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The Parent Map  

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    • Sunburst: *takes big spritz of fruity essence, gags as tears build* (I HATE IT! >__<)
    • *Automated "Welcome to Sire's Hollow" repeats as Sunburst swings gate back and forth* Stellar Flare: "Okay, It's annoying, I get it." (I dislike it!)
    • *Firelight and Stellar Flare giddily run off with big scrolls of idea* Sunburst *deadpan*: "I think I liked it better when they were fighting." (…meh…)
    • Sunburst: Oh, my cutie mark is glowing. *pause* MY CUTIE MARK IS GLOWING! I know what this means! WHY AM I YELLING?!! (I like it!)
    • Baker: *sobs into loaf* It's so beautiful! (I LOVE IT! <3)

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On 5/5/2018 at 1:06 PM, StitchandMLPlover said:

So I saw MLP Parent Map. Not much to say about this one except I loved the parents designs and the lesson. I particularly like Sunburst's mom's design. It was nice to learn more about Starlight and Sunbursts lives with their family. I too wondered where Sunburst's dad was and where Starlight's mom was.  

They probably ran off and got hitched in Las Pegasus

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On 5/6/2018 at 2:31 PM, VG_Addict said:

How is the season so far?

Yeah it's alright. Season premiere was interesting, rest of the season has kinda failed to capitalize on it. Lotta business as usual, but as far as my personal enjoyment goes, the batting average is pretty good (5/8, the second highest since season 2), and it's already offered one of my favourite episodes ever in "Horse Play," so I guess I can't complain too much. 

  • Brohoof 2
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18 hours ago, Music Chart Fan said:

I wasn't sure about this, either, so I went back and watched the intros to every episode in which characters are called by the Cutie Map. And, in what isn't a total surprise, the show isn't consistent about what exactly happens when characters are called.

Wow, now that's dedication. :) I guess I was remembering the marks flying through the air as what I thought was the map marking the character's position. However, since Sunburst's mark didn't lead him to Ponyville and simply flashed on his flank, I guess that can't be counted on as a way for a character who isn't familiar with the map to figure out what to do.

So let's see...

Ponies flash their marks (if they are old enough to have acquired them).

Dragons flash their crest/spines.

Yaks probably flash their horns.

Not sure about griffons and buffalo yet! XD

  • Brohoof 1

Are you a Spike fan? Click on the image above for a compendium of nearly every Spike scene in the show! =D

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This episode just felt very unusual to me. I'm not exactly sure how to feel about it. Yes there was a little bit of worldbuilding, and we got to see Starlight's father (Firelight?) and Sunburst's mother (Stellar Flare? I hope I didn't mix them up.), but just showing them makes me wonder... What happened to Starlight's mother and Sunburst's father? There just seemed to be a lot of plot holes in this one.


I didn't see much of a problem from Starlight's father except that he was a oblivious to what Starlight was telling him about how he was acting. But Sunburst's mother... I just have a problem with her. Even though I think she has a really attractive design and color, I just can't get over the way she acts. She seemed very overbearing, controlling, and arrogant to Sunburst. She even didn't seem all that forgiving of Sunburst when he apologized. I know she was probably upset about all those unread letters, but it still seemed like it was more her problem than Sunburst's, with her trying to control his life in some sense, when he said he needed to figure it out himself and that he was an adult.


Anyways, the lesson seemed to be... Figure out how to get along with people despite the irritating things they do? Okay. It didn't seem like a very well delivered one, especially with that little end bit. I don't know, maybe I just don't get this episode. Either that, or it wasn't all that great of an episode. I'll give this one a 6/10.

If you liked this episode though, good for you! This is just my opinion. :derp:

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1 hour ago, Soren Peregrine said:

Anyways, the lesson seemed to be... Figure out how to get along with people despite the irritating things they do? Okay. It didn't seem like a very well delivered one, especially with that little end bit. I don't know, maybe I just don't get this episode. Either that, or it wasn't all that great of an episode. I'll give this one a 6/10.

If you liked this episode though, good for you! This is just my opinion. :derp:

If it helps I can sum up this lesson in one word: Communication.

The lesson you seemed to take away from it was exactly what Starlight and Sunburst did to enhance the problem. They just went along with how their treated them, and when it got too irritating they either flat out avoided interaction or lashed out with no consideration for their feelings (but that's not entirely their fault either.) 

So in the end this could have all been avoided if there was communication between each other. Firelight wouldn't have been obvious to Starlight's feelings if she didn't just sulk and avoid him because to him he is helping her be happier and not as moody but she didn't know that. If she communicated her discomfort right away Firelight could reciprocate his reasoning and in doing so both would have reached an understanding in feelings on moving on from the past.

The same thing with Stellar Flare. It was obvious from the beginning that Sunburst was ignoring her and not communicating through her letters. To her she was the only one actually doing something because Sunburst was not relying his feelings on a plan for the future, or even a lack of plan. He just put up with her nagging, and during the mission he voiced discomfort but could never communicate why "it doesn't work like that" and to Stellar having a plan would make things work better. If he actually communicated his discomfort in obsessive planning, Stellar could have expained why she does it and the two would have an understanding for how each will handle he future.

