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Personality (Disorder) Tests


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Paranoid |||||||||||| 46% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||||| 58% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||| 42% 56% Antisocial |||||||||| 34% 46% Borderline |||||||||| 34% 45% Histrionic |||||| 26% 35% Narcissistic || 10% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 62% 48% Dependent |||||||||||||| 54% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 50% 45%

Edited by Bames Jond
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Paranoid |||||| 30% 50% Schizoid |||||||||| 34% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||| 46% 56% Antisocial |||||||||||| 50% 46% Borderline |||| 18% 45% Histrionic || 10% 35% Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 70% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||| 42% 48% Dependent |||||| 26% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 46% 45%


Run Faster : D

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My turn,


Paranoid |||||||||| 34% 50%


Schizoid |||||||||||| 42% 40%


Schizotypal |||||| 26% 56%


Antisocial |||||||||||| 42% 46%


Borderline |||| 14% 45%


Histrionic || 10% 35%


Narcissistic |||| 18% 40%


Avoidant |||||||||| 38% 48%


Dependent |||||||||| 38% 44%


Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 50% 45%


I have to admit, I am kind of anti-social.

Edited by The Awesome One



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Paranoid |||||||||| 34%

Schzoid |||||| 26%

Schizotypal |||||||||||| 42%

Antisocial |||||||||| 34%

Borderline |||||| 26%

Histrionic |||||| 26%

Narcissistic |||||| 22%

Avoidant |||||||||||| 50%

Dependent |||||||||| 34%

Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 30%


Well, I sort of figured it out that I'm slightly withdrawn and avoidant. Edited by Nikodemos
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Personality Disorder Test Results Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 70% Schizoid |||||||||||| 42% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||| 74% Antisocial |||||||||||| 50% Borderline |||||||||||||||| 62% Histrionic |||||||||| 34% Narcissistic |||||| 26% Avoidant |||||||||||||||||| 78% Dependent |||||||||||||||||| 78% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 54%


^ Clickable ^

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Paranoid |||||| 22% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||| 46% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 62% 56% Antisocial |||| 18% 46% Borderline |||||| 26% 45% Histrionic || 10% 35% Narcissistic || 10% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 62% 48% Dependent |||||| 22% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 14% 45%


Exactely what I thought.... Describes me perfectely.

Edited by Mikael
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  • 2 weeks later...

Posted Image

Seems legit

Edited by Veiled Enigma


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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No test can decode a personality, at least not yet. Not even you can decode your personality to a percentage. Still an interesting idea nonetheless. :)


Yes you can. People are simpler than we like to imagine. We work in patterns, save the exceptions. A person placed in a scenario will only end up in a select few results, it's the way we're coded.


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Paranoid |||||||||||||||| 66% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||||| 54% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 58% 56% Antisocial |||||| 30% 46% Borderline |||||||||| 34% 45% Histrionic || 10% 35% Narcissistic || 10% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 70% 48% Dependent |||||||||||| 50% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 34%

I always knew I was paronoid, avodent.

So I dont think I should be to worried about this...
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Paranoid |||||||||||||| 54% 50% Schizoid |||| 18% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||| 74% 56% Antisocial |||||| 26% 46% Borderline |||||||||| 34% 45% Histrionic |||||| 30% 35% Narcissistic || 10% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||| 46% 48% Dependent |||||||||||| 42% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 18%

This test is not accurate. At least for me. I am not THAT schizotypal. I am not very paranoid. I am WAY more histronic than that and I'm certainly not more borderline than histronic.

I'm pretty cool. I think.


Also, new OC (it has a cutie mark this time!).

