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spoiler Rumored G5 and other Stuff.


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13 minutes ago, M'gann M'orzz said:

To note, no one should remotely be taking ANYTHING in those emails regarding G5, or hell even G4 as final, hell S9 apparently was 13 episodes one month but then they ordered 13 more so now it's 26. The G5 stuff is SUPER EARLY pitch ideas and art, pre show bible stuff. It's quite likely a ton of things will radically change. 

Basically the email that said 13 episodes was sent like a month and a half before this stuff and later emails and business presentation thingy, essentially what happened is Hasbro ordered Season 9 in two 13 episode chunks, they just hadn't ordered the second half yet at the time the earlier email was written. 

Again: if they are planning to start the G5 with the Movie AND they are planning to release it in 2019, it means that almost everything is settled. Most of the contents of the leaked folder are very recent, so the decision of the FiM ending with the S9 and the G5 starting with a Movie in 2019 seems to have been taken since some years already. We still have to see if they are gonna delay the G5 Movie in favor of a 26 episodes S9 for FiM or are going to keep things as they are, but that the S9 will be the last one, seems to be like a fact. Chances of things getting changed are rather slim.

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5 minutes ago, Sly said:

Again: if they are planning to start the G5 with the Movie AND they are planning to release it in 2019, it means that almost everything is settled. Most of the contents of the leaked folder are very recent, so the decision of the FiM ending with the S9 and the G5 starting with a Movie in 2019 seems to have been taken since some years already. We still have to see if they are gonna delay the G5 Movie in favor of a 26 episodes S9 for FiM or are going to keep things as they are, but that the S9 will be the last one, seems to be like a fact. Chances of things getting changed are rather slim.

o S9 probably is the last unless production of G5 takes longer than they want and they need a stop gap, but things about G5? absolutely NOTHING there is settled, they don't even have a show bible yet. The only thing that seems set in stone there is "we want to keep the Mane 6". Design, story, locale ideas and such though? all of that is subject to massive change at this stage in the game. a large part of all those emails are them basically throwing around and debating ideas and concepts, that is the stage where they are now and so pretty much nothing can really be taken as set in stone G5 could turn out similar to the bits we've seen we've seen or it could turn out to be COMPLETELY different. 

Edited by M'gann M'orzz


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2 hours ago, A.V. said:

Furthermore, now I'm hearing rumors that Hasbro actually want to rid themselves of Bronies (which is extremely questionable, given how we're currently their second-greatest source of revenue (little girls being the greatest)).

I hope it's just a rumor because them making the franchise going back to a stupid girly show like G3 would be absolutely idiotic. They mustn't forget what made this gen so successful, and if anything they should take it up a notch with G5, not downgrade it.

As for the mane 6, after talking to a few people on Discord, they made good points about the characters being used as brand recognition for G5. Stil, what's the logic with keeping three of the characters of the same species, but having the other three swapped, and on top of that, giving AJ a completely different design. I understand that this is just conceptual, but the fact that anyone even thought these changes were a good idea to begin with is mind boggling.

Edited by vgmaster9
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Man, now my MLP world is shaken thanks to these leaks.

It seems like everything is pointing towards the show ending with season 9, with Hasbro looking to reboot MLP (not the show specifically, as, based on what I've seen so far, there's no indication that it's friendship-centered). It seems they're going to be using the same main characters (or at least new characters inspired by them), but, honestly, I would rather they use new characters rather than try to reboot the characters we've come to know and love. I feel like doing so would, for lack of a better term, "erase" the backgrounds and traits that make each of our favorite characters so special. I'm trying to refrain from using such drastic language, it's just hard to articulate my feelings at the moment. Twilight now being an earth pony and Fluttershy being a unicorn just feel waaay different- I'm not sure I can actually tell myself that these are the same characters, even though I'm sure I'd get over it quickly.

As for the season 8 & 9 leaks and to whoever's doing them, I'm going to echo the sentiment of many others that it's not only downright illegal, but also incredibly disrespectful towards the show's creators. These people work pretty hard, and to release this info waaaaay before it's due without their permission to fuel up some hype or because you're impatient seems pretty selfish. From what I've heard, the people at DHX & Hasbro have had to deal with a lot of this in the past, and putting this extra burden on them doesn't do anyone any good in the long run. Fans start panicking, DHX/Hasbro starts worrying about the integrity of its work, you get the idea.