  • Brohoof 2
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2 hours ago, KH7672 said:

If it helps I can sum up this lesson in one word: Communication.

The lesson you seemed to take away from it was exactly what Starlight and Sunburst did to enhance the problem. They just went along with how their treated them, and when it got too irritating they either flat out avoided interaction or lashed out with no consideration for their feelings (but that's not entirely their fault either.) 

So in the end this could have all been avoided if there was communication between each other. Firelight wouldn't have been obvious to Starlight's feelings if she didn't just sulk and avoid him because to him he is helping her be happier and not as moody but she didn't know that. If she communicated her discomfort right away Firelight could reciprocate his reasoning and in doing so both would have reached an understanding in feelings on moving on from the past.

The same thing with Stellar Flare. It was obvious from the beginning that Sunburst was ignoring her and not communicating through her letters. To her she was the only one actually doing something because Sunburst was not relying his feelings on a plan for the future, or even a lack of plan. He just put up with her nagging, and during the mission he voiced discomfort but could never communicate why "it doesn't work like that" and to Stellar having a plan would make things work better. If he actually communicated his discomfort in obsessive planning, Stellar could have expained why she does it and the two would have an understanding for how each will handle he future.

That actually helps a lot. I think I understand it better. Thanks!

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This was a good Starlight and Sunburst focus episode. It was interesting how the friendship problem was set up as Firelight wanting to preserve the town's history over Stellar Flare pushing for modernization, except the real problem was Starlight's and Sunburst's broken relationship with their parents. Notice how their parents' misguided behavior resembles their kids. Firelight banned the reading of library books like how Starlight banned individuality and freedom. Stellar Flare ruined a perfectly good fruit shop by replacing it with mediocre smoothies like how Sunburst getting his Cutie Mark became the catalyst for Starlight taking the bad path to believing Cutie Marks were evil.

Sunburst spamming the welcome gate and Starlight preferring to stop a war over seeing her father were humorous to watch. Overall, an enjoyable episode and we finally got to meet Starlight's father, as well as Sunburst's mother. I wonder how much Starlight told her father about her past as a corrupt dictator, you'd think he would take her more seriously if he knew how screwed up her childhood was.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/11/2018 at 2:16 PM, Soren Peregrine said:

This episode just felt very unusual to me. I'm not exactly sure how to feel about it. Yes there was a little bit of worldbuilding, and we got to see Starlight's father (Firelight?) and Sunburst's mother (Stellar Flare? I hope I didn't mix them up.), but just showing them makes me wonder... What happened to Starlight's mother and Sunburst's father? There just seemed to be a lot of plot holes in this one.


I didn't see much of a problem from Starlight's father except that he was a oblivious to what Starlight was telling him about how he was acting. But Sunburst's mother... I just have a problem with her. Even though I think she has a really attractive design and color, I just can't get over the way she acts. She seemed very overbearing, controlling, and arrogant to Sunburst. She even didn't seem all that forgiving of Sunburst when he apologized. I know she was probably upset about all those unread letters, but it still seemed like it was more her problem than Sunburst's, with her trying to control his life in some sense, when he said he needed to figure it out himself and that he was an adult.


Anyways, the lesson seemed to be... Figure out how to get along with people despite the irritating things they do? Okay. It didn't seem like a very well delivered one, especially with that little end bit. I don't know, maybe I just don't get this episode. Either that, or it wasn't all that great of an episode. I'll give this one a 6/10.

If you liked this episode though, good for you! This is just my opinion. :derp:

Was is odder is they coud have jsut gone ot vist thier parents together instead of the MAP calling them to do it. The whole Cutie map summonig htem seems a litte cheap of a plot device.

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Woo, another fun episode. It was full of some fun chuckles of oneliners.  Seems the map is starting to tell the Mane 6's friends that they need to fix their own friendships too, especially when they're making a mess of things.

It was also a bit ironic how Starlight didn't want to be treated as a foul by her dad, yet in the episode Sunburst visited her, she did the spell to make them fouls again (Am I spelling that right?)  :O Starlight had a 'goth' phase!?! :O I must know more!!

But yeah, fun episode and at first I didn't expect the problem to be between them and their parents... ok fine I did see the clues but I it wasn't at first.  Either way, it was pretty fun.

Also notice how their cutie marks stopped glowing after Sunburst's mom susgested they should go pay them a visit... :D 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer are both together again for a Cutie Map mission to solve a friendship problem when their cutie marks are flashing! Their Cutie Map mission is at their hometown of Sire's Hollow where their parents is at but never been seen for years when they both grown up; and the friendship problem for this one is the argument between both of their parents which they're in compromise and misunderstanding. By stopping this argument between both of their parents, Sunburst and Starlight Glimmer got their cutie marks flashes again for solving the friendship problem and I call it "Mission Success!" and knowing that they love each other so well!

