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Characters that grew on you (or did the opposite)

Silly Lily

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I used to adore rainbowdash and pinkie pie but now i adore mostly Rarity.I still like them,but Raritys better.

The characters i hate are hateable ones like prince blueblood,diamond tiara,snails (snips is ok though),silver spoon,etc.


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I used to dislike Rarity, simply because she acted posh XP  She eventually grew on me though, I see how we're both alike in some ways.




I like that pipe think you're doing lad ;)!

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Gotta love 'em all, pony-mon



I love pretty much every character in the show (Even Sombra, only because he looks awesome). On the top of my list would be Twilight, since she and I value school and knowledge the most out of the people/ponies we know, and we both adore literature. Next would be Fluttershy, from her extremely cute actions and her being very quiet and polite, like me. Then it would be Pinkie Pie for her craziness and shifting attitudes and abilities. Next would be Applejack, since she and I both value rural areas over urban ones. Then Rarity, since she is... Honestly as beautiful as many say... and because she can create many things that I couldn't even imagine of creating. Finally it would be Rainbow Dash, since she and I have the least in common; I'm not very athletic or boastful of my accomlishments, nor do I jump to conclusions quickly.


As for the others (the antagonists of the episodes), My most favorite would be Discord for reasons that are obvious. Then it would be Flim and Flam, then Zecora (who just became a background character after her first appearence), then Chrysalis, then Iron Will, then some of the other guys that I've forgotten about.


Basically, I hate nopony.

Although, Gilda would be on the pitch-black bottom of my heart, where she holds up everyone who I claim to like more then her.

The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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I've grown to love Rainbow. I really used to hate her. But; since she's so much like me, now that she's less of a jerk, I really like her.


I've grown to hate Twilight. Not because of Twilicorn, but because she's boring, plus the fandom doesn't wright her well. At all.

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I've come to love Rarity and Pinkie Pie, but I hate Applejack FOR A REASON...(So don't

 go all AJ is best pony blah blah) I hate Aj only because i have nothing to work with her, she has the least amount of fanfics cuz there's not alot about her. I hate boring characters, I rather have a increate woven background like Rarity's. If AJ got more screentime and actual characterization then it could work for me. The only thing I have from Aj is: she's honest, lives on a farm, she's stubborn,  workaholic, and prideful. From Rarity I have a whole background on higher class ponies, her fasion busniness, her genrousity, her sister, her parents, her reasons for wanting tto be a canterlot person, etc. Rarity just so much more..



But... but... I have come to completely adore Applejack because I find her the most interesting of the Mane 6 and the one with the most skillfully woven characterization! I went the reverse from you; I loved Rarity from the very start, but part of the reason that she's fallen behind in my favorite ponies list (aside from Applejack and RD simply surpassing her) is because I feel like she hasn't gotten enough screentime and new characterization since season one. I don't hate her at all, though. 


I've become rather bored with all of the big two-parter antagonists. I just don't find them that interesting, and overexposure thanks to fanfic has lowered my interest further.

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The characters that I've come to hate are well obviously Snips & Snails. We all know how annoying they are, I just haven't come across the line to liking them at all.

Agreed, I just can't stand them for some odd reason



The characters i hate are hateable ones like prince blueblood,diamond tiara,snails (snips is ok though),silver spoon,etc.

Agree with this also, dislike the characters that are meant to be disliked happy.png



Basically, I hate nopony.

Although, Gilda would be on the pitch-black bottom of my heart, where she holds up everyone who I claim to like more then her.

Lol, yep. I would have to agree with that, Gilda shall remain towards the bottom of my list.



Other than those few mentioned above that are pretty well meant to be disliked, I pretty well like every character.


I don't really care for Iron will though.