I try to tell myself to be wary of these kind of leaks, but the evidence seems to suggest pretty strongly that this is the case. Even if it's true, I kind of saw the end of the show coming- it would have been 9+ awesome years of pony for us. Still, it is important to remember that it's still early, and a lot of this is still up in the air, both regarding what the final plan for the show will look like and what G5 will be like.

Even though everyone's saying that the fandom will still live on, I am a little uncertain (and uneasy) as to the degree to which it will continue. I have been sort of declining in the production of my comic strips, but I'm wondering just how much pony art, comics, animations, games and reactions we'll have to look forward to. Will it be enough to keep the spirit of the fandom alive? Only time will tell, but it it one of my top concerns, if I'm being honest.

That said, it seems we still have two more years to enjoy. So enjoy it people. If you're okay with waiting (like me), try to avoid season 8 spoilers and leaks until it comes it next year.

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34 minutes ago, PacificGreen said:

Man, now my MLP world is shaken thanks to these leaks.


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It seems like everything is pointing towards the show ending with season 9, with Hasbro looking to reboot MLP (not the show specifically, as, based on what I've seen so far, there's no indication that it's friendship-centered). It seems they're going to be using the same main characters (or at least new characters inspired by them), but, honestly, I would rather they use new characters rather than try to reboot the characters we've come to know and love. I feel like doing so would, for lack of a better term, "erase" the backgrounds and traits that make each of our favorite characters so special. I'm trying to refrain from using such drastic language, it's just hard to articulate my feelings at the moment. Twilight now being an earth pony and Fluttershy being a unicorn just feel waaay different- I'm not sure I can actually tell myself that these are the same characters, even though I'm sure I'd get over it quickly.

As for the season 8 & 9 leaks and to whoever's doing them, I'm going to echo the sentiment of many others that it's not only downright illegal, but also incredibly disrespectful towards the show's creators. These people work pretty hard, and to release this info waaaaay before it's due without their permission to fuel up some hype or because you're impatient seems pretty selfish. From what I've heard, the people at DHX & Hasbro have had to deal with a lot of this in the past, and putting this extra burden on them doesn't do anyone any good in the long run. Fans start panicking, DHX/Hasbro starts worrying about the integrity of its work, you get the idea.

I try to tell myself to be wary of these kind of leaks, but the evidence seems to suggest pretty strongly that this is the case. Even if it's true, I kind of saw the end of the show coming- it would have been 9+ awesome years of pony for us. Still, it is important to remember that it's still early, and a lot of this is still up in the air, both regarding what the final plan for the show will look like and what G5 will be like.

Even though everyone's saying that the fandom will still live on, I am a little uncertain (and uneasy) as to the degree to which it will continue. I have been sort of declining in the production of my comic strips, but I'm wondering just how much pony art, comics, animations, games and reactions we'll have to look forward to. Will it be enough to keep the spirit of the fandom alive? Only time will tell, but it it one of my top concerns, if I'm being honest.

That said, it seems we still have two more years to enjoy. So enjoy it people. If you're okay with waiting (like me), try to avoid season 8 spoilers and leaks until it comes it next year.



I completely agree with you regarding G5. We are better off seeing a brand new Mane 6 with each character having a fresh unique personality. It would be like having Batman's and Superman's powers swapped.

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21 hours ago, AlexanderThrond said:

I'm honestly pretty curious about what's actually going on in those leaks, but I'm also perfectly fine to just wait for this stuff as it comes, especially as a lot of this stuff is probably not set in stone yet. Very undecided. 

I'm primarily loyal to this particular incarnation of these characters, and so I'm not sure how much interest I'll really have in a reboot. Mostly, I'm glad that this might be pushing the show in some sort of direction, but then, season 7 had a bit more direction than prior seasons and I thought it was really poor. I'm undecided about how much further I'm gonna watch this show anyway, so if I stop watching during season 8, none of this matters that much to me. 

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I did stumble across some of the new designs though, and I'm actually in the boat of wondering why they're even as similar to the prior designs as they are. I know pony has always revolved around completely reconfiguring prior characters, but I have to wonder, is that so important to their demographic? Would it be impossible for them to get away with a whole new set of designs and names altogether? I genuinely do not know. Personally, I'd be more interested in a completely fresh new take on the general tone and premise of pony, but I don't expect risk-taking from Hasbro. New designs look nice enough, though. 


Why wouldn't it be? They tinker with their designs every generation.

G1 started it of course and introduced high quality, diversity in the line, fantasy adventure in the show and 7 species.

G2 saw them become very slender and stylized, didn't have a show (I understand the toys were made by Kenner) and got rid of 5 species.

