We'll see... although I personally hope this isn't the case. Her struggles with magic will be interesting nontheless.

Again, great episode, really hope the rest of the season keeps up the good quality!

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Eh, so-so, most of it felt like a rehash of "Baby Cakes" for me, but it's not without its redeeming graces. Flurry Heart seems quite reasonable for a baby and has grown up quite a bit as a character, being more empathetic for example. Also, Shining's friend, Spearhead, is rather interesting and i wish we get to see more of him later on. And most of all, DAT GROGAR REFERENCE! As much as i want him to show up, though, i'm afraid this season's final enemy will be Chrysalis once more, considering she's out to get Glimmy's flank. Anyway, not a bad episode, but not too great either, the whole thing could've been solved easier if Twi left Spike in care of Flurry, considering he can be the show's Only Sane Man at times. ("AM I THE ONLY SANE ONE IN THIS CRAZY WORLD OF TECHNICOLOR PONY WEIRDOS!?!" )

My Dragon Cave scroll: http://dragcave.net/user/Dino-Mario

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well, another slice of life episode, despite flurry seems too OP, its pretty good (also lesson) for those who have little kids. Many parents are too busy to look after or exhausted to their children and just left them a 3C product, and leave the kid alone...

``Born in the absurdity, fight for resist, move for seek, atone for regret, decease for the end; eventually back to start line, all beloved, hatred, dignity and honor are gone, not afraid everything is meaningless, not fear everything isn't belong to me; at the last of the destiny, still affirm the life.''

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I am so sorry, but I can't help but laughing at anyone who says "Why can't Twilight keep up with Flurry?!" and finds that it doesn't make sense.  For one, most of the time Twilight was caught off guard by her antics.  But also, for anyone who has babysat a baby/toddler knows that 90% of the time, the kidlets somehow manage to make everything batshit crazy despite your best efforts.  And especially when they lose their whammy.  Then it becomes an "Abandon all hope" deal.

I'll admit to being one of the Flurry haters.  I think her design is way overdone.  I immediately eye-rolled at the born an alicorn since it seems like through the show (and books) that alicorn status has to be earned.  Even though Faust isn't with the show anymore, she said that she never planned to have any other "princesses" and to me it seemed like the introduction of the "regal sisters" in the first episode made it sound like even Celestia wasn't born an alicorn (but since the term alicorn wasn't even used til season 3, maybe it wasn't even an idea then).  And in one of the books, Cadence was a pegasus before becoming an alicorn (totally off topic, damn that transformation must have hurt).  But back on topic... yeah, I was not a fan of Flurry Heart from the get go, but I do sort of tolerate her in this episode.  Mainly because while yeah, she's super powerful, the super powerful was used for stuff kids do.

I'm also extremely sympathetic to Shining Armor and Cadence in this episode.  Even though there still wasn't much substance given to either of them, I thought it was nice to see them out of their typical royal roles.

My favorite of the episode has to be the Pies, lmao.  Spike gives them a run for their money but I think that whole little scene with the broken toy and two baby ponies putting the fear of god into Flurry, the all powerful alicorn born creature, was hilarious.

Edited by Sassy Sweet
It's late and I'm an idiot
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I know im late to the game but here's my opinion. I hated this crap episode. I hate babies so it does absolutely nothing for me. It's is completely forgettable and one that I will skip entirely during binge rewatching. What a waste of a perfectly good 22 minutes. Can't get it off my TV fast enough. Looking SO forward to the next episode. 

Edited by Lexamena
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The only thing I liked about this episode is the potential that Flurry Heart has in story cannon. That said, I doubt that the series will get far enough to explore it beyond her infancy.

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I liked the fact that this episode gave us some of the aunt-neice dynamic from Twilight and Flurry Heart though I would think that Cadence and Shining Armour had some sort of royal babysitter lined up for this. I also liked how it showed towards the end how parents can get to missing their children after a certain amount of time apart. I, however, didn't like how often Flurry would get fussy and want to mess with everything.