Towards the top of my list would be Fluttershy (so CUTE) and then all of the rest of the mane 6 about equally. One of the main things that attracted me to the show in the first place was how cute the characters looked laugh.png

Edited by jreidsma
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I use to not like Fluttershy because I thought she was too nice. Then I kept watching and I now think she's just adorable(and in the Return of Harmony or whatever that episode was called, I thought her being mean was hilarious). But my favorite characters have been Vinyl Scratch and Rainbow Dash. Vinyl because of how she was in that Epic Wub Time video and Rainbow Dash because I adore her arrogance, competitiveness, and her sense of humor. Rainbow Dash is so much like me

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Rainbow Dash was my favorite pony the first time I watched the show, and don't be mad at me Rainbow Dash fans, I'm not much for her anymore. Twilight became my favorite, next Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and finally Rainbow Dash. About AJ, she seems to be Twilight's most solid friend. I didn't like Applejack that much, but then I found out what an amazing pony she really is. Applejack is special to Twilight, Twilight cured her during Discord's "reign" first, and only showed her flashbacks. And I love Twilight a lot, so I trust her judgement. The cool thing about Applejack is that she is an earth pony, so she is very modest and down to earth. She has learned to be very grateful for what she has (notice she didn't sulk when Twilight became an alicorn, I can understand why her other friends didn't sulk because they are pegasi and unicorns) I know Pinkie Pie didn't sulk either, but who has ever seen Pinkie sad? (except for when it is her personal stuff with friends with different things like abandonment, ignoring, etc.)

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I have come to like Rainbow Dash, Twi, and Fluttershy.

It's hard to come up with a reason why for me cause I really have no idea, it's just the symbolism and colors to me.


I don't really hate any characters but the characters that I least adore are Rarity and Applejack


I don't know why at all, it just came to me that I don't have any reason to adore them, sure they have elements of harmony, but its hard to like them in my perspective.

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While I never hated any characters except for Snips and Snails I didn't like Rarity that much at first because I found her primadonna side very annoying and though she has grown on me a bit more I think that with the exception to the episodes that focus on her this side is laid on a bit too thick. I have grown to like and even love quite a few characters, the first character I liked was Discord he was like Myxysptlk from Superman and the Joker from Batman rolled into one. He was ruthless, had that badass factor and completely hilarious.


Then there was Applejack who has been my favorite pony from the beginning, there was that little spark though I wasn't sure why at first I liked her but it didn't take long for me to come up with a very long list of reasons why I like Applejack. And then Pinkie Pie soon became my second favorite pony because I loved her random, silly sense of humor and she reminded me a great deal of my Dad. And then Luna eclipsed came along and I knew that Luna was best princess in my mind and she became tied with Applejack on my best pony list.


Then I started liking Sweetie Belle because I really related to her situation of trying to bond with her sister even though they are very different from each other, because I myself am different from most of my family due to my political views.Then came Rainbow Dash who I thought was slightly over rated at first but Sleepless in Ponyville and Wonderbolt Academy proved me wrong, very very wrong and she became my third and then my second favorite pony.And then I started liking Twilight, really liking Twilight when I finally gave her chance as I often don't do for a lot of "leader" characters. She climbed to my second favorite and then tied with Applejack and Luna making my best pony list very crowded.

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Hm, to be honest all the characters I've come to adore in their own light, I can find greatness in them all, and that greatness only grows the more I watch the show and I notice the special things about each character, also reading about other fans of other characters and why they love them helps me get a better understanding and liking for each.


Sure Fluttershy is still my favorite pony, but I adore all of the ponies in one way or another, Fluttershy is mostly just more releatable for me. And she is kinda adorable.


I don't hate any characters really.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Sorry Fluttershy. You've gone down my list. :(


Anyway, I didn't like Rarity that much when I first started watching, but now she's my favorite pony. :D


Applejack, she's still hovering in the upper half.



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Rarity, Silver Spoon and Gilda were both pretty low on my list, but as time went on, Rarity eventually became my second favorite character in the show, and after seeing what the fandom does with them, I always thought they could do some interesting stuff with Silver Spoon and Gilda if they ever decided to bring her back(mostly due to some background building with Dash, plus some potential diabetus inducing redemption)


I don't hate necessarily Trixie, but I never got why she was such hot shit. Sure she was amusing to watch, but she was only a one-shot antagonist at the time and the episode she was in wasn't even that good to begin with. I guess I'm just annoyed at how Seth and other bronies overobsess with her. Same thing happened with the background ponies with me, though not as extreme Trixie.


I hate Diamond Tiara, but I'll also asmit, that I loved watching her in Ponyville Confidential. I guess I liked how instead of being a generic prissy rich girl, MA Larson basically turned her into J Jona Jameson Jr. I wish they did that with her more


Outside of that the only characters I truely hate are Blueblood and the FlimFlam Brothers 

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  When I first started watching the show, Pinkie Pie annoyed me for some reason.  However, as I got further into the show, she grew on me a lot.  I especially like her in Too Many Pinkie Pies.  How could I not like the pony that is the essence of fun?