Also, this is another great episode too! :love:

Edited by Allen

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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I thought the episode a bit weak, but it was fun. Is anyone else hoping that Sunburst's mom  and Starlight's dad become a couple? I think that would be nice. Starlight and Sunburst could return home again and be shocked that the two secretly got married, and are now expecting a foal. How will suddenly being step brother and step sister alter their friendship?  


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

So . . . does this mean Pony's don't use deodorant?

As for the cutie marks and the map is it just me or is this first time the tiny moving marks have been headed away from the main mark when called and towards it when the problem is solved?

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Firelight's final lines to Starlight honestly got to me a little bit.


I feel like that whole explanation part is the biggest difference between Parent Map and Parental Glideance. Dash's parents are just who they are. Their brand of parenting is simply how they do things. It always has been.


Firelight and Stellar though, I'm sure some of this is their natural personalities, but a lot of their current behaviour is a direct product of how their children ended up. They saw their children suffering essentially, in a way they couldn't help at all. So they did the only things they could think of, and smothered their children in a bid just to be there for them. Firelight was so helpless to make his daughter feel better, that his only solution was to try and bring her back to a time when he remembered her being happy and safe. Which, fittingly, is something Starlight herself tried to pull off in Uncommon Bond. Live in the past, a simpler time when things were good and all of the problems didn't exist. In that way she is her father's daughter.

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  • 3 weeks later...

 The story of this episode is simple. Starlight and Sunburst need to learn to get along with their parents. That's it. They try to spice it up with the preservation vs modernization conflict in the beginning, but it's just treated like a red herring. I'd be more annoyed by how barebones the story is, but the episode focuses more on comedy, and this is a very funny episode. It doesn't have any big laughs like "Horse Play", but I was smiling and chuckling the whole way through. There are a lot of witty lines and fun visual gags. This episode is also very charming with the new characters and how low-key it is.

Score: 9/10

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  • 2 weeks later...

I really liked this one because it showed how friendship is more than just bonding with acquaintances... it's very much about familial relationships too. A parent needn't excluded from the title of friend..nor should siblings, cousins, extended family, etc. If someone's meaningful to you then they deserve that title, if not, more.

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  • 1 month later...

Well... after a few months and a few times I've rewatched this episode, I can say that it gets funnier every time I rewatch it (Stellar Flare is absolutely hilarious).

I think my problem on first/second watch was that, having previously read the synopsis, I expected Starlight's past to have a good focus on this one; but the episode wasn't about that at all, it's just a very entertaining and funny friendship mission, which introduces us to Starlight's and Sunburst's parents and town.

What I'm trying to say is... this episode has top rewatch value for me, and it is a lot more solid than I had given it credit.

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I loved this episode, it was great to finally see where Starlight and Sunburst come from and to meet their parents. I can relate to this episode a lot especially with Sunburst's mom being the way she is. The dialogue was great and I loved seeing how hard Sunburst and Starlight tried to figure out what the friendship problem was. 9/10 episode.

  • Brohoof 1


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  • 1 month later...

I still really enjoy this episode, but I realize that it's more flawed than I though it was. The preservation vs modernization thing being a red herring bothers me more now since it feels like a real waste of potential. That could've been a great subject for a whole episode. The jokes made on the subject are really funny, but it could've been expanded upon. Also, Starlight's dad is creepy. It doesn't hurt the episode too much, as it only bothered me in a few bits, but it's still there. 

Score: 8/10

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  • 3 weeks later...

Does anyone else relate freakishly well to Sunburst in this episode? Like, in a mother-always-badgering-you-about-making-plans-and-telling-you-to-nag-figures-of-authority-in-ways-defying-a-ruleset-she-is-unaware-of-but-won’t-allow-you-to-explain kinda way? The only difference I see is that my mother wanted me to succeed on the stipulation that it benefitted her, too.

(Actually, I relate to Sunburst’s character as a whole, especially in the collector rather than user of knowledge and lone basement nerd aspects)

*Data expunged*

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3 minutes ago, Arkadios said:

Does anyone else relate freakishly well to Sunburst in this episode? Like, in a mother-always-badgering-you-about-making-plans-and-telling-you-to-nag-figures-of-authority-in-ways-defying-a-ruleset-she-is-unaware-of-but-won’t-allow-you-to-explain kinda way? The only difference I see is that my mother wanted me to succeed on the stipulation that it benefitted her, too.

(Actually, I relate to Sunburst’s character as a whole, especially in the collector rather than user of knowledge and lone basement nerd aspects)

Ironically my mother just brought round her gardener (that she'd paid for) to weed the garden box thing outside my apartment which is about 1m by 6m because of an offhand comment a few weeks ago that I'd be weeding it that weekend. It was helpful in that he was able to get a bulb out from deep down I couldn't reach that kept resprouting but really I didn't need him for the general job. Yet to her its being helfpful. On the upside he also does verandah cleaning so he was able to deal with the black dust that blows over with an extra job.

Edited by Senko
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