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Ahhhh!!! Flurry Heart has reached Pikachu levels of cute with this episode. ^_^ Twilight flying around playing with her brought back happy memories of spending time with my brother's kids. "Best babysitter ever" they called me one day, when I managed to keep them thoroughly entertained from afternoon to evening and teach them how to bake cupcakes with homemade icing. It turned out black for a few of 'em, but oh well. ^^

Cheerilee and that apology card for messing up her blackboard was a great touch, and the play with Pinkie Pie, incidentally giving Flurry a chance to meet the Cake Twins too, felt like it clicked perfectly! I was really impressed with the writers for how well they handled that.

Heck, I'm impressed with everything. This was just an absolutely enjoyable episode to watch from start to finish. It even had some thoughtful moments; Spearhead's comment about how he's glad that the art he loves to make could make his friends speak about what they love was actually really profound. There really is something here for everyone!

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You know, MLP often makes me cringe, as in i am really sitting here, being like "Nooooo! Dammit Twilight!"

I thought it was a nice episode. I saw funny scenes you can interpret wrong and Flurry was super cute. Twilight was acting out of character in my eyes, but i'm also not soo sure about that right now.

Spike had a nice role in this episode, not obnoxious, not annoying, no, he was pretty nice. That is also important to me. 

It was nice message the episode conveyed. An important lesson actually: Quality > Quantity; More isn't always better.


Also, i am starting to question magic even more.

  • Brohoof 2

"You are right Starlight, you are more talented in magic than me. But talent doesn't mean, that you are privileged to have more power. It's the heart! All you need, to have power, is a heart!"

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Since this is a show for kids (is it still?), I can get that an episode with Flurry is good for them, also there needed to be some episode with her. However, this was way not my cup of tea kind of episodes. It had some funny moments, maybe the best was the say 'AAaa' that made me lol but the rest was just.. nothing much. I too was ok that for once the season did not start with a two parter but the first two episodes looked to me way more interesting. Good for Spike to shine up again a bit. It was an okay episode for me, so if 3rd vote was that instead of 'meh' I'd be that for once but again since I am more positive I just give it a 4/5 but  it's more like 3.5. Not much I can say, it felt like the writers were just trying out their first episode (oh I just saw completely new writers).

Many questions could be asked like why and how did Cadance and Shining Armor just dropped in without a notice and  I am not sure if it felt like Twilight was learning something she was supposed to know already, I will leave that to the critics, I can't say if she mastered planning and organizing, I dont remember well but it does feel like she acted steps back in her development.

Also, this is what a supermarket in Equestria looks like, nice.

Edited by ImpctR
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It is really hard to like an episode when you don't really like the characters in it. I don't really like Flurry Heart for a multitude of reasons not only is she basically a Mary Sue. She is literally the first alicorn born into existence. Also, I don't really like Twilight either. So I have this a 3/5

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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This episode was much better than I was expecting. Think that was probably because last season's depiction of Flurry heart was very poor, and Baby Cakes kinda sucked, but she was actually cute this episode and acted like a real child rather than some sort of laughing hellspawn, and it took a very different approach than Baby Cakes. 

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I thought this episode was alright. I did not think it was that enjoyable, though knowing some people who actually have children, it was nice to see that the writers were able to capture a bit of the essence of being a parent. 

Otherwise I just thought the episode was in general an ok one. It was neither bad nor very good. I guess it was the annoyance of Twilight really trying to handle everything at once. 

I give it a 3/5 

  • Brohoof 1
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I really enjoyed this episode and I loved seeing Flurry Heart again. It was nice to see Cadance and Shining Armor and their interactions without Flurry. I loved seeing Twilight struggle to balance her schedule and taking care of her niece and seeing her learn her lesson about being the best aunt ever and it was nice to see Nurse Redheart again. It was a heartwarming episode and I give it 10/10!






















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This episode illustrates how a baby character will NOT ruin an episode! It was awesome and I can't wait to see her in more episodes!

...omg. They should do an episode where Flurry Heart develops a crush on Snails and won't let him go much like her Whammy! Please make this episode!

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Just now, CT-1138 said:

I LOLed so hard! :lol:

Good, I aim to please. :orly:



"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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