  Twilight was neutral in the beginning, but now I adore her and her adorkableness.  As for Dashie, I've always adored her wink.png  

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Well I'd say hate is pretty strong....

But I don't hate/dislike any of them really.

I am however an obsessive fan of Rainbow Dash. Its funny because the first episode I watched was Fall Weather Friends, and since she sets quite a bad example of cheating in that episode, I thought she was the bad guy! But she's just grown on me so much, I couldn't control it. She's the most developed character in my opinion, and a character with so much exploration to me offers Dashie a good place in my favourites. She will always be my favourite, it's just her character, sticks out from the rest. She is obviously best pony ;)

As for Applejack.... She's my second favourite! I'm not actually sure why, she's just really cute, and maybe I feel sorry for her to, since she is the least loved out of all the main six. :( bless her, she's trying.

Edited by (\ScootaDash/)

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I've not really "come to" hate any of the characters - I've only ever taken a dislike to them right from the beginning, or never at all. Coming to adore characters, though, I can think of two:

  • Rainbow Dash - she used to be my second least favourite, because I didn't really see past her being big-headed and brash. When I watched Read It And Weep, though, I realised she can be really sweet and humorous, and that wanting to look cool wasn't a bad trait. It was also really funny to see her muck around and drop her bravado when her friends weren't there. I then watched Griffon The Brush Off :)
  • King Sombra. This one's made a recent, and rapid, ascension. In the past I always saw King Sombra as one of the most come-and-go villains, without any lines and being not much more than a presence. Now, though, I realised that he was the biggest, and the most downright bad-ass, threat to the Mane 6 and that he's sorely underrated. His plans to keep the Empire and the Crystal Heart away from the crew were insanely strong, very tactical and plain brilliant - he's got mind tricks, atmospheric pressure and brute force in abundance, and was the closest of the four villains to actually one-upping the protagonists. He doesn't mess around, standing right in front of the crew to taunt at them. King Sombra means business. Props to my new favourite major villain (sorry Discord :3).
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Other than the obvious ones *blueblood* *diamond tiara* I always hated Babs, even after they all made up. She has a really annoying voice, and she was such a jerk in her first appearance episode (Bully your cousin, really?)

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The two topics, 'What characters have you come to adore or hate?' and 'Which ponies did you not like at first but ended up liking a lot' are synonym topics to 'Characters that grew on you (or did the opposite)', as they all more or less discuss the same things :3 I've merged them together.


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I don't think in terms of increase/decrease and I fully agree that having different writes makes it hard to judge characters fairly. But with that said..



-Mane six with Twilight being my favorite and Pinky Pie being my least favorite. A lot depends how Pinky is used in the episode.


-CMC I just find them cute.


-Luna I really like her and hope to see more.


-Celestia ebbs and flows depending upon how she is used.


Spike I like his interaction with Twi




- I have little interest in most background ponies or even the villains. Discord was fun but mostly from the acting and Q homage. I'm neutral with the default toward liking most ponies.


Least Favorite


-Shinning Armor and Princess Cadance not because I haven't enjoyed them but because they have not been used enough.

Princess Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship


Princess Luna: Princess of the Night


My short stories

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I did not like Trixie all that much until her second appearance in the Season Three episode.  I cannot really even say why I found her more appealing after that.  But now I kind of like her.  

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Applejack has been growing on me lately.


She gets a lot of flack from the fanbase for being boring and there's that joke about her now being a background pony. But there's a lot of little things that make her the most kind hearted out of the mane 6. She's often motivated to help her family, like when she went to the rodeo and the gala. She was also the only one to patiently put up with Fluttershy when they all had to climb the mountain to see the dragon, even carried her most of the way.


Yes she's mostly a support character, but think about that for a minute. She always takes the time to help out her friends and family no matter what it is they need, never complains about it and is happy to help.


She doesn't have wings, magic, or 4th wall breaking powers, but that doesn't get her down. She keeps up with everypony else just fine and goes about her work running the farm.


Now we've found out that she lost her parents at an early age and despite that she remains strong and looks after her little sister.


And even with all this, she's the only one who hasn't had a psychotic breakdown.


Applejack is a very strong, caring, considerate girl and now I think she's one of the best ponies.cool.png

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