G3 was more G1ish in looks, but ditched the high fantasy of Gen 1's first show,  brought back 2 species and introduced a new one.

G3.5 and Gen 4 saw very weird, chibi redesigns.

G4 introduced 3 species and brought back adventure.


In that sense, Hasbro runs MLP like it runs Transformers. Think about how drastically different Prime, Beast Wars, Rescue Bots and Bayformers are in looks and tone from its predecessor. How often it changes the lore and adds and subtracts characters. MLP is the same.

8 hours ago, Glimmerlicious said:

I’m perfectly fine with the show ending with season 9. Knowing when to end the story is part of good writing. Regarding G5...love the art but not sure about the species changes. Will definitely take an adjustment period if true.

Wouldn't be the first time Hasbro did that either. OG Rainbowdash for example is an earth pony. 

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1 hour ago, vgmaster9 said:

I hope it's just a rumor because them making the franchise going back to a stupid girly show like G3 would be absolutely idiotic. They mustn't forget what made this gen so successful, and if anything they should take it up a notch with G5, not downgrade it.

As for the mane 6, after talking to a few people on Discord, they made good points about the characters being used as brand recognition for G5. Stil, what's the logic with keeping three of the characters of the same species, but having the other three swapped, and on top of that, giving AJ a completely different design. I understand that this is just conceptual, but the fact that anyone even thought these changes were a good idea to begin with is mind boggling.

There is literally an image saying how they know how fans loved the fully realized world and lore in FIM and want to continue down that route but with a more focused good vs evil theme.


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3 hours ago, Sly said:

No offence but... This seems kinda of a denial phase for you guys. If the next Movie is about the G5 and it's going to be released by the end 2019 it means it has been planned for a long time (I might point that the MLP Movie started its production way back in 2013 you know), and if concept of the new Mane 6 of G5 are already there, it means things are already in a production phase from which they can't turn back from. If the second Movie is already in production, it will be focused on G5 and will be released in 1.5-2 years by now, there is no chance for Hasbro having a change of mind.

So to cut it short: the S9 is the last one, and then the G5 will start. No chances of things going differently. Make a deal with that guys. Besides I personally think it will be for the best. The only uncertain thing is about the amount of episodes of S9 (both the sheet and the mail point it as final season, but the first says it has 13 episodes, the other 26. The Mail seems to be relatively recent though, as it dates back to just a pair of months ago, so 13 is more likely) but aside that. 

Not necessarily denial. You see, it's still quite a long term-plan they're making, is  they have to adapt to circumstances, not the other way around. One thing I do believe, and 95% certain, is that S9 WILL mark the end of the show, but there's a bit of uncertainty about other things like if it'll be 13 or 16 episodes, G5 will be either in 2020 or 2021, the G5 character designs.... I just ask, no, BEG for, is that FiM ends with another work using toon boom like in the movie  :(  


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Just now, Steve Piranha said:

Not necessarily denial. You see, it's still quite a long term-plan they're making, is  they have to adapt to circumstances, not the other way around. One thing I do believe, and 95% certain, is that S9 WILL mark the end of the show, but there's a bit of uncertainty about other things like if it'll be 13 or 16 episodes, G5 will be either in 2020 or 2021, the G5 character designs.... I just ask, no, BEG for, is that FiM ends with another work using toon boom like in the movie  :(  

It will be 26 episodes. People though s6 would 13 episodes too.

I still think a 10th season is possible, not likely but possible.

I see it as 2 years left. Guess I am a glass half full kinda guy.


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7 minutes ago, Ryanmahaffe said:

It will be 26 episodes. People though s6 would 13 episodes too.

Yeah, but this S9=13 episodes came from the leaks themselves. Saw it myself. Still, a bit uncertainty plays there as well, as they are considering making two specials part of the season as well (making it 15 episodes), and now I'm they apparently decided to stick to 26 episodes. EVERYTHING is uncertain, even from them, apart from S9 being the finale :adorkable:


EG however..... I dunno, they seem willing to keep it G4 :huh: 

Edited by Steve Piranha


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Just now, Steve Piranha said:

Yeah, but this S9=13 episodes came from the leaks themselves. Saw it myself. Still, a bit uncertainty plays there as well, as they are considering making two specials part of the season as well (making it 15 episodes), and now I'm they apparently decided to stick to 26 episodes. EVERYTHING is uncertain, even from them, apart from S9 being the finale :adorkable:

So did the image I sent, it says s9 is 26. Them ordering more episodes makes more sense than they just messed up that image.


