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mega thread How are you feeling?

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I fucking hate myself. Despite doing poorly in some academic fields this week was a total high for me, until tonight. I have a bad bad habit of not letting things go when I'm not satisfied with the answer, and I've beaten my brain to death once again over these topics that are either moot or that I just can't even process.


The worst part is that I know I can't seek help for it. I know I can't because that requires asking help from people like you and people like you probably would not understand this situation or be offended how I think or that I hate them personally or anything like that when it's just not true. Sometimes it's better to just suffer in silence. I've felt my soul break a little more each time my loved one asks me what it is and I say 'nothing' because I want to avoid a repeat of like earlier days here in Debate Pit. 


I would so like to just shout out all the insecurities I have, all the fears coming my way, but to any normal person I know for a fact its too aberrant and for any super intelligent person they'd wonder how I don't have the answer already. I guess I feel like I have no allies in how I feel on some..things except some people that are a dying breed and that would hate me if they knew the rest of me anyway. 

  • Brohoof 5
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Feeling like I don't want to sit through a two hour long movie at midnight and I'd rather be playing Bloodborne, but I don't want to be rude so I'm kind of just dealing with it...

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So we ended up not watching a movie, and instead watching Sakamoto desu ga? and then watched some Nisekoi, and then the power went out and we had tornado sirens at 2:30 in the morning...

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I feel sad and nostalgic. I feel nostalgic because it sucks to think about something that most likely you'll never see again. :( I feel sad because of some things going on in my life. :( But I should be happy for the good things and not worry too much about the bad things, right? :)

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I'm feeling extremely tired. Just got home from work. I am working at construction and I do hard labor there, so my body is aching :P 

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I'm feeling extremely tired. Just got home from work. I am working at construction and I do hard labor there, so my body is aching :P

Them viking ships don't build themselves after all.

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I think for once I am depressed a lot of things seem to have piled up and I feel rubbish about it...

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I'm so excited right now, I was talking with my psychiatrist about starting T at some point soon.  Ohmigosh, I can't wait!!!!

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Haha! Amazing just bought Burnout Paradise the Ultimate Box on my ps3 for a blast to the past. Been feelin' in a racing mood lately. Just bought it a couple of days ago. With 20 hours clocked already have 62% completed with all 400 smash gates/120 billboards all found. Including found all of the Big Surf Island 75/75 smash gates/ 45/45 billboards :3 







Perfect racing music ;)

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I've had a great and long day and now I'm feeling sleepy. Time to sleep and dream of ponies! :)


Sounds like a plan...I am really tired but I don't wanna sleep. I wanna watch cartoons and read the manga I bought...

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