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have you ever been injured?

Akemi Homura

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When I was four I sat with my legs inverted, fell asleep like that while lying back, and from the pressure my kneecaps broke. I was so little the doctor told my mom to not give me casts, so now I can't sit cross legged on the floor anymore because it's uncomfortable and my legs don't go down.


Then a year after that I broke my ankle from jumping off my grandma's bed. Then the year after that I broke the OTHER ankle by slipping on a carpet. :unsure:

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Worst ones I have had is both the time I crashed my bike into a car at high speed while biking down from a long hill road'ish kind of way(was 11-14 years old I think). Got the steering wheel mah jigger thingy right in my right ribs and flew 1-3 meters up in the air after that and then landed on my elbows and knees. Was left breathless for a minute or two and then slowly managed to breathe a little. Broke nothing tho.


And the other time when I was even younger (5-7 years or so) I fell down a mountain and landed on my back+head (didn't fall down 100+ meters but bit by bit since it was pretty slipperish that day). Survived that as well with injures on my head. Still got some scares I can feel.

Edited by Woona
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Nothing serious has happened to me in recent years, but when I was born the veins around my heart was misplaced, which caused the new blood with fresh oxygen to basically go in circles. In this state the blood in my body wasn't refreshed with oxygen, and I would've died if the doctors didn't take immediate action.


So they cut me up and fixed it, though I need to visit the hospital every year to check if everything's working as it should. The surgery left me with around 20 cm long permanent scar on my chest.


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Worst ones I have had is both the time I crashed my bike into a car at high speed while biking down from a long hill road'ish kind of way(was 11-14 years old I think). Got the steering wheel mah jigger thingy right in my right ribs and flew 1-3 meters up in the air after that and then landed on my elbows and knees. Was left breathless for a minute or two and then slowly managed to breathe a little. Broke nothing tho.


And the other time when I was even younger (5-7 years or so) I fell down a mountain and landed on my back+head (didn't fall down 100+ meters but bit by bit since it was pretty slipperish that day). Survived that as well with injures on my head. Still got some scares I can feel.


Praise your lord that you're alright...

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i would say when i tore my shoulder i seperated the musle connecting my colar bone to my shoulder blade


still doing gymnastics thou



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I have a lame worst injury, I was walking around my house one day when my left knee and upper leg gave out. I fell to the floor with a thud, but found that I could not stand because my leg was locked up. I was eventually able to go to a physical therapist since it was not going away and after looking at it they told me it could be some kind of a clot or something (my leg by this point was deep blue and very sore). My reaction was pretty much "Dafuq nonono." Luckily it turned out to just be a messed up leg with no good explanation and it went away with some treatment.

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I cracked my wrist when falling with my bike. Coincidentally it is the same as my first "major" injury, which happened when running and falling on the hardness of beach promenade.


I have suffered two of these in my whole life. :D

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I've had plenty of broken bone and harrowing escape stories, but the most recent, and worst one, is my new best friend, recurrent corneal erosion.


Basically, the two layers of my cornea occasionally want to separate, causing searing pain and other bad things in the morning. This makes me unable to work on computer stuff, drive and makes me not want to fall asleep. It also forces me to take 15 extra minutes to prepare my eye for sleep any time I want to sleep.


Take care of your eyes! :blink:

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When i was young i broke my collar bone. When it first happened, i was crying really bad and my parents didn't know what was wrong so my dad was going to check my body so he ripped off my shirt without knowing. So yeah....of course i don't remember the pain but im going to pretend i do so i can be like "Ya, that really hurt."


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As far as I can remember, my most serious injury was when I broke my right foot when I was nine years old. At the time we lived in a house with a basement, the basement door being inside the kitchen. I was snatching some grapes, and when my older half brother came into the room, I panicked--for some reason--and ran down the basement steps. There were shoes on the stairs, so I slipped, fell, and smashed my foot...I'm not sure if I smashed it against the ground or against the wall or what, exactly, but it was a fairly clean break. Spent three weeks or so in a cast.


Healed nicely but it does occasionally bother me when I'm walking over rough terrain...in particular my right foot is susceptible to sharp pains whenever I twist it mildly over rocks. I suffered a bit of that in hike on the 24th, actually.


Beyond that I haven't had much in the way of physical injuries. My injuries tend to be more...psychological.

  • Brohoof 1

Used to be known on here as Kyronea.

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I have not had any serious injuries in recent times, and the only one I had in such times was minor - I was not looking where I was going and I stubbed one of my toes while going trough a doorway (I am always barefoot around my home). The toe was swollen for while, but fortunately, a visit to the doctor proved that it was nothing serious (nothing was broken). I ended up "buddy taping" this toe (the one to the right of the "pinky toe" on my right foot) to the toe to the left of it for quite some time to facilitate healing.


When I was young (perhaps six or seven years old), I was jumping from bed to bed (they were close to each other), and I ended up hitting my head on some sort of bedpost. I ended up needing stitches, and I still have a scar on my forehead from this.

De omnibus dubitandum.

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  • 2 months later...

Is it anypony else that have been seriously injured ?

I have made lots of dumb stuff because i'm kind of dumb xd

but i have never broke anything.


I have had chloro ( the kind you have in pools) in the eyes,

i have got a scar in my forehead because i feel and got a metaledge there.

i ran into a wall when i was 2 and have a scar on my eyebrow,

i have a scar at the hair line because i ran into a metalpole and bent by the force xd ( i tried to catch my dog when we played xd). when my parents found be mom was scared and my father laughed because i bent the f**king pole XD

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Nearly split my tongue in half by slamming my jaw on a pool table...Amazing how much blood comes out.


Oh, and this other time when I got internal injuries because a 90lb child fell 6 feet and landed on my abdomen. Hard.

Almost died...

Edited by Chigens

My signature broke


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I have never broken any bones.


However, I have had the back of a hammer go careening right into my jaw which hurt like hell. A couple-a stitches and a pack of frozen peas was enough to get me through it because, y'know, I'm just all man...

Oh god it hurt so much

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In my nearly 21 years of life, the worst injury I got was a fractured pinkie toe. Got it the night Portal 2 came out when I rushed out of my room to get a drink and slammed my toe into the door. Hurt to walk for a while. ^_^

Just your average antisocial unicorn.

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I remember when I was young. I had an empty pizza box, and stabbed it ferociously with a knife. While I was doing this, I ended up stabbing myself in the thumb. it hurt like crazy. I ran upstairs to show my dad, and then I felt light-headed. I can't remember if I passed out or not though. I think I didn't.


Other than that, I don't think I really had any other serious injuries.

Formally known as Misselaineous97.


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no, I have never been harmed in any way my entire life. I live in a house made of pillows, and I have never been exposed to sharp or hard objects. I am being extremely sarcastic. Can you tell?


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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