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1 minute ago, Ryanmahaffe said:

So did the image I sent, it says s9 is 26. Them ordering more episodes makes more sense than they just messed up that image.

There are still some parts undecided if it'll be 13 episodes as well 


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41 minutes ago, Leave a Whisper said:

Why wouldn't it be? They tinker with their designs every generation.

G1 started it of course and introduced high quality, diversity in the line, fantasy adventure in the show and 7 species.

G2 saw them become very slender and stylized, didn't have a show (I understand the toys were made by Kenner) and got rid of 5 species.

G3 was more G1ish in looks, but ditched the high fantasy of Gen 1's first show,  brought back 2 species and introduced a new one.

G3.5 and Gen 4 saw very weird, chibi redesigns.

G4 introduced 3 species and brought back adventure.


In that sense, Hasbro runs MLP like it runs Transformers. Think about how drastically different Prime, Beast Wars, Rescue Bots and Bayformers are in looks and tone from its predecessor. How often it changes the lore and adds and subtracts characters. MLP is the same.

I don't have the best perspective on My Little Pony as an intellectual property, because I really only care about this specific show for its own sake, am not super passionate about the adventure elements, and have no history with the My Little Pony toyline or prior incarnations of the franchise. I don't even remember very much about any of the Transformers content I've experienced. So I'd personally like to see a complete revamp of everything with a sitcom-focus and fresh new characters/setting, but I don't know how well that fits the market or expectations of this brand.

31 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

is that FiM ends with another work using toon boom like in the movie  :(  

If they have to use Toon Boom again, I just hope it looks even a little better than the movie we got this year. Am I the only person who doesn't like those visuals at all? 


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On 12/16/2017 at 4:07 PM, Goat-kun said:


Those pesky Griffonstone hawkers, always stealing confidential scrolls from castle restrooms!




Truth or lies? Divine retribution, or should I say unholy justice. Have you arrived already, Five-Legged Shrew?




Is it weird that I imagined you saying this in your most posh, villain voice? XD

23 minutes ago, AlexanderThrond said:

I don't have the best perspective on My Little Pony as an intellectual property, because I really only care about this specific show for its own sake, am not super passionate about the adventure elements, and have no history with the My Little Pony toyline or prior incarnations of the franchise. I don't even remember very much about any of the Transformers content I've experienced. So I'd personally like to see a complete revamp of everything with a sitcom-focus and fresh new characters/setting, but I don't know how well that fits the market or expectations of this brand.

If they have to use Toon Boom again, I just hope it looks even a little better than the movie we got this year. Am I the only person who doesn't like those visuals at all? 


It fits both brands like a glove. As I detailed for you. 


Dunno if the new redesign for AJ is true, but its reminiscent of Breyers Pony Gals line and Horseland.


Breyer Pony Gals




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33 minutes ago, StitchandMLPlover said:

I can't find anything about a G5 that is legit. If G5 is canon to G4 I'm okay with it. 

The most you can find about G5, is a concept art for some of the Mane6, and tentatively  replace FiM in 2020, but it seems to still be in early stages of development 


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I know it was going to end one day, but same time I hope, it wouldn't.A part pf me even still hopes it's just an idiot who made up these stuff. It just feels too soon. Besides if it's ending, I hoped at least a 10th Season(10th Anniversary afterall).

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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5 hours ago, Ryanmahaffe said:

There is literally an image saying how they know how fans loved the fully realized world and lore in FIM and want to continue down that route but with a more focused good vs evil theme.

In other words, more adventure.

If G5 does become a thing, do you think FIM's voice cast will be involved?

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I choose to take this all with a grain of salt, aside from the season 8 stuff as it would be way too late to change that now.  I'm choosing not to watch any of it as I wish to see the episodes for the first time in their complete form, meaning with all the proper background music and sound effects.  The G5 stuff looks like it's in the early concept stage at best so I'm sure the finished product will look quite different.  

I do believe the intent is to end FiM with season 9, but we'll see what happens and I would rather hold out for an official statement from someone at Hasbro or DHX before drawing any significant conclusions.  I'm sure we'll get something of the sort early next year anyways.  If no one in charge posts anything on social media I can guarantee this will come up at the first con of 2018.  I somehow doubt we will even have to wait that long though.  If I were in charge of an IP this big and had a huge colossal leak happen I'd waste little time weighing in and confirming or denying things.  Then again, I'm not in charge of any significant IP and never even majored in business, so what do I know?

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