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Rescue team to save Twilight Sparkle


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A villain has captured Princess Twilight Sparkle to use her magic. He has taken her to his mighty fortress full of traps, spells, enchantments, and a loyal army of monsters. Princess Celestia has chosen you to lead the team that will rescue Twilight. Which characters will you choose to be on your team? 

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i select princess Luna, Discord, Starlight, Fluttershy (for Discord motivation), Cadence, and let's see who's another powerhouse... oh yeah I'll bring Starswirl to. i pity those poor kidnappers as the parthenon of Equestria comes crashing down upon them 

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1 hour ago, heavens-champion said:

Princess Celestia has chosen you to lead the team that will rescue Twilight. Which characters will you choose to be on your team? 

I would choose Princess Celestia as my first pick, if she wants to save Twilight so badly she can get off her fat Alicorn ass and actually DO SOMETHING instead of sitting around and letting everypony else do it for her.

I would also choose Rainbow Dash because of her ability to fly, and fly fast. I would also choose Pinkie Pie because of her fourth-wall breaking skills, and lastly I would choose Derpy so can bake us muffins when we get hungry :muffins:

Though with Celestia and her OP Alicorn magic on our team, this villain and his army wouldn't stand a chance :sneer:

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Pharynx with 12 changelings of his own choosing. Shining Armor with 2 platoons of royal guards, the rest of the main 6 including Starlight Glimmer and Spike, and some griffons. The guards will attack from the outside while the griffons provide air support. The rest will sneak in and work their way towards Twilight. The changelings will disguise themselves as fellow monsters and will take them out. If they're unable to clear a path after saving twilight, the changelings will disguise themselves as the main 6 and split up, acting as a diversion. Once the real main 6 are out, the changelings will turn back into monsters and sneak back out. Then it's back to Equestria.

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As a Legend of Zelda fan, I would prefer sending warriors of Hyrule, like in the Spin-off game.

And that's just a few of them

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Kratos because he's a beast

Talion from shadow of war because he can't die so he can take the risks

Thanos because ya know the infinity gauntlet 

Scorpion from mortal kombat because he's awesome 

An army of space marines just for the lolz 

And renegade shepard from mass effect 

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