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Paranoid |||||||||| 34% 50% Schizoid |||||| 22% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||| 50% 56% Antisocial |||||||||||| 46% 46% Borderline |||||| 26% 45% Histrionic |||||| 22% 35% Narcissistic |||||||||||| 42% 40% Avoidant |||||||||| 34% 48% Dependent |||||||||||| 50% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||| 18% 45%

I always knew I was a crazy person.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||| 42% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 90% 56% Antisocial |||||||||||||||||||| 82% 46% Borderline |||||||||||||||||| 74% 45% Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 70% 35% Narcissistic |||||||||||| 46% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||||||||| 74% 48% Dependent |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||| 58% 45%


Yeah that sounds abut right ><

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" I am always restlessly trying to determine whether people are my enemy or friend." This is me, 100%


Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 86% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||| 42% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 62% 56% Antisocial |||||||||||||||||| 74% 46% Borderline |||||||||| 38% 45% Histrionic |||||| 26% 35% Narcissistic |||||| 26% 40% Avoidant |||||| 26% 48% Dependent |||| 18% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 22% 45%


  • Brohoof 1


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Finally finished it :P. I kinda rushed it if I think about it, but I did try to be as honest as possible even with this confounding laziness and desire to finish such a long survey (For mah standards, at least :mellow:)


Paranoid |||||| 30% 53% Schizoid |||| 18% 38% Schizotypal |||||||||| 38% 52% Antisocial |||||||||||| 46% 46% Borderline |||||| 30% 51% Histrionic |||||| 26% 37% Narcissistic |||||| 30% 35% Avoidant |||||||||| 38% 52% Dependent |||||||||| 38% 46% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 26% 45%


So apparently, I'm below the average for everything but anti-social, and I'm sorta close with narcissistic. Hmmmm......I wish the descriptions for each disorder was more clear.


So I decided to retake the test and I ended up with different results on some.




Paranoid |||||||||||||| 58% 50% Schizoid |||| 18% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||| 54% 56% Antisocial |||||||||||| 42% 46% Borderline |||||| 26% 45% Histrionic |||||||||| 34% 35% Narcissistic |||||| 26% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||| 50% 48% Dependent |||||||||||| 46% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||| 42% 45%


It seems I'm less normal then the last results show. I sorta agree with these new results, as I always considered myself sorta unique in some sense. The things that caught mah attention were Obsessive-Compulsive and Histrionic. The only way I'm really histrionic is when I'm gaming (I tend to rage rather unnescessarily, which I try to not do :(). I'm also only obsessive-compulsive when drawing or someone is drawing for me. I feel like I need to perfect it so it looks it's best, even when it's not needed :mellow:



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well gents it would appear that i am antisocial, i will see half of you in therapy i presume

Signature by: Cloud Chaser

"Hello my friend! O you've fallen into that hole..."-Jonesy

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  • 2 weeks later...

so apperently im avoident or borderline:


Avoidant Personality Disorder - individual is socially inhibited, feels inadequate, and is oversensitive to criticism. Core issue is an inability to resolve their codependent need for connection with their codependent fear of rejection and/or discomfort/anxiety around others.


Borderline Personality Disorder - individual shows a generalized pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and observable emotions, and significant impulsiveness. Core issue is an inability to regulate emotions.


sounds about right to me

Edited by Midnight Moon


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Seems about right.
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||| 78% 50% Schizoid |||||||||||| 46% 40% Schizotypal |||||||||||||||| 66% 56% Antisocial |||||||||||| 46% 46% Borderline |||||||||||||||| 70% 45% Histrionic |||| 18% 35% Narcissistic |||| 18% 40% Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 66% 48% Dependent |||||||||||| 46% 44% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||| 38% 45%

Just another background cat. Move along.

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For the first test, my highest was paranoia for 74%, and second being a three way tie between schizotypal, avoidant, and dependent with 46%. The paranoia really fits me.


As for the second, here are my results:

Extroversion (sociability) |||||||||||| 47%

Neuroticism (emotionality) |||||||||||||| 60%

Psychoticism (rebelliousness) |||||||||| 33%


Not sure where I stand on this one...


I generally don't like these tests. Internet tests like this don't have the same validity as professionals do.

Edited by Mint Petal

Just your average antisocial unicorn.

Retired fan-fiction author.

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